The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JUNE .13th, 1962. ' THE LYTCKNQW ;SENTINf1.74, ° LUCKNOW, ONTARIO rAgE :I INI.. CHURCH NEWS Langside •W W.M.S. The June . (meeting of the Langside W.M.S, :was held .at the home Of Mrs, 'Lloyd Moffat. The Meeting was opened with ._ ..-_ ,. worship by the- pre- sident, the call to .P . p sident, Mrs Gordon Wall. Scrip: ture lesson was read by Mrs. Wm, Evans. Mrs. Elmer Scott read . We meditation. Mrs, 'Wm, ' • Orr .then led in prayer. The roll call Was answered by 13 'ladies,, Mrs, Douglas- Simipson gave- the message from the Study. Book. The next meeting is to be in the church, withtheroll call to 'be answered with a. verse •con- taining; the ' 'word ':"Goodness." Mrs. ' EugeneConley closed the meeting With •prayer. t Presbyterian W.M.S.. The afternoon W.M.S. met •in the Sunday SCho.ol '(.Qom of 'the church with 1st ,Vice Fres, Mrs. Morgan' Henderson in the; • chair assisted by the secretary .Miss N. Malcolm:: After the devotional etc ercises. the Bible study. was. taken by Mrs. N. G. MacKez zie . reading. from Luke.. ' She brought ,out the thought that we are .• oto wait on- the Lord' in humility, faith. and reverence. After re- peating ..:the aim and purpose /. of the auxiliary . the roll wall was : answered by theword wis • dom. Mrs. Henderson invited the ladies for the, August picnic meeting.. MissMalcolm read a letter from' Miss .'Dorothy Doug- .` las; Miss Douglas told •of :the Founder's; 'Day. activities which • this year 'were more important as it is . the. ninetieth anniver- sary of the •arrival • of Dr. George Leslie MacKay to. Tamsui. Dr. a W. . !.MacKay, " the :son of the first missionary, who is eighty years old ' was • able to be there and tell something of the. early history 'of' the ;mission work. Miss' Mary MacLeod read a letter from Miss Hislop; Missionary from India. Miss ,Hislop thank- ed theW.M.S, for cards. and .lit- erature.. She , enclosed Bible Book- ,marks in the shape of a cross which was made out of the Christmas bards. Miss Mar- garet 'Malcolm • and Miss ,Helen Malcolm•played a pleasing, piano duet. ;Miss .Helen Malcolm is •head of .children Evangelical Work •in Toronto. Mrs,. •Porteous had, the topic on the challenge. of To -morrow in British Guiana Minister`s: are,trained• at :the 'union Theological Seminary at Kingston; Jamaica and are pre- pared ,for writing' examinations of the University of. London for Bachelor of 'Divinity degree. The day is .. past ' when • "Canadians speak • of our wwbrk or our mis- sions in, British Guiana. We are co-workers with them and the mother: church isnow the sister church. Mrs: Robert 'Reid . .closed the meeting `with • prayer. • St. Marys. 'Oct.' • . The C:W.L. •• Meeting of St. Mary's''' Church . L.ucknow, was held at • the home of. Mrs,.'George Tucker ,on Monday., evening, June • 4th ,With twelve. Memlbe.rs present. The pastor, 'Rev. 'L [: Thomas ':opened the proceedings with the League Prayer repeated in unison. Usual (business was dispensed with, The time dele- gates to the 42nd ;annual Dioce. san Council held at the Hotel London on May 15th, 16th, Mrs. J. L. MacMillan and Mrs. James O'Donnell; gave eXcellent re- ports of the Convention.' Retreat schedule cards •weie passed out to each Member 'stating dates for the months of June and September which takes place at. B,rescia .Hall in London. Anyone Wishing :toattend must. ' inform the director 'Previous to 'set date, Meeting closed with sprayer and a delicious lunch served . .by Mrs, William Hogan and Mrs, Tucker, South Kinloss W.M.S. " : ' Mrs: Frank MacKenzie was hostess to South Kinloss W.M.S. at her home on. Wednesday after- noon June 6 with Mrs. W. F. MacDonald and Mrs; Evan Keith as directors, Mrs. 'Fraser. Mac- Kinnon presided and 'arrange- ments were discussed;for a Spec- ial • meeting the ' latter parte of the month. Mrs. W. F. •MacDonald gave gleaning 'from the Presby- terial and read thank you .letters. received. The scripture lesson. was read by Mrs. Gib Hamilton & the study was from Paul's sec-, and letter to the Christian -Church in the heathen' city of Corinth dealing with 'God's'. work' in 'ser-• 'vice through us. Chapter 9 had to do, with Christian giving 'and liberality •and in this connection • Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall .read „a • e Pearson �4:Jobn:Mackenzie • ...The BestTeam or ;Bruce NKYQ BALLOT siding Published • by truce Liberal Association. ill in FO r, from Missionary r mosaa telling of the benevolence of a mountain congregation a- mong, the Tyal tribe meeting in a .home. In gratitude for ,having received a. portion 'of • •the Bible in their own tongue they coll. ected a gift for the . Bible Soc- iety , in addition , to . giving their monthly tythe andraising a special fund to •' erect a stone church which unlike their old bamboo one would withstand 'the typhoons, Mrs. C.`" Colwell read an article "Giving is living,. De- nying is dying which .brought, they physical and , spiritualneeds of a famishingworld to the fore in contrast with our plenty. Roll, Call wasa verse: with 'tie word. `Grace" and . afterwards Mrs, Sandy MacLeod sang Fanny Cros- by's lovely hymn "Saved by Grace." ' The prayer circle . was;. conducted •by 'Mrs,: Hughes, Mrs. Ch:slett and. Mrs. ' Buckton, Mrs: H. Lavis.. read as poem. on a "Country ..Church,",• Mrs. Evan Keith reviewed • the study book on British 'Guiana arid finished the last chapter dealing with the future of the church there. Mrs. Douglas Graham. read.miss ionary, letters from India and Mrs. Ted Collyer in closing the meeting rememibered the • present. meeting of the. General.A�ssem�bly. 'Directors and .hostess served. lunch. • St. ,Augustine .C.W.L. • The. June Meetirig of. the lJUNE MEETING' OsF THE C.W.L. of ' St:' -Augustine Parish LADY FORESTERS was held on Tuesday . 'evening. June 5th. in the Church Rectory: with' a good, attendance. Rev. Fr. L. C. Tl ornas . Spiritual, direr- for opened: the meeting . with prayer. .df the business discussed were -plant to• have.` •a family picnic for • parishioners. of ,St Marys :and St. Augustine parishes. to be held in . early August. Sev- eral •proJects for .the. summer months ' were discussed 'but are 'to be . decided ,ori ' later.` Mrs. William Redmond '= ' .deaegate,. to the C.W.L. 'convention in. Loii- -don gave a, fine report• on. the t*o=day conference,...She 'report- ed the Catholic missions, 'need. help. 's • a . result. 'the. ,League w:il(l ':be required' to donate a bundle of `.warm clothing for .the Eskimos, 'in the; Yukon to be. ,sent in the, fall. On Accession. Thursday May 3ilst, P at. the ening MaCss, 'the Parish children led ..' an 'impressive procession through the church each carry- ing a bouquet of .flowers:. which they .laid ` at the statute of the Blessed:: Virgin. 'to honor her, at the close of the Month, .: June. 17th will be the first' Holy .Com inunion • Sunday for the young children; The Holy 'Name •. Rally ' for the; surround'ingry Parishes in-•' cluding St Augustine will be held Sunday, June;l:Oth at Kings bridge, The next meeting will be July 3rd at 9, p.ni: Fr. L.. C. Thomas closed the meeting with - prayer . after which a tasty lunch' prepared by Mrs. Joseph Hickey. •and,. Mrs. Wil'liani Kiri ahan wasenjoyed. KINLOSS Anniversary services in ,South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on. Sunday were well attended when . Rev, Hugh Jamieson of Hamilton delivered forceful ser- mons at bath_ services;. Rev,. $, Jamieson is: a :native of Ireland and in his work with the Hope • Mission preached in -Scotland roe.-• fore coming. • to Canada. Mr. and *ars, Chester Hackett and Tittle ..son visited Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Evan." Keith. and family. Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Rose ' and David. of Newmarket- visited on. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan . . IViacIntyre and Sunday vises itors were Mr • and Mrs.• Harvey. - Houston of Holyrood.• ' Mr.- and Mrs,. Warren :.Zinn and .family visited. :Sunday with Mr, . and Mrs. Douglas' : • Graham and Gladys,. • . ' `M, A. ►p.gham visitedrsSundCamay beli ;withof Win • Mr. . and 'Mrs. ,Harold ' .Campbell and at- tended the Anniversary Services... Mrs. Jim Burt will.. be hostess • for the Kairshea. W.I.. Meeting on June '21st. Mrs. C.. Hewitt, District President and the 4-iI • girls will be ' present. We hope' to have an Institute picture tak- en that day ,for our Tweedsmuir.: Book. All members and former - members remember the date.. :Blake :United Church: Women • . The Grandmothers' Meeting of'. the • 'Makes • United Church Wpm - en • took ;place 'at the home of Mrs; • Kaiser on Thursday June 7th with 16 . ladies and 5 • eta - rex' present, . The Roll Call Was' answered. with- "Father" %:1VIrs: Wm. Irwiti had charge of the ;program with severaltof the •la- dies :taking part. Mrs',. Wm. An- • . drew presided at the„•organ for the ,hymns and: • also read a 'very .interesting .story written by Padre . Young. of the O.A.C. Mrs L, Menary , conducted the business • portion • of the meeting. in the absence of the . president. • ., .Mrs. Cook. The ladies .' of the Charge are invited to a centennial tea at St. Helens on June .14th at 2.30. Mrs. Kaiser presented Mrs; Herman. Phillips with her "Life Membership Certificate" and also closed the meeting With prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and the non grandmothers. Victoria Mission. Band •There were thirty-four mem- bers present at the • `meeting, ' held in the church basement on. Jurie 4th. The meetings opened by. \singing '• hymn 719'. followed by the scripture reading by Donnie Johnson. Donna Mullin led. Ismasmiiimi id • prayer. 1VLary tlizabeth igen- • • The -regular aneeting. of the ; Ladies of the '•Canadian ;Order of Foresters was held' Monday night, June. 4th in the Asseiniiblyr Room of ,the town hall. A' dis , trict `meeting was . held at .Bel-. grave . Thursday, June 7th and Mrs. Shirley Brooks . • and. Mrs.; Eunice' .Cunningham were. .app • pointed to attend. A .bake sale was set for' June 22nd::. Mrs. Marie Button gave -an _ outline their .trip to Walkerton: On May 3.'lst, • ... Mr, Matzanke introduced:. Mr. , • White front .Brantford, who :gave a short :address of .C.OiF', news: Lunch .was served .and. an enjoy able/ half -•hour • spent. • •derson . •favoured•, with ,a piano-' solo. During •the;:business•; plains; were made for the'.' picnic„ to be held in the. park 'on Monday, June . 11th, Brian :'Stanley read the 'offert'ory prayer. An inter esting film •"A Village :Reborn"` 'was shown: At the close of the meeting lunch was served.. • BUT HOW ABOUT, NEXT WINTERS Before you know it, the next winter will bearound !Areyousureyourold furnace ' will be' Up to it? Maybe .you should consider a new furnace—NOW! OJL FURNACE Or COURSE Low Bu get Terifls•• To Five Years ROY HAVENS Pl'umbing ands' Heating ESSO OIL BURNER Sakes and Service' Phone 7 3, ; Lucknow