The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-31, Page 11• wr,DasIESDAY, ZAN 31st, 1962 . 10. THE LtJCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Organize • L�dies' Scouf Auxiliar y The first 'meeting of, the newly organized Ladies' • Auxiliary of the First ,. Kinloss . Boy Scouts 'was, held' January 23rd in the Scout Halt' at Holyrood. The: • .of-- ficers for 1962•" are; Pres., .Mrs. Lorne Eadie; vice-pres., Mrs. Harold. Bannerri,an; . secretary- retasurer,' Mrs. Currie Colwell; Conveners , Social, Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes; `2ncl Hand 'Uniforans;- Mrs. 'Jack AckertSewing, Mrs: Harold ' Halden'by; Membership; Mrs. Roy 'Cornish; Program,, Mrs. Elmer Benedict, . • DUNGNNQN Erskine Presbyterian: Church held, the annual congergational 11 meeting on : Friday night in. the church. The Rev..Rod Ma.iLeod, the minister was chairman; open=• ,ing with prayer .and a hymn. Reports were.'given from .each 'department .and were .found •to., • be in 'good standing. Mr. W. G. Stewar t and Mr,.: Murray.,; Wilson were elected • • to the board 'of management to replace two: oth- ers...Rev. McLeod made comment on the, successful year. -At the 'close of • the. 'meeting, all retired to ;the 'basement ':for. lunch,: a 'We ;were; sorry to hear;.af Mrs. .Everett Errington falling on icy walks Monday • morning as the went to 'work;breaking : her right arm' above the elbow. The injur- ed member was put iii :splints and a sling. She is a clerk at : the K. K: , Dawson General store. A neighbour `•. enquiring of;her in jury, Mrs. Errington; `a- natural south -paw . came back with a cheery answer, that she' now diad a' good excuse to write with her:: left, hand, Apparently she` had been encouraged :when: ,she ..went' to school to write with the. :right • hand and has all: along done so. a thin' cover' in• .of. "' The'e ice with g snow •made wal�kingA very tricky' and treacherous. . .Mr. .and Mrs. Bob 'Curry, . Day_ ton, Ohio, formerly of ''Goderich visited; a few days with: his 'sis-. ter, Mrs. Durnin Phillipsi:and ,Mr: Phillips: ; ". Mrs, Hu •h McWhinney ,'and g Mrs. Esther Rivett will 'coach the' 4-H : C'lub,R.of girls. at . the. ,home of Mrs.: Rivett on February :9th at Et:. p.:m. The project, to study' is will be. a sewing :course,, Separ ates :for summer:" The course is open to girls 12 = 26 :-and : 'may en 11 tli.' either of these; la dies.' :gave: two,. instrumental numbers MBERLEY Mrs, Walter MacLean of Am- berley was hostess for a baby shower in htnor of Mrs, Ivan Cobk on Monday• afternoon. Over twenty ladies attended. : During the afternoon 'a short program of interesting contests was enjoyed. Many lovely gifts were presented t; Mrs., Cook • for her . daughter, Susan, Marie, whose birthday was. on .Janulry 13th.` Mrs, MacLean and assistants served .' a dainty lunch 'anda social' hour was en- joyed, Congratulations go 'r; Mr and MrsCarl Will k ns or, the arrival of a son, Danny Bruce, a brother for Paul; Mr, and Mrs. John Erninerton Were guests of . Mr, gnd Mrs,,' Hugh M. Cameron;, shore. road,.on "Wednesday. . The annual meeting of. Pine River Cheese. and. Butter Co-op erative was largely attended on, 'Thursday afternoon. •Mrs,:Donald Courtney taught at S:S, No,. 1 •Lurgan On Monday and. Tuesday of last week. • Mr. and Mrs..' Walter Brown visited: recently with friends . in Goderich.. Mrs; George Wight 'man: • ' and .Miss; Grace Cameron were host esses. 'for .Reid's • . Corners W. I., which .was .held' at their home on. Thursday afternoon when 26 ladies : attended.:,'Mrs. Donald Courtney a dMr. '.Kelvin Hen derson p esided, •After the ` op=� r ening, ' ode " and . Mary: • Stewart Collect, the' roll call, "A Sug; g gested resolution" was :responded, The 'business part of: the .• meet-. ing dealt with plans: for the •February :meeting -which is', In- ternational. Day: "Pennies for Friendship" .Will be'' received .at this . meeting. •:Plans were also discussed for: the annual: W.I. Concert• which- will be' held:. in March.: A'• program committee was `named with Mrs: - Gordon Emnsertion, Mrs, Ross Shiells• & Mrs: Bert Irwin' in charge.•,Mrs: Gordon .'Emmerton reported on the' one day course .held- at the home ;of Mrs, ,Don Courtney' on January.' lath, ; when Mrs,,` M. Maynard. of Unionville.' conduc- ted an informative program: on the Branch Workshop: Mrs, Geo: :Wightman,•' Convener of resolu- tions, presided . for the• program. which followed. The: motto,_ '"No one gets indigestion'.from .swal- .lowing his pride was given by Mrs. Robert Courtney. In her: re- marks, she emphasized the heed' of friendliness to new • .comers, and •to those' less fortunate :than ourselves. • Mrs. William • Collins to with.'•many interesting ideas. Mr. Fred King, local barber; underwent ia';serious' operation at • - Westminster' Hospital the last of the Week and is reported* to be coming, along fine .towards recovery: Mr.. and Mrs Oscar 'Cuthill and Paul of Walton :were . Sunday, visitors with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs: Arthur.: Elliott. Miss ' Ida Whyard, a patient at Wingham—Hospital-is' "recovering nicely from illness. Ladies whoattended the Huron Presbyterial Women's' :Organza-: tion at Ontario • St United Church in Clinton and Wesley • Willis United Church were ,' M'rs K. • Dawson, ' Mrs. • Glean Weaver,; Mrs.. J, Dauphin, Mrs. Howard John. ston, :: Mrs. Harvey Alton,•: Mrs. Will Petrie, • Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Mrs. Ce'ci1: Blake, Mrs. Clifford. Crozier, Mrs. Esther Rivett, Mrs. Otto Popp, Mrs. Ross Eedy • Mrs. Herb Finnigan, 'Mrs. Hugh, .Mc Whinney, Mrs. Mel J. Reed, .Mrs.. Jack --Alton. Theyy heard guest speakers' who • explained the. Work and study ,of the nevi; or- ganization Women of• t'he church. • Mr;' and :Mrs Robert Stothers and, family ' on: Sunday visited Mrs. V. McLeod, Kincardine, T'he' first. . meeting. of The W.omen of the Church was held Monday afternoon in 'the United church basement, • Mrs, K. K. Dawson•presided and • opened With 'a` hymn and Mrs. • Frank Pentland at the „piano, Mrs," Herb Finnigan was in charge of the 'worship' service with the theme, Praise • Ye The Lord. Mgrs, Hugh McWhinney had the ' scripture lesson and 'meditation prayer, The president remarked which were enjoyed. The topic, 'Parents can shape the 'destiny of tomorrows world.. It. is the big, gest . job of : all times, by Mrs Ross ',Shiells in which she Stres- sed the ,inportan�ce • of a good home `which : is :essential' tp the • development of ,children, both. physically and mentally. Courtesy remarks were given •by' Mrs. El- don. l-don. Lowry. . After • the • closing `ode . and • grace, ::lunch • *tras . serv- ed by Mrs. .john ` Reid`, ..Mrs. Mervyn Funston, Mrs. Wightman and.. Miss Grace; 'Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman of arna' were Sunday . guests of • of the ood attendance .:and ' in a: short speech emphasized .that. the executive can do 'nothing without'. the help of each mem- ber. and said 'we will need <•'co- Operation and willingness. . Let us begin with a good heart. Mrs. Ross 'Eedy'. gave the call to ,wicl��5 .tis sere' , The inut of t Execo,tiVe meeting were read.. Mrs. Jack Alton read cer- respondence, . It was decided oto hold the meetings on ''the third Tuesday •in the month • during winter' and at night in the sum- mer. Mrs... Hugh McWhinney 'gave- a•, report on Supply ' and Social assistance; Mrs. W. Brown gave the ' treasurer's report. A very :interesting and worthwhile program was led by Mrs. Herb Finnigan with ethers assisting who Were Mrs, Lorne Ivers and Mrs, Norman' Rivett, Mrs. Harvey Alton and, Mrs. Otto Popp. After the closing hymn,. Mrs. Herb Finnigan as lunch'convei erowith the group served. lunch. o Mrs James. McNain` and family, The first meeting of :the' Even- ing Auxiliary • of the United Church Women of Pine River,. was held in the church on .Tues - clay evening, January 23rd with, an attendance of • 26. The; pre- sidert Mrs. ' Jack„ Liddle • and. secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Leon- ard Reid, presided for the Meet- ing which opened 'with hymn 39 and a "portion of seripture by Mrs. Liddle. The scripture read ,ing was given. by Mrs. Carrick Coiling, followed with medita- tions .by. Mrs. Leonard 'Courtney and prayer by M rs: •Robert Court- ey. Roll call was: answered, 'liy . payment of fees. A duett by Shir- ley Ann Reid, ,and Mary Eliza- beth.. Walden was . enjoyed. A 'reading by Mrs. Cecil Humphrey• was followed with interesting chapter's . from the Study Book; by Mrs..Glen. Boyd, Meeting clos- ed with hymn 1' and prayer by Mrs William Ferguson, •. . Mr. ; and Mrs. Gordon Elliott attended the - • Western .Ontario Jersey Club banquet .w.hich, was - held :in London on Saturday. Mr: and Mrs, . Art Courtney re- turned home from London,. on Sunday,. O<:uests on. Sunday with: `Mr. & Mrs, Donald 'Courtney, were. Rev; J.. C. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs: John Reid and Mr.: " and Mrs'. John Blue, • Mass • Jean Geddes . of Toronto visited :`over the " week -end with her Parents,;: Mr' and Mrs. •, Cliff Geddes; • ' Pupils • of Pine': River ` Central School enjoyed a• -Skating .party at the Ripley Arena recently,, Hot. chocolate. and hot dogs were served afterwards which'` less. to ,say ,were enjoyed by: the skaters; The annual meeting . of... Pine River United Church was. held on Friday beginning, din- nerwith .•. at ' noon, • • need - 1st • K NLOS,S BOY,. SCOUT GROUP • The January jinx has laid heavy on the :Scout Troop Meet- ings with two. nights cancelled because of :stormy weather. Last, week, however, the night,' was clear and all • Scouts headed, to • our new Scout Hall .for• the first time,.•'But• still the 'jinx held '-- due to one' of those slip-ups that happen in life, the ' key was • not; available. nor was.. the 'fire on, So thanks ; to the. kindness of the District' School.'Board, the troop met . in the. Playroom. 'of the new Kinloss'Cent'ral School. Jack • Hatch. .of the Provincial. Police was our. guest • for the evening,. and • taught.! highway safety rules, to the Troop:. * * *. . . The Father . and '.• Son 'banquet. • is.' being' held in, the • HoIyrood ':Mrs. ` Elizabeth .:McDonald 'is•, :spending . some time. with : her sister, Mrs. William 'Jackson. ,.of • Ripley; .' who has, been • hospital- ized for the 'past week,* but was able, to . return to. her .home re- cently. • . Mr: Williaan J. Courtney* • is Working in' -•Ripley for: Mr Wm. Harris who is 'doing .extensive renovating .-at one of .his houses: Mrs: Ross Shiells. and Mr, & Mrs Wi lam Courtney : visited with' Mrs. Sam Geddes of ,Ripley on • Wednesday evening:, Hall on Saturday, February 24th. The Patrols are . preparing skits: and program items for the ev- ening. We , expect about ,110 • to sit down:• for supper which includes 45 fathers and 60 boys. The Lad' :ies Auxiliary. are putting on.the .supper " and following ' the • meal• these mothers , will' .all. attend the , .evening program. * * *. 'The six new, •recruits who ' n o have come up • from the Cubs. will be invested • that , evening. Also a number number. of Scouts will receive' -their Second Class badges. On the previous. Sunday, Feb- ruary 18th, as• 'part of ourcele=. ,bration ..of Scout:' Week, thePack: and'. Troopwill attend ;.•a. Church :Parade' at ' South' Kinloss Pres byteriaxl . Church At' the last Group Committee Meeting, it was: decided.' to, hold: a- .:Bottle Drive to, raise general' 'funds in March 'or April:' Would our friends :please be good;' enough• to: save: all `their:, bottles: that have ; cash, 'value' • for our held next Sunday; , February ruab • ry 4th in Ashfield Presbyterian Church at 11- a.m with preparatory ser,. Vices . on• Friday. night at 8 pm, and Saturday. at .11 a.m• Miss' Barbara' : Finlayson of •' Guelph was horrie' for the. Week- end.' eek- end ' .the Artificial. Ice: Fund. and also • • _The January.meetin of the Keri MacKenzie , g, .. arid, �"Doug • :one for subscription .• renewal 'to • W.M S. heldat the' ` home of Mrsi Parrish . Spent a • few days . in:`'the'•Seritinel.' Best':of ltick..to' all ' . •. Reuben Wilson was opened with Toronto' last week. in- the ' campaign " • ASHFIEL canvassers to pick up during, the drive. .. * ; We haven't heard . the last' of •, our Capon and Shooting Match yet last week- Committee,. of four, Lorne Eadie, Roy , Cornish, Frank Colwell and Lloyd Aeke rt travelled to, Toronto to purchase tents with the Shooting Match•. funds. We now have on order sufficient oanvas to sleep either the 'Scout Troop or Cub Pack, . •... What- ,,They �a�" .About Asti#ficial !ce Donald MacKenzie, Hamilton— "Wishing you; much success in, your canvass for funds." • Jack• MacDonald, Thornbury "I; wish your Club .every • success With your artificial ice. proJect, 1 • feel sure :after reading over . . 'your different committeesyou • will •,reach your goal." Harold F; Freeman, • Syracuse, "Enclosed is .cheque for I0 bucks for Olde 'rya -he's .Sake— for ice. When :we were kids we shovelled off the ;mill pond and.. had ' a lot of fun doing' it, but this, is 1962• and progress noted, we've got to have' artificial -ice, Trust 'my. 'little, donation . helps the . cau$e•,,. "The White Twins," Ernestine and•' Margaret, Toronto ---"Wish to• highly commend your :. Club for undertaking ;such, a; worthwhile venture for the ,residents 'of, Lueknow and district: Hope 'the' drive goes , over. the top." Charles Norfolk, Hillside; 'N J. —"Enclosed *you . will .• find- a donation for . : your , ice • arena. have' been' reading about it in the Sentinel. • 1 hope. it •gees over real big.>, Carlyle ' , (Creek) . MacIntooish, Ottawa "I ; am enclosing a cheque for $10'60, a smalllona- tion to your. Lions Club Artificial Tice Fund, which•is a :very 'worthy project indeed: Time cannot fade the fond .;.memories of the years spent 'in Liicknow,' ' andspeaking of , ice, • what ' pleasure ' we a:ll had at -the rink and the,: pond. My • kindest regards. to • your family and;, to all .my old friends: Lots of success in your project. Lorena Crozier, London - "I, am killing two birds with -one .stone! . Enclosed' is a cheque for • • • prayer • ;'by ":Miss:,': Sadie Johnson, who also gave "Thoughts' for' the New •Year." Mrs. George Mon- crief Was in chaige of the devo-; tonal 'part .and •Mrs. Earl'Howes read a poem. A panel discussion on British. Guiana was conduct- ed by Miss. Sadie Johnson, Mrs. Stuart' MacLennan,' Mrs: William'. Johnson and Mrs: R Gibson: Mrs. 'Hugh MacKenzie . read a letter 'from Mr. 'and Mrs Gerat ly's, missionaries in Nigeria. and, Mrs. • Gibson 'lead in prayer. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie•, and Mrs. William, Ross gave highlights of the annual meeting • in Wing ham. Mrs: `' D: R. MacKenzie,• treasurer, anounced the Society had raised' $589. in' 1961. The hos- teas and the 'committee served luncli;. • ' Theexecutive for1962 is as follows: Past :President, ..Mrs; William Ross, President, Miss Sadie 'Johnson; 1st Vice, 'Mrs; D. R. MacKenzie; 2nd. Vice, Mrs,' Jack MacCreight; 3rd ViceMrs,. Richard West; Secretary.,_.,Mrs. enry MacKenzie; Treasurer, Mia. D R. MacKenzie; Press Sec:, Mrs.Earl Howes; Glad Tidings, Sec:, Mrs.: ;Colin. •MacGregor•;• Horne Helpers Sec, Mrs.: Earl Howes; Welcome • and' Welfare, Miss Sadie. Johnson, and Mrs. ]David'MacMurchy; 'Supply Sec., Mrs, Reuben Wilson, • Library; Mrs, D. A. "MacLean; Life Mem- beiship, Mrs. Hugh 1VMc,I enzie; Pianist, Mrs. D. Wylds :and Mrs.' William Johnson; Explorers,. Mrs. 'Henry MacKenzie and Mrs: Warren Wylds; Mission Band; Mrs, George Moncrief; C:G.I.T,, Mrs; Ewan MacLean arid, Mrs. William Ross. Sacrament serrces will _ be • • scis••••••••••••••s•••••••••••••••e•••••••••••e�. • ••0• • • -!• K11 "' VLA/ /1/-L` 0 •.. •. • • • • 0._ • •,��0'!'>y, 6A�')I�'`�I�I�iI%' rte: �. •• •,• • 1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan automatic. fully equipped. •., • 1961 Pontiac Laurentian,'• Power steering, auto., fully:equi . -'ed •PF % • 1961" Ford: Station, `Wagon• • 196.1 Pontiac • Stratochief, autmnatic 0 . s 1960 'Chex",1ielair' Sedan,' automatic • 1960 Pontiac Coach, automatic• • • 1959 Pontiac Sedan automatic, •fully equipped 1959 Buick 4 -door hardtop, automatic . '• 1959• Chev Sedan, automatic, fully .equipped 1958 Pontiac. Sedan, automatic •0 1957 Poiri.ac 24door hardtop, "automatics • 1957 Chev Sedan, standard 195'; Scdan, automatic • 1956. Chev Relair Sedan, with ` automatics. • 1956 Ford Custom Sedan, automatic • 1956 Meteor Rideau; ' automatic. • • 1956 Cliev Station Wagor ; ' 4 -door •' 1956 'Pontiac, Coach • 1955 Ford Coach `. • 19515 'Obey sedan , • MANY OLDER MODELS - TO CHOOSE FROM 6 TRUCKS' ., TRUCKS',!- • 1961 Half -Ton Pick -Up, long box • 1959 Dodge, Half -Ton Pick -Up • • 1957 Chev, One -Ton Express .- Brussels tors :• ' • •• •- • •` i : . • . • • + i • •• • • •.___.: • • • • . 0 • • • • CitieS Service .1leater, - Phone 173, ;Brussels firm ••s••••i•s•••••• i•• •s ••is 0ilossss•esuiflor