The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-18, Page 8E EIGHT TH>, LUCKNO IT BTTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN, AND CALCIUM TO BUILD STURDY BODIES Present Request Ta loin , F.S. J�rea Duron Township.. Council met pursuant to adjournment with ail • members present. Mr. Waldie Public School In- spector and William McCreath, presented requests from School Sections No. 11, 12 ,8e- 15' to join • Ripley7 uron. School area 'and as there was a ; :dispute , as to the legality of the vote taken at No. 15 the `'• matter was : left until clarified!- ' :Ste/Wart • Needham approached the ••Council .:asking for the issue •kif ID.ebentures for the Huron and Kinloss 'Telephone: System .. for ,installing. ,a 'dial :system at the Dungannon exchange •and -a trunk• • cable tol Bervie • .84.25.•:horticultural Society' flo- Free! Marie Frasbr's "Milk -Mates for Moderns" recipe. booklet. Write today. A Division of. . • . DAIRY' FARMERS OR CANADA 147 Davenport Road,Toronto 5 flow•er.abeds; Gave ,third and 'final reading. of, , the • Ferguson, Camip(bell, • Sut=• ton and'McLeod Municipal drains and called. for tenders fox their Construction:. • 'Council also 'placed $1,500 in a -grader reserve •fund • bringing ' the. total- reserve up to $8,000.. The following .accounts •"were ordered :paid. !, • Cemetery .-•Ivan Pollock; care, $80:20; William, McCreath, floor, 'covering for Chapel; 46.35.• ' • ,Township Harvey. Ritchie 2 fox bounties, $8•.00; Doris' .Mac- Donald, care. of hall, 39.50; .Mem- bers of Council; Part. of salary; $50.. each; 'Registry' Office, list, 3.54; Telephone System, haul phone' 'and ' toll s, 16.28;' Glenn Farrell, postage, • 5 00;• .Sterling Trusts, grader reserve, 1,500.00;' ielief,',215.00;;: Nursing Home care, if1Siai Off �• ers• Brothers, snow ,plowing, 98.00; Gordon Stewart, snow plowing, 276.00; ,Bill Kempton, snow plow- ing,. 108,50;; Harry Coiling, haul- ing and loading, 27.30;.Lorne Rit- chie, blowing snow, .68.50;{Ronnie McLean, blowing . snow, 21.00; Earl Tout, postage, 9.00; Franks garage, repairs, and antifreeze, 11.22; Imperial 'Oil Ltd., gas ..and diesel fuel, 264,90; . 'Dominion Roads, grader edges, 75;72 Steve Irwin; postage and telephone tolls, ,12.00; H. Hodge, repairs,. 134.18; : Frank 'Cowan and ; Co., Compensation- Insurance, 167.00; C. H Munro, .salt and antifreeze, 10.05. Council' adjourned to meet. on May '7th. 1 EARL' TOUT, Clerk. The following resolutions were wer be,d •care, 20.00; -Post Office," 1 That the Clerk have a By-law '*drawn up for` :the. Telephone. De- ' ,bentture; w That e ..order War' ie. p,?u�der from ,John Elliott • We: donate .$20 to.the Bortictii tural. ,Society ;for. the 'upkeep of • tote, herd their annual meeting In: -. • Monday, •April 9th' with Mrs..J. L. MacMillan presiding During •the business. exhibit • for the �FallFair. was ' nnetd passed unemployment stamps, 7.84. Roads _ "'Steve; Irwin",, Super- intendent, $325.00; Wayne Lowry, grader, ,.246:50; Dave Moore, labor • and wing,' '140.40 Graham Cook, . bulldozing, 80.00;. Benson Hard- ware, toolS, ard-ware,-tools,: 4790; 'Roy'. Marsha,l1, . snow plowing, 101.50, : Coiling : The . Lucknow:. Women's Insti-. Of lvcknow • Phone; D PLANTS LORIST N-N,"�•'41i-�'.-...-•.•;e-�•�•! 0.114-e.-.-•`�•-o-+• ♦N-♦'�-N RIPLET MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering Mondays .-- Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 pm. Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMES EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do. Curing and 'Smoking . .. Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold ^ Whole, Half or Quarter .. . For Better Service, And Lower Prices Call Ripley 100, Chas. Hooisnia, Prop. ESSO SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) AT REASONABLE. ; ; PRICESI`. Repairs to All Makes of Cars arid Tractors 3 'Licensed Mechanics:. Wheel Alignment andBalancing MOTORCADE DEALER Mrs. A. J.. Wilson and Mrs. T. • `: J. . Salkeld were ;nozn nated: as ':delegates to 'District: Annual to lie ,held in Holyrood. A Daffodil Tea was planned .;for' April 28th with .proceeds to be 'donated .to. -the. 'Cancer Society . Mrs.' C Stewart requested in- formation on the drinking .foun tarn . the Institute. had: donated to the town; Mrs.'•. P. Stewart reported• on -the District Executive . •meeting:. and \asked the .members: to study the' new ' hand book to be .Pre- pared for •a quiz.; The . annual 'secretary=treasurer's report was given. by :'Mrs: A..: J. Wilson and showed •a very suc Cessful year for the Lucknow .Branch, • with total' revenue of $2,021.85 Reports were :given by all standing: committee conveners. The auditors report read by Miss L. 'Finlayson. Mrs. J. L..MacMil- lane thanked the executive,, :con veners and members fortheir co • •.operation and faithful: atndance Awing ' the' year.' Mrs. it. .Robert- son' moved : a vote of . thanks. to Mrs. MacMillan on .behalf of the W.I.for her capable leadership during the year. ,Mrs. Bark -Well read . the report of ,nominating committees. , Mrs. C: Cooke pre- sided. for 'the inatallation of of- tigers: Mrs. J. L. MacMillan, president for 2nd year;• lst vice,, Mrs. G: Whitby, 2nd +vice,: Mrs . O Brooks; sec.-treas., Mrs; A. J. Wilson; asst. treas., Mrs. R. •Rdbertson; pianist, Mrs. A. McDiarmid;. asst+ pianist, Mrs. H• Strapp; District director, Mrs.. P: Stewart; Alt,+ director; Mrs. ,.G. ' Fisher,• '.(Jhe'erio Com., Mrs. Barkwell, Mrs: K. McDon ald; Federated News; Mrs., l8ark- well; .Auditors, 'Miss L.' Finlay son, Mrs. K. McDonald; 'Inst, dir- ectors; Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs J. Em- merlon, Mrs, N. 'J. McKenzie. Standing Committee Conveners glome Economic- and Health, Mrs. G. Saund,ers; 'Historical Re- search, Mrs. N. J. McKenzie;: Re. solutions,' Mrs W'. Fe, McDonald; Citizenship and Edticatiori, "Mrs, kI: M'ole, Agriculture ander Cana • 'WEDNESDAY, , APRIL 18th, 1962 Promofe..Icrm Safety •Measures The. Bruce County Far,m Safety. Council to 'further the promotion of ,safety throughout the County,. :is purchasing J2,000 tarn .imple- ment safety stickers which will be distributed in late . May or • early June this year! These im- plement stickers will 'be radi- ant green !or red approximately 3'inches by 5 inch. es and Will bear the "message "Think, Safety First." The stickers will' have an ,adhes -ive back which .will make them.' easy to ,apply: to the farm -tractor Or. other farm implements. They will be placed 'on an implement 'where •they will be easily . seen (by the operator when working :with• -'the machine and to always remind the operator to ;"Think Safety 'First. . „Bruce Go. Farm Safety .Coun-` ell is purchasing•2 •display boards which will the used, to display safety posters, safety slogans, ,&: other, safety material at district rallies, fall fairs, annual Meetings nand other ,Agricultural meetings. The display boards will be of the folding type about. 4 •feet ,high'. .and will be available to zany_ ru- ral, organizations -Wishing to put on a safety displayat a meeting, largely .attended Iby' farm people. Requests for the display boards. • di'an ":Imdustr Mrs. .4 Miller, Public Relations, Mrs.' A.McNay The me'eting closed with. the Qu,e'en cl_laistitutea gr :ce '• o untif l pot 1 ck: su _.. enjoyeda u u t u . p b p per. ' • HEATING OILS GASOLINE , OTHER FARM PRODUCTS should be.• forwarded to the 13 pertinent -of Agriculture • offic Walkerton.., in plenty of time t make sure of their ayailablit and delivery. • The Bruce CountY''Farm Safet Council plans to 'hold 4 distri rallies. in the County in, late Ma, Communities suggested for•••tle rallies are. 'Marton, . Kincardin� Formosa,. Tara, .. The rally ..pra rams 'will include •,a demonstrati of artificial re'spiration; educ afeety ;displays„..:and . or more guest speakers who wi be speaking • on .topics., of''.safet • k 000,1 Gem" Ne.1 AWN. HAY PA TURF• Mme' JOHN FROM for --�-" field No • °1i► co inln: t_:• • e 1ta f C Re clover__Na___. ,6ineoln Brom° • `,/ CO-OP HAY AND•,PASTUR:E MIXTURES,.. BIG kid BONUS Now -more than ever—the Co-op Big' Bonus Hay and Pastu'r'e Program takes the guesswork out of selectin seed -mixtures for ' higher yields, and hence higher . fa profits.. How? Simply by taking advantage -of our ne ;prescription.`•mix seed'. service. And it's so convenien too .'...' right in your own area !'• Here's how it works. jus. pay .a visit to your Co-op and discuss your,.particul: seed requirements ,-with its Soil. and Crop Specialist Based on 'Department'. of Agriculture recommendations high quality name -variety seeds will be accurately blende j. 1nour,' NEW SEED MIXER! : These specific mixtures will,. allow for laaaaximum yields of the hay and pasture required in YOUR livestock program. �r, r. fi?r ..1.'1.'•l%1::,r' f f } fr, �, ifffl/r:.."�:r:;:::.�1 f.:' fY.. ;,'. ':::?!!; `•r&nf.,�`;:.:•l:.}u'}.'1.%' %r�.•�,;1: !y'r,'•r.'•fri•...r• ��! f • m�f „ !//f��'1' •/ •:.f, {�.� �I�'f��fi//,�ffiS.n :`f ��f,�;�?�;'�1•��+`'�f COOP Our objective is s to make Yov more success •UNITED CO'-OPE;RwriveS of ONTARIO C:KIi OVI