The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-02-07, Page 1r
05:00 A Year In Advance $1.00
•To U.S.A..
B. 7th, 1962
Single 'Copy 1Oc
10 Pages
• '
past Week's � . Donations Have Added,
Ano#her 2,000 To Artfic1aI.Ice Faud carnival sponsored Masquerade
sp n ored by the Luck
The artificial ice fund. dona- tt-- .
tions turned in, during, the' past ;;
Phillips Menary6 ...... ........
.....week have Gent the fund up' gill Stewart
' about: $2,000, The. total' • as of Jim Arnold
rnernin stood t $:IL0.l0.�
_Monday .�__..l-;I1�urnin Bros. -
A week ago: the :fluid' stood at Elmer Feran •'
$9,12000.. , . -,•
Cliff Kilp trick
• The steady response: is Most Albert 'Taylor .:.
gratifying, 'for last . week was a Y
Gordon Foran
"bad week" weatherwise for can-
vassers, . with stormy, weather
-early in the week, followed by
unusual sub -zero temperatures.
,Th canvass is being dome by
Lion" Club members :who still.
have a, • good • many ' calls, 'Si call-
backs, 'to make. ;
Donations continue' steadily,
from former residents, many of
whom • recall pleasurable days in
the old rink, and give eneour-
agement to'the artificial, ice !pro-
ject which is ''recognized. as'a
major undertaking • on the 'part
of the, sponsoring group.;
Another, source . of'.support has
commenced. from' business firms
doing business with, and through,
locale merchants • and industry..
These; contributions will help to'
{• ,swell the; fund �eoirsiderably it is
:expected. •
. Donations turned over to Trea
` . ;surer Bob Finlay during the `past
•week 'are as;follows. •
.Ellwood •Irwin, Wingham
J. C. Beaton, Soarboro . 10M0
Rev. Win .A. • Henderson 20•.04.
'Woodstock, .
Elleda E, Irwin, Mimico 5.00'
Wallace. 'Twarnley, London'{10,0.0
Mrs. Laverne Aiken (Greer) "2.00
Newborn '
Dr. 'A. A. Cameron, Ottawa .10:00
Angust'MeKinnon,. Aurora'..'25,00
Edgar Ritchie, Huntsville ., 6:00
Mr. &. Mrs :;Er McGrath 4...• 300'
Mrs. N. C. James •'10:00
Leanungton .
•Alma Alton, London ,..:..-10.00
Charles :Sherwood, ` Detroit .-10.00
Mrs: 'M. Horne, . Toronto 10.00
• Mrs.. Lillian Ellis,. Toronto 1000
Mary"and Bill "MacK.innon10.00
'Clarence MacMillan • 10.0:0
Toronto • •
Mr. and'Mrs. Jas. W. Ross 5:00
Toronto. •
Doris ' Wylds, Toronte. ; 5.00
H. 'A. Doupe, Port.Credit :
Christine' Thompson' 10•;00
Mrs, Elizabeth Jean Crump.""5:00.:.
Manson -Reid 6.0'0'
Godeich Bottlin'�Works '10 00:
Coca Cola, Goderich
D B. Dowdy •10.00.
Cities Service Oil, Windsor
Stewart; Ritchie r5 00
Fred,Anderson `- 5.00
P.. M. Johnston 10.00;
Howard. Beirnes 10:00
.John Adams',.:: 10:00
Howard:, Culbert 5.00
• Dungannon
Gordon Valad, . Dungannon ; 5.00
Fred Jackson 20.00
M: L Sanderson'`.. ' 50.00
Mrs.. Isabel! McKenzie 110.00
`W. J Mills 10.00,"
Motor Sales Ltd:, Goderich'
Percy, Barr :10:00.
Y,� •
Springdale, - Nfld.
Lena and Henry• C'a'rter :..: 10.00•
Mr:.'and Mrs. K. Laidlaw 5:00'
London' •
Mrs., Jas:. C. Little 1,00
Whitefish, •Mont.
•D: R : Maepiarmid :, .:r. 10,00
{Shaker --Heights`, Ohio
Isobell .and Doug Clark r:..:... 10:00
London .
, Jack: and Mary West ., .::.:y::. 5.00
Dori Mills'
• :Walter Brown , , 2.00
Eldon MacLennan X2.00
Rev, Roderick McLeod 15.00
W. 0, 'Hunter .:::. .. :.::.. 10.00
Roy Havens' 25.00.
Jack McKendrick v:r.. • r10,00
J, E. MacDonald r.:rrr.,:,:..r,L5.00r
Bill Johnstone .. : r+."r„:r'.,.r.,., '50:00
•'Wilson. Lodes ' 100.00
, .•r:. :: u...i.rrri:•n
lrzabeth J, MacKenzie ie ...r.r: 10.00
�enx :
Norfolk, Virginia •
Walter Arnold .::w,r..ri:r..•rr:.+rxr ' :5!00
J.:• R: Murray' and Son . 5.00
Herb.-W:Graham, Toronto ,5.00:
Ethel and. Bill Blue, Detroit 20.00•'
Mrs.. A. 'G. Elliott, London'25.00
W. F. MacDonald 2.00
Elizabeth Murdie ..: ,.;,., :110:00
Ernest Blake 5.00
William Griffin 10.00.
Ian Montgomery. : 5.00
Margaret Montgomery • 5.00
Eldon' Wraith ... .......,1.0.00
Ronald Alton 10.:00
F. Desjarlais .;.,^• 1.00
Sid Gardner'10,00
Wilfred Drennan : 2.00
Bety Henderson :...; 5.00
Sam Chislett 10.00
W G. Reed . ' 3.00'
Harry Gill 2.00.
Art Clark: . 2.00
Elmer Reavie 10 00
Charlie, MacQuillan
•J: A. Lane •' * . 10.00
D. Kingsbury 2:00.
wood, Florida,, and • will"•..'visit
(Continued: on Page' 10)•
with Mrs. G. L.:Hall; 'the former
Gertrude Levis; a sister of Mrs.
';MacLeod.. who they have 'not
Bader Coursei
seen n about 7 ears. Mrs.FTal1,
has , '•.a : permanent . residence at
West Holl wood: Mr. and Mrs,:
T� BeHere e
now and District Lions Club. ,will
be held in fife Arena on the ev-
ening of F"r -day, Februiary `16th.
This masquerade event fea
tures -in--particular- classes' ' for
'the children,. and they are al-
ways out in. large numbers and
in a variety of costumes.
A' omplete list df,' events and
the 'cash ' prizes, offered, .is. given
M an. advertisement •in this issue:
The carnival' will conclude with
a rural hockey game between, a
couple of teams in the "Indust-
vial' League;' ;
Ta•f See' Sister t st
-Time In .37 Years
.. Mr. and ; Mrs. Alex .MacLeod
and • `Mr. and Mrs., Wellington
•Henderson left' by motor on Tues
day ' 'for ..the southern United
States,. Mk. and Mrs. Henderson
plan *to visit with their' daughter
and son -in -Taw, Mr. • 'and Mrs..
Herb Nesbitt at Atlanta, Geor-
gia. Mrs. Nesbitt • is ':the: former
Lois Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs.. MacLeod plan to
go' on by West Holly
McLeod plan to ;fly home:'
4, 1 b. Lea ers two-=day.
course; will be held in
on Wednesday and: • Thursday
February. 21 and 22, under the
direction of Miss Selma. •Willms
Home Economist. •
• • ',It is expected' that leaders
from :about 'fourte'en'.cliibs in, the.
community. `' will :be in attend-
Locally two clubs will be or,
ganized and about .14 .:girl's ':have.
already signified their intention
of ':joining. Leaders • of the : two:
village groups are' Mrs. James:-
Mathers with Mrs. Clark' Finlay
-son. as assistant, and Mrs. :Bill
Bolt assisted ` by Mrs. ' Vernon
Hunter. The: project is "Dressing
up . hpme grown vegetable"s." '
,Girls` Who .are , 12 by . March,
are eligible, and February .10th
has been set as',the deadline for •
Had Y: Hospital,
Birtbda yin
Mrs. E:d.• Thom 'observed her
• birthday on. Sunday, • F,ebru-
ary 4th in Wingham General Hos:
: pital: where.' she has been 'a patient,
for the., past five weeks:. ':Mrs.
Thom also had a seige in the
hospital last fall...She expects to
be able tti con .e' home shortly.:
• Members of her farnily.and sev-.
eral' ' others who visited her,'. at, on. Sunday shar'ed
thie birthday cake which marked
the :occasion. 'Mr`s. Thom is. an
"up patient," and during the :af-
ternoon received a telephone call
from California .frorri her daugh
ter, Jean, Mrs.: Al 'Martin: Her •
other ' daughters, ; Mrs.:: Campbell
Thompson Mrs. Bon, Rothwell
arid, Mrs, ' 'Stuart ` Collyer were;
visiting with her 'when the sur-
prise, call was received in mid-"
Mrs..Thom is the former Rose -
Mary. Miller, ,daughter of the
Band Concert. Set .
For Fnday Night
late Mr. and Mrs. John' Miller
• of'• 'West Wawanos�h She was
Members of the Lucknow s-'
°trict High School Band, are hop
ing :,..for • a full house ,when they
present their first` band concert.
o,£ the term` in ..the' High School
auditornaW on Friday' everting,
The group is ,Under the direc-
tion of Mr. Elwin "Hall,: who !will r
have a senior !band of from -16'
.to 18 members, and ajunior' band
'of between 25 ar)d:30.'The juniors
who 'were organized iri the fall;
will do some .simple' exercises to
,demonstrate their progress in so
short a. timed. •. •
A trumpet trio • from the 'A,t-
wood Band • will be ,featured on
the . program,. Two • of the trio,
Don Hill and Norrn • Bennett. are
former Salvation•• Army bands-
men and are "top notch:" .:
Advance sale ticket; can bel
- ,--e-ba
- th
_ ..�::an
to ti
members. •'The concert starts at
8:00 o'clock: • '
The community is pleased : that
the school band continues to
function and, can show their ap-
preciation by their presence Fri. -
day.,. •
'Mr. W. ; Hoag . organized and
directed the band for several
years..Upon his retirement, Rev.
H. W. • Str:app,' tilled' the leader-
ship vacancy during the 196061
school term and turned, the dut-
it's 'over to Mr. Hall, Who ,joined
the High School staff • in Sep-
born on the 'farm., owned by ••her,
brother, :.Wallace` Miller and re-.
sided in 'West, Wawanosh all her
`f : until 'nd� er 1
11 e t shea h ate . hus
.band retired to Lucknow sev-
eral years ,ago.
Breakfas't H r e e
Supp�r..In Fiorido
Mr, ••and ' Mrs. Harry' : Nixon
flew to 'Florida' on Saturday for
a• winter holiday and a 'visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nixon at• Lake-.
fand. r • -
The Nixons. had breakfast in
Lucknow and,supper Florida..
They flew from London to 'Mal-,
ton,. and then - from 'Mallon- . to
rani. a-._.=-wher- --•Jim Ni'x o n : met
p ,e o
then- and took them by, meter. to
Lakeland, about, 35 . miles. The
Toronto -Tampa flight 'took only
2. hours and 35 minutes. Mr, and
Mrs: Nixon phoned . their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Cyril Brown, about 9
p:m. Saturday, telling. of. •"their
arrival; . .
Mr. and 'Mrs, Jim Nixon are
permanent residents of Lakeland
where he operates a trailer camp.
They have a son Keith, in the
bank' in Florida. •
' Mr: and 'Mrs. Nixon plan to. be
away "at' east two weeks,possibly"
Pine River Cheese
To A -Half Million
The twenty-third annual: ' meet-
ing of Pine River Cheese and
Butter .Co-operative was held in
Reids Corners Community_Iiall:
on Thursday,: January 25th.: Ap-
proximately 80• patrons 'and vis-
itors were • present: Morris Reid.
was appointed chairman few 'the
The auditors' report was given
by Elmer Bradley?, ' showing re-
ceipts of $+522,585.5: with $396,-
524.62 being ,paid to the patrons.
for milk,• including subsidies &
premiums, $29,774.OQ for hauling.
milk,;' $46,139.31 for' manufactur-.
in'g cheese ' & butter and $590.38:
forwarded to the Dairy .Farmers
of Canada for, the 'national ' ad-•
vertising program.: 14;8817,509' lbs.'
of milk were received during the
• Commencin'g this.:. month there.
will' be services of healing held
at St...Peter's Anglican Church;
Lucknow, on the third Monday of,
each month. •
• ' The first; service:.will be held
On Monday, February 19th at 7:30.
Further. information ,may be had
by contacting the rector Rev.`
Wilfred Wright
Birthday- Party
Here On Saturda
Mr.' Angus Dickson, immediate'
past. reeve of the town' of Listo
wel, .with be 80 on Friday, Feb
ruary .9th, but had the ' occasion
marked` at a pre -birthday party'
on Saturday. 'at ,thehome of his..
daughter, Mrs; ,.Elwin •Hall of
Mr..and : Mrs. Dickson' spent'
the week ,end; her e with.' Mr: and
Mrs Hall, ' and :were joined' by
their; two ,Sons, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Dickson and •Mr. ..and Mrs. :Roger
Dickson arid: daughters, Ann and
:Ina of Atwood for a birthday.'
dinner. Mi., Dickson' was : pre-
sented 'with an electric` razor.
Mr. Dickson 'was . iri public life
for many years.''W lie on: `.the.
farm .h
e was . see
Township, ' and warden : of •. Perth
County.'. For .eleven years: 'he •re
presented: Perth County in the
Legislative- , Asaenn.bly, and . of
'late served, as reeve of Listowel
until.:: his; retiregient In. Decem-.
4., Award
s Mede
Achi�:vAt e ern nt�D�ye
,Achievement Day
-took place
on . Saturday; • February. 3rd at
Kincardine High ' ,School:, 'The
morning session was devoting to
the : judging of • garments ' and
fabrics, after ,which t'h,e• • home`
economist, : Miss. Selma Willis
,explained. to: the girls regarding
sewing,' grain of fabrics and fin-
ishes• .on garments.'
The afternoon session saw the
staging of skits, demonst'rations
and, • exhibits, which' were corn,.
merited on by ,visiting home eco-
nomists.' • '
Miss Wilims • introduced Mrs.
V. Emerson who . gave an inter-
esting talk and then presented
leaders' certificates for six years
leacid r
ship ' in . aroYile'making. to
Mrs. 'Ra,yHard Ackert•° and • Mrs.
Orland, McLeod. Eleanor McNay;
R.R. 3, Lucknow, and' Joyce Steel
of Ripley were . presented with
Provincial honour pins and ter-.
tificates on completion` of 12 4 -+Ii.
Homemaking Club projects. Five
girls received ' certificates and
pins for , completing six Home-
making. Clubs.
Many 2 -year certificates Were,
given and the program, closed by
presenting all' girls, and leaders,
who completed their club ,, pro-
ject, with* a 4-H , stirling. silver
tea spoon.
Sales:; Close
Dohars In 1961
year and 1,310.;6.09 lbs. of :.cheese
were manufactured: This ,was ,an
-increase of 45 -•;tons, -of 'cheese . f
over the, previous year.
The Secretary -Treasurer's" re-
port' was given_by. Donald, Court-
ney, consisting of an: itemized ac- '.
! count of miscellaneous expendi-
tures and an . explanation of .the
new . patrons statements to be
used, in the coming year.. Owing
to th'e absence of Mervin Eck-
mier, manager and salesman, ° the
secretary .also gave: 'a list of sales
made• at the Stratford exchange.
and a .summary of prices; receiv
ed. Local sales ,of cheese had:' in
creased by 1Q% this year
The, president, Cecil' Humph-
rey,, gave a full and interesting
account. 'of repairs carried out
at, the Plant as well 4s• new
equipment purchased during the
year. The largestpurchase being
-a, ,:new ; vacuum tank through,
which .,it was :hoped to turn out
more premium cheese. 'He' corn -
Mended the manager, : cheese-:
maker.'and those on the staff for.
a job 'well done • throughout the
Glenn Martin, .. in charge . of
cheese' making 'at the plant 're-
ported on the improved ;quality
of the:. milk `received, , this. year; ..::
He: urged that • . care be taken:
when using penicillin and' other
drugS.on the cows that the milk
'be held back 'for the proper time
s it.had a. very, detrimental.' ef-
ct; on the; production of cheese.
Jack Bain, . Director', of :.Milk
Products was present ,as guest
Speaker. ' Mr.' Bain commented on
number of' new regulations
coming into effect on the produc
tion of Milk; and',gave .some 'fig
ures as to ; produetion On the na-
tional level: 10.2 • billion .pounds ::
of milk ' were produced- •in Can
ada in . 196.1as compared to 18:
billion in ` 1960, 50% of : this in-
crease came •in: the. province of
Quebec. Cheese :;production` Was.
114: million`'�pounds, 6 =million'
from `1960, Quebec ; representing
the •entire increase.:He mentioned
that the. export' market looks fa •
vourable for :.the • 'coming, year
and felt that present: prices could
hold . as long as production' did
not 'o :above 125 :Million pounds :.
Mr. Bain also ',mentioned that.
a series of meetings were, being
held: at present • at Toronto
'hope' that an ' overall milk mar-
keting plan . could • be prepared
for •:a, producer .vote in the, near
` • Get Top Quality, Certificates
Gordon'.'Coukell, Dairy( Field-,
man commented on the improve • •'
merit in milk being sent to ,::the
'plant and stressed ways by which
•it• could. 'be further .itnproved..
He presented, .certificates to, Leo
nerd .Reid, John McCharles, Wm
Bradley and Wesley Irvine whose
milk had been , of top • quality for,
the past , year , •
John Reid, past '•presiden,t, com-
mended the staff and ' • directors
for 'their work during • the year
Mr, Goldie Harris, director,,
gave ' an interesting account of
the cheese producers', annual
meeting held in Toronto On Jan
uary 4th :and 5th at which he
was • a delegate. •
'Walter Locke, Royal Bank,
Ripley,. addressed the 'meeting & '.
gave an interesting •t 1aon loans
available to farmers Cigars were
presented to all attending •by the.
Bank, ••
The board of 'directors elected
for the coming year• were as fol-
lows: Cecil Humphrey, president,
Leonard Reid, John McCharles,'`
Alton Smeltzer and Bob -Rut-
ledge the latter. replacing 'Gol-•.
die •Harris,. who retired' from
farming to ' live 'in Kincardine
during' the past year.
All inilk haulers contracts.. were
renewed for the coming year
and Elmer. Bradley :WAS 4143oMt
ed patrons ,auditor for the corn;
ing .year.
{ �Y
r <. r