The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-07, Page 6• PAG SIX THE LUCKNOW ° SENTINEL, LUCKXOW, ONTARIO SUGAR and $PIC& Just some random, thoughts this: week. I'm too; depressedto write IL regular column. It's been snow- ing. for 22 days, the temperature • ,is 12 below, and some sadist has sent me a copy of the . Miami Herald. The Old Lady is down with. the flu and as genial as a cobra. My old ' aching back is back, and aching. So 'here goes. *. *, I'm a staunch supporter • of royalty, but I'll go along with the British press in the • latest verbal spanking it h'as. given .to Princess Margaret and young Tony whats-his-name. It • was bad enough to take off for' a Carib- bean holiday, leaving behind .not only a two -months -old baby but some 50 ' million ' half -frozen, browned -off Britons who couldn't '-."^afford the .' trip. But when Tony, carnet • back with his usually well - slicked hair converted to a mass 'of curls by ' a 'permanent, it' was enough to make a fellow. go, "Ugh." Do : you •know'•something I'm sick and tired. of? I'm sick : and tired of reading artieles about the enlightened new leaders of black Africa,, fighting to ; • free their down -trodden: black ' • brothers. From what I can gather, many of these enlightened leaders are pure thugs," whose first act whenthey some authority is to purge all . opposition. .Somehow, newsreels of 'skulls being cracked ' Eby ' clubs,, even thoughthe 'kulls „are. black and the arms swinging;; the ,clubs are just.: as black, don't fit into my ideas, of freedom and democracy. Or do .two blacks, make a white,. these days? pe,l z • fi µ5i :4,, } Speaking of ;democracy, • .the present .picture - of pre-election bribery -in Canada isra pretty one, as the three. major ' parties dangle: Fold -age, -pension increases of vary- .. .ing, amounts. 'I wonder, how on cerned';they would be about a pension increase :.if: nobody over 70 ..had a vote? A far. as old -age pensions go, •I'm,a .raving socialist, I'd increase the pension''and lower the• age limit. But I can't quite "stornach -the , sudden interest • in the old folk when there's • an election in the offing. Perhaps the'.' old :.sy stem of .a dollar and a . drinknof whisky 'for a vote was more hon- est. * *'. Across the 'land, teachers' fed ;'erations and school trustees, are squaring off for their annual bout of inane -calling What is at• stake in the battle? 'Higher standards of, ..education? Better • schools and, Bill'; Smiley_ equipment? Hotter lunches? ,Nope, just money; As a taxpayer, ,1 ' Wish those teachers ,would • cometo them senses, and realize: ° that' they are supposed' to be. dedicated; sort of like ministers, and stop 'wanting to be aswell paid asother, pro- fessional: people..If we increase their salaries, • mark my words; they will only get big, ideas, and' go out and spend every cent of them. • As a teacher, I can • only' add that money isn't everything. But until I have :everything—and the.' prospect is •dim, -I'll take some of that money for the time being:. • * * * Don't '.ever; let your. kids' start taking music .lessons Not if you' ever want to hear some home- made music. There are three tak- ing :pianp;' lessons in .my family, The other day, while I was shovel- •ling snow, :I 'figured out .:that they have more than 20 years of Music lessons among them. And do ;you know.. that ' • there's not one + of them who can sit down and play a; tune; if .your:ask,for. 'it? They've either just • finished a piece and have already "forgotten it," or 'they're just getting up ,a new • piece. ' and 'can't . play it.:yet. 'Buy your ,o r d' '''mouth organ. ...�a About. domestic :pets. You can have ; them,: and : if ;;there: weren't ladies present, I'd' tell you exactly. what • you -could do'' with . • them. We have a smart -cat and• a dumb. dog,and between-. them; they're cutting' deep ;into' my '• allotted Stan: Recently the. cat went off and lived ,in sin for a ,few days, creat- ^ing . anguish in the home. Satur day, the front .doorbell • rang. ` A little... ' girl stood 'their crying:, Your dogstolemmittHel Snatched it and inn. T spent the • next'' twenty' minutes .'wallowing about the back' yard, in.snow up to. ' my .navel, while'. that • mutt,, danced, hist ' out of;my; reach, the mitt in his month.. h finally fell flat on my face, and ,he . laughed. :so: hard he dropped the mitt .and; I was. able ' to grab it. *' * * There; I feel so. ''M ch better after these ill -tempered -.•remarks. that:.I ,think I'll make a pot of tea and. take some tothe Old Girl,. who's wheezing for attention in the next room ' Bill Harris - is chairman of -the: • ltipley District High School Board succeeding. John ; H�. Reid of Huron 'in.. this office. Ten '.'Get .PerI.ect. Attendance Pins. • (OLIVET NEWS)' The. United Church Women met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) D. Dunlop,. The president,. Mrs. Oscar White, was in the chair for the business period. Mrs. Donald MacTavish,, the past,. president, thanked her executive and the members for their' support -during-'-her--tenure?-of office.n: the• absence of Mrs. Robert Os- borne, Mrs. MacTavish read the. reportof the Mission Band Rand also of the ' Baby Band for Mrs. Allan MacTavish. Mrs:: Sandy MacCharles reported a good bal.. ante in the Willing Workers' trea-• sury.The offering was taken. • up by Joyce Black and dedicated by Mrs. White.. Mrs; Doug.Henry and::her group took charge of the worship service. Mrs. Henry lead in prayer' and Mrs. H. Brooks .read • the 'scripture. Mrs: Ross Black lead the'•Bible'.study which'• was based on the "Sermon on:'the. Mount." Mrs,: Henry, continued with the. theme, "What. '.is the Church?," Mrs. ' Raymond Ham l ton read, a poem, "The Nicest Valentine 'Mrs: Walter Black 'Opened the new study book, "Signals for . the' •Sixties." Miss :Judith :' Dunlop' accompanied by Mrs. Dunlop sang an enjoyable solo. ' Mrs. Melvin .Colling, gave the' courtesy - remarks and Mrs. Henry closed .the. meeting with prayer. A dainty.lunch/ was serv- ed. by the committee in ,charge. Mr.; and Mrs. Stanley Blackwell, and .Susan of Cooksville visited'. this week With Mr., and Mrs. Gary Blackwell and family • • Mrs. • W • J. Ensign of St Catha- rines•spenftheweek-end With Mr.. and Mrs. ,Walter Dexter. Miss :Nancy • and. Master John'.D. Oohing ,of Ripley, spent Sunday: with ,their .grandparents, Mr..and Mrs. John :Colling,.: Ten .Sunday.aSchool ,.pupils re c,eived: perfect attenflinee pins for 1901.: They. 'were, Sandra MacCharles, Patsy, :Mary ', and Laurie MaCCharles, Sharon Col - ling, ;Barbara, Jeanie and Marg aret MacTavish, Bill. Black and Lyn 'Clayton': Young ,' people spending the :week -end at their homes here in - chided Miss Ruth . .Black- :of . Kit- `chener," Marilyn . ' Finlayson of Stratford, Alice Brooks • of 'Lon- Ion and ,Shirley Brooks of • Tor- onto Recent soloists in the'tithed Church, were Mr..:: Walter Dexter and 'Miss Mary :Roulstorii • Mr and Mrs. 'Walter ..Dexter visited` on Friday wig •. Rev. and Mrs.. Kennedy ..in Bluevale: • ` TAKE .ADDVAN "AGE TCOF THE EARLY DELIVERY FERTILIZER. PROGRAM Look how the CO-OP Ealy Delivery. Fertilizer Program erns- you money• • Earn good .rent for your storage space. • Earn more in early delivery discounts. '4.50 per ton 'til February 24th, 1962 , .. ALSO ...-'you: can earn an extra 5% Discount for Payment before March 15th. , • You have your fertilizer exactly when you need it. ' avoid the problems and of the spring;rus'h. COOP Fertilizer. Cash You or now: and ears°these discaun#s HITECHURCH (Intended "For. Last Week) Mrs. 'Florence' Henry of Lon- don spent • the week -end at her home here. Mrs. Doris .Willis spent Sunday afternoon . visiting with. Mr. S. C. Willis ;in Stratford .hospital and Sunday evening withher mother,, Mrs. J. Musgrove who is a patient in *Ingham General , Hospital. • • Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt and• Mr. and 'Mrs. John Gaunt sPent Sunday visiting "with' Mr. ;Tom Gaunt in London Victoria Hos- pital. • Mr. and'; Mrs. Donald Thomp- son 'and' Susan. spent Sunday at the home of Mr.. and, Mrs. Carl' • cClenaghan. Mr. .. and Mrs:. Clayton ,Scholtz and : family of,,•Goderich visited on. Sunday at the 'home of :Mr. and Mrs. Ezra:, Scholtz Miss Karen Groskorth of : Tor- onto' spent the :week -end..: at the: home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Elwood Groskorth. Mr; and Mrs,s 'Albert • Coulter .and Diane. visited op Sunday at 'the• home of Mr. and MrsWilbert, Schwichtenberg: at Southampton.. Mr.n. a a , d• 1VIrs.• George; Weber of Kitchener spent Saturday visit- ing at the home of 'Mr. and.: Mrs. Carl' Weber. . Mr.' and„Mrs. Relison. Falconer of Sarnia 'spent • the week=end at the `home of Mrs. !Cecil, Falconer.. Mrs.: Falconer will spend, :a .few. 'days with her :parents,••,Mr. and• Mrs. A. E. Pardon •' in ' Luckndw • • Mr. George Kennedy spent• 2 days at Galt where he attended Herb Ageum Mineral do; 'meet- ing: Mr.': Leroy, Rintoul spent last Wednesday attending a : Trade' • Fair •and Shorthorn sale in To.; ionto. ; Beverley' Solomon Diane Colli tes, , . Margaret -Wore, Sandra Fisher, Anne,;, Weber, Andrea,. Adams, Adams, Carolyn Adams, ;Sigberta De Bruyn, :members of the• Baste• •n' 'Stitch ; Club and ::Mrs.' Ezra Scholtz and Mrs:: Carl IV1cClen. aghan, 'Leaders ..of the.•4411 Sew- ing. Club attended Achievement Day in . the •Walkerton. District. High :,School :On ;Saturday,.:Janu- ary;'2?th.. The girls modelled' the dresses which • they -made fall: and also, put on a ten<minute• skit Janice Far.-rier, Denise Ivor: man and Tressa : De' Bruyn also attended ' in theafternoon with .. Mrs:' Victor Emmerson: IPEY MEAT MARK Custom Butchering Mondays Hogs, . $2.00 , in by 4:00 Cutting "and,. Wrapping, 20 pound CATTLE CALVES and .L.AMBS. EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY .. We Do Curing and Smoking . . Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, Half or Quarter For Better Service, And Lower, Prices — Call Ripley 100, Chas. Hooisma, Prop. • ESSO, stR T.ICE • FOR TOP QUALITY . ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) bck): AT REASONABL PRICES! Repairs to -All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics . eel Alignment and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER iilk Marie Praser'a two new recipe .� ..:. Free! p booklets— 'Main Dish Magic wAt ith Skim Mith Powder” and "Dandy Desserts with Evaporated Milk." Write today! ADivteton a4 DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 141 Davenport Read, Toronto 5 r, /•