The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY; JUNE 'loth, I90. T iE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, UCKNOWN ONTARJO PAGE, 'SlriVEN' 'ESSO SERVICE.: FOR TOP, QUALITY ATLAS .BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES, (Most Sizes In. Stock) AT. REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to,,All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics Iignment and Balaning: MOTORCADE DEALER CH. 151'l We: are sorry to ' report that Mrs.- Kenneth "Farrish is a', patient in Goderich . hospital. Mrs. David Elphiek spent, Sat- iirday " in London. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ' Luther spent the week -end at •Ridgetown with . Mr; Parney.. . Mr. and Mrs Jack 'MacCreight: spent a' day visiting in London: recently. ' Everyone is ' happy to ' see Mr. Dan Macponald home from Kin- cardine Hospital: Mr.. and ;Mrs. Bob; Simpson spent Saturday in' hondon. Mr. and. Mrs. Allan McCliarles of Toronto' spent the week.=end with Mr. and. 'Mrs. Oliver Mc Charles. and' John. Recent visitors with '•Mr. 'and Mrs.. ; HenTy ; °MacKenzie ; . were, ••Rjev. Scott' MacKenzie of M n- treal, ' Rae MacKenzie and Mr. •and :Mrs. Bill' Barrett and faro-' ily- of .Toronto;, Mrs: Annie MacDonaid has re- turned home. from- a wonderful . trip to California: Visiting at the MacDonald home for the week- end were Sally ., and Louise Mac- Donald of Windsor. • • Judge Ian and ,Mrs. MacRae and Mr.. and ° Mrs, Duncan Mac- Rae of .London and:Mr. and Mrs. Jim .MacRae of Toronto visited in the community : recently and • attended the opening of : the North Ashfield Public School. • • Honor Senior Folk At Webster Picnic WEBSTER REUNION The thirty-ninth' annual Web- ster reunion was held in Har- bour Park, Goderich,, on Satur- day, Rine 16th. Over eighty re- latives were' present to enjoy the family gathering. During,the afternoon • the sports committee composed of .Bea Parker, Clay- ton Alton, Gordon Kirkland and Bill 'Hunter conducted a prog- ramme of sports' • including a ball game and races, for all the active members while the. older folk renewed • ` i~riendships and. recalled - happy mernorieS. ' After. a )bountiful supper , the President, •Mri Thomas Welbster of Dungannon extended greet- ings, Mrs. Cecil .Blake recalled names' of twelve relatives who had passed away within the .last year, to whom 'silent tribute was 'paid. Mr. Watson Webster • of Tama. on 'behalf of : the Webster- Clan, presented seven senior members and the 'youngest child present with a- silver .dollar as a mom ento ofd the occasion, the recipi ents `being Mrs, James ; (Mary Jane) Webster, . Lucknoyv; • Mrs. Robert .(Jessie) Webster,. Clin- ton; Mrs. Albert . (Lizzie)'•Alton, 'Lucknow; Mrs. Will (Ida) Bit- ch'ie, 'Zion; .Mrs. Sam (Leitha) Alton„ Lucknow; Mr and • Mrs. Fred Anderson and little Joanne Ritchie, Lucknow • Two Scrap -book clippings. from old Luckliow %Sentinels 'giving' accounts of the first` and seventh Webster Reunions' were. read by Ada Webster. A .,sing -song and. a 1business meeting at , which 'Thomas Webster Was reappointed president;Fred• Anderson, 0 Sec., and Wellington Webster, . treas.., brought the ' very ' pleasant af- ternoon to a .' clo:se with `plans. tis •Make next year's: reunion. big- ger and • better than ever. ' • Many friends from far and hear attended the official open- ing.. of ' Worth Ashfield '` Central School on Friday evening. Judge Ian .MacRae of :London gave the :address and the school was. deli-_ ca"ted by Rev. MacCombie and Rev. Hutton. .. • •Corigraturations : to Mr. • and Mrs. .Harold , Elphick: on the ar- rival of a: 'baby, son. . •A,nniv.ersary.services were held' On. '.Sunday. at.Ashfield 'Presby- terian Presby-terian . Church. Rev. F.' Scott MacKenzie . • of Montreal• was guest preacher. Mr. and Mrs Williani.son of. Wyoming' -spent the •week -end with Mr. and Mrs:'. Ewan. Mac. Lean., 70 3•Mlll1ON CANADIANS /themselves .•N a Man ' families are hunching themselve of into their, Many summer of fon by financing the boat choice •through. the ' Bank of Montreal Family. - Finance ;Plan. This low-cost, .life -insured 'plan is the "sensible .way to finance major purchases 'of many kinds for all the family. Ask for full details at any branch of "MY BANK".: • ,,,, x.trottW :•ZZ it . • n } x r •h rr r A :: 5 h:o5:^.bwN.vn.,..,w. BANK OF :MONTREAL h�'!!'.�+wttt•7W.41+'Ci''1:•,'+y, j'' ray"}' ,{ tk +Y j�:4 !h. L t : .L.>-44....wr.:w.. ril finance LOW COST, LIFE -INSURED LOANS Lucknow Branch': MILTON RAYNER, Manager Winners of.. the races. were: Children. under: 6. -Joan :And- erson, Nancy Ritchie, Joan .Rit- chie, Girls 6.9—Charlene And- erson,':. Barbara Blake', . Audrey..: Errington. Boys 5-9—Allan An- drew; . !Lloyd 'Morrison,, , Barry Morrison.: Girls .9-12 • .Nancy: Kirkland, - . Elizabeth 'Ritchie. Boys 9-43 —.Murray: :Morrison, Brian ,Gardner; .Girls . over •112-: Laurine Morrison. Ladies race—. Mrs.....Clakton Alton, .(Mrs. Robt. Irwin, Mrs ;Leonard'Ritchie), t.ie$. Boys 114`' and .over—Billy Blake. Men's '.race—•Clayton: Alton; (aGor .don Kirkland, Cecil Blake); ties.. Kick. the Siipp'er--Norma " Mc-• Donagh, Flora :Webster. Ladies' Walking race-; Mrs. Elgin Mc-" Kinley, Mrs. Elmer Webster,. Mrs: 'Will Ritchie. 3'-1egged•"race= Barbara and Billy Blake,. Clay- ton Alton and Laurine Morrison, Cecil Blake and J.ess'.ie Kirkland. Wheelbarrow .race -. Murray Morrison and Billy.. .Blake, Allan Gardner and Allan Andrew.; :NEWS 'BRIEFS FROM NEARYPaisley's :.tax rate is „p ••5. m -ills this. year to X69 mills' for residential property and .73.6' for -commercial. • * *.*: • Mrs. Jack Reavie has been appointed ' teacher of the Re- t dd etardd , Cla7ilren's 'School at Winghan. * * * • Zurich • has adopted' a two- • hour parking, limit in the busi- ness section,as a result Of •coir- plaints that .working • people park •their cars on th • e • ma ri street all 'day long. * :y : * Hanover has ' purchased 171 parking': meters at: a cost of $10,9,52. to be • paid out of park- ing revenue.: Hanover . proposes• t� build an agricultural °coliseum compris-. ing a' ,.community centre and arena ata cost i.ose to $250,000. as * * Beaver 'Lumber Corrtpany of Wingharn. has been ,awarded. the .contract for construction , of` curling 'rink at Ripley with'.ei- dale Wier. SUPERIOR We buy twine by the carload.; Because wesave money' we pass the saving on . to. you. SUPERIOR is top quail •••TRELE:A1.11111 ..MILLINO.' -01)... Phone 9, Lucknow ther three or fotir- sheets. Cost will .be o around $10,0010,. , ice installation would be . :A Kitchener .firm, had the lowest price Of $7,517,0(33 for the Walkerton 'District fHigh 'School vodational. wing. 'Bryce County, jail -at Walker- ton' Will 'now have the name spelled as above, • ClOing away 'with the use of •the• old English Twenty graduate nurses Of Goderich ' hospital staff have "Adopted" 'Elilabeth, Kaidatzi' of Greece and pay $1.5.00. a month toward her support under the FOster parents' Plan. As a 're- sult , of -the. , devaluated dollar they 'now will pay ..$16.00 monthlY. CULROSS CORNERS ;Congratulations to "1V1r. and Mrs. 'Steve 'Wolosehuk (nee en Thompson) Winnipeg, on the! birth of a daughter. • , congratulations' ',are also in.!. .order for Martin. tenedict on 'his I, investiture as Trdop Leader: in ' the •Kinioss ;Boy, SCouts,-. which means ,Boy Leader. Of -the. TrooP. Stroughton; Sask., are visiting Mr. and,' Mrs., John ROSS. Oh family and their guests °Were guesti• at the wedding of their grandson, Wayne:Brewer, in the United Church, Kitchener., .Way- ne's mother is the former Gertie Ross of ,this community. , , Mr. and,: Mrs, jamea Wraith, Lucknow, sPent Tuesday. even.- ing at Browns. : sented at :the. school in Kin, lough :On Saturday afternoOn for ' Many children • 'are wearing relieved looks, the reason;—exarns are ,over :for this school 'year. However, it.is still a strain wait- ing for. the results. • Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie• spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,ROY Currie, Milton. The leaders Of the KinlOso• and second PatrOls spent' the week -end under canvass at the ,Lake. North of 'Kineardine. In attendance from' here were Mar - Benedict,. Donnie Wall.: and Bolo Wall. OR:BURNER BRINGS TO YOUR FURNACE • Maybe yOur old furnace does 'not perform the waY it should? ,.Let us look overyour equipment before you decide to,buy.a.new furnace. Chances are that all you need is a tiew, efficient tsso Oil burner. ROY.... HAVENS.. Pluinbing and Heating ESSO OIL BURNER - Sales and Service • Mrs. • Arnold Wilkie, /Kincar- dine, spent . Thursday . afternoon Tom 'Stewart while .. Mrs. , Mac. McPherSon' and family, •8th con. spent Friday afternoon at •' the same home. 'Salem United ,church met• Wed-, " nesday afternoon at the home • of ,Mrso,-Alex .Whytock with an attendance of 14, Sunday viSitors With 'Mr, 'and Mr.s,'Aiex Whytock,were Mr. and Mrs, William •Stanley, KinloSs, Mrs: Michael • Trescherr and Mr. and Mrs. •Carrhan WhytOtk MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price . on a mdnument Correctly designed from quality Material, rely "on SKELTON NI.EMORIAL Established Over Sixty Years Phone 638-w Ontario oft • •