The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 11r r. el, er, tt,. . as in he ler lc� bx ul ler end. rm me. and rith ,int r'3 niel' the .f' a fiber ireh• Ills• ars ire WEDNESDAY, AAA! 28th, 1962 THE LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'WHITECHURCH 'Mr. and :Mrs. Jack Ryan of ,Goderich visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mrs. A11in MoCharles of Arleo- na • visited on Sundaywith her mother,, Mrs. Donald MacDonald and also With -Mrs. John McChar- les'of Lucknow whe is a patient in Wingham . General Hospital.. The 4-1. meeting was held • on Wednesday at.. the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes with nixie girls present. The 'girls cooked onions with a cream:sauce; made home- made tomato soupand stuffed baked potatoes, Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. E. Scholtz. Mrs, -Walter Lott ,returned to .:her home here after spending ,a llreek with • 'her . 'daughter, t Mrs, Orval. Newby. •. Mr, Eldon Emerson and Mr. & Mns. Allan Barbour left: on Sun- day .for London where they will. be staying a few days while D.enice Barbour Ss having: treat- menu, ,on her, •eyes.: in London A,. Hospital. eting of the executive &, meeting the district directors for Bruce South Women's Institute . was held at the home of Mrs. Victor- Erierson; on Tuesday and arrange- ments -were.,made for' the' district annual to be held at'Holyrood in May. Problems were dealt with for the .District Annual and sent to the different branches for dis- cussion Mr. and Mis, Jack Coultes• Debbie Visited on Sunday at the home. of Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Scott in .Georgetown., ,> " Miss Karen Groskortl of To- ronto spent home • the week -end at the ler parents, Mr. and Mrs Elwood ` Groskorth, • •• Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson .visited. on;• Sunday with his sis- ter, Miss Lila: Emerson in West .Wawanosh. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Watt:. 'sof CRIPPLED CHILDREN DEPEND- ON YOU! EASTER ;SEALS are again being distributed in our community seeking support for the .: Ontario., Society for ; Crippled . Children, represented locally by 'the Lucknow • and District Lions Club. II -TANKS F•Olt'A GREAT 'GAME' — Sure ppcrippled children ,, can play tennis and participate jai many other games when; they attend the crippled children, camps • during 'the summer months. Camping is just. one of many services provided. by the Ontario Society •for Crippled. Children 'ar a 'result of the public's support to the annual, Easter Seal Campaign.. The current .Campaign • is seeking a' million dollar objective • and runs+ to April 22nd: ' - Lucknow dnd District' lions Club Mk.-.YoOr Support . dor. Easter- Seals He{p Crippled. Children Proceeds .Entirely For 'This Worthy Cause Bella ,Coola :Wand, B.C. spent Wednesday • and Thursday, with his parents, Rev: and Mrs. John Watt, Mr, and Mrs Willbert"`S4hwich tenberg of Southampton spent Friday and, Saturday in the home of her parents, I1'Ir. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and , visited, -on' Sunday with his parents, Mr, . & Mrs. Fred uSch•wichtenberg in Mildmay.. • ,Mr: and Mrs,' . Albert Coultes; and Dianne visited; on • Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kerry . in- Paisley, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pritc'nard of 'Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'McClenaghan visited on: Sa •turday .evening With' Mr,.;: and ' Mrs, `.Mac Stewart in Kitchener. Rev: John' Watt received word. last Tuesday of the passing .of 'his brother, Rev, •George Watt of Ottawa. He was in his; 87th Year. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farrier of Kitchener and Miss Winnifred Farrier of -.Toronto •spent Sunday at the home of , Mr. and: Mrs. W. R. Farrier and Mrs ; Cecil Forster ,& Brenda of Palni.erston visited'on on, Sunday at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Alex Robertson. Mrs. Alex Inglis. left for Nova Scotia .one. day last week to' .at , tend .her' father's . funeral. BORN' to. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swan on Sunday Marc h. 25th;. a. son. in - Wingham 'General ITospi+ 'tel. Mr. Tom Morrison is a patient in • Wingham General Hospital suffering with broken ribs, Are -'-Back Extended Tri ,'(DUNGANIVQN. ' NEWSY) Mr., J. C.: Durnin, Kitchener,•. spent` the week -end at. home with Mr: and Mrs.. ;Herb', Finnigan, Mrs. ' Abner 'Morris . was visited over'the week -end' by her laugh- ' ter, a1V r., :and Mrs. Anderson Mugferd, London ' - > :, Mr. and Mrs.. John . W. ilson and farnly,''Toronto, visited.. at Gude- rich and . with her ..mother,' -Mrs. Esther Rivett. ,for, .the'week=end,. 'Miss Marion ,,.Buckton,'': Luck-. :now., and Miss Alberta Wightinan, Kincardine:, "students of. Stratford Teachers',: Colleie are' practise teaching in, , the Junior Room ' of the Dungannon School 'with Mrs. M. Durnin, •teacher., Mr. and` Mrs:, Jack Fa11s and family of Rocklyn visited hiss mo= ther at:'' the home', of • .Mr R. ' J: Durnin; on :Sunday. Mins Fibra rDurnin of Mar.'kdalie was also home:: for .'the 'week -end, Mr: Wayne,: Brown, RCAF pilot of.. 'Winnipeg Was home: with .his parent's; Mr. ,. and Mrs..' oWilbur Brown • for the . week -end - • The sudden death of Mr,: Jas Henry,: Wingham, on. Tuesday •of., last week, saddened the ;hearts of many. We extend aur sympa- thhy, to themand' to'those; in the. immediate • district, , ''Mrs: Er- vine •, theory and' son : Ross • and wife:' Nancy' Kirkland near Lucknow: 'spent the week -end with. Barbara Blake.. . The regular meeting of the• Dungannon United Church Wo- men was held Tuesday, March 20th Mrs. K: K..Davison. presided 'opening' the,•meeting. with 'hymn 16' with, Mrs. r.• .Pentland ,at the piano.. Mrs. N. ; Pearson had charge of• the scripture and wor- ship. . p • part of the meeting: Roll tall was answered .with the word "mercy." Mrs., L. Ivers was in ch rge of the program. p g ., and gave an excellent ' reading 'entitled "In• the Sunset,", Final arrange- ments for `the" . congregational. supper, were made: 'Mrs.. C.. Cron= ier gave a reading, "Guilty or. Not Guilty,'' .The e meeting closed with a hymn and'the mizpah benediction, 0• Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Anderson ar" dh Southern{ States last week 'after ny Mourn.O. .fitilayson. . Nos. it..„ EINLAYSON :There was widespread sOrroW 'caused by the unexpected death ald R. Finlayson of Lucknow. Dr. and, Mrs, Finlayson were visiting in Toronto, and Mrs. Finlayson had plans for entering hogpital. for a cheek -up. On Wednesday morning she 'be: carne suthlenlY ill and was taken to St: Michael's IfoSpitai where she paSsed away Within.86 hours on ThurSdaY eVeniriWabout 1Q:30. Death waS due to a streP blood infectionk which alltibletiCS failed fs:), eVanteraet, and. Mrs. Finlayson soon lapSed into uneonscionsness. Mrs. FinlaySon, was the former daughter of •the late, Wm. Mae - Donald and Evelyn Moss of Chei- ley,, where she was born on Jan- uary 4th, 1900,• Her father was for many years editor of the Chesley Enterprise: In chealey in 1922 she Married Dr. Donald R. Finlayson; a native. of the. Loehalsh :cligtrict, who served overteas in World War .1 with the Canadian Army Medical Dr. Fizilayson Was practiaing in RiPley, where they made their home Mit/11944 When Dr. Finlayson Was appointed' to gthe pital and prior to his retirement was at Synnybrook. :he assisted -Dr. M.. Corrin for some three years, Until per:rnan-' Mrs'. Finlayion were fullY 'ing the leisute of retirement; when death so„,•stiddenly PAGE EI,Eir*il PRESIDENT + -. 'Mrs a "Donald McCosh of Ripley has'been :elect ed president of the Grey -Bruce ,Wo?nen's • Institute for 1962. Mrs. McCosh, of Purple Gro'e, • district, has been very , active in •W.h work fin* some. Urge. She is the former Annie . Colwell; .daughter of Mrs. J: , W. ' Colwell of Kinlough and the late Mr. Colwell.• Cut. courtesy Kitchener Record Lucknow' : community. •were evi- dence of the-endearzi ent iri'which• Mrs: ; Finlayson was held: and ;the .sym patty which is extended those who 'Mourn. ..The ° funeral : service was held . at the MacKenzie: Memorial Chapel' in Lucknow on Monday, afternoon, conducted by Rev. H;, Str.app of • Lucknow United • • Church. Interrnent'.was in Loch alsh 'Cem;etery. with Ross Mattyn, Russell White, Noble. Johnston, Milt. Rayner, • Howard Agnew :& Wilfred Anderson acting as pall- bearers "Marj" as Mrs. Finlayson was , i known, to intimate friends;` was of a bright and:personable nature and made, many friends, here as in other places ' of abode. The ,floral . tributes and • many who : caul e. from ';Chesley 'end :Rip- ley . to join with' the: folk`'of: the . • Evelyn •Neelon of :Oshawa , and Mrs.. • Finlayson is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs, `(Dr.)' „Edward Simmons • (Joyce).• of Toronto; two Sons, Dr,. Donald' M ,Finlay:son • of. Toronto and Dr.' William ' J.; , Finlayson' ` of ,Aruba, off -the •coast sof-Venezuelai'. "Also, surviving . '•are., one sieter, Mrs • ,one brother John C " MacD ld ed'•'nearby. with the harvest. In. October and colder weathers • th ey' started out for' California Arid visited his aunt•:and enjoyed' the Winter—in- .the • South. They tra- velled to the` Mexican border and' came. home .as' intended;; work. ing their trip: ,out according to schedule home in the spring -7. The, United .Church 'congrega-• tion�al suroiper, of ':the , year was, held. on Friday 'night with a fine: • crowd attending. The tables were .dressed for a .spring-like festive occasion. Carl Sieverts,:: S.S. 'class `of • girls and. George Rilbeys..class ., , • ona,' :reeve :of •Orillia; and by 10 grand- children., rarnd children, Mrs, `Finlayson Was pre= deceased .by a brother, • William M. MacDonald, a Member of the Luau—IOW.. District. High School , staff who died suddenly in .356- • D5e. cember,. i959. , • • of boys waited • on •. tables. Mr,, Wilmer Errington:: was- chairman ' , 'for a short programthat follow- ed directly ,afterwards.' Rev: uteri Hoopen. Goderich was invited • to .speak, a:, few Words • following the 'singing • of O. Canada: Mrs. 'L„ Stimg4e1. _was' ' pianistand ac . cpanied for community' sing ing: of : a • couple of ,nuriribers , led. by. Wilmer, Carl• $ievertand Geo.; R'ibey. Piano: solos were ;given by Betty Irvin and Fat Anti. Eedy. Mane' Errington, sang , a solo. The C.G.hT.. girls sang their; ' theme hymn.' Mr. :Colin Fingla'd, who is supplying on Sundays • in 'the .pulpit, was also asked to speak a few.. words. Two numbers be -- fore the, Queen were • . a' trio of Wilmer, Carl' and George,. who sang two Irish .numbers. Before supper the young frys entertain- ed in ;the '" auditorium. Barbara Make and Martha Eedy played piano numbers.: A little orches- tra, also played.;a couple of num- bers ' composed; ' of Paul ' Eedy, piano; Robert Sherwood,' trurn- , pet; and Bob. 'Eedy ' accordian & Larry ,Pentland: sang at, inter- vals with them, Mrs Esther Riv- ett, Who, arranged .the•. 'program was unable to be there, having • h' en -home with a bout with .the "flu."; :rive ome from the West & nine months 'of travelling, start- %ng . out last June 2,1st with. a camp 'trailer.. They called at many pliace's of . interest in each pre- ,wince 'to the Western Coast. Mrs. Anderson, a nurse, spent a "few weeks working.'in a hospital . in Islay, Alberta and Carman, work.. BUT HOW ABOUT NEXT WINTER/ . Your heating'prob1ems will beaver for a while, but how about next Winter? 'Are you•.sure your old •furnace will last another year? Maybe;you should con- ' sider a new, furnace -=NOW!` ' ,Mr. and Mrs, T.Carin n' An derson on Sunday 'visited 'his sister, '• Mrs: W. MacLeod, .Kin sardine, •• Mr. Tom Fowler, teacher, at Molesworth, spent` the week -end at home with his parents, Mr. & M'rs. Charles Fowler. AN £SSO OIL FURNACE OF COURSE Low Budget Terms .Up To Five Years To; Pay ROY HAVENS . PluMbing . and Heating .ESSO OIL BURNER Sales and Service Phone .73,.. Lucknow