The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-20, Page 1$3.00 A Year In Advance --,-41,00' Extra To, U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WsEDQrIzISDAY, RINE 20th, •196 •Pictur,ed : above : at the offici'al. opening of.'North ':As�hfiel4• Cen- tral School are left to 'right; board chairman, Sam• Gibson; • Judge I•an : MacRae,. who was guest speaker and. who: -cut • the ribbon to . officially open ; the .school; Gene Martin, principal of • Single' Copy 10c 12 Pages c..ordOn t.,.l..i.ne4.KI..i.ik.ss'.Township Clerk as Successor To Ata special meeting; of Kiri- loss Council, held on Friday, lune' 15th, the application of Gordon H. Wall for the clerkship of the Township of Kinloss was accepted with duties. to • com- mence immediately. • Surprisingly • there were only two applications for "the, position. :Council: will • meet. in', regular session on. Tuesday, ',July 3rd at • .7:30• p.m.. This is a day later than customary due to. the, July, 2nd• holiday, the school.. A large'".gathering g heard 'the program -on the school grounds and later insPected' the school ° . I PORCUPINE "INVADED" NEW HOL ROOD . POOL Robertson Sells .... � • It came as a surprise,, to CIeanin . .,, Plant p �, put it mildly, for . Raynard : ',Gordon Johnstone ,of town, has • purchased Stuart E. 'Robertson's seed cleaning, plant and• building: .and "gets. possession' • July first.*: .Stuart 'has been in, the• seed.. cleaning business since 1926, and for the 'past 15 • dears 'or,. so has. ',been:,located , in, the ' building •which Gordon ,has bought to;:thea' • north • of • Omar Brooks' Imp lement .shop, :This ;bu'i'lding . was bu,It orig inaily over 70years ago* as a— . barn by W J. Little,' who always • kept . a • •good ..'horse or two.• It • later was.'bougl-Lt •'by• A. E: son ,who: operated 'the bus bus- iness,`;which was later acquired • by. Peter. 1VIcCal1,, from whom M•r. Robertson' purchased the pre - rales • Stuart -uir �e�d the bus' in. this Mitired transaction ,•It, was not the .'or ginal' "big"; • bus, ':more of a "royal carriage", :.type:. It Was later bought for : parade.,piirposes• by, Jack 1VIaeIntyre. of Wingham�' DUNGANNON LADY PASSES The death of Mrs: Richard Wi 'Park of Dungannon, the former Margaret Ann Reid, occurred in Victoria • 'Hospital,. • London on MQnday. The funeral service was held • at the Mracxenzie Memorial Chapel on Wednesday with burial in Dungannon ceMe- tery, ,,1iht nin Shot s•TreeSpIinter A .tree was shredde '•:into 'rib- hon`s and' three sections of a rail fence burned out or the Sutton. • • farm, north-west .01, the town Sunday morning,: 1.t ,waan't until' the next •day that the strike was , diseoverred. 'It was at the .. back of the farm, :adjoining that'of Herb McQuillin. Rain which 'fell',soon after ,is..be- lieved to .have doused the fire. Which reduced threepanels of' ..rails to ashes; • p The tree was litteral]y pulver- ized, With chips and' ' splinters Dying about; Bob Button, 12 -year-old .sbn of Lr, and Mrs. Bill Button, was asking the • cows ,bak •.the lane Oben the bolt struck. He• was, o far ' away to see that it • had hit the tree, nor did he notice the 'fire which broke out after. lie was however, close enough to bef'aai.7y lifted off. his feet when :t strut :•. • Ackert: to: find ;that •..a , por supine had. taken 'up res- idence 'in esidence'in a'section of la hew swimming `::pool . which they are build,ng. 'adjoining . their home at'Holyrood.:•. The two'.Ackert dogs were stuck with quills as evidence. that they had .either > tried to .dislodge' ' ani•mal or thee had .chased it into the re treat, • The porcupine , xrad' gone. through the car garage which adjoins the. .pool,. down • an entrance' hall and into an • empty .cupboard space,,: which is -planned as a:gun and fish- ing tackle cupboard.: With. a little caution. 'and an emp,,. ty cardboard box:; •'Rayn'ard. .succeeded in removing the visitor; Can't Finance Bus l'runsportation • Officials'"of the 'LucknoW and District; Branch : 'of the Red Cross • Society,, regretfully .announce • that the local branch will not 'be. able to: provide tran-spOrt,a:, tion .to the Teeswater • Pool: this season... •• . The •local response to the an Mr, Wall succeeds J. R. Lane who resigned' the position after 33 years of faithful service. •Ciordon,Wall served as Kinloss. Township tax , collector . for 15 years;: until 'giving up this .posi- tion a couple; of years ago. He was secretary=treasurer of S.S. No. a for three ' years:, until the Section joined the Kinloss Cen- tral School Area; and• for ' 14: years he has served as Clerk of Session at Langside Presbyterian • Church. St. I:Peter's:_,'Folk,' Saw .Dream. •Come True: As . ''Parish( Hall ' Was Officially: Opened: A. long cherished dream came ..read by Rev H: i-,••• Jen'nings . of true on Friday evening for t1he Brussels, and .formerly' of •'St;. congregation of St', Peter's Ang- • Peter's Parish: ' lican Church, when •they witries • The wording' is as :follows: seal and . participated in the of-SENTENCE:.OF DEDICATION ficial opening of 'their. n'ew, and 'WHEREAS a'� Parish Hall has their first parish hall. •been' built. at St. Peter's • Cl urch, • St. Peter's Church was; :well- Lucklnow, ori property'composed filled on Friday evening for a of":Lots 60 and 6'8 m : Sonaer-' service: of. ' dedication At 'the, ville's.• survey of. the' vi'llagle. of. ` conclusion• the choir, 'officials. & Lucknow; and •parts of lots. 59•• congregation' formed a proces-. and .60, in the• first concession, of sional '. to the parish hall, ad- the Township of Kinloss, ' in the joining the . west; .end, of •the County of. Bruce, in 'the . .the church: There :with the choir, wince of . Ontario, and.., the. *said assembled, indoors; the; 'offieiat building is' completed and ready mg clergyman, the church war -.:'for dedication, dens, the:'=chairman and, members And SINCE •a• petition has been of the building committee group-, presented •, to, us . by the ' hncurrn- •ed • around the entrance,. `while bent, the 'Church " v,rafderis,. and, The Right ''Reverend • George, N. others, praying that we would be Luxton,` •Bishop of.. Huron ,. af. pleased '.to dedicate the said fixed his, signature; to 'the' Article. "Church; • • of ` Diedication, • after ,it had' been (Continued on 'Page, 11) nual campaign for funds has not • been sufficient. ' to, • ermit. the Cppacity .'• Congregation O. For several. summer seasons,• children from Lucknow .and Dis trict ' have ' been transported. \•'twice •a.' week to. Teeswater for. swi•mming .instruction under .the. Red ' 'Cross Water . Safety,Pro grain.. Two buses Were. required :last summer. t'o 'transport :these .child- renl.et a. cost of $340; to the Lucknow Branch: of the .Soeiety.. Pastor at Special A' capacity, congregation filled. the Lucknow United Church :on Sunday ' for 'the • " Sunday School anniversary, at which. Rey...Gran Meiklejohn; • a former • pastor, was .guest 'minister. • The•.occasion was One of sev, eral special :set►vices that. • .wi11 mark the centennial of the esta- blishnient of the congregation. On Tuesday evening of, last Week. :a: Centennial supper 'was' served. by ':the United : Church Women, with„+between.. 3900• and 400 people enj'oying a delious repast.: A bower ” of .artificial. flowers flanks'. the ' gold letters • .reading North Ashfield Central School •,I, Opened :Friday By Judge Ian MacRae North.;•Ashfield .Centr'al School, which. replaces seven one -room, sehools in• that :area•, ' was offi- cially .opened on Friday night at an impressive ' evening that .was held • outdoors on the `school grounds.' The school, built last year and 'occupied since the Fall school term• opening, .c'omp'rises.. the 'students' that formerly be- longed to No: 3, Itintail; t14,, , Lochalsh', No.. 7; Lothian; No.' 10, Lanes; .No° •12,` Laurien; U14, Paramount; • No. _15, Hemlock City, The school' is built on the site, of the former Hemlock City School and` is located • south of Highway ' $5 on th Lochalsh. sideroad: • • J. 1-L.:Kinkead, public school inspector, Goderich, was chair- •'man for the evening. • Mr. Kin- kead said that years ago, :when early . settlers moved ..to . that area, the '..church and', school formed a central. and real part of the 'communrfwa. He s:a.d that many great people shad been ed-` ucated` in the seven schools in the area and that the schools had also produc:e'd. man out- standing citizens Who continued to live :in: the local area, • Three 'numbers by • the school choir, • Companied by Mrs: Marga e McCharles 'ate -the pi- ano, program. ram. ned t g no p a , Township • Officials Councillor Gordon Boyd, on behalf of the:Township of Ash-. ebiranents and COUNCIL • TO INTERVIEW POLICE OFFICER THURSDAY ,Lucknow 'Municipal Coun- cil. . will :'.interview a city • :police officer here on Thurs.: day' afternoon in connection, with ' the po'ssrble hiring of ,a full time officer. Municipal Officials, not to mention village residents in .• general, have had about all d they will take of -_,r t ur s u bonces•• and infractions of the law. Cost of an ., "experienced • Taw enforcement ,officer, will run to about 6 mills. One • c uestiori to be decided Thursday is 'whether" Coon- 'ell wishes to. authorize' this expenditure or. submit the matter to 'an eu'pression. `of the ratepayers. Donald•. Simpson,clerk=ti>easurer of the township; 'presenteda flag td Gene Martin;'' principal ' of the school,. Chester 'E imerton, reeve of the Township of Huron, spoke briefly corfimenting on the • Pine River Central School, which was the central •school,, forerun- ner in this area,Chester. spoke of educational progress in Rip- ley where they are to build a new $180,000 seven -room public school, an addition. to the . High (Continued on, Page .9) • • • • nets`; former' Centenary Service: "1862 Centennial Year .-' 19627 as. decorations that have ..been used effectively •`in. the ,•Sunday., School: room and in•. the church ; 'lobby, Sunday's '.con•gregation was a ! tribute-tp Bev, Meiklejohn,/who nfinistered 'here from 1952 to 1,1958, when : he accepted an in- vitation to Forest, vomer e =he- still. ministering .and is currently serving as .chairman of Lambto•n Presbytery. On his • return to Lucknow on.. Sunday he was `accompanied by Mrs.; Merklejohn and their daughter ' Ruth With Mrs: Ross Cumming at. (Continued on.. Page 3). • Robinson And Cardiff HoId .Bruce And Huron In Minority Government ` konday's; Federal election did- fight . Mr, %Robins'on "hada ma- n't . settle . much: John. Diefen-. jority , of 4,1535 over Chesiter baker's Government. was re- Merriam. On Monday Luckno.w • gave but 'without an .over- against a majority Robinson a majority. .of. • 104, as eral Party, � ' of •222 for all majority.. Andy in 1958..Kinloss dropped It resembles the' 1957 election 'Andy's' margin ; to .72. ;votes . on results that saw another. election Monday•'compared to,10(i in 1958. in" less than a , year. Already. 'there .are *predicti.ons of. another vote .before the year's ,out. was much the same, with Liberal Locally, the predictions ran candidate, Ernie 'Fisher staging an energetic drive to cut Elston Cardiff's majority to 2,573. votes, I'i „1958- " Mr. Cardiff coasted • to a easy; victory with a•majority, of 6,647• over Liberal candidate Wm, • Ga .•Cochrane,• It was a two- • party fight. On Monday the 'NDP, '. and S'dcial • Credit . 'candidates picked up 'a total of •;1,586 votes, , Mr. 'Cardiff .has represented • Huron for 22 years. In s ,1958 • Ashfield gave Cardiff ' majority of 31.0 votes as com- pared :with 126: on Monday. 'West W wan' a osh went Conservative in 1,9.5.8 by 2,00. votes and on Monday :by 108. • •Resift' on Page .1;! turned with slim inan,-power. ad vantage over-the=-resurging- Lib - Huron Pietnre' In Huron riding,. the pattern pretty. true to form .with ' Progres- sive -,Conservative candidates el.-. �ected in both Bruce' and ><Iuron with 'majorities sharply cut in comparison ' with the extreme pluralities' piled up .in, the. 1968 balloting, In' Bruce,Andrew M. Robin son, who has.served for 13 years' at Ottawa, was returned with a majority • of 1265 over John Mac- Kenzie, Bruce County warden, and Liberal candid'ate. The N.D:P. and Social. Credit candidates polled between, them 1002 votes, giving. Andy' an overall 'edge 'of 2:63 votes. ° In • 190 .in a •traiglht two-party 4 4 • ie • •