The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 8RAGE EIGHT 4.0.414.0404.44 ELECTION DAY MONDAY,, JUNE 18 THE Wcia+ ow- ntrn st: LUaKS cNTARXQ JUNE • - 1982. • WEDNES'DAV; • NNE 6th,. 1962 Advt. ISSUED - BY BRUCE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION . POLLS OPEN. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. Printed ' by The Lucknoinr Sentinel THE . ' CANDIDATE MEMBER :MADE DISASTER FUND POSSIBLE HERE Bruce county. has been- fortun sate .in, the' small '•number.'of tor- nado and Storm. disasters which ' have, taken a serious "toll through- •out .it§ area. Nothing has 'been ,found to stop nature in its pranks of this kind Which bring ruin.; and . disasterto 'citizens who, all . too often, lose their 'call It was :.back' in .1957 following, the. hurricane. -•which; hit",this area., • that' Andrew' Robinson brought to . the attention of par- liament the need ' of some• • type of disaster fund for those who had "such` misfortunes: • Today the : future for those unfortunate enough to experience a hurricane or . tornado': is cer- tainly an unhappy one, but they, have the:.knowledge that: through: their member;. of parliament, Andy ,Robinson, 'there is: today legislation to :give them as much. assistance, as possible . and his ' efforts`' to.'this' end still continue:. ONCE ' AN IDEA COAST .GUARD TO • BECOME REALITY Andy Robinson is .convinced that it, takes the. "hard sell" 11 you h'at'e • a sound idea to.. ex- pound Five years ago, . when Mr. , Robinson put ;forth the idea of a ',coast guard for the three hundred miles of .shore line a- long Lake Huron, ' 'on ` the floor of the House of Commons, he found little support for his idea. 'However,,•; the Bruce mem; ber consistently hammered away at his idea and .finally a ' few Months ago it ,was agreed ,that the 'formation of a coast guard System be setup; along the .lake. To make the service more eff- icient, the proposed coast guard would ,Work' in close li•ason with the Royal Canadian Air • Force in any rescue , effort. This is just another indication' of Mr.: Robinson's Wide and • varied interest, in the riding. of Bruce • • DONATES TROPHIES A• strong advocate of compet- itive activities, Andy Robinson 'has in competition the Robinson Softiall Trophy,' he Great Lakes Legion Fiddling Trophy, ' The Federation of Agriculture Cur- ling Trophy and The ,Legion Zone Curling Trophy, During the First World War he Was a. member of the famed Cross Country Running Team comprising members_ from the 160t1} Bruce Battalion, stationed in England, a. • SOME. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT ANDY ROBINSON is See Ing .Re -erection Conservative : Member '.For: HE. IS: — a native son of Bruce, the family settlinghere in .1849. married with two children and 'grandchildren. -- veteran of two World "wars. - currently representing YOU at Ottawa. HE WAS: as t Bruce - a former school trustee, councillor, .reeve. :. =- a farmer excepting.war years and while serving in parliament. — .. a member for Bruce ` . for 13 years, -- chosen to serve on the Agriculture and Veterans comltittees and Research' continue to, ' serve ALL the ` people of Bruce. -- be found a capable supporter of John ,Diefenbaker in the next parliament and ;can:. be counted • on to contmue" his,:., strong. representation ' for a fairer .deal " for, all ' Municipal Taxpayers.. be an experienced representative,.who knows" and apprec- iates the needs of ALL Bruce residents and can be relied, On to do a conscientious . job. Improve Communications ;and Attract Industry Robinson Fells �ariiament , "Ever • alert ` to 'the 'opportun- •ity to call -attention to the' just claims: of his •• own, constituency;: A. 'E, .Robinson, MSP.,' fore. Bruce said something last ` week When, speaking in debate ..oh the reply to the Speech from `the '.Throne, he pointed . to the iinportance, of; close.: co-operation : between Federal and Provincial;govern- ments in efforts: to further .•:in- dustrial decentralization 'hen, and only then -can ' the efforts, ',of individual commun ities ,naw striving .to develop: industrially' be crowned, with the success: they deserve" • ,Communities` can,• assist the government *by bringing to its. attention, through the. .member of . parliament, the, 'opportunities and advantages which their,: area :has , to 'Offer. BRUCE .0 :MEMBER II .IS ' GOOD ' COPY During :,the various secs- ioi s of parliament Andy` ". Robinson' has been • what` Newspapermen call "good copy". He has , built up '' a reputation of saying some- thing worthwhile when he. is on his feet and what is more important, he could : in- Variably , bring the topic a- round to pointing out the a qualities and ` potential of. Bruce County: In' parliament % and , out Bruce has ` been his •thee . • and Hansard will prove : that he is one'of the best salesmen Bruce has ever had in parliament, ember. Rapped` :By' Speaker:' For Enthusiasm For Counfy. -Of Bruce Andy Robinson .gets so carried away with Bruce..•County. and OPPOSES .TAKING. •. its potential when he appears ' on the floor of the .Douse- of Conn- WATER . TO INLAND mons; ; that :he even gets "slapped down" by • his own party, •rep INDUSTRIAL CENTRE resented by ;Mr. Roland, Miceli ' At Oetawa, Andy Robinson 'ever;. speaker for the House of has conSistently opposed the pig Conimons.: In his position as' ping ' of water .from, "lake shore. speaker, Mr. ,Mhchener must be municipalities: ` to larger inland' impartial in , his judgment of 'industr'ial ' centres..• what takes place on • the floor Questioned • on the : subject and even with this attitude he which he has consistently, .0 - not go for Mr. Robinson's posed since 1957,. Mr.: Robinson speech, which he • termed as told the weekly press, "I will "pure ,advertisement. continue to oppose taking g water from Lake $ Huron and other lakes and bays°to' larger 'centres: for industrial purposes.' If they need mater and large quantities of it, then I `would suggestthat' they move to. Bruce where we have plenty of quality water, the finest climate ,, in Canada `arid"all other 'potentials, to make their l scasion in Bruce a `tre- pecessi Mr. Robinson ' was at the time speaking `of Bruce's`, qualified ,, tions for the CAINDU ' plant and When he • .attempted ..to carry on Bruce's virtues to' 'a greater extent it was .,even too much for this parliamentary colleage who ordered • Mr. Robinson to his seat by the simple expedient of rising, to his feet, thereby mak- ing ,the Bruce member of par- liament, out ar-liament,:out of order. S• THEN • I.• JUST A DREAM: Three Years. ago, just about novo,. Andy Rob- inson and Bill Hay, , noted .geologist and diamond driller. paid an unofficial visit to Douglas Point to' inspect . the first drillings to test the rock . formation of the.,:. area' to determine its. suitability for the •erection of .CANDU, Andy Robinson first brought •atten- tion to Biu a county back in 19541. when he. said, "Will; the gov- ern lent. giveconsideration to locating• theproposed atomic power plant in ..Bruce county ' considering ' decentralization and : Bruce's distance from ' hydro sources. A REALIT : Today,. CANDU has not. only .become a: scientific Wonder ` but is also a tourist attraction as .thousands of, visitors to . the area have "made a special • trip to `see for `themselves this ` magnificei t seielttific giant growing to maturity and productive- ness such as the world has never known Shown ' here •is ,AndY Robinson 'with a senior official"of .theproject, reviewing progress.. c ILL c::Ol:Tiip '0 SERVE YOUR BE'. 1 INTERESTS