The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY; JAN. 10th;* • 1962 ROY. N B'ENTLEY- PUBLIC .ACCOUNTANT (;,ODERICH,; ONTARIO , Box. 478 • Phone Ackson 4-952.1 ' A. - PE A!ND COMPANY Chartered. Accountants 33 Hamilton St. GODERICII, ' ONT'ARIO ,Telephone:•'JA 4-7562.. • ACT . N B ESOD.C....0 (Doctor. of Chiropractic) ; Wroxeter, Ontario . Telephone Wroxeter 210-r-1 Tours 10 to'- 4:30, Monday -Friday Monday, Tuesday, .'Thursday, :Evenings,:. 7 to :.9' • R. DU:,VAL D,C., Sp.C. Chiropractor• • Physio and Electro ,Therapist' Wiri ham• — Phone'300 g (Office located- in former CKNX : building •On the . Main *Street) NSRANCE,: 'FIRE, WIND; CASUALTY ;AUTOMOBILE • ,AND: LIFE • To :Protect YoJack, : Insure With ,Jae To da y. McDONAGH Phone 306, Lucknow STATE. FARM( MUTUAL-' AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before :Investing`. REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3,' Goderich Phone, 80-r-6 ,Dungannon R. Wl ANDREW • Barrister and .'Solicitor ;LISTOWEL,; ONTARIO , IN.. LUCKNOW Everf'Wednesday and Saturday • Afternoon -; Office n.the Joynt Block Telephone: ',Office '135. ` Residence. 31-J: :S.. HETHE I RN G •T . ON , ;. Barrister, •Etc. Wuigham and Lucknow, IN,:, LUCKNOW Monday.'' arid'' Wednesday. Located in IKilpatrick .'Phone Winghatn. Office' 48 Residence . 97 MPERIAL•OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and' quality products, contact, • ,GRANT CHIS1•IOLM Phone collec.4 Dungannon• 12-r-1 Or 10 Lucknow ,.lW.ays ; Look To Imperial For , The. Best" THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO REFILL • PROBLEMS SOLVED Micropoint -ball point pen re- fills • solve that "doe's it • fit'' ro 1 p b em for all pens. They fit paper -mate, eversharp, scripto, waterman, "sheaffer, wearever and 183 other . popular makes. See for yourself,, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The • Lucknow Sentinel,. phone 35, Lucknow. kicKefliie Memoria....,C a e'I .FUNERAL SERVICE ; Services conducted accord-' ing to your wishes at your Horne, your Church, 'or at our Memorial Chapel at no additionalcharge.*.. • - Phone' 181, Lucknow;. Day. or Night. JOHNSTONES: FUNERAL. -HOME Phone .76 Day or Night' USE OF .FUNERAL'. HOME;: At ,No Extra Cost • '. .Moderate' Prices' Established 1894•• ..WINGHAM MEMORIAL :SIOP•. We Have 'B'een Memorial'• ;Craftsmen `for Thirty -Seven Years,..'Always Using 'THE. BEST GRANITES Along With a'•'' Expert. 'Designing: *and • Workmanship. • Prices; Most ` Reasonable', , Cemetery ::Lettering a , Specialty R. , A. S.POTTO N shone . 256'` Win hamOntario. G. ALAN WI LLIAMS Optometrist Office, on Patrick 'St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM • Professional Eye Examination• Optical Services,4 • For 'appoin.tment. :. Plea'Se Phone 770 Wingham C, J MacKENZIE,,. O.D. 'Optgmetrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY • Office. Hours 1.0:00 aim to ':9:.00. p.m. Phone Roy' • MacKenzie Ripley :96-r-24 . for . appointment. R. W.'.BELL • OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH F. T. Armstrong • Consulting Optomtetrist 17ie. Square ,_ . 7 (lP 'hone JAckson 4,-7.661) • LU.CRNOW DISTRICT• • CO-OPERATIVE. ,INC.' ' .; • . Mine' Lucknow -71 • TED COLLYER Registered Master . Electrician •' .LECTRLCAL . CONTRACTOR Specializing: in Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs. • ;• 'and All electrical' Appliances /.Phone 20,8-r-25, Lucknow04,44.4";44441‘41,44W:04.414.414,40 '4. Storm Cancels,..........eep Freeze Sunday Services In Hockey Drams (DUNGANNON NEWS) - ' Lucknow Intermediates '.opened The first meeting ,of '• the. Unit- ed Church 'Women, ••in the form (of a new . organization was held ,Thursday afternoon at the Dun Bannon United Sunday., School parlors With an attendance" of forty-five. Coffee and dessert was served at ' tables nicely an, ranged. Mrs. Cecil Blake ex- plained the ,.new organizationof which ,, She was convener of the Provisional Committee number- iijg 'eleven.. Mrs. Wilbur Brown pr,'esided at, the piano for the singing of a hymn 'Standing 'at the Portal .of the . Opening Year." Mrs: Colin`Fingland .of Winghan'i_. gavean interesting.. talk " on, the "Church Women of today and. af. by=gone days" ;which has been tile. foundation -"and '.life of the - churc''h, By reports of former years, it was -revealed. that men also participated in a likely manner. Mrs. Fingland referred to an article in, the United Church Observer December ist 1961,: is- sue .reading ' passages ;and sug- gested . . that ' the listeners secure. a' copy to read •the* full 'account which. .is both interesting and amusing Ste ; felt that 'by trans= planting W:i.WI:S. meinbersinto ;the' new organization was a; fine feature . for growth and :stim.ula- ton Mrs Howard.. Johnston pre-: sented Mrs. Fingland with : a: YearmBook at. ,tne close' of her ad- dress.: Mrs: -C. Blake,'. chairlady,,, also :thanked; .Mrs.:'Fingland. Mrs; Esther. Rivett sang a solo,'•"Blestr Be the. Tie . that Binds." Mrs. Johnston .read, Thank -You notes It, was announced:. That the inau gural: . meeting ' was . , being held" January 24th' at :'Clinton; •hapiig. all' who could w(ruld attend. The. late :Mrs. •Robert •Moorecwas;the, first • W.A. President and a ;'-`St- of •past presidents and 'secretaries were read Mrs: Herb Finnigan read the list of W:M.S Life -Members who are Mrs Mel Reid, :Mrs: Arthur Elliott, Mrs. Alegi Pentland, Mrs*, S. J. Kil • Patrick; . Mrs. W... H. • McClure, •Mrs M.•Sh:ackleton,°Misses Nettie. and Rebina Sproul,, Mrs Henry. Horton' and,.Mrs ' J: J Ryan; who are. consideed lxf e .members into thh'e new organization. Mrs. Otto Popp :presided for the election,' Of f. officers as reported from • 'tine Provisional . "Committee :' and, '.are as follows 'President, Mrs. K. K. Dawson;. • :Vice -Pres.,.. Mrs. M: Reed 'and last Vice' -Pres:,' Mrs. M: Shackleton; and ''Mrs. _C. 'Blake,. 2nd. Vice -Pres.,. Mrs • Herb Firrni-: gan; recording sec.;. Mrs :Ross Eedy; corresponding ` secretary, MrsttiJack dAlton,, Membership: 'conveners, . Mrs. 'Ross Henry, treasurer,' • Mrs.. Wilbur Brown, Christian Citizenship 'Convener, Mrs 'H:: Johnston: and 1VIr's. 'J;os. Dauphine,' visiting' and coitirn.un-, ity. Cornmittee, ^Mrs..:NNorm'an. Ai - vett, Mrs. Fred Youn'g,'.Mrs. ,'Al- vin' Sherwood, M.S. Nelson Pear- son, 'Mrs. •Jackson ; ..Reeves,' Mrs: Alvin ' Kerr. arid Mrs,' Harold El, liott;'.Finance , ,'` ComnnitteeMrs.. Harvey Alton and. Mrs°~ Clifford Crozier,' Flower ' Convener, Mrs. 'Phomas • Webster; Literature :and Cornm•unication, Mrs. Lorne Ivers; Manse Convener, Mrs,..O'tto' Papp; Nomination<omtnittee Convener, Mrs. Rayrnond ,Finnigan' Supply and'•Social Convener, Mrs 'HTrgh McWhinney; .` Stewardship' and Recruiting', 'Mrs. M. Reed,; • Social Functions .Convener; Mrs. Robert Stothers; Pianist,:. 'Mrs. Frank Pentland; Assistant 'Pianist, Mrs Gordon Finnigan; Christian Eau:- cation, du-cation,Mrs. 'Esther' Rivett and Mrs Robert 'Ervin, ''Mts., Glen the hockey season here on Mon day night when they dropped a squeaker to Monkton by a 7 to 6 ` score. Monkton tipped in the' winning goal with. about two' minutes to go, ' Lucknow put up a pretty fair brand of hockey, but lacked "the legs" in .the final frame due to t limited, practise. • The game. `. featured', a .prize draw, with the lucky tickets.. pick- ed by a member of the Monkton team. Winner of the -'deep , freeze was Mrs, ~ Allan Manto,.' plus a $15:00': bonus' for 'being .present.: Second prize, ,$1p.00 in cash was won by. Jim Smith of Holy- , Weaver as a representative from the organization to: report to the Board of Stewards,/Mrs. K. Daw- son, the new president was wel corned and. invited ,.to . speak a few words.' - .The.. meeting was closed with at hymn . • • Death' of. James Johnston Andrews Jaynes Johnston (Jos.) And r.ew's' born in Goderich Township, 1879' Was. the . son of ; : the late William Andrews' •.and .Ellen Johnston:Andrews. Deceased. Went to Quepelle, Sask. in 1900 • and' passed awayWeyburn, ,'Sask,;I January'.5th 1962. His. Wife Pre- deceased-him,' pre- deceasedhim' in.. 1950. Surviving are two- . daughters; ` .Mrs l♦ red: ("Violet) Maurer; Glen Bain, Sask.,: :Bonnie .'Cavell •An:drews:of Win, nipeg,, Man;, two grandchildren & two .great grandchildren 'two ,bro thersr are , 1iigh • of :Victoria; B.C., nd. •Sam, `Sask:atoon, :,S'ask,„;:anl. 'one sister; ,. Mrs ' Bert:. (Annie) McWhinney of ' Dungannon.'. • Mr: , and. Mr.s. .Ivan Uenderson and little sons, Toronto, recently. visited Mr *and Mrs 'Victor: Er- tington. Thre'•former's: father;"Mr'. John • . Ienderson.:returned• . with-. .them for a visit Mrs Esther R. ivett . returned home: after •visiting a week- with`. her daughter, Mrs. Jahn Wilsor%, Toronto.• : a • ' The •'.United Church C,G.i T.. met in`'the church basement on,' January 4th,. In the absence • of the :president, Patricia Ann • Eedy.• the vicepresident Doreen Cul- hart'.. presided. The C'G;I:T. Pur pose was repeated and the' hymn sung. with Betty Irvin .accoinpany ing at the :piano. Mrs, .'Herb Fin- nigan conducted : the 'worship Set:- vice er_vice with • the theme, "I Will light 'the -candles .of the tinder- standing.„ nderstand:in;g .. in .,your •Heart.” : Mrs. Hobert Irvin read: an: article'' ,mella's'':.Eyes"., �It •w•as'`/reported that' $11,35 was realized fr om; the Candlea: • Light ' dServ;toice of 'which&'M.s, the; M. : Fund.' Social, interest is:a';crok:i- nole' Party: at 8:30 p.m, on':Janu ary 19th. ' `Four. new.. members were accepted.. The )next. 'meet- ing `will: be . January 18th: The. meeting 'closed. with • taps. '. The storm'this.week caused the cancellation of .Sunday, Church services - and• the• 'united. Church Sacramental :service at Nile, :'be- ing*, be-in.g'• postponed till next. 'Sunday, January '14th at. 2.'p m..�, School • was also ' cancelled. `:in. both'rooms on Monday, L7nti1'this', recent storm, ,vire ;,are pleased.' with the mild 'w'eather and winter is, slippi.rig away,, :w.,th :each •.day; nearer Spring, Congratulations :.to' ''Mr. and Mts. William Parr on' the ad•.vent.. of, their , .baby girl • at Goderich H-ospital"on Wednesday, January 3rd.,,, Being' the..first baby ; born there: in' 1962, .gave 'Wanda Dar- lene a fine piece` of luck,. with the ' presentation of 'many lovely gifts donated fiaip' that, town.. • FURNACE '`OIL, STOVE 'OIL, KEROSENE, GASOLINE.` • See or call WM. ':A. "BUD" HAMILTON Phone 220:w Lucknow District Agent ' fbr Cities. Service Mr: Bill. Dundas, ,Goderich,lea- der and coach• Of the Dungannon Sigma C grouparranged a ,euchre party at the Cedar Valley' School on Mondaynight' for.• Sigma C membez•s,.'parents• and aai'iy others. The school not in 'use has been engaged ' for fneetings, and ' re- creation. ' Money' is needed'. for insurance' and some: supplies to begin, Thirteen tables were en- gaged with players. Women's:pri- zes went to .high, -,,Jack Pentland. and low, Mary' Lou7'Henry, Men's. high, John Black, low, Paul Eedy: Last, week, the boys held •a "bot- tle drive." • fair 'size crowdsaw the .Se poys .come; up with a good effort -throughout most of. the contest. ' Close checking on. Monktori's part seemed ,to have the •'home. forces baffled, in the last part of the •third period. :• McEwen was the . hero . foV. g1Vlanktolaten, in firthe ing thirdthe winning oal period, The first period started • off quickly .with Monkton popping in a goal seconds .after' the open.- ing „whistle. Lucknow came . bouncing. back with'Smart, 'Gard- ner and Collyer. each scoring.:.' Monkton theh came back and scored ...another to end the first period 3-2 in. Lucknow's: favor., Iii, the second,: Ember.lin • waltz ed in and scored for 'Lucknow With • Monkton : firing. two goals. to tie the: score 4-4 at the end of '• the .second, • •Graliain started off in the :third to give Lucknow the lead' again; but it was short lived, as Monk-. .ton* Scored twice as a ..result' of: blue line lapses. , • Smart .then triggered one goal t�. tie the match at .6 apiece ' In the last.. coup le of minutes of the game nkton tipped in the'tie• breaker --- to decide the .match... '.• Referee, . Jack Henderson} . cal- led • 15{ penalties,giving the: losers. thein : with -6 minor andql five minute.�'p'enalty for :rough- ing. Lucknow Lineup Goal, D. Elliott; Def., H. -Maya Millan, , A.: .Baker; 'Centre, A.' Smart . Wings, ' E. Gardner, R.',.' '. Graham Alt., T. "'Collyer, 13.:Ro- ti;-rison; B. Hunter '.R.'Erriberinn' ... K 'M•acD:onald, J:.; Wilson :. Monkton 'Liineu P' Rathwell, Smith, . Jacobs; . Mc Ewen 'Ronnenberg Davidson, - ;Worth, J. ` Illmaii, ..'K. °I•llrrian, ''• Coulter, ' Kerr„. .. Ludington; Hol mon, LIGHTEk YOUR LOAD A SIN 0: W 0. B I R.D' HEAVY•DUTY POWER. SNOW REMOVER .Only "2 -Stage" commercial.' machine; performance,'at a holrre',owner's orient.. 1.'Powerful feeder'blades break- ; up crusted and wet snow. . 2., Auger;' feeds snow, into:high- ' sped discharge 'chute.:Chute , swivels to throw •snow in any • direction. • New high-speed blower for . greater volume:•• ' New "recessed direct -flow fan • :for increased.velocity., i New differential type action' • • wheels for easier turning.' e New safety shear pin for protection against' hidden objects. • ' ' New heavy-duty frame and handles for greater stability .and long -life. 0a, 22 inch heavy `duty ,°4$224 with 3 'hp'; Briggs & Stratton . FULLY WINTER- IZED'engine-fully pro- tected against freezing and clogging. SPIN -EASY STARTING. 9S m . Knechtel• and • Ltd: Lucknow Branch', Phone 78, Lucknow ; • 1 '0 1