The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-04, Page 4+,x • • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES - First Insertion 2c e per ord, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions,,1 %2 c per word, minimum 40c, Notices, Cards of Thanks ..and Coming Events, minimum, 75c, In Memoriams minimum. $1.00„ 25c extra for . replies to The: Sentinel, . Billing charge of 10c for 'each bill .rendered. "• FOR -sate STOVE FOR. SAS - NhoClary cook stove,, in . good condition. Phone 207-r-5,, Lueknow. . FOR SALE large electric cream separator in like new con- dition. Apply Robert : McNall, Lucknow, PQR SALE -- 2 range shelters in good repair. Gordon McPherson, Holyrood. ,"CAR FOR SALE --- 1940 Hudson ,sedan, tires` A-1, in °good running Icondition,.' good ' body, William_ Brown, phone 164, Lucknow. ;• HAY FOR SiA.LE - 1,000 bales • of; hay: Doug Baynard, phone 89-r-6, Dungannon, OiR .SALE Registered . •Hol stein heifer due April 14th, Fin- lay MadDonald, R R 3, Lucknow. IF YOU, are seeking .the answer. 'to An alcohol ,problem, you are invited to write in confidence to - Box A, Lucknow 'Sentinel.. ' • ,MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE - .$5.50 . a • gallon in your container. Vic Errington,,, Con.• 6, West Wa-•• •wanosh,. phone Dungannon • ?OLD - FOR SALE`. house . trailer • in. `A-1 condition, all aluminum, in- sulated, ' priced right ` for, ' quick sale; also a brand, new cement mixer,, never .used.' John Mac - .Rae, phone Ripley .164-r-14: . • TRUCK FOR • SALE y- 1956 Mercury'; half ton, 4 -speed trans- mission; 'mission; new tires, in good con- dition, also 1,000 ;bales .of, hay. Gordon Valad, phoneDungannbn. 14-r-4, . •, HAY, COW FOR iSALE -. about. 500 •bales;:. also ;high •testing Jer- •sey. cow, ready : •to 'freshen::Mrs. Dave. Anderson,::'RiR, 3; ,Lucky -now. Is Your. • Subscr;i p tion Renewed;? FOR SALE - five young 'Hol. - FOR SALE GiRASS, SEED • FOR' SAVE .•-_ Empire birdsfoot; treefoil, ing birdsfoot treefoil, ;Climax nnothy,'La . Salle red clover, all locally. grown,• . good quality, priced 'reasonable. K.: L. Mac - 'Kenzie, R.R;' • 3, Lucknow , phone Ripley 164-r-13. FOR. 'SALE -. Bale stookers at new low prices, 'now made in 2 sizes for 6 or 10 bales. Post hole. augers : and manure loaders for; any make 'or model of tractor. Also 1 rietal turning . lathe with an 18" swing x 6''6" centre to centre. It „cuts all .threads and, is. in perfect condition. We also have a., 950.+ 'erguson/tractor for with a loader, See Morford Mac- kay, Welding' and. Machin a Shop, R.R..• No. 2, :Ripley, *Ontario', or, phone 6-r-8; Ripley. GROCERIES. i Septng'A# Cost. Mrs. Jim,Donaldson is `a patient in London with 'a fractured hip and for the BALANCE OF THIS WEEK -all PERISHABLE GROCERIES At : Lanes Store, Ashfield will ' be SELLING AT COST Get : your share of , the 'bargains! FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT - 100 acre farmn, at'Langside, ' for `grass or can be (broken up, plenty of wa- ter. • Apply • to George 'Wraith, Goderich,, phone JA .•4-9934„ shop,. or JA 4-700,2, residence: GRASS for ' about 20 ` head' of cattle on the 4th concession of Kinloss. Apply : to .Hugh Mac- Kenzie, : !Box: '431, Levack, . • Ont.' stein COWS,. 'some due soon; . five . year ng •, • lstein - heifers, S.H.C. ' Cub -tractor : with" side -attached' O Whit 1/i Ho 6 -foot cut mower: , soar ; i e, phones -Ripley 167: r:'25. • • CASH BINGO A Cash Bingo will be held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, April , .5th,. at 8:45 p.m. 12 regular games: - for $10.,' 3 share -the -wealth.. S50 ; Special. ganie : muet sgo... IDES . OF : INDIA SLIDES- Miss 'Gladys... Eamilton, :from Vellore Medical School,' In- d�ia, . v�iitl be guest speaker in the Lucknow United Church on Sun- day, Sun day • 'evening, :April 8th . at 7:30: All local. young peoples groups are invited.: Slides will be shown. TEACHER WANTED'. for Grades 3 and 4; Kinloss. Central ,Public School. ' Apply stating' eicperience, qualifications and .last inspector.. Allister Hughes, R.R. 3, 1io1yr:cod, TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 1, Huron Township One - room .school, .all nvodeirn conveni- ences. Applicant please state .qualifications, experience . and name of present.inspector." ' Applications will '.be received until May : lst' by 'Mrs. Marion Lowry,' sec:-treas;, R,R. 1, Kin- cardiae. Sponsored by the Luoknow Unit-._., ed Church Young People. 'OLD. TIME FIDDLERS' • JAMBOREE DANCE.. Old • Time Fiddlers' Jamboree Dance . to be ,held in' Kinloss Township . Hall at 'Holyrood •on• Friday :April, '6th.. All old:time Fiddlers of Kinloss Township. are. invited. Everyone. come, and swing your `partner. Admission. 50c. Sponsored by the '1st. Kin= loss, Boy :Scout Group Committee: Ladies' Auxiliary, Lunch counter. CONCERT AND DANCE The • Teeswater Junior Farm- ers will present their play, "The Old Beginning";' and.other local nurnbers, ' will be .given in :the' Whitechurch Commmunity Hall .on Friday,' April , 6th ..at 8:330 p.m. Farrier's .Orchestra. Lunch' coun- ter. Admission 50c, Public school. 25c; • Proceeds for ' W.I. ATTENTION LADIES! Have you made. plans 'for:.your• , .Cotton ' dress, which you will be wearing to the Kairshea W.I. Calico Ball?- Easter'w ek, Ap! it 27th at "•the.•::Legion: Hall.; DAFFODIL' . TEA . Daffodil tea,. sponsored ' A P by the, Lucknow 'Women's Institute, in;: aid of 'the Cancer fund,' will be held . on Saturday, ••April :28th, in' ' the assembly room'. of the Lucknow•-Town •Hall.. EUCHRE. :PARTY The C.W.L.,..of St Augustine •will .sponsor . a `euchre' party .fon Thursday evening, April 5th ' at 9 .p.m. •.in St. ,Augustine Parish Hall.. Lunch and prizes: • OFFICIAL OPENING . � ;••On ' :Tuesday; April .,10th, at SERVICES � • HOUSE` FOR' SALE - in Luck now 7 room• :Insuhbrick house, • good 'garden. ,Apply. Mrs. Arfte j Struthers, % Mrs.Lawrence MacLeod, R.R. 5, Lucknow, phone 46-r 22 or• Gordon'•Struthers, RA:, 1 Lucknow, phone 24-r-22. FOR SALE child's • blue coat, sizer ' 8; child's light.', blue velvet 1 per.,. size 6; both ` freshly cleaned., and.' in . good condition. Mrs, 'Graydcin Ritchie, '• ,phone 76-r-7, Dungannon. 'SEWING* 'MACrNESALE '--_ Save $75.00 on New Singer •or White Sewing Machines 'at, Smit- ty's Shopping Centre,: Hanover. , STiILL A GOOD SELECTION of. Shower and wedding gifts avail- able at savings of 25% off at Finlay • Decorators, • Lucknow, phone 21.8, • WANT. TO SAVE MONEY oft. your purchase' of fertilizer, cern-, ent and • tractor tires? If so, in- vestigate before you : invest., ',Contact Bruce. MacMillan, •-Luck- now. AUCTION SALE • Allan Maelntyre Licensed Auctioneer • Lucknow ' . ;Phone 209-x 41 ;- •FILTER; QUEEN Sales- and Service BOB'. PECK, Varna, Ontario;.. •Phone :Hensall • 696-r-2 • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED' Septic tanks, cess ' pools, etc, I.. pumped and cleaned with. ;mod Most -Vern. equipment. All work ` guar- ' anteed, Louis Blake � R... 2 Brus- sels,, phone 442-w-6.• • ,:- `. HUSEF R ALE -2 .o.. O, , O S st rev, $ 'bedroom home' in' Lucknow, 'insulated, centrally located,in, good. condition, forced ,air turn- , ace, wood and coil,. full .cement •' basement..Corttaina 3 -piece bathe rootn,°:' modern built-in . kitchen cupboards, .'two -car garage, Rea- sonably priced. Contact Mrs. Howard Robinson, Lucknow, ph•on6 '231' • ': • VACUU:TM • ' CLEANERS Sales and :.Service Repairs . and bags for'• all models of vacuum cleaners and'polislhers, Reconditioned machines of all. makes for sale. BOB PECX, Varna,. Ontario, Phone Hensall 696-r-2 . ,AUTOMOTIVE 1:3.0 p.m, 'Don; Donaldson, of Holyrood is. ' having. the official„ opening of his Oliver Sales .and. Service 'in : his new location ,:in. Teeswater. '.Everyone- weleome: F` lms• ah'own. Free draws. Lunch will be served. ' DANCE AT DUNGANNON A "dance will'' be, held in Dun- gannon Agricultural Hall 'this 'Friday, .. ••April • ;6th. Carruthers Orchestra: Admission 75c. Lunch. counter • in ,hall. :: Auspices .:of Dungannon Agricultural Society. • BOY SCOUT APER, AND CLOTHES HANGER DRIVE Lucknow and Dungannon, ,Thurs- day, `April' 26th To. provide' funds to- assist Scouting, please bundle your old n•ewspapers,•,,ma,gazines. etc, so that these 'may be' cot- lected Wire clothes:. hangers, not rusted or .bent. will . be grate- fully • rate -fully.: accepted. .Please tie therm • together. In tile. • event of . wet weather do not - place articles :outside. Those desiring assistance in bundling etc., please ;.call Scoutmaster, phone, 325.• Mechanical and ' body repairs, Wheel • alignment and • balance, Window repladernent, Radiator repairs. Protect against .rust with Und•aspray,:.. t•. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 HWS. • . PhOne JA 4.-7231 Goderich, Ontario CUSTOM ,BUTCHERING Beef and, . n , pork sold in any quantity. Custom b,utchering in Government licensed abattoir,' Pigs .etrery Tuesday, Beef from Monday through' •Thursday. APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS , 'Lucknow Fire Department presently three men., short of the required twenty firemen: Appli- cations will be received by Geo. Whitby, fire chief, or . Stuar •Collyer, secretary, for anyone in' terested in becoming a volunteer fireman. Applioants' must" fb eighteen years or. oder. Furthe information: ,t.ay be o+litairie BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET from . the abovementioned nen WANTED PARTY *ANTS TO BUY small. house with a large Tot or small farm in Lucknow 'area: Apply to: Box. G'S., Lucknow Sentinel. :• t e r. BICYCLE. : WANTED - girl's bicycle in •; •good condition, Jim' Bradley, 'Amberley, phone:Dun- gan�ion '80-r-16:. • • WANTED •- Housekeeperor 'Couple to ' care for convalescing elderly gentleman' in' his own home.. ' Modern ',conveniences. Write to'Box M,' Lucknow' Sen_. tinel. . ' s.WtA.NTEDir'l's b'�.c -y cle in - �'g good condition,. suitable for 7-' year old. Francis Boyle; RR: 3; Ripley; • phone 8-r4 LOGS .WANTED- • Cedar logs suitable for fence. stakes 9', 10' or: 14 foot lengths. Phone Lloyd. : 24-r- Ackert, Ripley: 24-r-30. • MAN WAI.V'TED - experiericed single roan: to work:on on farm, Apply. . 'Francis Boyle,',; R.R: 3, t Ripley, . phone 8-r-8 , ' . gas lantern to. workable condi- phone 84, Luck- WANT i) = used rent orbuy in tion:Jim Lyons, now. SALES- -HELP WANTED ' MALE Unexpected; in 'Bruce opportunity' income.- For : de- Dept .D`-.. Montreal,' MAN WA. MD- ,change causes vacancy, County; •Splendid for year-round- tails write Rawleigh's,: 271-917; 4005 Richelieu, FEMALE `:HELP WANTED MRS.. 'HOUSEWIFE If you have ,spare time -4f you need. extra `money -you can earn right in your ow.n_..ne,gh'borhood, representing AVON Products opening in 'Whitechurch. Forap- pointment `write; ... Miss V. M. ;' Mosher, Box. No.. 86,Ow•en Sou id' Stating' telephone nu" ber gmb ► ' or call Franklin 6-5362. No, 'experience. necessary,, -' NOTICE 'An urgent 'Meeting of : the Lucknow Business Men' will : be held ,,on Friday, April 6th at. 8:00. p.m:a 'at Elsner Umbach's apart- 'merit above the • store:: A tis= cussion is scheduled of Friday ' night open` and. Saturday night closed,summer hours and a new constitution. Everyone MUST .at- tend. . •' NOTICE A:11 registered nurses are ' in- vited to attend a 'meeting to be held in Wingham Town mall on Thursday,. April 5th at '8 p.m:. • ' • NOTICE . The April clinic . of the .Bru County Health Unit . for • pre- school • 'children, and infanta will be held in the Legion Roo Lucknow . oh WED•NESD . , APRIL: ,18th from 10 to ,11,30 ,m. Note, ote change of day' for „mo .th .of April only... AUCTION • SALE 61.4,EARING• AUCTION SALE 'of, livestock, 'im. ,plem'ents, hay and grain, for Spence Scott, Lot 9; Con. 3, .Morris. 'Township, 2r/z. miles • south . of Wingharn . and ,2 milesast of No. 4 Highway, on Monday, .April' 9,tih at 1:30: p;m See Ibilis. Terms cash. Allan Maclntyr e,' A•uc, AUCTION` • SALE • CLEARING AUCTION' . SALE of 50 .dairy• cows and young cattle and.. 20 hogs for Arnold SStothers, Ashfield, 1 mile south' of Dun-. Bannon on Tuesday, •April' 10hh, at 1:00 p.m. See bills. Terms cash. • No reserve • as' owner' is going into beef' cattle. Allan MacIntyre, Auc:. AUCTION SALE An Auction, Sale for the estate of, the late' Jack Gillies will be' held at the farm, Highway 86, three. • miles east, of .Lucknow on - Thursdlay, April. 19`th; household effects, ' two farms, , implements, Allan Maolintyre, Auc, AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of :live-' stock, farm : :implements and household furniture : will. be held for George TWamley, lot 9; concession 8,. ;Ashfield ' Town- ship, five miles south Wand • one mile west • of Lucknow, on Mon= day,, Aprilt 9th at 1 o'clock. See bills for ' 1st' and: terms. No r -. e serve: as the owner is giving up farming, George Twamley; prop,;, Emile ,:MacLennan, auctioneer • ' AUCTION SALE MOA/NG AUCTION SALE of Real ,Estate, Beef Cattle,Hogs, Farm machinery; Hay andGrain .Will be held for Leonard' James, N H Lot 42,• Co'n. 11, East Wa- wanosh •• Township, 23/4 miles south of Wingham on No, 1 Highwa4;. •on Thursday, Mare'h`:12 'at 1;ao •pm.', 'Terms. cash • Allan `Macl:ntyre, Auc•. • AUCTION •SALE CLEARING.AUCTION .SALE' .oi livestock;' farm machinery, ha3 •and . grain and Some householc furniture,. will,'be ;held for Mrs Harold Woods, Lot,- 26 and/21 West Wawanosh on Division Lin,, on Saturday, April 14th at•:1:3, p.m. Terms ` cash..• iAllan. MacIntyre, Auc AUCTION SALE ; 'CLEARING AUCTION SAI'E c farm' implements will be , .1 ) ,for_Exnest A keit at the impic men•t -'shed; ate Holyrood on Mor day, April '16th. See bills . fc listand• terms. ,Allan •Macl:ntyr Ae . AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE modern household furniture as tools '.will .be held for Howa: McQuire; Josephine •St, North Wingham (opposite 'McKee Ha •vestet Plant) this Saturdt April 7th ••at 1ta0 pin., Ter Cash.. No reserve as 'property sold...Allan MacIntyre, THE :VVF+S' '. WAWANOS MUTUAL FIRE ' ' INSURANCE. CO. Head Office, Dungannon Es.t. bushed' 1$78 • BOARp OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth; R Auburn Vice -Pres.,, Verson, win; Belgrave Directors, p Caesar, B. 1, Dungan n•on;• .Geo C. Feagan, Goderich;. Ross' Phee; 'R. 3, -Auburn; Dor Maclay,Ripley;' John F.' IV Lerman, R. • 3, Goderich; •Fr Thompson, R, 1, Iiolyraod>' '1 Wiggins, R. 3; Aubu •n. For information ',on ygUr surance," call your 'nearest di tor whd' is also an agent, or 'secretary, Durniri 1'h°rl'lips, anion � hone Duriennon