The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-25, Page 7WEPNE,SD,t Y, APAIL 25th, 1962; fi TUE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, :LUCKNOW, ONTARIO install- Qffl'cers.:. Of Kair,.h.e�; 1M.1, KINLOUGH • Mrs. ,Douglas Graham, 'Con. 2, and her ' daughter, Miss. Gladys Graham,: R.N. ,of Oakville visit- ed on• isit-ed'on• Monday with• Mrs. William Cox .and Rev.' Benson Cox. • Nfiss Frances Woods .of 'Tees water *asa dinner guest with Mr: and 'Mrs. Dan McInnes and family. ' 'Congratulations • to Mr., -and Mr.'s.. Ernest iKempe'I en the '.birth . of :'a• daughter.' ' Billy and ICentny ?Kerripel spent. a few days with Mr. • and Mrs: •iFrank ' Johnston. ,Mrs. )Clare Sparling. acrd Doug •l:as• of: Walkerton ;spent 'Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hal-,' deny ' M -i.' •an. d :Mrs. Frank .Mattlden and" Keith 'motored to Giielpli on. 'Friday to :-meet Mr. J. :R. Lane, :who ; has ' been : spending 'awhile wibfi• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips and Peggy at Fonthill. Keith. re- turned to' Fonthi11 where , he will visit for a . few days.. ' . The • Presbyterian W.M.S.- met at the horne of .Mrs: ,Morley: Bu- shell' with Mrs; Jack. Barr .presid- : in;g. ' "Jesus keep me near the Cross"';was: sting followed by ` the, scripture and' meditation on ''Ensile: '.Miss Margaret''Robertson led in prayer., The 'roll. call was • "An Easter. Verse." • Mrs; Dori Bushell .gave' the reading on 'a Missionary. Mrs. - Edbert Bushell presided' .for the. • followiri�g grog-: ram •and' also conducted a 'Bible • • nett" and `Bag of Tools;" Mrs. Harkness, Margaret:.. -Robertson *. Mrs. Alex: Percy on 'Easter. Guest speaker was. Mrs. Jack''Pollock on "Let's - Untwist.". A :reading,. "Snowdrops" .was given by Mrs. Frank Maulden. Mrs, Tom .Mac- Donald '.gave the.• courtesy re- marks. The: Lord's Prayer 'closed the ,meeting and lunch • was 'sere ed.:" Friends- of the: Rev. D; J. Lane of • Clinton are sorry to hear that he is a: patient in ' the .Clinton hospital. He• ' suffered a heart seizure, and at' the •time. •of writ- ing,`. he is`;improving ' Mr.. and Mrs. George iHaldenby entertained Mr. and , Mrs. Clare S.parling and: family and:Mr.. and Mrs.' . Harold. Haldenby:' and' lam- ' ily'at': .tdinn•er• on Good'.Friday. George leaves;. this week :for �Ot- tawa' where he .will • be employed :by the Standard. Paving :Co. • Mr' . arid.. ,Mrs.;` marl `Boyle and Carol o'f'-London visited over. the 'week end;: with Edna ` and May. �Boy1e and other . relatives and friends here. • "Miss D'onria• Nicholson of Strat=. ford, Mr.. and Mrs.-. N E. 'Evan s 'and Linda of Tororito visited over ;the .week,=end': with • Mr, and. r.s Bert Nioholson Evelyn, ' All btt; & Lois. ' .Con ratulatlons to ..Mr and Mrs...' .Elgin' . Hogg ; (nee " Marie Sch'neller) .Who were married on Saturday. •`• • • • Mr. ' Donald Earl of Ingersoll and 'Margaret S-ohneller:'•of. - Kit- ehener were guests att'he ,Hogg= ;Schneller. wedding on S�'aturday quiz:' Readings: were given by and spent the week -end. here.• sell Herwi�tt . to the.. village.. The Mrs: Sutton "That .'.Easter •Bon - We "welcome Mr. •an�d•Mrs '�R:us-. They !are residing.i�n the'Graham horcne. : Mrs, Harry 'Laois iwashostess for- the annual meeting of the Kairshea: Women's .Institute on Thursday,, April 19th. Mrs. Garish. Moffat and Mrs," Ira D•iaie were in ' charge 'of the meeting.. Mrs,' Frank",MacKenzie read the scrip- •ture,., 21 members, answered'' the troll call with tpayment':of :fees and written suggestion .for next years program, " A i v Mrs.. ' Cliff Roulston gave the report of District Directors Meet- ing • held at 'Whitechurch. . The'' District Annual will, b& held at 1 Holiyrood, on May '1•Bth 'Delegates. appointed besides .the president• and. District 'Directors were Mrs. Gib Hamilton, Mrs. Ted Collyer.. Alternates are. Mrs: Jim Burt & 1VIrs. Lloyd M'aoDougal: ` • Annuals reports were ' received by -'the, standing committee con- veners. The secretary -treasurer's statement showed a . balance of $715.37.. Four .new Members joined" last year. 'Miss Ruth, Thompson, R.N,,, of. the -Health Unit, visitedthe meet- ing ',briefly and a.'discussion, was held on 'a clinic, •.for, Polio. oral vaccine. . A, comrni.ttee., was ap- poiriled to assist. Th .e .,President, J. ESSO .SERVICE ' FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS ' BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRED (Most Sizes : In Stock) AT REASON,LE PRICES! Repairs; to All .Makes: of Cars ;and Tractors: 3 Licensed Mechanics " rt; heel Alignment and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER • Institute. Directors - Mrs. Harry Laois, Mr's, Fred Gilchrist, .Mrs.. Roy ,Finiayson,' Mrs. .Elmer Rea - Vie; , Sunahine. Committee Mrs. Iltarold Campbells Mrs. Virden Mowbray;. Standing. Committee .Conveners;. Agriculture;and Can adian Industries, Mrs. Eldon: ,Welsh;' Historical :Research and Current ,• Events;' ' .Mrs. ' Allister, Hughes; Mrs. Harry: Lavin; 'Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Jim Burt; ,Resolutions., `Mrs. Gib Ham_. ilton;' Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Lloyd ' MacDougal: Secretary '• and 'Public. Relations Officer w., ill , meet • and. draw tip. a budget before' next, meeting. An : Easterr eau ng was given by Mrs. Allister ' 'Hughes, hes All g , and a solo. •by' i• Mrs. Alex Mac eod. Mrs. Frank •MacKenzie gave the. courtesy re- Marks., •Mrs. Ted 'Collyer' will "be; Thos tess for the May. meeting, May 24th, Please note -change of date.' Mrs. Donald MacKinnon •and.Mrs. . Virden .Mowbray are the - direct- ors.. 'The roll..'call will be "My •favourite household -hint," Mrs. Harvey Houston presided for the 'election Arid ithe 'nstaI1 tion , of.' the following; officers President, Mrs. Parish •`Moffat., ist vice-pr.e,,.,. Mrs: Frank Mac- Kenzie; 2nd vice -:pies., Mrs.. Ted Collyer;. sec-treas., 'Mrs. '.Ira 'Dic ;k.ie; assist, -see:., Mrs: Evan. Keith district director,' Mrs:Cliff Cliff Rout- ston;. alternate ..dist. director; Mrs. . Donald, MacKinnon; public rela- tion officer, Mrs. Harvey Houston•, auditors, Mrs.. Currie ..Colwell, Mrs, Robert Gilchrist,'' pianist, Mrs., Harvey` 'Houston; •assist. pianist, Mrs Elliott.. Carruthers; 11' An old" Fable tells. the story of°several boys idly throwing stones ata 'group: of frogs in a pond. .'Boys " complained one of the frogs at last, "this • : may be fun for you but. it is death, for us." • Too often we do thoughtless things without consideration for others for example, spending Our money solely for pleasure . without regard forour family's future.- How much better it would be to provide for that future through the medium. ' of Sun Life of Canada's modern life insurance policies.. Life ineuronee'le 111_,31 profeeelon. iu! Idris at your' • *nice. Why not cali me today? . You will be under' ' no obtigation. $UN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA m. Kinahan RA. 2, L1 CKNOW Phone Win'gham 717—w-4. SUN LIFE ASSUFANCi COMPANY Of CANADA We are pleased to report that Mr; Tom,Hodgins, returned horne from Wingham.,Hospital where he had been patient. Mrs. E. Arinstrong an'd, Mrs.• J. 'Harrington Of•:Brantford and Mrs.' S. Dernco of'Niagara Falls, Mr. ,&, Mrs. Dori Bushell and family were Easter visitors ;:with ;Mr.' and Mrs; t James M. Hodgins Sr' t Mr. and Mrs. Verne Warwo-od and Jane 'and Mrs: Gladys: Davies of Toronto visited over• Easter With Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hallen Eby arid' Mr. ' and . Mrs: Walter •Breckles and their families. The' Anglican W.A. are having an• entertaining day 'at the church on Thursday afternoon. . "'Mr. and Mrs: Perry 13ushell & family of Toronto spent' Easter with Mrs. ,John Bushell and' fa- mily. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Barr of Toron .ospent the week -end with Mrs. John Barr and. Donald. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd ,Percy of St. Catharines' were recent visit - Ors with .the Percy families here. Mrs. Jack Hewitt and Miss Erl- .ma Percy attended the .0,,E.A..,at Toronto this week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs Jack Barr and family were M'Mr's>-MGil- bertt" Hamilton, Ross and Don . & Miss ,Beatty Hamilton, Messrs. Floyd '& Douglas Stan- ley spent the :holiday at , t'heir. home here, M'r. "and Mr.s. Ezra. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tollefson are enjoying a h'olida in Flordia. Mrs, William Cox and Rev. Benson Cox ' spent Easter with. Edna, and May . B.oy.. • OLIVET -'NEWS .The ' .Junior Red Cross. 'held their •Easter' meeting on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Betty' Nlc'arlan, who has. been teaching here dui= ing • the ,absence of ' Mrs. Elliott, Made. chocolate Easter eggs which were. ;sold. Mrs. Betty Elliott visit- ed the meeting and 'introduced. her small daughter Peggy,.:Lynne, oto -heir delighted ted ilsr . ' • l�•F� Miss , Florence s' Mc4ennarn. ' of "Lochalsh was guest soloist • in Olivet United,Church on :Easter. Sunday. She. sang, "There's a tight On the Cross." The: .choir sang, the anthem "The Man: ori. the Cross," Mr. , Walter Dexter. singing . the solo part. '• Mr. '.'.and' Mrs. Walter Dexter. visited. on Sunday.: with. Mr: and Mrs,' Fred ICraigie .bf. Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. Orville '.Guy of Mitchell visited on Saturday with Mrs. Alvin Hamilton .and family: Mr. Hamilton left on'Thursday for Toronto *here he joined 'has ,boat for . the . sailjng season., : Mr. and. ' Mrs. H'arol'd Stacy, Debbie. • and , , Lisa . of , Toronta spent .the holiday 'week=end wi'th Mr. and' ' Mrs.' Ray Hamilton: & family. ; Mrs. .Harvey Brooks . and fa= milt' visited' ,•on • Friday With Mrs. George' Brooks in LLuckn�ow,• Misses., Alice. and. Shirley; of Tor- onto and London are visiting with - their mother • for the . Holiday. week -,end. ..Roulsteh •Mr. and Mrs.. R, .J . ,� Robert of Hamilton ..sand Mrs. Edith' .Rouls.ton of •Stratford visit- ed on Saturday with Mr, ; and `. Mrs. Walter, Roulston; Mary and .• Gordon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Barkweil of Dundas and Mrs: Jenny. Frid of • Hamilton• visited on Sunday with. - , Mr. .and Mrs W. T. Rouaston; ;Miss Ruth Black of, Kitchener spent Good Friday 'iv ith••.her: par- ents, Mr and' Mrs. • . Ross . Black. Miss Donna Osborne of Toron- to is .spending: the Easter holidays', : ' with her mother, 'Mrs. ' Elmer Osborne •Miss Jessie MacCha�rles :of Ripley visited 'on !Su iday. *With Mr. and. Mrs. Sandy:'MacCharles and'' family: Mr.' Ronald and • Miss ' : Trudy Henning of Brampton were week- end 'visitors`- with, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ' Henry, : Mr.' and Mrs. Haarr.,. Y .Colling, Carol and Mary',Anne. visited on :Sunday with . ,Mr, acid 'Mrs.' Har old Joahnston end Bert, sof . Tees - water. • aoeseimemti000i ooe eeemeoo ono••••••••o••• o. o• •. •j IN s' LATE ...:•••:: MODEL • go 44▪ '1862 •Pontiac 1961 Pontiac Laurentian, power steering, automatic, : fully o ' . equipped. i ped. , - •• '1961 Pon 'acParisienne 4,door ' 'hardtop; V-; automatic,�•8 •▪ • •' fully powered ' . •. 1961• Chev Impala ' 4 door Hard • •p Trop, V..-8, automatic, ' fully • •' •' powered. - t: • 1961 Pontiac Stratochief, automatic ' • .1961 Ford Fairlane 500 Sedan, automatic ; in • 1960 •Chev Belair Sedan, automatic . , *•,1960 :Vauxhall sedans:: 0 • • .: • 1959' Pontiac Sedan, automatic, fully equipped • 1959 Chev Sedan,' . automatic, fully equipped w 1958 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic.' • • .1958: Pontiac .Sedan, • apptomatic • ' ` � 1957 Chev Sedan autdin ii • • 1957 Pontiac sedan,.standard. •• 1957 Dodge V�8 sedan, automatic. • 1951 Ford '2=door Station Wagon e 1957 Buick Sedan, 'automatic . • 1956 Ford Custom Sedan, automatic • 1956' Chev Sedan, automatic. 0 1955 'Chev sedan e . • MANY,, OLDER MODELS T.O • 0 • Brussels A• ors •e . Cities-, Service Dealer none 173 Br • t P is ® .... A Brussels 41os•••o•aso 000aiooe••o•o••••000••s••••••ioia•.• s• 0 Laurentian Sedan automatic . ,fully equipped �. •' • •> • 0 i, • • -• .power steering- • • S• • • • : •. •. • e • •. at c. • • CHOOSE FROM • • . • .. •