The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JUNE Sth, 1962 THEY LUCKNOW SENTIrTEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE RET" _..._ ■M■■■■■■■ ill11� 11A■■UI■I I,IIUU!U.UIIUU■■UU■■■■■ .■.■■11■ 114.0 ■ ,■ : ■ .■I. I■1.•■IR■IUI .■l. ■ ■lII•:IUIJ —i188��. . .r.,,,._,..,...,�.I!ilaA.# ............�t8.... !!" .# .���..A ..A .. �. ..... _ ...: g. �,.., . .......�..:r; ►LE' AT ..-,.... ■: • ■; 11. HAWS--- . If■ • .. t. Dund,I .... ..... . . WHITE .. rturunu. • ■. ■.. .. . - . . ... . WAGSTAFFE ASSORTED PICKLES , • ., .• ., 4 for :$1 ' ;I -; .Save 8c, . IT . oz.. jars • - ■'' r ✓ • 1 0 • i' ■ ■ ■ - i. O . ■ 0 ■: 1.. i` O ▪ ' 1....Evap�rafl.d.' Milk Carnation, save 7c, tall .t;}ns. Fruit Cocktail ▪ , Libby's.. Fancy,save ' .12 c, 1,5 oz.' tins Bear's . with Pork • York • Brand, save 1 7c, 20 oz. tins ■ .:Cheese..Slices ■ : Maple Leaf Brand, • save . 16c, . 3c f Peanut Butter .1 Planter save 1.6c, -8 oz. jars Monarch Ililargprine 7 for $1. 4 for $1. 6 for. $1 4 for $l off .Ipack, 8, oz, 4'$or$i... • Save 4c,' .1 .lb. pkgs., 2c off pack Delsey Tissue' Save ` 14c, white or Coloured, ''• roils ■ • BAKERY FEATURE ■ WESTON SHORTCAKE, Reg. 29c, each ■ 2 for 47c 6 for 85c s WatJermelons, .each: father's• CIGARETTES :r . • ...Alt popular_ 'brands,. pkgs • 20.'s ■ • i FINE CUT TOBACCO ■• ■ Players . or 'Export, ' V2 tin . 'i June.: 17 .th .3 for ' $1 ■ FROZEN FOOD :FEATCIRE it BIRDS EYE' ORANGE JUICE •.:: ■ ■; Save -18c, ,6. oz. tins. 1 •■ • ■ 25c 5:for •$I features. NESTLE'S . QUIK . , , . ,• . '• Assorted flavours; strawberry, , banana NESTLE'S QUIK : ; .. ,. ;'. . Chocolate, save 1 8c, ' 1 lb.. tins MACARONI & ' CHEESE' DINNERS .: Catelli,, save', 1 Oc, 714, oz. pkgs. ' YORK 'STEWS, BEEF, .IRISH, CHICKEN ; •Save• 24c,, 15 ' oz. tins KAISER BRAND . QUILTED'" FOIL Save 5c, 25' rolls YORK' FANCY KERNEL 'CORN Save ' 1 1 c, ' 14; oz. • tins .: AYLMER CATSUP ... ,... , Save. 26c, i .l oz.- bottles KLEENEX TISSUES ...• Regular • or '• chubby, •save. 30e,. �pkgs; LEAVER WHOLE MUSHROOMS Save 5.c, .'•10 • oz. tins: CANNED WHOLE. CHICKEN Burns, : Save' .17. c,. 31/4 ,ib, tin :SNOWFLAKE SHORTENING ..:; 4c ,off :pack; save' . 1 6c 1. lb.., pkgs. CHUM DOG FOOD ., , .. , . .•.• .. ,2c off pack, save `17c,. 15. oz tins MAPLE LEAF ' CHEDDAR. WEDGES 5c off' pack . • 12 9z mild 12 oz• 'medium , • , ,• . MAPLE LEAF CHED-R-SPRED' 6c off • pack, 16 oz jars, , save 18C GIANT 'FAB 15c Off.' pack, 'save .'29c;,▪ ,�.pkg R 8z . W . JELLY. POWDERS . Save 1 7c, rkgs.,' Strawberry, Raspberry, • • 2 for. $1 for '$1 ■: .: • 8for' $1. ■ ✓ 4 :for $1 1 ■ . ;3 ' for $1 ■ 6,' for $1• ■ r 6for$1. :■. • for $1 ■ • i 3 ' for $1•` .2.. I r' . $1 ■.. 7 4, for $1 i ■ 10 for $1 � •n ■• 39c.. 45c ■ • `49c •• 2 :for,. ,$1 ■ :....• •61c'' ■ 1,3:. for ;$ Lemon, s Orange, . Cherry, Pineapple,. '.Lime Orland. Richards is again a Patient in Wingham hospital: B';obert. Lyons . of St. -l?eters- burg; Florida, plans to .spend the .next three months in North- ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Agnew, Judy, Pain,.-,and.4oanne of Detroit .visit- ed last .week with his parents. Mr. and. Mrs,, Howard Agne*. Mrs. George R. MacKinnon, returned to Sudbury after spend- ing the past week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. E.'.,MacQuaig. Miss Mary • E. MacQuaig of Chicago,. I11., is holidaying With her sisters. at the family home. .Mrs. Grace Johnston of the Lucknow Public School teaching • staff- has been - hospitalized , in Wing,ham - for the past few° days. Miss Ada Webster has been sup- plying for her: . Mrs.' Eileen White visited 'last week in Detroit with :Mr.. and Mrs.. Harvey Hall. On Thursday, Mrs. : Hall's mother, Mrs. John. . Munro, left ,by plane for Lon- don, England, •to .visit her son Jack. Mrs. Munro underwent surgery last fall and • has! not been enjoying good health Mrs.Emile ' 'MacLennan ' had • Miss Annie MacKay down town • last. 'week in her wheel chai;r.. Miss MacKay underwent a leg amrputation operation in London in the winter, and, was able to • 'return. horrie a few.. weeks -ago.' .THAT, Virden Mowbray of Luck `now' was one ..'. of sixty seed dealers fromall parts of the • province who met at .the' On- tario n tario Agricultural. College' for the annual seed, processors' ' school:' : The purpose of the • school was to bring the deal- ers up-to-date on the latest -developments in the seed busi- • ness. SUNSET :DRIVE-IN Goderieh, Highway. . 8 Wed., Thur., Fri., June 13,•14,/15 Marlon Brand°, ''Katy Jurado Tn an exciting Paramount 'specie , "ONE -EYED; : JACKS" — •In Technicolor Adult. Entertainment ■ ; i' Sat., Mon, Tues, June 16, 18, 19 ■ • Double Feature ,Program; Don: Magowan, Sylvia Pampaiu "GUNS' Or •;THE BLACK .WITCH"• . . ■ :. ;in'. .• : Plus ' •The Bowery Boys in . ■ •■ !PHONE -26 .FREE DELIVERY "CRAZY -OVER' HORSES''■ ■ • tailli■n■a■n•■•■r■/•■■■■■■■■■•••min■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■•■■■■r■1r1■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■•■■■■i■■■■■•■■i■■■■■■■i Local and `:General Edward, ma'Olenaghan, Cheryl' • and. Galvin visited in Chatham last -week-end • with her husband, 'who isemployed there with the Mowbray Con- struction Co.. On Sunday they visited at Jack Miners' at: Kings- ville. "While 'at Chatham they also visited with Mr. and. Mrs; 'Guest" Mitchell. ' _ _ __ • • ie,, will W. L. MacKenzie of•. Lucknow `'1VIr: aria'. Mrs. Bruce; Davidson conduct anniversary services, on is a patient in. Victoria Hospital, of Scarborough were recent vis- Sunday in Ashfield 1?1;esbyterian Church his . h nine church.. Doug Harton is a patient, in Victoria. Hospital, •,London. He had preiously been in` Wingharrn ;hospital ' for . a time.' Doug lost his ' eyesight' about a year ago. Milt Raynerret•urned home on. Wednesday of last ` week after being •,hospitalized at • Wingharn. for three weeks, following an, ...�.;N..o. appendectorrry. ' •.. 3 •Mr. anad 'Mrs. Ron Rothwell" and 'Rosemary. of Norwood, ac- cotnpanied by Mrs Ed Thom of Lucknow left' by .motor on Mon- day. ,for California, where' they will visit .with Mr.: and . Mrs, ' Al Martin and Ned. Mr, and Mrs • Peter MacDonald,' •Mrs..Donald . MacDonald' of W�hite'church' and Mrs.., Graydon Ritchie' attended:, the •5.Oth• wed= ding' anniversary of their, cou sin, Mr. and Mrs. Will ,MacDon— ald of „Gerrie:. • Lucknow Presbyterian church • 1 Rev. Roderick .MacLeod • Minister SUNDAY; JUNE; 17 10:0b a:m.: Sunday. School 1100`..a.my. Morning Worship, ..,�n:. r.�...�wir..iv,o.M. LUCKNow . UNITED CHURCH rev. Howard W. Strain') Minister ' ' SUNDAY. 'JUNE 17• !• THE Lucknow Christian. Reformed Churchi.... B" Listowel, Ont.,. Pastor*. ' 1 Rev,' • S. Ter pstra , Th.B. 11•00' SUNDAY SCHOOL • SERVICES: . ANN VER • •10:,30 a.m. in Dutch . Rev Grant Meiklejohn I 2:30 On. in English Guest Minister 3:30 'pin, Sunday School 6h • ..`.� r.�w�o•Y�t•.�.i. 't�r�ri�ra.�c�wlii�' London, having been `t on Sunday, and where he .under- r on M n,da.even-• went' Surgery o y . ing. Mr. and Mrs. B1L1 Humphrey and family and Mrs. Sam 'Reid taken ▪ there iters with Mrs. Russell .Robertson, Lucknow: Mrs. Minnie Horne of Torornto visited for 'a few drays with friends. and relatives in the; com visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Peter munity. Cook and Elaine, on Sunday and Mrs. Arabell • Bushnell of: Strat- also attended Zion Church an'- Mord was a •' visitor last week• niversary. with' relatives in Lucknow and Mrs. Oscar.; Hodgins is, a p.a� Kintail. tient in 'Wingham, Hospital`. Mr. Tom,•-Snintli of town was • taken to Wingham. hospital the first of. the week. , Lucknow Pnited....churCh.7 Sunday School Anniversary Sunday; J�he l i .11.00 a.m. • Guest Speaker, REV, GRANT ME1KLEJOHN •. of Forest • NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Children are requested to attend, church service with Patents: ' Ail'` Are Welcorme 0 Wed':; .Thur,' Fri June 20; 21; 22 • ANITA EKBERG' Starred in a' Scope & Color . adventure,, •• • ' "DAM ON. .,TH:E YE�OW ' :RIc V E R" Special S eedwaY Racing • Fe•aturette - "THE :HOTTEST .:500" Best' .of the West. and Cartoon. First Show at 'dusk • Children in cars free.. :r The Air - Conditioned • . • For Comfort & . Entertainment GODERICH. Now Playing "TheMan Who Shot Liberty. Valance" In. Color- James Stewart, • John Wayne,* 'Lee Marvin and Vera. Miles • • 'Monday, Tuesday, .Wednesday, June. 18,'' 19,,. 20 Adult , Entertainment' -- William .Holden, France Nuyen acid .Clifton Webb From sCommunist, ar orrigi al novel by Pearl :• S Buck,• about , two China.• "SATAN NEVER SLEEPS" Scope & Color Thur; -- Fri. `Sat. •:-= June. 21 : : 22 . . '23'. `,JERRY : LEWIS, Renee Taylor & ' °Helen Traubel Telling the rollicking tale of ca young wernan-hater • "THE LADlES. MAN" Coming "Bachelor • Flat" Adult Ente'rtainmetit • n ti ,'.