The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-20, Page 8.w, Iff Pf ii. s; 1 r,+ Q&G,E EIGHT' THh ,1.UCKNOW- SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW'►; ONTARIO - Thank for Your Support ANDY ROBINSON Issued by Bruce.,: Conservative, Association CHURCH. NEWS • Zion '''United Church. Women The ''Zion .United: Church ' Wo men held ; their grandmothers meeting it'the home` •of Mrs...Ito..., bert Hein- on Thursday, . June li4thwith 24 members,.6 ;visitors. and :10 :children, 'present. Each grandrnbther Was presented with . a nice • corsage: The devotional was taken (by Mrs. Russel Swan with., the scripture being `• read responsively. Mrs. ' 1Harvey, • Rit- chie ::gave • a very ' interesting chapter of the study book which,; told in . story form`. haw some .of. • .the Japanese Canadians had•:suf- f ered : during . the •war , and how ,some .good christian people Whelp- ed them. Mrs Graydon Ritchie gave a reading and she;, 'intro- duced •intro-duced ..the ° guest- speaker, Mrs. Wellington Henderson,' who gave a•. splendid..',talk on ' her ' :•recent trip•' to .Jamaica.'' Mrs. Ritchie thanked ..her'' and presented her • 'with a : small' gift of tapprecia= tion. Mrs. Jake' Hunter .gave.: the visitors 'report and the president and Mrs. ,Charles Anderson re ported On the r regional meeting •. that had -been held ..at' Blakes :and .it was: arranged to start the • 0 Bible Study` course in . the • meet- Ings. The ladies ,are; . • asked to bring any used clothing and' ny-'' dons to the next • meeting. • The July 'meeting will be to en • by Children. - -the arid Mrs.. 'D � : a liac kett. is, • in, charge. Mrs. James` Hunter gave • an. article .an ".'Peacemakers" 'and Mrs. • Kaiser 'closed ,the meeting with prayer 'after' which the hostess assisted by .Mrs. Earl .. Swan'and. and Mrs A Barger. ,served' a dainty lunch.h Kinloss'United Church ' Women. The June meeting of the Un-. ited Church 'Women. ' was . held at the home. of 'Mrs. .Bill' Stan ley .''on Wednesday, afternoon. The meeting . ,opened ; • by singing. "I *.am . Thine 'Co 'Lord." Scripture was. read . ,by Mrs:. Harold Ban - merman and Mrs. Bill . Campbell took cliargge of the . worship. The •roll call was answweresi by a-: Bible Verse' I find. , helpful. Mrs.Ellison Hodgins read,' a 1. chapter from the Study book and Mrs. Harold Bannerman had charge of the discussion on questions 'fr.oan. "Where are we." Mary ` Campbell. reported' that about $150:00 was cleared at the' booth operated..:by the 'church Women at R., J. Kaake's . sale. Evelyn • •Hodgins' .read a report, on the Bruce Presbyterial' Rally. Grace was sung and a delicious' lunch was served by : the. hostess. Psychiatrist: "You've .. golt to. quit smoking" Patient: `'Wouldthat really help? r. Psychiatrist:- "No,.• but you're burning' my 'couch." _*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••s••••••••••••: : B1 E • .• • LAT!' MODEL• •,i AMBERLEY Mr.. and. Mrs.. Floyd Johnston' of Kincardine entertained rela- •tivesand friends:at a :dinner on Sunday, June 1�Oth.: Present. for the occasion, which was held in honor of Mn. Cliff Gedde's birthday whose actual date . is. June 4th were • Mr. Robert Ged- des,` Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Geddes,. Miss Marion Geddes. and Mr. John Ruyter . of Clinton, Miss Jean Geddes of • Toronto and Mr. Murray Johnston • of London. Mr. and Mrs. William • Kemp- ton and family of Ahnberley at- tended anniversary . service at Ripley United .Church Sunday, June lOth and: •were dinner guests' of Mr. and Nlrs: Thomas Kempton of Ripley.; Dr. and • Mrs.. Stewart Sims and son Charles of Toronto were. week -end guests of Mrs. Laura M eNain and family; Mrs. . Leonard . •:Courtney wat. featured on television recently in' connection with recreational work with a dancing. class.; Mar- garet .Ann . Courtney. and Marsha Hu'mphrey's 'photos were • also on camera.. Rev. ,John C. Hutton extended. an invitation to: Unit ,1 of Pine Rive'r United • Church . Women,. which was . held on Tuesday, ,af- ternoon 'of .last week at the "Manse" : with Mrs. Elizabeth MacDonald as . hostess. , There was an attendance ' Of ' twenty= eight' ladies The president, `.Mrs. Siam Gilbsoii and Mrs,George ;.Wightman presided andthe. meeting; opened with a verse of scripture and prayer by the pre- sident followed by . the Toll call, A . good boak I have read recently. A report of: • the Hamilton Coni, ference was • given by • Mrs. Don ald . Courtney ' in which • inter- esting incidents were related by speakers for the occasion.: Bible studyand prayer were suggested • for. U.CJW. programs. Mrs. John. Ferguson; reportedon, th'e U.C.W. Rally held ' in Ripley ..United Church .on June 4th, where she also gave the scripture reading. Mrs. Cliff Geddes, `convener of the program, presided and: gave a short prayer which was fol- lowed With .• hynvn `2.: Mrs. Mac Boyd gave., the :scripture read - 1 ing• followed/ with ,comment's by Mrs.:'' Ross Shielis.. .'Miss Grace Cameron -read :from the . new Study Book in. • which the topic was "Family Life". In', many homes today, Alcoholism, div- orce? anti, delinquency:,are forces. which are destroying fami'l'y life, A. ,play' written by Rev:. Anne Graham of Rowantree' .Memorial Church, .London, was .enacted by Mrs. Mervyn Hooey, Mrs. Leo- nard Irwin, Mrs. Sstewart. Shielis and Mrs,. Bert rirwin. The scene, took. _lace' during an afternoon • . tea at which' the ladies discussed i, • • . • i• • • 1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan automatic fully equipped s • • (one used, one new) • • 1962 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 -door hardtop, fully powered, •• • 327 V-0 engine. • • 1961 Pontiac • Standard Sedan • 1961 Pontiac 'Laurentian, power : steering, 'automatic, fully • • equipped •• :, `1961 Pontiacull Parisiennewe ed • 4 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, • y' po. • 1961 Chev Impala 4 -door Hardtop, V-8, ,automatic; fully.It • • 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 Sedan, automatic and 'power steering ' • • j: 1960 Chev Belair Sedan, automatic.: 9 • 1960 Vauxhall sedan. • 1959 Pontiac Sedan, automatic, fully equipped. f •' 1958'. Pontiac Sedan, automatic ' • 5 1957 Pontiac Sedan, _automatic • • 1957 Pontiac sedan, standard.' • • • 1957 Dodge V-8 sedan, automatic. 1 • 1957:Buick Sedan; automatic • ' • •• • 1956 Ford Custom'Sedan, automatic • •; • NUMBER . Ot' •1955 MODELS from 350. u i ' MANY OLDER ' MODELS TO. CHOOSE FROM • • • • ••' • TRUCKS . • 1960. %-ton Chev Panel Truck. to ,. 1957 Chev .panel. Carryall. • • • i • Brussels Motors . 1 Cities Serviite Dealer Phone 173, B els : .1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , regular church goings, Bible Stu- :dy and reading good bookswhich are •inspirational.The "Upper Room" books were also suggested for, daily reading.. An ;interesting` story,: from "Hasten; the Day" was read by Mrs: Eldon Bradley. The •scripture .reading' was from John tl 1-28 in "which .everyone' joined in reading. Courtesy re- marks . were given -by Mrs. John Ferguson ;after which Shirley Ann—Reid and -Mary Elizabeth. Walden sang a duet accompani- • ed by Mrs. Murray. Walden.,At :- ter closing prayer and `hymn .3x86, lunchwas served and a social hour• Was enjoyed- rMrs. Sam ' Geddes of Ripley visited for a few days last week .with Mr. and' Mrs. J Blue, - Mr. William Pace who is ern- ployed at Brampton spent the 'week -end • at . his home on the. second concession. Mrs , J. Liddle and Mrs;' Leo- nard Reid... presided for Unit.2 of U.C:W; dn.. Tuesday •evening. at the church with twenty-eight members attending; Mrs. Cecil. Humphrey . was convener for the programme and opened . the from • the StudBook meeting with prayer. ra er' Chapters k were read by ;Mrs, Eldon Lowry followed by a prayer by Mrs. Carl Hooey.. A duet by Mrs. Lester Ferguson and Mrs. Murray Walden ac- companied by Mrs Robert Court-. ney was enjoyed. Taking part in a • short •play "Christian Citizen- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th, 1962: rxi HURON! ELSTON CARDIFF Mrs; Kelvin;.Henderson and Mrs. Hugh. Mason; A worthwhile pro- ject was .accomplishedduring tithe winter ,,when 'twenty-four gowns were, completed for the Junior Choir... After the closing . prayer, lunch was served an.d a social hour 'was enjoyed. A ,group of ladies -from the second .conces sion of .Huron visited' • the . Fair Haven 2 Nursing Home in'Kin- ;carding on Thursday evening, ',Tune ' 'loth, to •conduct a short service; for the patient there. They were :met • :by. Mi s .. Jean Scott who ,acted as : host for the ,group. ' Mrs. Leonard: o rt ney: presided for the` • vice Which opened with the scripture reading by Mrs; Cecil Humph- rey, followed • with. prayer by Mrs, Donald. Courtney. 'Mrs. • Ro- bert Courtney' led - in the sing ing of ' the • familiar : hymns 'dear to the hearts ` of . older citizens. After the service the ladies vis- ,iced : ' the . patients. -Among them was Mr. Robert McCosh, a for- mer resident of the Pine River Community, ,who has; been con-' fined to bed for several months. •As a' 'request •by 1VIr. McCosh;' the group' sang in conclusion "The Lord is my Shepherd." 'The ;ladies, were impressed. by the comfortable and immacdiate nursing :home at Fair. Haven for which Mrs. Henderson and:' staff are to be'.commended. - • Mr.. Malcom McLennan. of. Barrie visited. at• the week -end with, Mr; and Mrs: John Mopon.• _ald; ,second concession.:' He also attended. the official' opening` of North Ashfield School • ;her Judge.:Ian: MacRae , was 'guest speaker_ Mr and', Mrs. /John Scott were :S1'inday guests /of Mr.• ' and ,Mrs. William 'Pace. Mr' and. Mrs: Hirai : Pangburn visited 'with relatives in Ridge- town on ' Sunday; ENGAGEMENTS • The 'engagement is announced'• of •Miss.. Phyllis *Merle • Moore,; daughter of Mrs,..: Edward' Moore... -of Wingham and > formerly of Lucll.now, and 'the ' late. .Mr,.' Moore, to Mr. Donald ..Ralph Metcalfe,: ;son: of Mr - and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe. of ' Rr R•. 2, Wal. . . kerton. The marriage will take:' • place in Wingham United Church :.• on Friday, July 6th, at 7 p:m. • • for your kitchen with' 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1' 1. • Lovely semigloss finish t 1 • Beautiful decorator colors' s.. • Excellent': for plaster, wood or 'metal,. RDIE . SON ship" were Mrs: Laura 1VIcNair: i••ntu�uu•n••i•iia••i•'Itraii•Mr•1i(,••a``•rua••