The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-07-04, Page 51,. 1. i 1 1 1: 1 1 r s. i 1 0. O • 1 0 tit nniversury. Al Oiivef Sunday (OLIVET NEWS) Anniversary services were held Gn SundaY, July 1st in the United church.:,: Reverend HQw- Strapp of Luckhow • conduct 'ed the morning service. -and spoke again in the. evening, viere were large congregations •at both services. Mr. Walter ,Wal - don again assisted the choir. William Steele of Ripley old your correspondentthat the church was built. 73 years ago.. Among formermem:bers of the community present were: •Mr. s, James . MacTavish and . Mr.. and Mrs. Omar. Brooks of Luck, nevi, Mr. Howard McGuire of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs.. Glen Boyd, gr, and Mrs, Walter Walden, Mrs, William Steele, Miss Jessie liaccharles of Ripley, Mrs. Hen- ry Howe of Fordwic, h, ' Miss Alice Brooks of London and. M;ss Shirley ,Brooks, of Toronto, . ' Sunday visitors at the Os- borne home were: Mrs. Thomas Foster, Kimberley and Heather of Richmond B.C., ;Urs. Eric Whitfield of Wrllowdale, Mr. & Mrs. Jack .Reavie, Lynda, Mr. Charles. 'Smith: and Mrs. W. J. Rou.lston of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCallum and fa- mily of Hanover, Mr. Ray Pen- nington of Teeswater and Mr, & Mrs. Robert Campbell and fam- ily of Lucknow.. Mr.., and. Mrs. David King, Pamn- ela, Donnie and Clair 9V° Tee;s- water were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs: Melvin Collxrg & family, Miss, Margaret ' ,Pickering of Lucknow and Mr, and Mrs. Or- ville Guy and Linda of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Mr,. and Mts. W, T. Roulston- and Jack, `Mrs. Annie Borden, Shir- ley . and 'Edna of ' Stratford: also called ' on Sunday. :QNTA UO ....... Mr, and Mrs. Murray ,Came., ron and Susan ofHamilton, and. MissMari'lyn . ,Finlayson of Stratford spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs,. Orville Fin- Jayson Sunday guests, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald MacTavish were: Mrs. Mae MacDonald, Mr. , l and Mrs. William McCreath, .A'ary and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs.. Norman: MacDonald and Mr. & Mrs, James Brooks all of Ripley, • Mrs. . Walter Black 'and her. sister, Mrs, Robert Engle of Mit- Chen' • visited with their father, 1VI'r,, William. McGuire of Ripley ,who is in hospital in Landon.. : Miss Ruth Black . and her' friend Miss Melissa* O'Connor of the' K -W General Hospital, Kit- chener, spent a few dayis holidays with; Mr. and. Mrs: Ross Black. , Mr, and Mrs.. Earl Stacy and ;Mr. and . :Mrs. Bruce . Blackwell. i and family were week -end guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton. and family. , • • OTOR 1.! Under the new law establishingthe Motor: Vehicle Accident Claims Fund;which replaces the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund with effect from July 1st,1962, it will be an' offence for an owner to operate or permit the operation ofhis motor vehicle on the highway without, ° being able .to produce either; (a) Proof that the vehicle is insured; ender a ;lability policy. for.... hodily'Injuryand'proilelty':4arnageo.. R // (b) Proof that the $2000 uninsured motor vehicle fee has been paid. �f your vehicle: is insured; be sure you have an insurance certificate. Ilyou do not .have one, s:ee your insurance agent at once, • ., ifyour vehicle is not insured, make certain your motor vehicle permit is endorsed to show that you have paid the $20:00 additional fee. tfyourvehicle becomes uninsureP1,atany.timebecauseofcancel•lationorexpiry •of the•policy, you must paythe $2.0:00 additional fee immediately at:your.local office of the Ontario De artmentof.Tr a p nsport. • a. THE ""PENALTY 'FOR NOT BEING AISLE TO ‘ PRODUCE PROOF:• ... . OF INSURANCE O:R PAYMENT OF. THE. FEE, OR -FOR' •PRESENTING FAL'SE!PROOF, IS A GF $504)0' TO $800.00.• ' If ou" ..• r - as a result of an accident with an uninsured. driver, �`.. , ha�re a calm for damages .... . . + pp payment laims,'Onta.rio•Depar.tment of Trans- F he Drrecfor o ., fC ma e a I�cation for a merit to t pr0 St.• May St, Toronto 5. Youmay make appication p.ersonail 'or throw h,our solicitor, Claimt will be dealt*with promptly Fpr further information ask for a copy of the pamphlet.exptaining":the operation ofthe Fund from your logal office of the Ontario Department of+Transport. BE S�lRE:..T.O CARRY YOUR LIARIL'1TY 1~NSURANCE CERTIFICIVTE. 'OR PROOF OF HAYING PAID THE 'ADDITIONAL $2OAO. LININ•• SU:RED MOTOR,VEHICLE FEE,: IN -YO JR VEHICLE AT ALL TII111ES.' • ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT . IL 0. MacNab, Depru y 111010 tet Non.1Y, t; Rownfree, Q.f�; Mlnisier " ' MAGE: 'FIVE .40+R Urr0.04H T+b a�w+ta p u w x�rq rrt sN r, �w�.4 .easy .an.r•>•wq � �p i 1 • -BALER TWINE AT LOWER PRICES at Your co-c.p Co-op Baler Twine Highest .Quality 1.0,000' ft. • per. bale Canadian Made' ' Special Compact Baler. _ Twine Canadian Made $6.10 PER . SINGLE BALE $5.95 FORS. 20 OR. MORE ALL -TY Baler Twine Your best buy for your, Allis :Chalmers Roto Baler � LLJCKNOW. DIST.RICT CO -O!. ▪ •' 1 CUIROSS CORNER) rota, 'Toronto,• Brampton, Hain- ton, 'Brantford,• Kincardine, Kin.-: loss, Wingham, Holyrood, Sarnia, • ,Wroketer .and. Bluevale. • . Congratulations • to Jahn Zet- . tier, Doris Wall,. Bob Wall, Dion-• nie 'Wall. and Laverne Harris on • Pedestrian ,(standing.' in. mid .:passing ,.their Grade 8. • , •Mr.. Arthur: Hodgins attended a Masonic.meeting •at Markdale,an Monday ' evening. •. On Thursday ,afternoon; -.:our 'annual, school, picnic •was . held on. .the. " school grounds with those attending . enjoying. .them= Selves, On Friday n orning•' re= Port cards were ,handed aut.. Hurrah, School is over. • . On "..Thursday: , evening the, Kinloss . *Sc•out's ended. their .re- gular meetings ofthe season With a wetner, roast at Boiler Beach;; Mr.• and . Mrs. Doug Teixeira and family., • Vail couver, are ho1.i= / .daying:. with her , :parents, Mr: & Mrs. ••Tom Hodgins • 1Vlr. and Mrs. Morley Wall ac con'ipaniedby' • daughter;.' -Bever ley. and -three ,other , gi'rls, motor-- ed to, Huntsvilleearly Saturday morning:.. The young . •ladies are ern:played at Pine: Grove Inn for the summer. Mr. and:Mrs.: Wall ! spent the.week-end there. The :Stanley families .held their annual picnic at Carne .Keewwadin • en • Saturday. • .• • L.A.C. John. 'Stewart • of. '•Port age La Prairie is taking a. three•• weeks 'special_ 'course • at.'Carne Borden.. He ;'spent the : week=end here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs- Tom .Stewart.. ' Frank ..Thompson's application has been accepted for secretary treasurer, of ,the. West Wawanosh• Mutual : Fire Insurance Co. The family' 'will soon move . to Dun- gannon,. .. • Harold Stewart, who ' has been a milk truck driver for .Kincar- dine iCrearnery for some time,• has been promoted to •the 'run to •Toronto ' hauling butter. • Congratulations . to Floyd Stan-, ley on passing at Stratford Tea Cher''s College. Floyd is. ndw tak- ing, at summer course in P,T. at Guelph. Mrs. .Remelda Whitehe'ad; 'of Tees -water, spent the ' ;week -end at the home of Mr. and,' Mrs. Morley Wall." • ; . Mr. •and Mrs. Torn Emery .`of• • Akron, Ohio, spent a few: days" last' Week with Mrs. Earle nod - gins. and ' Mr, and Mrs. Ion Donaldson and family. Vlr, and Mrs. Ron .Frook and. 'family have moved to the Wraith .farm which they- Pur-' chased. some time ago. Welcome •to 'the -Community. 1V1r. and Vlrs , Art .Hodgins spent Sunday evening with ' Mr.. and Mrs:- James Wraith, .Luck- now.. Approximately one hundred descendants :of Mr. and:. Mrs, Henry • Thornpson. , of the IOth Con., ‘Kinloss,, met at noon Sona day at : LandsdOwn • Park, Kin cardine, Guests 'were ',present frorn: Windsor, Cann'ington, Au - die of street): Haw can •I • get to • -the hospital? , Motorist:: Just stand right • where you • are. THE ,HUMP •ON THE CAMEL'S -BACK may look strange, but it serves a 'prat tical, purpose. on the desert, the camel must go without foodand water. for long periods of time.; But he is 'able to store nourishment in his hump sufficient. to tide himself over the lean days that; might lie ahead. • There are apt to be lean daysior every- one. Life insurance can help tideyou over many of these for it provides cash' at•times of greatest need. A Sun Life • insurance program,' for example, can safeguard your widow's independence, your children's' education, your home . "' and your retirement: years. ,Lei'me tell �. J. Kinahan R►R. 2, Lucknow Phone: Winghasn 717-w-4 SUN' LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA