The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-07, Page 3WED1'A9'D'A • FEB. 7th, nog a • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,; QNTARIO These are just a few of the Specials at Red and White.. Our shelves are. w.. ' crammed 'with WOO--IfichHT-Wee.l NIBLETS 'BRAND CORN Green' Giant. 14 oz. tins.' HEINZ 'TOMATO :JUICE: 3 - 79c ': Fancy . Quality., A 48 oz.. tins. OGILVIE OATS MINUTE INST., 43c Win a trip to the' Stanley Cup. Save 6c, large • package... ;/ ' R and W. NEW BLEND TEA BAGS .. 35c' Package 30�. : •' Package 60 65c. 69c RED and WHITE COFFEE Instant; Save '1C, 8 oz: jar. FANCY APPLE JUICE Mitchell's 48 oz. r tin.:. r ' ; KAM, LUNCHEON .MEAT '15 Ounce' tin. • BUTTER CAKE, reg:.. 49c Weston, Old; 'Fashioned. SUNSPUN ICE CREAM Feature. Pint' bricks. A. GOLDEN HOUR CHOCOLATES 89c•. 99c :9c - 39c' 45a' 4 - 89c NOW. ON SALE ,Volume No.._- 4 Golden Book .Encyclopedia 99c Volume .No4 .1 49c 'PHONE 26 FREE DELIVER° -i-i-i i i i i ii- ,' ii i i- ii i i i .- iii/- local• arid General Sr. and ' Mrs:.George . Carter and': family of Wingharri visited Sunday with Mr. and `Mrs, Peter Carter and family;. Holyrood• • McLelland a, Loreiburn,,.Sask. .. Jack Henderson attended a a i ` Miss:.•: Rut Thom on Miss referees': meetin . • 1n � ps , , W p.A.A•. ,,g Barriston; ,Saturday Ruby Webb, `Mrs. R. H•' Thome' s •.: son, Miss.' Helen: _. Thompson and James D. Burns took over .his• Mrs., .George Kennedy spent the duties oast week' as' CNA agent at. week -end in Toronto,. ' .' ' Port.: Elgin, Mrs; 'Harr, Hackett who has Mr. and Mrs• Ford .•Cunning - y ham (Eunice Reed) .heft, ten days .not •been in good health for•some ago. on a' motor tripto. Florida "-'time,m Where is a : patient in' Wingha.: hospital. here .:they;•will ;spend about• a month: Mr.' and: Mrs. Alvin, Hodgins / and 'baby, Harry,' of London,: Mr ''Kent Hedley has• been trans - and , Mrs claytoni Hodgins of ferred 'from Sault Ste', Marie. to ClintonandM n r. and •Mrs:. Ed 'Bracebridge -Kent is employed Marsh; of .Wingham...were Sunday With the Bell -Telephone., Com visitors with - Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar •pany. Mr•: and; Mrs.. Henley: hbave Hodgins .. : 'two daughters, Heather. • and • ‘R• G. 'MacLeod. of Medicine Hat,' Sherry:• Alberta, says they are having.., Mr; and Mrs Ron Rothwell mild weather at ,present and at Rosemary and Mrs. William Gol- time Of writing ' on . January : 31st,'.loher . of Norwood, spent. the it was 50 above., ' • week -end with Lucknow 'and St: Helena" relatives and visited with Flight Lieut Shirley' Robinson returned on''Wednesday tothe Mrs. Ed•,'Thom at.,Wingham-hos-. RCAF Hospitalat Parent,Quebec,. ptai• . after visiting for, a:few days with 1.,ittle : Lorna Boyle, daughter.. her mother, Mrs. Howard. Robin= of Mr. ;'and Mrs. Jirn ,.Boyle of • :son• They had as their week -end town, is a patient'; in Sick Child - guests,: Flo Isobel. Renneburge &' ren's Hospital, London or :Fib, Dorla Collins�of' Camp 'Bor who was . a year :old ••on Wednes- day, . was rushed.`to the hospital,. ,Ron MacCrosti.eand Carol left . Sunday 'night, '.when •her' condi:, •'. 1week Saskatoon Wafter tion caused concerns • . .t' for' •" :-spending ,a month . with their Irmo The regular meeting of the ther.• They: had : as •their guess Lucknow Women's, Institute will recently, ,Mr. Reg. Kingsley of be on Frdiay, February, 9th at ' Ov� r tta a and Mrs: Pete. Sk work, 2:30: 4H Girls:` and leader will - Y.. • of, Saskatoon 'wliO '•accompanied be ,in: attendance to :present sew- . them. on their rettirn trip. ing. "Separates For. Summer:" 'The district president, Mrs Victor Emerson, of .Whitechurch, • will be guest' speaker. ' 'Mr. and. Mrs. Milt . Rayrier . left on Monday. fo'r •a holiday in :Flora ida • Joe 'Conley returned'. last week. after.s;pending .the .Past couple of ;months with Mr. and, Mrs.. Rein. 1. LUCKNOW i UNITED CHURCH' 1' i Rev.. Howard ` W •'. Strapp . 11 Minister • SUNDAY, . FEBRUARY 11th , , 10:00 a,rn Church ;School 11:00 a°m.;: Morning 'Worship • fir.ir.'.o...:.v..N1�.w�N►..r+i�ibZ+�.iw.. i. �ucknow, Presbyterian Church 'Rev. Roderick MacLeod i t M nis er SVNDA' FEBRVAItY: lith 10:00 a.in. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning: Worship' • i WH1TECHURCH.. The: Annual: meeting of the. Whitechurch United Church . was • Nonagenarian' lad To Rest. Friday CHRISTENA.1VMaeD ONALD Death came to a Lucknow *non- agenarian; C hristena MacDonald, • on Wednesday, January 31st, at Wingham'General Hospital, where she had been a • patient since last April, , ,Miss; MacDonald was a daugh- ter .of Donald and Isabelle Mac- Donald, natives of S�cotlaind, who settled in.. Kinloss. • Township, wherea .•Christena , was born,, at. "Grey Ox'', an—Aiugust 15th, X&71•. The family moved to Caledori East When - Christena was . quite young. She was one of a family, of, ten. She spent 'many years in Toronto and Was supervisor of Dress Es- sentials, Toronto, .before retiring to Lucknow in 1946 to make her. permanent . home.. , :. ' .• . Here she took an active inter- est in. the 'Work of the 'RedCross Arid by her sweet, and kindly dis position, . endeared -herself to all • Who knew her. She was a Member of Luck ow Presibyterian. Church The funeral` service was held ''at. the • John stone ' Funeral :Home, on Friday, conducted by :Rev. Rod MacLeod, assisted by. Rev, D. Sinclair.. Tem, ,perary. entombment, was `'at 'South Kinloss. Mausoleum,: with . Stuart •. THE HUMP ON THE ' CAME4'S .BACK• Robertson, J. L. MacMillan, IK. C may look strange; but it 'serves a prac 1Vturd, ie Ken Carineron, .Henry tical. purpose. On the.desert, the camel Donais and :.Elmer Unubach'acting . asrs• pallbe re must; go,,wIthout food' and water for , a 1Vliss: MacDonald is Survived ;by long periods of time; But he is able to •two sisters,-.'•Mrs:`°H ,S. Lavery store nourishment rn his hump sufficient (Laura)- 'and. Mrs•' R:•T:' Dou las . g . ' to tide himselfover the lean days that (Mae) of 'Lucknow. ' :. • "might lie ahead.' e• Sh• was: predeceased • by two 1111 held last Monday and 'was pre brothersand',five sisters. ceded by a Pot : Luck • Supper ; Rev: George Mitchell presided &. conducted opening devotions. A "minutes silence was observed for the • late Rev: W. R• . (Welsh, fol; lowed by a ' prayer; Encouraging PAGE THREE _..1110111•111•111411111111111111111111.1.11W11 Injures all g Barn reports from all: organizations " were> .read andapproved. '' Over' '(C.UI,ROSS. CORNERS .NEWS'). While choring at . the barn ori Sundaymorningy Reg. Brown fell, injuring his leg.._ The extent sof the injury will : not be, known until after x-rays on Monday.' Last 'week, saw the worst storm' $4,200.00. was raised .by all ,de- partxnents in the" , year 1961.$774.. Was ' sent to:,the ..1VI.1VI.: fund. Of- ficers 'elected were Stewards;. C iffor L idlaw Albert- o l d a , best C ultes, James Falconer, John Purdon & Mrs . Garnet Farrier; fishers ' for the Year :are Geer Cha: man ; of • the :, winter , In •the country, y Y P traffic ,was'.at a':standstil:l.Most Ronald Beecroft; ':Laverne Dowl children enjoyed one or.two days • Mg,. Russel Purdon, Elgin ::Sleight freedom from school: It was the holm acid E1wxn Moore,. auditors, third 'day' before : the mailgot Mrs._ Albert` 'C•oultes, Elwood; ,g GroskortH and Cliffo: rd' Uaidlaw •through: Finance officers are Russel Put - .Mrs, :Frank .Browne and `Mrs.. Irene: Schumacher • were " dinner don, ,Clifford La4dlaw,: Elwood;, Groskorth and :Mussel.:. Gaunt, guests Monday of Mr.. arid, Mrs.' 1VI:M:, Mrs. "J:; D: Beecroft,' Mrs.. Morley ' Wall and:.fam ly.. a . M.: Moore : Mrs.::E ' ro or ' • Miss: Christine •Thompson ;visit G sk re . , ed Doris ,.Wall. on Monday'. night. Mrs.. Garnet 'Farrier; :Sec.-Tre:as:, y ght' Milan Moore Observer Mrs: Mi= and was storm -stayed till Wed- ' . nesday.. ' tan Moore and Mrs.' Ezra Scholtz,;'' pr; s reporters,'Mrs. Dustan.Bee- Miss Beverley Wall, . -spent a. t 'and Mrs. Carl' NleCl;en�ag- couple; of • days : with Mrs•' Ernest ha pianist, Mrs', • Garnet •Ear Hanna. , N! • Mrs.., Frank' Brown and Re' rier; assistants; Mrs. Duston Beeg croft 'and Mrs. Dan •Tiffin;. Mrs. and Mrs. Irene Schumacher called at.• the home of Mr• ; Joe Wal Ef'1 PAGEMEN Clarence . Ritchie. and` Mrs: , ,R: 1, Lucknovy, ori Friday ' afternoon. Nit, arida Mrs.., William Kraemer Purdon 'rec. educational cgrnmit- Misses Jean: and Marit' n Zettel tee alon with the, staff. 'of "the: Y ., a of Greenock announce the; en , . •of Walkerton spent the Week -end ' ' Sunda School: '.:. r r •P .ga<getnent • � of , their' . daughter. � .. • Mr.: and' Mrs; . Scholtz •& with Misses '.Patsy • and. -Elaine: Belnice Mar . to, Francis eter .Reg _.. •. .. , ,. , ... y , .. . Francis .. k ... � ... �:� •, Schumacher•. : •.. ,Murray, son• of Mr. and Mrs. family, 'near B.lyth,,,spent Sunday- Members • of the '4;, r;,,;• -Ji. Club P. A; Murray,1Vlurra`R.R. 1 'Hol: rood. : ,. ;,.,.,,,, at the 'home ' of r.: and e a . 'visiting Scholtz. M Achievement Day in the:.K.D:H.S• The • marriage will take ,plaoe in ', Mrs. Ezra'Scholtz. ' I, on Saturday:: February,; • There are 'apt to be lean days for every one Life insurance can lhelp:tide you ' overmany of these for' it provides cash et times ofgreatesi need.. A Sun. Life insurare program, for example, can safeguard your: widow's independence. your chitdren's education, ;your 'home. and your retirement years; Let' me tell J.Kinahan • &R.2, Lncknow Phone' Win halm 717-w-4. LIFE ASSURANCE -URANCE. SUN ... SS COMPANY OF CANADA ',Mrs. Irene ,Schumacher; spent a few • days . ,with Mrs. William 'Schneider, Teeswater.. • • Messrs: 'Bud and Harold Ste.*:-. art and James Wilson spent .Sun- day ; even: r g with Reg 'Brown: 1 fi • S •e, ,r. e'. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Weber and family spent Sunday visiting at. the home:of Mr• and Mrs.. Robert C Mm!bin;,,Harrison. andMrs.Car'l .McClena'g L0cHALsH� • hon' spent Sunday evening�': at Friday nig t everyone from'Mrs• Elmo '-,the home of Mr. and •this 'area were in Lucknow for Pritchard near 'Lueknow. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 8, ' ,.9, 10. a benefit 'dance for, Jim West Mrs.; Ezra Sdholtz " and Mr's: Letitia Min-anKen Scott and Robert Stevens Jim' had his• leg broken, in 'a hoc- Victor Emerson.attended the 4-1Hg ' 'A further. adventure.wth.• the: notorious pirate Henry Morgan key •accidentearly •this winter, Achievement I,�ay held. in Kin School. had to ' )ie called off cardine:on Saturday.' Mrs,' • Em ,• • "Pirates 01* • Tortu� a • onc4 again due • to the storm. , ^ rson president:of Grey -Bruce it impossible Institute, presented • Poor visibility made a certificate Scope and Color for the buses...JO get' thru. , to Mrs: Raynard. Ackert of Holy �, Mr, and 1VIrs:. Williamson abd rood,, No.41 -$.'.for:Jhorne•-.m:aking-•' Monday; • We` iesday; February .1 =:13, '14: Calvert anti. Tway, 2j , '-Mr.-arrdp�it/hs:-"R6ss-"'vSundayclub worl�:•.•and 'a15q to; •Mr"s. Or_ > ,+.y ,. 1Vla.rti�n and: Ralph Meeker • •, ,ecug- Susan Ha; ward — •Dean family of.Wyoming.spent land McLeod of Bervie in 'r Tense olitical drama based on. Wirt Williams'and Mrs, Ewan Mac-nition. of , five years. in leader- . P mnovel with Mr.ship,. A' Provincial Award was ' e° Lean p,. "`Ada galla • .. c months, given to Miss Eleanor: McNay of �'or. the next.. si ..•ADA church services at .Ashfield Pres- E;R, . 3, Lucknow. byterian Church Will 'be at. 11:00 o'clock:, Sunday was communion' ervice, ing Mr. and;Mrs. John MacDonald; , Pre -communion: services were The Kintail Institute, meeting held Friday evening, arid, Satur was held on Friday at the day ' . at • Ashfield , •Presbyter;ian home of •.Mrs. Duncan' Farrish. Church. .The crowd was smaller than'us- Mr. Charles Palmer df Western ual due to the icy, roads, Canada is spending awhile with Mr, and Mrs. Ewan. MacLean,; • Mrs, Daisy McCharles; is visit- Is Your Subscription Renewed? The Air.. For Comfort ,& ' Conditioned! PAR Entertainment GODERICH �-- Scope and Color. �- • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February' '15, 16, . 17. Tom. Tryon -- Linda' Hutchins and, Barbara Stuart Adventures 8f a marine' platoon, on. and, off the battlefield. Marines :Let's Go" Scope Arid Color'