The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-17, Page 3e d e d e, J. 1- h, 4 •44' • .to 'WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th.,. 1962 , • THE LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LITCK.N,OW,,, QN7.4410. • 44 PAGE MAIM 4. SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY •.giitada T&I Bags Save, 0o77. Package of 60. :•-- 'Quaker •-; _ 43c itnicli or • Instant, Gelargi. package.. , Itozen. Vegetables 2.7,89c. .LibbY's Allied.. Save 9c, 2 pound poly .bags . • Cream Style Corn.. - Aylmer Choice quality. 20 oz tins. Westolf.Twin Rolls 25c. . . Brown 'n' Serve Reg. 29c, 12" to package ' Red. 'PHONE • 77c Wagstaffe Jams 39c , With added. Pectin, Raspberry or Strawberry.' Sayea0c, 24 oz. Jar. ". '• . . . Supreme .3-89c . . . • ...Chocolate 1VIalldwa,, Strawberry Crean's, Dainty Assorted, Party Pack, Choeolate Oreanie. • • Help Your Child In School Illustrated for the first tine - *The Golden: Book Encyclopediafor 'young people. A • brand new world of knowledge. Every page in, glorious, colour - 15 years' in the makingVolume 1 still on Sala for only 49c ,...f.'Volume 2 through 16, only. 99c each. Buy a book -a -week. ite oo 6.- 'FREE. DELIVERY , .7.7••/./. -.7.707.7.7.70.--- • - •`,7••...474, .••••-`7.7..••• .7.7--•"..•7‘,7•7 ARTlFICIAL ICE DONATIONS • . (Continued from. Page:.1); $900. The Club Was• re-,' duced .to this figure ,by. an ex- penditure of $139.00, for 2,500 five -cent stamped envelopes to circularize Lucknow and District "old By and. G*Is..1-14AlreadY the response to'theieLietterS :been. terrific with •cheques from: 42.00 to $50.00 being received: • Three cheques, including the :above . $50 Sum; 'were . in The Sentinel mail on Tuesday. They tOtalled $72.00,, and are. :not -in- cluded in this. week's IiSt. The .'weekly list of -donation acknowledgements Willhereafter cover. the WeeklY.'reCeipts up to the ‘.`close of business' ' on :Satur- day night as received by the Ice Fund treasurer, Robert In this .,week's •iiatare the ',names of 27 members . Of . the ...Lions Club who' "bet. the start.; ing gun?' with -personal donations, totalling $2,0410. Here's' the first.' ist of acknow ...ledgernents: . Centennial ;Fund Liori Club Artificial - • Ice••Activities. .876:30' D. R. (Dan) MacDonald '• • (deceaed) Smiths' Falls 7:00, Donald' J. .Loivr, Cardiff, California 2:00 Catholia•Wonien'S League; LiiCknOW ' •• 25.00 .Canadian. Legion, 225:00' . • • Dr, Mark *Itaithby '' . 50.00 Blake Alton,- ; •50.00 Frank •Thompson , 25.00 Ernest •Button .25.09 Gardon Brooks " ' 100,00. •Omar .Brooks • 4 100.00 . . • . • • •111111,1/.1/8/1111111111•11.1 . , • 1.` UrsiriED CkURCH ! , Rev. Howard W. ''Strapp ! Minister ' /.. SUNDAY, JANUARY ;lat .1 , . ' 10:00 . a.m. Cluirch School 1 11:00 . A.M.-.1Vforning Worship. , • : • • -LiCknow 1 Presbyterian Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister • : • JANUARY 2tit Stitiday SchOO1 11:90 eat, MorningWorship • thilOday, Jar -Wary. 18th, ' I Congregational Buffet Supper ! and Annual 'Meeting at 630i Fractures Hip, Is In London Hospital . • (LOCHALSH NEWS)\'' • • , , • • M. Dan MacDonaldis: a pa.: tient 'in St. Joseph's 'hospital, in London. Mr:MacDonald was out for his daily walk and fell ..on the . ice fracturing. his . ,hip. 1VIarita Irwin of Ripley 'spent; the week-end'.with. Elaine ItObb. 'Pupils of ' all 'district schools had an enforced holiday. on Wed- nesday 'due to the storm. „ :Mrs. Annie • MacDonald. is a patient in „Kincardine hospital with pneumonia. •• '• Mrs. Ewan MacLean and William Ross, leaders, of grouP, of Ashfield Presbyterian Church are holding the meetings • LJcal an eneral . • .•. Mrs. Neil .T. MacKenzie spent• ast week in Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Power.. Mrs. John Munro of Detroit, • • • • . 9 Agent for liruce. Dry Cleaners, 'Phone 85. .Ladies! anet Men's. W'ear Fashion Millinery ctEARANck::. owENTogy.., SALE: 1•VHAT: yovvg:' WAITED. FOR: Dresses, Coats - AH• 20% -Off 0neRoCkiitpiossos7... Millinery -. • price • ' • Child? Hecidwr�ps !/ piice. Boye'Pyjarnas, Flette, $1.7•5 'Men's .Woolinette Shirts,' $5. All Car Coats. 20%. off • All Trousers• JO% off Mer,es • Sw.eaters 20°7? • Men's .Ha'ts: -- • 20% .ofi Sox' Clearance -- 89.e Boys' Shirts % Price Ties --.:•to Clear 1/ Price ,SuitS , 20% • 'Ileaclscivares - 69c Panties -59c; Gloves -89c Slips -41.79;. Lisle ,hOse•-•.--75c Girdles -1/2 Price • • T -Shirts 50c; Braz.69c • Blimses-L$115;: Nylons -75c 'Wool and Banlon Cardigans •-7'..$2.99 Skirts, -- 1/2- Price tHotiSecoats ,- 20% off • Pullovers $2.49 • ' • • „ 10 LAY -AWAY .OR CHARGE*S.- PLEASE Engage New4 Latin Teacher At LDHS has:. beien..engagt ed.. as Latin teacher at Luekriow' who had been a patient in • • :District ,High :Mr.:Dennis ham hospital for a'few days, was taken. to Victoria•Hospital, Lon- was engaged: it the. week -end, ..don on Sunday to undergo sur,,,, after', the Board had „advertised gery.' . for 4, teacher to ;fill' the vacancy resulting •frci.)P:Mrs V. Bell !be- turnedassume home after: a ,2. weeks' ing 'Visit'. at. Dundas ' andin January ..due tn. 'illness: Mrs..:Robert''')3a1-1CW,e11 and Uneertain .of when.: the •vacatitY and 'Mrs. :Harold. 'Button. might be.. filled, Mis,s .Anger Van' !C-EARANCE: SALE' of' regular De walIP; 'lvf•A• • the stock, stock; one-third .,:to • off Ontario College of iducatiOn blinders, colognes,' .perfumes, had been obtained for • this week soaps, ete. Elmer iJinbadh''flaar-: she ,is "rentaining here- With the, new teacher for' the Week. nriacy, phone 32, .LucknOW. • , . •MrS,'ToM' MacDonald :of Ash....1:1•3,1VII:i,.e..saidtineMersio.1)...te4nen:ivs 'ilirl4igile,.'t.aHkee. :field is YiSiting, at the -home .Of on. Sunday after'church for the .,_ er daiighter; Mrs: Alek Andrew • .i a'. Yol'ilk. •nian,' -age '22; who whiter. months. The 'first meet- IA Mr. Tom MacDonald has, 're-.:.ent ,ip mcar me . .. Mr:' Elwin :Hall noW a *Member Mrs: Arabell Bushell of S rat-: of the Lucknow staff Mr Dennis* ford was • 'a Week -end guest of .attended Listowel High. •:School Mr: and Mrs, Robert SimpSon. at7)",afia,. graduated . Irani:. Waterloo Kintail., - • .... - ... • . • . - ' ..: College -where , he, majored in Mrs.,:A. A. .I...SimpSon of Kiri, .Latin: .. - : ', ' ...,:: . '' . ' , • .. • tail ;Who. is 83 years •of. age,',:has' • . . ' '•••• ' - • . • • ' From.- Mr.., Hall ..we learn...that. attended Public School,. at At ing 'was theld • on S.unday. while Mr. MacDonald:is a ,•paii: • • K• - hospital ; wood where he .was taught by turned hoine from Kincardine 'hospital. • • , • Weddirig bells are ringing.' • Allan „MacKenzie of Guelph sPent • the . week -end,. with his parentS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. . • . • . be n a .patient- in ..goderich Hos- pital since 'December 20th. Mrs. Bert Wardrreturned home .00 Sunday from Wingham 'hospital .00' where she.had' been a patient . 00, since .the day before Christmas.:. .90 ,Mrs. Wilson Irwin was taken . 00 to Wingham hospital last week. .00but was able to be up in a Wheel .00 Chair by .the week -end. ^ She .vFill .00 be 90 in'• 1Vlarch, , • ' ' - - :00 ' Twenty friends of Mr. and Mrs. .00 William Wharry, motored from St. ;00 Thomas to Lucknow on Sunday, .00 There is no snow in St. 'I'homas „09 and they were fascinated •by the .00 lovely white banks' 'of snow ' in • .00 the Lucknow •district. ,. .00 .00 Robert Macintosh .100 Morgan' Henderson . 100 Alex' Andrew . . . . " 50 Alvin Hamilton ..... ... . . 25 W. A.,. (Bud)Hamilton , Hamilton ....7 Harvey Webster 50 Virden Mowbray 50 Jack MacKenite " •• 40 Dr. D. R. Finlayson 25 Dr..1Vf. Corrin, ' - 100 Harvey Houston 100 Donald McKinnon 50 Robert MacKenZie . . .100 Russell: J. Button 50 Robert Finlay 25 'ken .1Viurdie . .. . • 50 perald • Itathwell • 50 Lucknow. Sentinel ' Cam, & Don, Thoinpson: 125 Gordtm :Montgomery' .100 Charles Webster - 100 Lloyd Ashton • 100 E. Douglas' Harion . 200 Frank 13arkwell, 1497 Danforth .Rd., :4 •• Scarboro . ... . ... Jack ridMary Fisher , 50 Dan T. MacKinnon 50 John MacKinnon 10 Grant Goilan 10 William Gollan ' 5 -Flora E. Andrew, 25 • London Ont, • Geofge •MacLennan, .. :9 Agincourt, Orit, • John G. OlivelVicintosh -25 Coshaa., Orit: Mr.. 'Dennis had a. distingnished record:as. a hardball' pitcher 'With LiStoWer, Minor teams . before gradu:ating• to their.JuniOr team, He/ is, the the 1007yard 'dash record holder: at, Listowel High. School', :and generally is interested and has been .a participant in other sports ,including basketball, foot- ball,'...softball and hockey. . -• 44-••44-4-i,-•••••••:•,-•444'••-•-40'40-40-••••-•-•4-40.••-•4••**--t-!t4t. • The. Air- ' , . , Fur Comfort !ft Conditioned• ':.Entertainment ;GODERICH . „ ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating Esso Oil Burner Sales and Service ELECTRIC BLEATING Phone 73, Lucknow FOR SAF EP[NDABLE convoorent budget . • • up to 5 years to pay •WATS LOOl TO Jinni 101 11 Oct .00 ARTII1/11 KENDALL GRANTED . STAY OF ..EXECUTION' .00 Arthur Kend'all, .be hanged' .00 January 23rd for the 1952 murder .00 of his wife, has been granted a ,00 stay of 'execution until February' 14th, •his lawyer, M. A. Craig announced' recently. . The stay was given by,1V1r. Jus - . 00 tice W. D. Parker 'at Osgootte ,00 Hall, Toronto. An appeal of the .00 'conviction is ' to, be heard on ..00 'January 22fid. • Leonard 1VfacDonald George Newbold - 25 Gorge Vacinnes 4 ; Havelock). North, $5,205 • .00„Kendall was convicted October ,00 27th by an alf-male,jUrY of the .00 murder of ,his wife Helen,. Who' disappeared in 1951. Her body • At the week-long trial three of .00 'Kendall's' children told the court they:SAW .their father drag :the .00. body .'of their mother out, of a .00 cabin at Johnston :Harbor' near , .00 Toberrnory. ' .• • They testified:that Kendall 'lat,•• ex' returned and washed the floor .80 of the cabin, • ,00 was never found. 1 . • Thursday, :Friday; Saturday, January 18, 19, 20. Patten, George HainiltOn. • Scope and Color Adventure in the wilds' or Arizona '1A THUNDER OF DRUMS" I" • • Monday, Tuesday; :Wednesday, January 22, 23,24 Adult Entertainment --,' David/ Janssen, Joyce Taylor, , Pratik, Gcirshin, A inanhunt, in Oregon' is -climaxed by a furious • forest :fire.. "RING OF. FIRE" • In Technicolor -- • ' Also: Marlo Ryan :and 'Gary Clark D in "ate Bait" , • -Thursday, Friday, aturday, 'January, 25, 26; 27. ..john Milis and his daughter Hayley In the Twehtieth Century .,Frox, .adventure ClasSic , ''TIGER BAY" Also: "In The' Money" starring the Bowery Boy•§ 6-614-#.44-•-•44.4-•-• •-•-•-•-•-• • •-• •$-• • • •-•-•-• • •-• • I • • . . .4: •• A 1 • , 1 • •, 141;$ 11.• ;`• I; 1, • ' 1" , • -r • " • ` ,$ 4 1 9, • • • ..lro" • , • .' r