The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-25, Page 9WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1962 4 TI UUCKNf4W SENTINFI+ 144.ICKNQW, ONTARIO Mr• Douglas G. Br.eekon, Sup- erintendent, •NRX reactor and Andy Robinson, Federal Member .for Bruce ,are ''shown here in the m•° control rooof the Atomic Ener- gy ,Plant .at Chalk Fiver The Nuc�leag Energy Pilot Plant I,at Rolphtori went into operation rat 2:40 a.m.,. April lith.' The R•olp:hton plant which is the 'Pilot plant for Candu at Doug- las .Point .in . Bruce, '!County, is 1 situated a few miles from. Chalk River. NLROSS CORNEk: Mt. and Mrs. Era Stanley,`leff Wednesday 'of last • week • for Is- lington :and from there accomp- anied Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Tollef n son o a motor trip to• .Florida. . 1VIrs',Midford,Wall spOnt Tues-. •day with her mother; Mrs. Tom, Hackett, Ashfield. "1Vir. and • M'rs. •A.le* Whytoek • spent . Monday evening with Mr; an:d Mrs. Ezra Stanley ' arid, fa- ' mi1y,. Kinlou,;ih.': Little Billy .,Stanley, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. •Tom Stewart fell while playing in the ,barn , at his home and. suffered a badly'bro- ken left' arrn. and was taken. to Kincardine Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. -William ,Stanley. . of Kinloss spent • Wednesday ev- • ening ;with Mr. and Mrs.' Alex VJhytock. Miss: Elda ' Wall,'London,. • .spent the. holiday week -end at her home ` here, Miss Shirley • Parker, ' Toronto spent : the week -end with . her parents,.' Mr. and, Mrs Everett Parker. • ' ' Miss Corabelle Thompson, ,Lon- don, J ' '•, spending the• Easter vacation •. With her .parents,' Mr. • PAGE' NIN$ '• �. " I • Bcinauet,oastsood time to se ect� yours • 1. It'sag New WI.MemoerS 1' �.•• �BEDROOM SUITSCHESTERFIELD or (ST. HELENS. NEWS) . COn Tuesday evening, forty four N. N.V//Y , /,;;;;04,11 • • Li lathes•were entertained rn Hac , ; > kett's United Church to a turkey dinner. This wass rthe annual din- per ,party •of the:,t. e Sunshifie Sister group; Mrs.• Chas : :-ET, .McDonald the ,past presidelit, was .• chairl'ady for the evening• After, a ,boantifui meal, Mrs. J' m IA.it- • c.hison •proposed . a toast to • the • new president,. Mrs. Ross • Gam • rude. Mrs...,Gammie in 1)er jovial • 441.:, manner replied. Nine •new menu= i • bers.�have joined:.ins 1962 and Mrs. . a . Harold Gaunt proposed a toast • to to 'these •.ladi.e,s - to .which Mrs, B.F. Green • replzed, As the In stitute. sponsors 'an .active •44I'club, Mrs. 'Frank..McQuillin pro- posed a toast to the '4 leaders, ers, Mrs. Gordon. McPherson Mrs. Ernest Gaunt. Mrs. McPher- son 'h•as been the leader, for 1�1• 1years Mrs Charles McDonald, lens W.h a • .•' • • • . •. • • • • . t • • • ' W a have a :large stock' by the •leading manufacturers •' ; • • and are‘weyou gure will find something to. suit; your •. .��.. R taste.• • •. Drop in _• and look over our selection .,..' • 1 •' • • • • -and''-Mrs. Frank--Thompson-.- Mr. rank- Thomps'on:iVIr. and ;Mrs. Carman Whytock. of • Whitechurch .visited . Thursday with. Mr. 'and Mrs. Alex Whytock. Miss • Marie `Reeking, Galt is, spending the Easter • vacation with her parents',. Mr. and' M•rs. Lorne Seeking. • Mr. Raymond Schumacher: of `Windsor visited Mx. and .' Mrs• Frank Schumacher at the • week= Mr: and ,Mrs: Bab'.; Fischer and family, Kitchener,. :were - 'Easter • visitors • ,with Mrs.. ,,Catherine O'Neil • and Miss , Mary Collison. • Mrs. Irene, Schu�niacher ..has re- turned Irani, Windsor and 'spent a •few days with .Mr. and "Mrs;: 'Frank Se-hurnacher. before going to • the h�orrie ' of • Mr. ` and Mrs. Melvin Zettel; ...Walkerton Mr.. and Mrs.. Keith Hackett. and .family, Islington ;and" Mrs. Tom Hackett, •Ashfield were Ootid Friday visitors with•`Mr.. and Mrs.. Midford Wall., and Donnie. • Mr. and::Mrs; Albert Shelton: and Peter, Parkhill, spent,• Easter S�inday, with Mrs.Frank Brown and .• Reg. , Miss Beverley Wall. spent. the. week -end •'• at: ' 'Mr. and Mrs Alex.. Stewart' $i • ,f.aP•W ; !%9}f/.W...4n 9YQXa 1 C?,00001L18 yyi7i me080.5. : 4f� 04 /.G! . JGr JY�,,r«!%Jk,J,& ���Jfi J :/ i� '+`4 ;km". /� f tl',,1' o Jr�,f p 1 'CV .< . ..3 • H afgorrt who followedhaesa been president the pas Mrs. t lour yrs -_.y,_ rs had' .her services re- • • cognized in a toast proposed 1?y house •..su:ra>rnAndrewGaunt,to which• furnishings. ing: of a sing- ••... BEST. QUALITY at Prices •:that ,will fit your budget, • , consisting g - • . , Of these and all. types of. Mrs. McDonald replied. A " prog- ' : Miriti and Mrs. Banbour; .piano • MacKENZIE, : FURNITURE. STORE • instrumental , by Mrs. Chester. 2 . Mrs. Gaunt. A vote Of thank's was • Reoiember... Th* , Lucknow . . BO': Scout Papa And : ' given the, Hackett's Church' W.o-• :. Clothes Hanger Drive In . LuCknoW. And ..Dungamion • 8th con. Visited Sunday -with- NIr, and Mrs.: Tom •Stewart. : ' • Alekillacicett replied:. Each ,niern.--, Miller. . • • ' . ' ' 'Miss Wendy Ireland, Teeswa- . ter,' spent a couple of days ioth...her. identtfied ITier ;Sunshine ,Sis- • . Mr. and Mrs. .,1VIel, Brown' •and, Mis's :. Doris Wall. • .. ., '" •: 'ter• for. I98.1• by .,:tbe ,piesentatipn ;.N4r.5. MOel ' Murdie of Kitchener - aVIiss Plhyllisi.McPherson, . 8th' PI 1:41 P.F :c9r.,a•gP• ' ---,-.:, • Were Easter viSitors with Mr, & con. is 'spending this Week witir .' I-lorglay; visitors With IVIr:'.and lyIrs; 'Arne WoOdS. . : i •.• ' her grandparentS,..1‘fr, . anti . Mts. NfrS:. ,Harvey Webb. were Mr. and 'Sattu:day .dinner'vititcitS-11/1WM- .i. 'Tom .Stewart.1, ' - - . • Mrs. ;Ken GreWar Old N4neY Csi• and* •Mrs: ..RoSS .Erringt,0 and , awl,: 'and Mrs. 1Vforfey Will :‘& *•80.dtiurY., Mr.• and MO. Pan Rose daughterS. were Mr. and Mrs;: Vic - family :attended a larnilY dinner tor, Errington,: Mr:: and Mrs. Ivan on Easter SundaY „at the homeland: Mrs. :David plizpour of, 'of Mr:' and Mrs. Everett Wfate-, Gue/ph: • • . . . .. . '.• '• ' and: Mrs. John, tournin and farri- . . :Mrs.. Frank. 'Brown :and. Reg town SPent tlie .EaSter Week -end. TtirontO Mr. Arid Mr,s. Haralti.;Er- visited.. ',Sunday .evening With with his mother, Mrs,. 'Laura, 1VIC.. rington and faintly, Mr.. ()liver .. • 1,11,. and ;aua Hwrvl-.ichols•o_ Neil. - . .. - and •farrmily and.Mrs. Hugh Nicht `-Mr.: and Mrs. ••Gordon-MVMclntyre Little. - family, Kincardine and Mr. .and olson, 'Bervie : and :Don of Richmond. Hill. visit - a perfect day 0 go Out.. At any time, in ony weather, your telephone ' takes you where you want to;go. si3opping, . chatting, vi ti.ng..you , name it, ,BELL. putsp the world ,at the ti , of your finger! telephone BUILT,/OPERATED AND OWNED BY CANADIANS. •a • • Seven tables were in attendance at S.S. N:o. 3: euchre party on :• Wednesday :evening, '.Prize "Win- ner's were victor Errington and Tom Rivett ' - with consolation .:prizes going;' to' Wallace •and Wan- da Wilson • Ross 'and.' Gordon Pannabecker `are- • visiting this week with • :friends in ' Kitchener. . BORN — to. Mre and Mrs. Don Cameron (M•argaret ;>. Miller) , on.. April.. 22nd in .Wingham Geneiral : Hospital a son.: Congratulations,! The May meeting of the :W.I. r l .. be held on 1VIay 3rd at 2 o'clock: -Guest - 'speaker will be :Mrs. Victor Emerson speaking•'on. Public • 'Relations: Motto by • Mrs. Frank. McQuillin, Lunch and pro gram, .Mrs..' Peter Campbell and. Mrs.. Ross .G.adnrnie. Plans' were made to quilt two Red •Cross, quilts at this meeting; Members are asked to .. come ::prepared. •Note change in bine., Mr. '..and' ,Mrs. John Gardner were Friday evening' .` dinner with i r. ,. . guests'VY , and :Vlrs. Lorne Woods on the: occasion of Mr.. & 1Mr.'" Car;rner's fortieth wedding •anniversary, ' Also •attending were Mrs, Murdie and Mr. ,ancd•.'Mrs. Mel Brown of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ted iFreeman of Acton 'were week -end guests of Mr. a Mrs Ancirew Gaunt and.' .Murry . *LAN FOR. SALE OF COUNTY FARM,, STOCK;- EQUIPMENT The Board of Man .;exnent of Huronvi•ew have set Pri•day. •June 1st. 1962 for the •.safe of, cattle at Iluronview''& Saturday, June • Oth, .1962 for the sale of •the •barn; land and farm equipment.. County • Couurcit itself for : the June session Will convene orn Monday, JJtinfkl1th, 1962..for the entire week. "If' 1 marry you, may I. keep, nay job at the officers .she asked. it'��Let you? I'm depending on