The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-18, Page 5• 1WFDNESDAY, APRIL 1.8th, 1982 ' • THE LUCHNOW SENTINEL, LucKtTo,we ONTARio Kinloss Young Man - Taking Nurses ' Training Course And : Loves ,, It TO THE LUCKN W AND DISTRICT LIONS •CL EASTER. SEAL , FUND FOR CRIPPLED • CHILDREN • A Partial List Of Donations To This Worthy Cause Follows: . JOhnGilmore, Misies ,Fred Guest, 'James Cameron, Al- bert Morninatar, Charles Web- ster, 'Peter iCeoke, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod, Robert Finlay, Miss Jennie 'Pierce; Jim Arnold, lVfiss B: Harris, Mrs. Winnifred Nixon, 'George. McRoberts,: • Miss , Cora MacQuaig,,T, IL. Anderson, W. L. McKenzie, MacKinnon, John MacKinnon, Miss M. Pickering, • Russel, Swan, M.S. Isabelle M. MacKenzie, Mrs. T. C., Anderson,' Donald MaaKinnon, • Miss Ida Whyard, Wilfred Hackett, Miss.. • Isabelle MaoThin,ald, Earl Swan, Rev, Rod IVIcIdeOd, Allan Johnston,' • Archie Aitchison, 'Stewart 0 LayiS; Mr. Wilmer sErrington, William .Caesar, .,,Gordon Montgomery, •Fred Anderson,• Clark $inlaysoh, Douglas. Hart* John De Boer, -, Mr. Everitt Errington,. • 1,13: Quance, Douglas ,Grahann, Mrs. E. • Reavie, Ross McPherson, Camer- on MacDonald,. Thos. Hackett • Raynarcl Ackert,, Mrs. Chas. •Ste; ward, W. B. ,Anderson, Ernest Lewis, Jack. ycKendrick, Frank Thom,pson, Donald Thoinpson, L. •D., Ballentyne„ Jessie MacKay, L. •C. Thompson, Ken _Young, W. W, Hill, Thos. • H. Burns, Warren. 'Zinn, Mrs. Maud -Sther- wood, Robert 0 McGregor, ',Harold Glenn, -Frank Glenn, Dr. M. H. Corrin, Edgar Watson,. Mrs'. Etta Rdbertson, Robert .MCIntosh, Mrs: R. T, Douglas, William, Eadie, Alex Andrew, Marvin Durnin, Fraser , McKinnon, Fred Tiffin, WUliam Cranston, Frank' .41tcin, James• _Henderson; Rae Watson, Duncan'Finlayion; Jack Van Osch, Susan Gibson, Mrs. Annie Jewitt, 'Miss Christina Carrick, Gordon' Cprigram, Vernon Hunter, Donald• McKeniie, ' Harvey Kilpatrick; Jack 0 Fisher, • Harvey Houston,. Phillip Stewart, J. R. Laine, J. R. McLeod, W, H. Irvizi, Mrs. Ross CUrnrning,' 'Mrs: Verna, Elphick; Renrinki: Herb Finnigan, Gir- vin Reid, Mis. MelVin• Reed, Er- nest Blake, Charles ,Bristow, And- • rew Gaunt, Mrs. E. Hollynian, E. Kern:Pei, : Lannarlit Miller, Miss E. A. MUrdie; Herb V,* • MacLennan, ..Miss Eliza Mac1V111- W: J. porter,, Frank Ritchie,• L, E Ashton, William Ross Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Mrs. Sam:Reid, Joseph Wall.,,red Yoimg, Gordan SraYth, Blake Alton; Geprge, Mc- Innes, • George Newbold, W. J. Brpwri, Mrs. Sam' Merrison,' Geo. 'Hallam, Peter Van Osch, Ken -.Murdie; Mrs. 'Harold . Treleaven,. ,Stimson, Fred. Jackson, Mrs: 'Ed. Thom Gerald ,Dorscht, Jean Griffin, Miss Kate •McGregor, Clarence Gibbons,Alan Cransten, M. Huniphrey, lev. W. NoVright, Herb Clayton, A:E.. MoKhn, Mrs. Verna. Cuibert, Mrs. Robert Here, Thoinas Jamieson, •Elwin Hall, Spence •CeEil Blake, Mel Greer, Williarn.Fishdr, Ivirs. WM. Bushell„Dr. Vokes,George Henry, Evan Keith, Thorrias MacFarlene, Harold 0 Elphick, MacIn- tyre, William A. Stewart, Harold Ritchie, James Keerie, Williarri. Johnstone, S. B. Stothers, Milan Moore. 0 - Mrs. Edward Foley is confined KINGSBR1DGE : Mrs . Dennis Dalton spent the to Goderich Hospital: We hive • , • .• 0. I • • week -end in Hamilton., • -she will, enjoy better health soon. .• 1 • 'AGE d 4 - • • .!1 • Mr. and .Mrs. Hilary • IVIeriard, • Bobby, Danny and Debbie •of • Arnaka; Nebraska, .-7,ViSited 0 with' Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin dur- ing .the past week: Mr. :and Mrs. Leo Courtney, • Mrs. Ian Hogan and. Mrs. John • Austin spent Thursday in 'Terontci, • and attended the funeral Of; ,Mrs. —Thomas Bryan Sr. • • . 'Mr.:and lyIrs. John.•Haward and . family .visited 'friends in Formosa . • on Saturday. • • •' Mr. Terry Dalton left urmg the past week to spent the next • few manths• in Montreal, ,Mrs. Jos : O'Keefe Visited 'friends • •i.ir. Niagara Falls over the. Week- • • visiting .TtirontO? be our honoured guest . Win every room .overlooking Lake &dark) . . • hotel facilities si entertainment nightly, only 7 minutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road • at the fabulous' ' 0THOTELI.• free parking -. . call RO 6-439 at the door • • for reservations .Lt.--ruRposE Ff.. .1f.•.I.AOTkRN IT'S A LANTERN, spreading, a bright light, evenly over a large area. •. •• • , ITS ASEARCHUGHT with a pOweifitl, long 'range. • , . IT'SA SAFETY SEASON with a ,red flashing light for emergencies. •.. • PRI Proll 1E1 Whether you're at home or in the field, on the road, on the trail or in a boat, youTII find the Atlas all-purpose safety lantern the handiest, most useful lantern you've ever seen. This offer is for a limited time only se make sure you. get your Atlas all-purpose safety lantern soon ! 41k YOURS 411F NOW • (inducting the Atlas FOR ONLY Heavy Duty be,ttery) • MUbIll BELOW rrs ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE (plus sales fax where applicable) •• • AVAILABLE' ONLY FROM THE IMPERIAL. ESSO AbOT*WHISSE.NAME APPEARS. 8E144 •'GRANT CHISHOLM ' • LUCkNOV%1 ALIA/AYS LOOK 70,111611PERIAL FOR THE BEST • • • • • . • . . • • PIONEER-,4.-Malcolin. • MacDonald, 10, Of Itirilciss Township, first male nursing 'student at '1‹,-1'W Hospital, takes a patient's' temp- erature. •He loves the, wiirk; he says. . • „ • • • 'Cut courtesy Kitchener Record • Nursing is more :a Man's job than; a .Wornan's, -Malcolin (Mac) Hespitars _first • ncrale student' aurae says. • Aftersix months study, the 19 -year-old :youth: from Kinloss Township 'does." not • think it's , a jcib for a gentle ,woman'.• "There'S a Jot Of heavy lifting inyolved."' . . • HIS reactiens to nursing'So far: • "I love . • it's. challenging. There's endless Opportunity 'as there are only 25' male nurses in Ontario.. But you've got: to have a Sincere interest in mankind'Y. *Mr: MacDonald wild prefers -to e ca e Mac, feels tit certain b 11 d ' • jobs are 7done 'better_ by, men.. He said :serving Male surgical. pat!, lents Was. an. exert -vie.' • • . • "I think male nurses •are bet ter with male patients -The %nen are niore, likely to talk' to BUt he has' learned that female nPatriseens.ts. are. not u "Wheri answered some of. their calls,, the . first comment that greeted 'rne -when 1 walked in the door was 'I want a nurse Please.'....EVerything wa:.? tine 'after, explained." • .• • • AA -lather exPerience.which used • to° embarrass , him , was receiving a report, back fro' n instructor •who ,called out :for Mrs. Mae MaeDOnaId. 0 • • .4.'1 sign, my rePortk "Mae' •' and • sonie ,don't realize it's me,"• ;he• said, • • : , a class with -53 girls, Mr.. ',MacDonald has adjusted: to: the,: Twin City setting after some early difficulties. f`It was hard. at first. People stared at me on tours. I could .feel :them looking, It •doesrift bother' me 'anyrriore,!' ' He 'Iva§ ',Prepared at ' the. begin - fling for 'such qu?stions as I "What's' it like being with ''all • these. girlS,'''%and "Why did yeti] ever think. Of nursing. He swered theinas bluntly as poS- A 'grade 13 student of tuck-' now District High School,. the: youth decided to became a nUrse, While Wbrking itt a Kincardine grocery store laSt year. • "My p,arents didn't believe me at. first. They'd never heard. of a Male riurse'before. Father was I quite skeptical Ibitt now they t • ,The third youngest • of seVen. children of Mr and Mrs. •Thomas 1ViaoDonald, xt..0., 3; Kincardine,':-, ,4t • he has foursisters and, two bro- • • thers. • • While he's • undecided about. the' 'future,' he's • thought , about, •- •.travelling , and further studY. thinkit!s great," When .I'm a nurse I 11 be able 1 to go anyWhere. It's also pos- sible 1 -Might go. to the Univer- siZstr' es btWdoe-getreeren: ntarid' 'for master's , • •He .is ..living .in!'..the interns' resid6nce, , at the hospital. • • — 4 Whilehe is the • hospital's first male student, *he's nothing . • • new to nursing, R. 11: Bearnish, director .of nursing said. ' • Male ntirsing4 started • in Eur- • ope decades, ago, she points ,ou • • HITECHURCH • . . . • ' • • • • .4 • . . , • • mr. and 1,VIrS. •Clayton ''Scholtz "‘ and family- of •Goderich visited on $undaY atthe lionie.Of.• Mr: iind Mhorms.8,,C.hof•ar14ei, Mvaartreinnit.8an;:: dm-ra.t a.t.444e Mrs. Ezra iScR4ltz. • .: • . Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Moss•and. family Plattsville. visited on. Sunday at the home :of Mr.:and Mrs. • Ben McClenaghan. • kbalir,teeri .of • the uk.mr,, , attended': a. meeting •at' Donny,.. brook last Tuesday as • well as ' ladies from Calvin ;• Brick, West- • field, ' Auburn . and St. Helena: • •Mrs. Audrey Tiffin Ott' Wingha,M • •Wa8• 'guest . speaker. 'Mrs. 0,Offin. , Sang. in her usual Pleasing Man- ner: • • • •• • Mrs. 'Victor Emnierson attended • a . meeting • for, Bruce South at .804thainPton in cexinection, with, the •Countr ' The Ladles Aid cif the. PresbY- teran Church held a :verY sue- cessfill bazaar in Whigharn on. Saturday. , • 14r, , Charlie Martin . been. confined 'to home for • hitt:). weeks with the flu.. • • .• 1VIr., and Mrs/ Ben visited on 'Thursday with' Mr. Mrs'. Elwood Barbour. Mrs, Robert Purdon is a*patient in' Victoria Hospital. • • Mrs j. G. • Gillespie celebrated her 80th birthday ctn. ,Monday, April gth and entertained the fol- ' lowing to dinner at her home: Mts. W. R. Farrier, Nus. Chas. Martin, Mrs, Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. Mary Cha,prnan Si., Mrs, Walter Lott; •mr.s. nawson, Donald ,Mcbanald„Many cf these • la`thei .have happily tUrned their 80th Milestone. • , Mr. Victor Emmerson attended • the funeral of hiS cousi'n. Whitley on Monday. at Acton. • • • • ;- , • • • • 0;7 1 "0 • ,••1 •'`'' 1 ; ••'„ ' •••—,!,••• :•• " ••• •;. ••••;'.- ,„ "0• 4', f."..• ; •• • ••• ' • ' I • e A • 44 4•