The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 11and.
mom By Bill Smiley
FelloW" •suggested X ,write a
column this week about . the
election: "You know • the sort
'of thing," he said' airily Dsef-
.enbaker drivel; Pearson .popy-
cock,Douglas dribble. It's. all
very well for him.. But it's not
so easy for • a •Columnist who
is scared stiff of :offending his
readers. -• •
Besides; I'm not that type of
fellow. 1 have enough ' faults of:
,ny ownwithout picking holes
in dedicated ' chaps.. who are
ready. and willing to . give away
every nickel. they . , can, squeeze.
out •of us,
why. should I admit that ev-
ery time Dief ' shakes :his . watt-
les at me : cin the 'television.,. I
almost burst out 'laughing? ' Why
should. I confess that each time
Mike 'lisps another ..platitude I
plunge into despair? Why should
I g
• come right out ' and. state..
bluntly that Tarn•my's folksy,
manner arid. '.carefully ' studied
anecdotes bore ire rigid;?
There's ' .another 'character"
around' there somewhere called
Johnson or Swansen' or Gomp-,
'son orsomething, but I haven't
seen much 'qf him, and 1Idon't.
know much aboutthe ; Crucial
Septic party; or whatever they
call it.. He's the best -looking one
of the lot,, but. I quit voting
for the best -looking candidate in
my last year in high school. •
Every day I read the papers.
and try • • ascertain. who •' is
ahead.. And every day, I' become
more. confused. All theytell me
is that D.iefenbaker is gathering
momentum., Pearson is gaining
strength, • .Douglas is, rolling
them in the' aisles•' outwest and
the Crucial 'Septic: chap is '•pack
ing them in , down ' in Quebec...
meeting of ,. the_
H.W,I. will be held .on Thurs-
day in the Boy Scout Hall • with
Mrs. Lorne Eadie and Mrs: Ed
Thompson hostesses, Roll call,
Name three good qualities of a
member whose name is drawn.
Motto, . Grumbling spoils " more
homes thanpoor cooking. 'Topic,
Feed your family 'what they
require, not what they 'desire..
Report, ' District ' Annual,'.De-
monstration;, ' 441 ingm.e . making.
club *girls. Contest, 'Corsage
made with vegetables: Directors,
Mrs. Frank • Thompson, Miss
•Edna Boyle, .
Mr; • and Mrs. Angus. MacKay,
Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Roppel of
Tiverton visited with Mr. 'and.
Mrs.' Bill, Burt and, . family, '
Mrs, : Alex ;Smith • returned
home from Wingham. Hospital,.
Where she has been a patient.
• We 'exterid sympathy to .Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins, and Mr, Ezra
Stanley ' in, the loss of their
brother,the late Charlie Stanley.
who passed away .at North „Bay.
at the: age . of 62 years. ••
Mr.. and Mrs. Bi11 .Burt, .Paul
and •Terry .and Mr. Fred Guest.
visited ,in London with Mr. and
Mrs: .Stanley Johnston'. and fa-
inily, •
Mr."., 'N. E. Haldenby and . his
daughter; Barbara, left •.on Sun-
day '?for a' twlo 'weeks trip, to
Chauvin, ,Alberta, • where they
will 'visit with. relatives.
Mrs. John Bushell visited with
Mr, and Mrs.'Perry Bushell 'and
.family. at Toronto,
r, and Mrs. Don Bushell " vis
ited. in' Toronto in t e'Week.
. .dur g . h.
Mgrs. Dan McInnes, teacher. at
Con: 8 Culross and Miss.. Erinia
7k' 7k
As. for platforms, they are•
even more confusing. Tie ' whole
thing reminds me of one. of
those Three . Stooges col edicts
One of .the parties naills •a, plahk
into his platform. • As • soon as
he' turns. his: back to get another
p"lank, one 'of the . other comed-
ians walks' 'away with' the one
he 'has nailed down. While:' each
'of . the. three, is trying to build
a, platform -with .planks swiped'.
from the others,. their idiot cou-
sin is down in• the basement con-.
strutting • a massive platforrn
which • lies will,. be able 'to
get either out of the :cellar' win•.
dow or : up the Cellar stairs,.
'* '* * •
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Co-op 2, 4-D
Amine ' 80.
$4.50 pert gal.
Amine 64
FLAX $5.85' per .gal.
(Green Foxtail ConFLAXtrol)
Co-op MCPA
Amine 64
111 Co-op T.C.A. Grasskiller
Co-op Dowpofl ,
si Co-op' LV Brushliller
64 oz. r
Atrazine' 50W
$1:95 , per . pound.
Got .your copy .of this handy pocket -sized Coop
Agricultural Weed Killer • Handbook now at your
Co-op,,Contains instruction's in the Use of Coop
weed killers, •'including. rates of application, how. . +�
when and Whereto apply, and. ch'a'rts for correct
mixing, • .
SEE 'YOUR OO' ®0 -r D
irIosi. • Centr..t Pubic Scl�Qo�!
will be held
Friday, June 8tlr at 'x;15
consisting of a'
DispkiyOf School .
Percy, teacher at' the ' South:.
•Line School and their pupils
enjoyed a. bustrip • to Niagara'
Falls on• Friday, ' • '
•The•'. Anglican Service Will be
held 'at . 9:30 a.m. on ,Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle' and
Carol •of London •visu,ted on. Sat
urday. evening with • Edna and.
'May Boyle.
' Visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs..
Frank Johnston during the week
were •'Mr. and , Mrs. Russell.
Johnston .and. Mr., and, Mrs.' John
Robb. . . .
• We are . sorry toreport that
'Mr. J. R. Lane . has not • ,been
enjoying the best .of health this
week.' We hope hewill, soon be:
feeling better.
Mrs. Ronald. Thacker ' enter-
tained. the Evening` Workers at
her ;.:home:' on Monday 'evening.
"Mt. and . Mrs.. Ezra •Stanley &
Mrs.'• Harvey Hodgins and other
, members of the .Stanley family
The .•.giveaway'',programs .have: from. Detroit,' Flint : and Lansing
-also. • become . inextricably inter- attended the funeral of the late
woven: By this .time. I haven't •a' Charlie, Stanley, .at: North Bay
clue as to which party is ,giving: on Monday •
the biggest old age. pension, 'Sunday: visitors-' with Mr, and
which is giving away free media Mrs, Frank Johnston were , Rev:
cine, which 'is going to reduce 'Benson • C'ox, Mrs Williai Cox,
taxes:; or which is going •to' end Mr. and Mrs. Elrrier Johnston .&
unemployment` by send"ing''all .the
unerriployed .. ,to .school ;and
paying .them ` a salary to.;go.
About all that .L have been
able .to gather in concrete fOrm,,
as.: the •.whirlwind Y .campaign.
•kicks' up the, . chaff,:is. 'that all
parties. are in favor' of.' the corn-
ornmon.-man and motherhood, avid
that all,:,Parties are. against war,
lung 'cancer, Sin,' crop failures
andthe other :three, parties
We were trying •to sort thmgs:�
out at the dinner table the
other ' night.' My son, .who .is .14,
carne up :with 'the . idem ' that
' 'suggeststhe might have a.. bril-
liant political future He thought
one party' should offer a nat-
ional pension of .one. dollar, ' a
month '•for each year :of your
age. • . • .
• '(`his would eliminate. a lot of;
the sq•uabl ling• over ..the old -age.:
pension. : Of •(course, ; to' get :it
going on the. right" • foot, we'd
throw out the baby bonus,
Those. ,kids • are ,getting scr .'rrrtich:
money when, they're.: little that.
most of them „are: ruined by the.
tirne they're about, six, years old.
Then' we'd ''give everylbody'
straight dollar ; a,. month per
birthday. If you ;were 7;: you'd.
get seven smackers a month If
you were 84, you'd. get 'a
niunth: What could be more fair?
And it's. the 'only 'thing I've •ever
heard of that might .ease, woo-'
men over that 89 -mark • grate-
*' **: