The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-11, Page 51 VaDNk +DAY �x►> llth, 1962 a • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' AR' xavcxxow. ®xprIA• _ •..... . ALFALFA -,-- No. ' 1 Canadian 'Certified Vernal Grown. ,.,..,, • Per 'Bu; .$29.60 (Cyanadian Grown) :. $35.00 .• RED q.OV'ER. No. 1 , Ontario : Gikown . No. =l English Grown...'.. TIMOTHY -- No. 1 Conn -non . . ... , . , . •., , • ', Certified Climax.. SWEET ,CLOVER White or Yellow Blossom •C , ALSIKE -. • •• HAY -PASTURE MIXTURE` For Average Soil. Seed is Treated -and, .$21.00, . $'19:50 $ 8..00.. $19.20• . . $11.00.' $16;00 Sealed in 2 -acre bag' lots .'. ..$8.40. per Acre, LAWN GRASS• — .. ,•..; " . ,.. Special Lawn GrassSeed Mixture, 2 lb. Bali :$1.19 Inlaysoni 1 PHONE .. 91, LUCKNOW The 1st. '.Luc'know. ' Brownie Pack,.met Wednesday, April'• .4th at the .;Town' Hatll. The'• meeting began ,with Via' game; followed by •Fairy Ring,- Inspection and Fairy Gold: Janet Thompson was Toadstool Fairy.: The 'Brownies.' welcomed Betty _. Mathers-.as" Packie for' the Meet-' : �i: i her the Pack S 1 Meet- ing. ,by giving h... , ......, ..: a ... .The Golden .Bar. '+Brownies• practised . knots under. Tawny Owl's direction, Packie 'instruct- ed .the ' Golden ' Hand ,Group in Sema re . 'while the Tween Ph,o, the Y was helped. in her work. • by Brown Owl... • • A game using one ;of the, knots learned, was played by the whble pa: k With the:result that Susan' Hall Brenda and:. Mary '.Jardine, were.. declared the 'charnpion dog catchers. ,.In the Pow=wow• circle, • each ;Brownie' reported :on things she. had. observed on her way home from the :last meeting which in- dicate ' that Spring is' ;..here.; It was , apparent that the degree of• 'observation skill. varies . with different 'girls and that some: Brownies . have more interesting roads . to travel horne than others, asthe.. lists varied from a few items to over' .twenty. For. the: • Y, next. meeting it Was decided . to do' 'Some. 'observing after dark. The meeting .closed with •and. Brow- nienee .: Squeeze Prayer. n '~• The • 'Gnome � S xer Elea dr Y •Whitb� '' was absent, as she, was: attending,,:a' Rally in Toronto at which the Chief Guide, 'Lady' Baden-Powell was; present and the. Brownies .are looking ' for- ward or;ward: to : hearing "all about it" from Eleanor at the next meet ing. . Little' .g irl . when asked what. her •father was doing, replied, "He is listening ., to• ' theignited nations:" Who said ,you can't take it with ;your Just watch : a- woman pack for .a . vacation,.. .SUN. 1.1FF ASSURANCE COMPANY OF f O: :An old Fable. tells the story . of several boys,idlytlrowing stones at it -group of frogs in a. pond. 'Boys," complained one of the 'frogs at hast, "this ' • may be.fun for: you but it is death for us." and the Yrog$ 'Too often are do- thoughtless things without consideration ' for others -for example, spending our money solely for pleasure . without regard for our family's future. How much better it would be to provide for that future through' the medium of Sun Life ofCa.nada's modern life insurance 'policies.. to, initowie t t any profession aril tam at yobs irks. Why not CO me today,' • Yon tetll be tender rto obligation. SUN LIFk ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Wrn.'J. K Phone Winghazn .717-"w14 •R. 2, LUCHNOW Sinton Freso i• Holyrood W.I. (KINLOUGH' ' NEWS) Niro. ,Alex Percy, Mrs. Lyman Sutton,, Mrs. Frank Maulden'' & MissEdna Boyle attended the Women Institute Anniversary 'Party .at Reids .Corner's on Mon-. day.. afternoon We . extend sympathy to.' the family •and relatives • of the late.. Mrs. Dan MacDonald, who ' pas= sed. taWay , at Kincardine, The funeral, was held on.•'Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. MaccDoiald, the former Corintha Kaake ' .. was a sister,in-law. of the ' late" Mrs.. :William Percy. ` . The Holyrood women's. Ins.ti- tute Met on Thursday, Aril' 5th in the. Boy Scout hall with. Mrs. Morgan .Johnston • in , the chair. Letters ; of ; appreciation were. read Mrs Frank .Maulden .gave CULROSS CORNERS Congratulations' to Mr. and Mrs. Mi'dford Wali 'rho celebrated their eighteenth wedding 'anniver- sary on Sunday April 8th,. Mr. Floyd Stanley is practise teaching . in Woodstock.. this week. .. , The . Kinloss boy scouts held a. successful dance at Holyrood Friday evening. The April Showers have ar rived and... most" pf the snow' has disappeared. 'The coiranmunity was repre rented at the Teeswater United 'Church . Friday evenin. g for the Induction. of Rev. J.' Hicks, who with "hiswife and. :family have arrived in Teeswater from As - the funeral' of the late Mrs. Dan MaC,D)onald at ' the Linklater Funeral Home at.''Kincardine on Wednesday afternoon. • Mr. J.R.: Lane•IS visiting with. a report of the District .Directors,: Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Phillips: meeting: The District meeting:: and ;Peggy at Fonthill,. Mr..' and will be held in Holyrood in May.: Mrs. Frank Maulden, and - Keith The •. Institute are. •donating_ oil- accompanied him. to Gait where verware to the Boy Scouts. There they 'visited with Mr.. and ,Mrs. 'will be '•another.. card; •Party :Wet .I Donald, Currie; ' week.. Reports from the Stand-. Mr. and: Mrs, Morley Bushell, in g . 'Committees were read and ::Mr. and , Mrs. Don • Bushell and the new slate of officers was Mrs .John Bushell, visited with :presented by' Mrs. Frank Maul- Mr. and• Mrs: Perry Bushell `at.. den 'who ; also" installed the . fol- Toronto. Mrs. John, :Bushell re - lowing officers:: Mrs. Lyman mained for ' a few. days: Sutton ;is the new President;• 1st Mr. and Mrs. Lavis:.'Vegh', Bon - Vice pres., 'Mrs'.: Alex .Percy; 2nd niean d Linda ..of Windsor., Mr. vice pres., Mrs. Harold. Heiden and ' Mrs. Sid''Gardner., Brian,; by, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. 'Ray/lard :Elaine and Allan of Lucknow Ackert; • Assistant M.S. P.. A. visited'over the week -end " with - Murray; District Director, ' Mrs. Mr: and Mrs: Frank Johnston. Morgan '• , Johnston, ' alternate, : Miss June ' ";McNall of ' Luck Mrs p�TT Smith, • Public' Relations now spent"; a few 'days with. Mr. officer,, Miss Edna •.Boyle; Audi-dand Mrs: Frank. -Johnston. tors, Mrs: Orville. Elliott and ::,,Mr. and Mrs Ian' Munro and Mrs. William ,Eadie; Branch. Dir- Mr. and ,:Mrs 'Hugh Jansen . and.. ectors, Mrs P 'A, Murray, Mrs. family spent Saturday ' evening: 'Jack'' Ackert, Mrs:- Frank Maul with 'Mr: and ,Mrs. Alex Percy, deer. Federated News, Mrs.''; Sara Randy Jansen .spent the week - Farther; 'Pianist Miss (Edna end at, • the . Percy home:', ,Boyle; • , Cheerio .Committee;, 'Mrs. Mr. •• and „Mrs Wallace More, Frank `''Maulden, Mrs.. Frank( land and.: family.' of Gorrie visit - Thompson, ;Mrs. Lorne ..Eadie.1.ed. on :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.• Resolutions; :.Mrs:.' Morgan ,.John -.1 Weir Eckenswiller and, family ston.: Standing -Committees, Ag....- Mr:Weir .Eckenswiller •left on xiculture, and .Canadian Indust- Monday; for ° Port Arthurwhere ; ;ries, .Mrs Lorne. Eadie, Home :he will go on the boats : for, the Economics and Health, Mrs: Jas. navigation season. Smith;. Citizenship and Educa ; Mr. and Mrs:. R. J' Kaake ''& tion, 'MS: Charlie :Murray; . His Larry Stanley were dinner torical'•'' Research, ` ' Mrs. , Perry guests with •Mr: ' and •)Mrs.` Ezra Bodkins, Mrs. William Eadie,' Stanley on ' Saturday evening.. Mrs, Howard ' Harris and:. Mrs. _..Mr. Floyd Stanley •of the Margaret McPherson: Mrs;' Per- Stratford Teachers'•College •) is r.' 'Hodgins 'ave a reading• and ractise teachingat. Woodstock Y. ,g g p :Mrs.;Lloyd Ackert gave •'a very .is; staying -with' Mr. & Mrs. -Wm. fine: •demonstration on decorat-.` Davidson,•. , formerly, of ' Teeswa-. ing Easter ego.. A 'vote 'of"t h an'ks• ter: ' g •was tendered :to`the retiring ; re Mr. Howard McGuire, former- sid n e t and . other 1 : • of :V�rn h officers. •� The Y gam ,and now .:, of meeting closed with G;od Save Ajax visited with ;Mr..: and ;:Mrs. the. Queen . .and the � I ��� JAlin Robb,Con. 1 nstitute 0. Grace' after 'which refreshments were served by: Mrs.'' :James: Smith and Mrs. ` .Perry ' Iodgins ••Mr. and Mrs: Weir EckenSwil- ler •..and family Moved to 'their` home . in 'the village' on Thurs- day.:: We • are sorry , .to report that Mrs. • P. A. 'Murray: has been a patient • in • Wingharn' Hospital.. Mrs. Gertrude ' Walsh. left. on Sunday for the West• where' she• will visit .with "Mrs and Mrs. Jack Walsh, and• farriilyand Other' r: otheelatives at Melfort, Sask. She accompanied Mr. and. Mrs. ;Miller:, Hartwick and son• Wayne and Mrs. George Dixon. of Kin-. carding. Mr. and ,Mrs.' Maurice Hod- • gins of London visited during the .week with Mrs. Wi111am Cox and Rev. Benson Cox.•• Mr Rae 'Haldenby' has ' corn- pleted his ' course at the 'O.A.C. Guelph' and started tyres week at Cargill': ` Mr. , and Mrs. Don Haldenby of Hamilton , spent ' the past week with Mr. and;`Mrs.• N. E.: Hal- denby, . Visitors " with ' Mr, and Mrs. George Haldenby over Sunday were Mr, • Howard McGuire of Ajax, Mr, and Mrs., Clare Sparl- , ing . and ,boys of Walkerton and Mr. and Mrs: John Robb, Con: y. Miss Margaret' Schneller of' Kitchener ,spent the week -end at her home here, - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jansen and family visited on.. Sunday With Mr and '.Mrs. Jack ) Barr and • PAGE 1 . Pen, N.S,. 'He 'will, be the Mini. k. ster . at Salem as Well as: Tee$- water United :Church. Mr. Igor} Donaldson. he d i successful auction sale on. day of last wee . Don has ,moved: his busuiess to- Teeswater, but, the family will continue to re side here. . Mrs and Mrs:. Grant Wall an family of Walkerton. and • :former residents., of • this community . have moved to North: Bruce, where Grant is. employed. 'A vandal or vandals: were busy at' the -Stanley farm on the 10th concession between chore time Friday,' ; and Saturday. . All the glass , ,in • the stable windows were ' broken ' and some ort the `frames smashed .with the glass in the stable. . - • On Thursday'. • afternoon sev-. , eral of the .ladies of the cam.. 'nullity attended a. quilting. • at the' . home of••':Mrs; .'Annie Wall, Teeswater, - • Mrs. Arnold Wilkie, •' Kincar•-'. • dine, spent Tuesday afternoon . . of last week with' Mrs. Tom ° Ste- wart. ' . . • Mr, and Mrs.' James Wraith of Lucknow ;visited. Tuesday after- noon, with Mrs. Frank 'Brown Ec Reg • ,4. . Mr:. and . Mrs. James/Edgar'.da family" of Walkerton • and form- erly of this; community have ; moved to . a house .on the :Maus farm, Kincardine ' Twp... where„ Mr. . Edgar, Charlie, and: Donnie. are employed... Miss .Elda ,Wall, London, spent the week -end at her, home here. LOCHALSH Recent" Visitors, with Mr. •:& Mrs.. Warren Wylds and -family,, were Mr. &Mrs. Alfred Stone of St..' Marys: Mr. & Mrs Henry of .. Detroit spent the .week-encl. with Mr. ;.& Mrs. John . Mac' Rae:. Sunday . Sehool has been star- ted • for •the 'summer, 'season at Ashfield;, Presbyterian„ Chu-rch. , 1Vtr.• '&M';t�sti.luictin1,lVfa '�� have 4.7turnect home.'having''Spent,, r . the• LLp ' rinter"1na,`•i;,�uckf.`Q a. •.x.a: Visiting Mr. & Mrs.-: ]Sincatt Farr'sh: and boys are Mr.' & Mrs :Robert Johnstone of Detroit. Mr & Mrs. ,Donley ' Ma Kenzie e are : backto their home •in : Loch•- alsh after spending''the winter in •Wingham: 'Mr. Jack Bradley and Mr. Dani' .MacDonald are still confined'. to hospital in Kincardine. :„ Friends of :'Mr George ` eo , rge� Mc�Gi1i- ' ivray will be , sorry t0 learn he is a patient .in ' Kincardine. hospital. /Rev. Elmer Kennedy of. Blue vale•,.visited .with his niece Mrs, Walter Dexter' recently. GUARANTEED. CERTIFICATES a Safe .5%' I n•vestment ASK FOR : A BOOKLET PI`ion . GE 8-83.14 000.11111100,0000410110111100111.1004101140' 004110e•••••••••• • •▪ ` • • • • •. • • M. r. • • buy from your local. J. M dealer .. • • Choose J. NES, MacNAUG'HTON SEEDS for: • ,. • QHALITX .'finest seed ' always,r from, an 'experienced; seed • • house. • ECONOMY -- reasonable . rices for expertly processed seed:, • §'ERVICE =- convenient "close -to -home" service from this • i , local firm,: • • Ask Your Dealer for • JONES, i'arn�ly • London, Phone GE 2-2258 Mw , Relatives' from here. attended 0440446' r•*“NN••fiN•SI►II*** MacNALJGHT�N" SEEDS Qr call us direct: .M • Exeter, 'Phone 664 ,. Crediton;' Phone 2346363' r