The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-20, Page 4• •• 134 4-4 4. • It •i , !!: • , PAGE FOUR • . • !.:!? , ••• " '1% e - ••• tJtj UFA L-cICKNOW: S,ENTXNE471,,:TICKNOW,, -WEIT)INZSDA.Y, • '' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' !!' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First 'Insertion 2c per word, Minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per • word, minimum 40c. Notices, Cad.of Thanks and Coming • Events, minimum 75c. In Memciriarns, minimum $1,00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c far each/.13ill, rendered. SAL:E . • • .:F9R RENT. FOR SALE -.- Feed grain priced. COTTAGE TO TENT 3 -room • reasonable also. all kinds of cottage, Private beach, orie rhile ' hard and ;oft 'body. or•climb Wood. north of Port Albert; Has hydrb, ,• Order your fall wood now Apply bathroom' and will sleep 4 .peo- ' • to Robert Purves, RIR, .2,, Luck- ple. Available for July and last • now. • . •two weeks of August. Mrs. E. Errington, phone 10, Dungannon, FOR SALE'--- TV aerial, halt price, 1.1-4kin Hall, phone 308 CurrAGE. FOR, RENT at .Point LUcknow. . ... • . Clark, inside conveniences,. frig, •• , electric stove, • running water, STARTED PULLETS .FOR SALE screened porch, Sleep 7.• Mrs.. -- white leghorn .' and • other Robert Moffat, Wingham,, phone , breeds • five months and over; •6324,2.. , . , , • ready. •for delivery, Whitney Hatchery, agent Bill McPherson,, phOne Teeswater 393-6026. • 4 • CAR FOR •SALE --- 11950 Dodge • Deluxe sedan .in first-class condi ,tion. 'Priced to sell. T. A. Came- , rail,..LticknO. w / • ' HAY FOR SALE --- 28 acres of mixed standing hay. Thoznas A. : MacDonald,- Con. 6 Huron, Phone 28-34. . • • • • FOR. SALE• -- 3 -piece blue chesterfield suite, Imperial Lova- .. list 'maple, in-• good condition.' •Mrs. James • Boyle, Lucknow, phone 141. • SHINGLES SPECIAL • • Johns regi4lar '•shingles • on • special for $6.50 per square. Price covers only shingles. in stock. • Pollock Electric, Ripley - • . • • .• . • • ,STILL A GOOD :SLECTION' of, •..shower and wedding ,,gifts • avail- able at samgs of 25% ,dff at Finlay'. Deettrators, • Lucknow, • OATS FOR SALE' --- 1,000 bu.• • of Ontario grown feed oats; .re- cleaned at. 80c a bushel. Ander- son 'Flax Products, .phone •21-W. FOR YOUR, MILK HOME •transite field tile, •6",• and 9" floor drams, . Johns Manville • transite flekboard, shinglei, and insulation, Lake. Ontario cement, , . electric heaters • and- 5 and 10 gallon hot water heaters; all in stock. Pollock •Electric, Ripley. WANTED SALES HELP WANTED MALE • RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once. Good opportunity in Bruce County. Write at, once. Raw • leigh's, Dept. • F-271405, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal: • • AUCTION SALE •COMING EVEN , • CASH BINGO ' • • A Cash Bingo will be held in the Lucknow Legion kali, on Thursday,: June •21,st,* at. 8:45 p.m. 12 regular games for $10., 3 .share -the -wealth. $50 Special game must g,o,. . • SALE OF BAKING • •• The Lady Foresters 'will hold a sale 'of baking ,in! the Hedley building, next to • Sanderson's Ladies' and Men's Wear on Fri- day evening,. June' 224d • rimming at 8:00' o'clOck. • Of modern household furniture will will be held' for Mrs: W. J. Bush- • field, 'earner . of .Patrick and Shuter. Streets, • WI-INGHAM ,on Saturday,: June. 23rd, at 1 p.m. • StiCh items as, Norge: Refrig- erator;•• Westinghouse . Electric. Stove; •Chrome .Kitchen Suite.; • G.E: ClOthesDryer; Westinghouse• . Washing Machine; 24" RCA Vie - tor Ty et;' Radio; Book. Case; Dining Raclin set including 9 , chairs, •table china cabinet; 'buf- fet; Writing, Desk; Hall Table; • Chesterfield Suite; • Large Writ- ing• desk; Large Mirrors; Kitchen dishes arid • pang; /3 •Bedroom. Suites, Numerous mall artieles. .thiS is , good Offering . of I modern • 'household!' furniture; I/selling without reserve • as Ole I property is Terms Cash. • Allan MacIntyre, • • . . • HORSE. WANTED — good -sound work horsey:1350-1400; -must be •' quiet, not • to .Frank H. Miller, ..phone • 46-r-5, • Lucknow. • now,. Modern house, will • pay cash for the right property. Ap- • ply by letter only to; Box S„ • Lucknow Sentinel. • .,.co***iret• UPRIGHT. CONCRETE, SILOS • any height • to ,suit • cOstorner. Contact: , •• . . ARNOLD ' guGn.a., 62 .0anibria Road, . Goderich, Tel JAckion 4-9437 t.. • . . •••iP4.••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••• SERVICES 41; • FREE ADMISSION BINGO • Teeswater Lions Club will hold its first big cash bingo of the • season this Friday evening, ,June 22nd, commencing at 9 o'clock. • $1,400 in• -•cash prizes -- must all go. • • • . To kick off the season •with •a "bahg", there will be no admis- sMn charge at •the door. • L.O.L. CHURCH SERVICE Special L.O.L. Church service will be . held, at • Zion . United Church/at 8 •p.m. on Sunday, June 24th. , All -memberS meet 'at Lodge Hall at. 7:30. .• . , • • • ZION-. ,PICNIC • Zion • Sunday. School and •Church Picnic will be , held ori Saturday, June 23rd at the end of the 12th; Supper 7.p.m., • TENDERS TENDERS TENDERS for the purchase of 40 sheetsof used roofing steel and garage building will be re- ceived bY 'the West Wawan•osh Mutual Fire Insurance Company until. June 28th, 1962. No tender necessarily accepted. •..• . •Durnin Phillips, Sec,-Treas., Dungannon, Ontario. EM,ORI.AM R0130 frf loving: memory of Mrs. Wo Robb (Bray),, who passed away one., year ago Ott Jime 20th, • 106.1. We 'WhO' loved you sadly niLs' • you, Asit daWn4 another year, , in our lonely .hours :of thinking. ThOughts. of youare even near.. Ever remernlbered, by. her htts- • band, daughter *Dorothy Wardell, , her %husband. Les ' and..- 'seVen grandchildren, - • • 1-1ILRAY FARMS AB Tenders • ATTOIR • • .110LYROOD • the home ..of choice meats, all • GOVERNMENT INSPECTED • for'•• arid APPROVED .• . • • Schneider's • Cured Meats WE ALSO DO CUSTOM . Sealed tenders on forms and in envelopes. av:ailable from: the undersigned will be received• . until 5:00 p.m. .E.D.T. on 'Mon- day July 9,19i82 for the supply Of one 27000 G.V,W. truck (cab .and chassis). • • The 'lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.., Britnell• •• • • County Engineer . • . KILLING • and .hang your meat in modern coolers as long as deSired. Pigs' on Tuesdays' and cattle every day: No ..appointrnent• necessary. • RAYNARD ACKERT ".• - 101,rr13; LucknoW. , • .• • • APPLICATIONS "ntario : • • .• Gbderich, O , • „ • . . • APPLICATIONS WANTED • ApPlications, will. be "received by the undersigned for the posi- tion of secretary -treasurer of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance •Co. until 12', o'clock noon, June .28th, 1862. Initial .salary $3,300 *ith rent free • dwelling. • State • -qualifications. Mark "Application on .envelope. Applications will be' ' opened Thursday. evening, June 28th at 8;30 - •. • •'Durnin' • Phillips Sec.-Treis. Dungannon, Ontario. APPLICATIONS Will be received by the •unde.rsigned to June' 3.04 for. . supply, teadher fOr • North, Ashfield 'Schaal: Duties to corn- mence September 4th. . • • J. Roy MacKay, R. '3 Goderich• •• . TENDERS 'WANTED TENDERS will •be received for, • the construction and materials for a building 22ft. x 23ft. in the • Village of: Dungannori., Tenders to ,be at the' Huron arid Kinloss • . , • s Municipal Telephone .•• Business • , s. • "e Sell Rural Ontario"' Office,: by., 8 p.m, June j W , • • 28 1992 S ecifications may be • P Y. • • seen Office, or •by .calling Clayton. Nicholson, phone.321i or 70 Rip- at thea.bov.e esnt.iOned :14 MARKED•TENDERS , will • be received by the undersigned tO June '30th for caretaker for North Ashfield School: Duties te com mence . *September 1st, ' salary $1,000.00. . • • • • • • J. Roy MacKay,. R 3 Gd h • 350:, ACRES IN KINLOSS. • TWP,, with apiaroicimately ".lt 250, work,able: Donnybrook s.loam 'balarice • in 'hard and. i , soft bush' with considerable .11 ▪ value. 2 • houses, one , of IC which 'is completely rnod-•1 • • ernized :and .71:List,' be seen 0. .L1. to be appreciated,. Double 1 ■ 'garage, 3 barns,and large • drive shed all ,' in' good' • .conclitiOn.• For'price., arid • further Particulars. ccontact.0 without ;delay, *No. 2-588,1 • o eric ...‘• CARD :OF THANKS • NOTICE'. • •. The Lucknow Boy *Scout Com- •nnittee desire ..to thank all citi- NOTICE ' • ' AUCTION SALE •Allan MaChitYre • Licensed -Auctioneer Lucknow • Phone 209-r-41 1. • •• • • FilLTER QUEEN • •• Sales and Service • •BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario,' zens .of this area for their. co- operation ' in the:. recent -Paper, Bottle and Coat•hanger,,collection, also to Carson•dleaners for their .asSistance and, 'help. •• • • 'Ph•one Hensall 696-r-2 • • adall . •• Water We • vAcurm cLEi.iNERs • Repairs d bags for models • Drilling• of vacuum cleaners and polishers. • •: : •• Lalc4et; Ontar� • HOUSE WANTED --• in' Luck- Sales and Service • Reconditioned ,machines 'of • all , makes for . •• ' BOB PECK .;- Varna, Ontario, Phone •Hensall 696-r-2 • • THE WEST WAVVANagli AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and • body • repairs, Wheel alignment and • balance; 111.1=1111111=11mmamir Window replacement Radiator rePairs-Pratect against rust with ...•-••••wi.m.:94.44~4room,;:".~.04 ' ' - • , . ' • , MUTUAL FIRE • INSURANCE ,CO. Head 'Office,. Dungannon • -* Established 1878 •' • , BOARD. OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R. 2, Auburn; Vice -Pres.; Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; •DireCtors; Paul' Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- PEee, R. 3, • Auburn; • Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F. Mac- Lennan, R. 30 Gbderich; Frank Thompson, R. ,l, Holyrbod; 'Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Aubtirn. • For information on your in- suratice; tall, yOur nearest direc-: tor who is also an 'agetit, or the seCtetary, Durnin Dun- gannon, phone Dungannon 46. •' R. H., GADKE 1, Clifford All Wells Guaranteed Undaspray. •• ••• DAVIDSON'S Texaco • Service No. 8 •Hwy. Phone JA '4-7231 Goderich, Ontario • • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold • in any • quantity. •Custom butchering4n Government licensed abattoir• , Pigs every Tuesday. .Beef, . from Mbnday through Thursday, BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKS eCLEANED • Septictanks,cess pools, etc;•,. pumped and cleaned with !nod • ern equipment, • All, work gttar- .anteed. Louis' Blake; R. 2 Brus- sels, phone .' • • • Dead Stock ,Renioval'Service . • We are licensed to remove your' dead or crippled farm animals for° sanitary disposal, Old h�rse 4c per' pound GORDON TAYLOR Ph. Collect 444-24, Lucknow •'R.R. • 2 LucknoW 24-hour service Licence No, -- 173C62 0.0.•••••..4.44•4••••####.44‘.44,44,4 The June, • *meeting of the n Luckow and District Horticul- tural Society will be held Thurs- day evening, June 21st in •the Town Hall at 8 p.n. P,rograrn• features'. Will be Moving picture§ shown by Mr. Ralph Pagan and the • annual Auction. •sale'. Mem- bers please bring articles or auction. Note Change of Date. The • Auburn Society has in- vited the local society to' attend their Itose Tea on Thursday, • June alst in „the Orange Hail, • Auburn, from 3 to 5 and. view Mrs. Phillips.'rose' garden. • NOTICE . • • • • The • Lucknow and Vicinity Branch Of the Canadian Red Cross Society regrets that funds have not come in in sufficient 'amounts to warrant carrying on the Red Cross Water Sakety•Pra- grarnme' which 'includes free buses. to. Teeswater •• Names of donors „t� the ,Red Cross catripaign. fund • will be published later, CARD OF THANKS : Mrs, RObert (Sadie) Hamilton wishes .to: sincerely •thank the nurses . of Winghatrt Hospital, with whom she was' aSsociated, for so kindly remembering with a gift. It was much appreciated,: • SubS6riptio- ..gellewed? ▪ ' ▪ 2 STOREY, 9, RQOM B'RICK • FARM. HOUSE near Lake f .• Huron ideal 'home for fa- - ■ mily ,wh,o like' Plenty.' of'; • room hydro'in house water ■ • under , pressure by • 'rental 1' •agreementirom neighbours. s • 4 large and One small bed- .1 room upstairs, • large kit - we °hen and living' room, plus fi• ...kitchenette and washroom 1 • .and full size cement. base- 1 •.rnent, approximately •1001 rods from. No: 21 Highway, a ;• 2 miles .from .beach, full II price 0;000 with terms, 111 • . . • No. 2455 g III 40 jr 32 StUiceo sided blinding • • in a •Sriiiall rural village in NI Western • Ontario. Building:11 Is' used •as cOnifortableresi- 1 ciente,. and general store or 1 • smart busiriess;, Price $5,100 0 ,with lents,* includes large us corner lot. Owner will con- 1 sider' good cash offer • No. • 2-554. • ;• a T. EVERETT' PENNINGTON II • I • Phone 392-6664, Teeswatet,. Local Agent for: • s In PAUL S. STARR & co1 , ▪ • LTD., • • ▪ FratIOVer •, Phone: 870,1 ■ Six offices • to • Serve YOU 11 better - OrangeVille4 Han. in alter, Owen Sound, Flesh- fit ▪ arton, Guelph & 13rarnptom N . • • 44) •