The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-10, Page 2PAGE. TWO - THE LUCIKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKN W, QNTARMP 1ST KINLOSS : BOY SCOUT GROUP We welcome the six new re= cruits that. have come up to -the Troop from. -the Cub pack. They are .Jim :1VIceinnon, Garry Carr "ruthers, David 1 'adie, Barry, Hal- denby, . Bob;. •Cornish arid. Eric Thacker.. `These boys each received •' their r : second star before they; left the Pack. This •• means they , ahave. completed all the required work in the Wolf Cub program. It also means they will receive' their .•Leaping.. Wolf' badge when • in-' 'vested into the Scouts. The Coming-ZJp Ceremony that ;was ;herd at our Christmas party ..was. ' a 'fascinating sight to : see. Twenty-eight Wolf Cubs in :their 'Circle filled one• end of the town ship hall and twenty-seven Scouts in. their Horseshoe filled the • other end. Akela ,,gave' his last yarn ;-to 'the leaving Cubs, ..and after their • lastGrand • H+owi, .Akela led the. boys to the Scout Horseshoe' and presented them to the Scoutmaster who welcomed • • them . into'the. •Boy. . `Scout Troop. These new ,boys .: ;bring; the Troop up to thirty-three Scouts. The membership of the Patrols is this: .Tigers—Donnie Wall; .Bob Wall Edward Burt, Jim Dillon,` Eldon Eckinswiller,, Gordon .'Pass- more, Frank Stark . and: Bill Thompson; • Black Horses—Allen Colwell, David ."Wall, •Bob Corn- ish, David, Eadie, ' 'Bob" Geddes, Mac McInnes, Donnie Meyers and Teddy' Milne;'Golden Hawks.=' Allan Cornish,.. D onald • Banner- man, Bruce''Colwell, Walter• .Dic • kie, Douglas Eadie, Barry Hald- enby:' (Westford); Douglas Mc.: Ewen, .Jim, 'Schneller and ' Eric. Thacker; Eagles Martin Bene diet, ,I erbie ,,,Kieswetter, • Garry • 'H' Carruhe"rs Barry adeanby ((Kin dough), Duncan McEwen, • Jim 1 McKinnon, Billy Moffat and,. Ian Steeksma. On. the Wednesday during the Christmas holidays, the four Pat- rol'"Leaders together with Scout-• ers.Lloyd and Frank loaded their camping : gear on two -toboggans;: and headed into the'"wilderness" .Lloyd for an overnight e • ern h g t ,The weather was fairly cQ-op- erative, and with. ;; the big Scout tent and a tarp lin for.. a . wind- break . break and. witha ,really blazing fire,: the evening was very pleas- antly passed. Sleeping: on a mat- tress ,of` cedar boughes with lots of blankets was ;a lotof fun too, but the boys would suggest -that anyone sleeping ;put -of -doors ,in the ' winter , should not drink so much coffee : and • cocoa before turning in. E D. "Tex" Cameron.of Wal- kerton'• attended the annual con- vention of Sheriffs :and surrogate court clerks of Ontario, held last week at Niagara : Falls. ". FURY ON TUESDAY Presentations Ions .Made STORM REACHED The week -end weather fare, referred to in another article, was climaxed by an. • all -day blow on Tuesday; It; closed in that night tocut visibility •to nil, and fill country roads, to all but completely . halt 'traffic. School, busses were cancelled Wednesday morning over a wide area and in numerous eases clas- ses were cancelled,; particularly in..rural schools. Thiscancellation applied at the new central -Schools of, North Ashfield and Kinloss Central . School. Classes were also cancelled •at Lucknow District High • School. M -F SERVICE :MAN TOOK COURSE •IN DETROIT Robert Austin, who is employ- ed locally at Omar Brooks' Mas- sey -Ferguson, •{Safes and 'Service;; recently :attended a one-week :advance- technical, course.' at the M -F Service Training Centre •in Detroit. Established to develop ; better customer service at 'the dealer level, ` the centre offers M -F dealer personnel'. a choice of fourteen .courses, ranging- from shop management• to tractor hy- draulics. The . one to *fear .weeks courses ensure dealers.; are up to date on •the latest industry ;ser vice . techniques as well as 'the maintenance and. • operation of the . company's expanding• ' lines df agricultural and industrial equipment. the 'world's .largest producer • • of:. 'tractors and • Com: - bines; • M -F markets its products in 161. countries, NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY' • Herina • Aloo,. a 17 -year-old igirl from Kenya, Africa, has ':;joined. the ;houssehold, of Dr; ''arid ..Mrs. D. A. D. Milne, of Kincardine,. and is 'now attending high 'school in the 1 'keside • town.- Arrange r h o: am , ' c '�e to Can-: meats.. for her . t ada ' were made through Tom M'Baya, African director • of the. Afro-American Students Found ation. 'a• * • Archbishop W. F. Barfoot, .past primate of ;the Anglican Church of.= Canada,' flew 'from. California to • Toronto .'fn order to officiate at the., marriage of his .sister-in- law, Mrs..Muriel` Richardson, to R. E. McKinney ofWingham. The ceremony took-' place in Grace, 'Church -on -the Hill. Mr. and "Mrs.. McKinney flew to 'Bermuda . for their honeymoon and will later spend a month in Florida. Wanda Darlene, born at Gode- rich • hospital' on Tuesday, .Jana= ary 2nd,' to Mr. and Mrs. William Park Of Dungannon, Will receive more than;, 'a -score of- gifts. as the• first baby .of::the New Year;. at Goderich. The little ' lady weighed ' 11 pounds, two ounces; She has two brothers; -• Stephen four, Thomas two and two sisters,' Valerie five 'and Vicky three. • .>•ir�ii�lr�{�Li�w�,>�ii�i�p�iii`i,�it>•o "�i���>•iu�i,_o��a1�i�,�M or Your1962Bookkeeping Needs BROWNUNE COLUMNAR BOORS (a good" selection. in stock), v If : we - don't have our :particulararticular requirements, uirementsWe w Y P 4 y Order for you. Loose Leaf Ledger Sheets In Stoc Cash Baoksin Stock. E' LUCKNOW SENTINEL Poon 35 tucitnow • • . ���Y�»fell-i��rfifei75iiris(iwwoYfurwwi�a�i�wrirwi�iyi��t�Ifiwi,+Gen�iiwii,+srrrsr wrii.is�b��� Minister's family Rev. W. A. H'eiderson, minister of Knox Presbyterian . Church Walkerton for the past fourteen years and who accepted a call to Knox Church in, the city of Wood- stock, preached hisfinalsermon on Sunday morning, December 3:lst.• There was a large Congrega- tion present for the occasion, and. the departing .cleric delivered, a very thoughtful discourse. • At the conclusion • of the ser- vice the congregation took ad vantage, -of the: opportunity to 'make presentations to both Mr. and Mr Henderson Mr. Norman Shaw read. a complimentary ad= -dress and :the minister . was pre- •seated' with ,a handsome cheque, while Mrs. Henderson received a • beautiful, silver' 'tray. • ,During ;; the previous week' members of the family were hon- ored at, • social functions. ' Miss ',Margaret Henderson.' was entertained, by members of grade XI class of the Walkerton District High School when . her' fellow students presented' her. with a brief .case for carrying school. books. The : choir; of Knox church pre seated the:family With, , an oil painting 'Still Life,"at the manse on • Sunday evening,' At a party given at the home ,of ,Mr. and Mrs.: A. 'J. Brown• by' their son, Jim, and' Members of his high school. .class, . John ..;Hen-. derson was ' the recipient of a. travelling alarm clock and clothes brush; , At the regular monthly meet - ting of, the Knox Service • - Club, Mrs. Henderson, • a member' hof, the' club, was presented with a ;beau-' tiful floral china 'centre •piece,'• 8: at a gathering of the Coffee Break Club, of •. Victoria street, , held'. at the'-iliome• of Mrs. 'Otto'•14cClevis, she received.., a cup and saucer from'•her neighbours A y turke ::'dinner was served in the .basement of Knox church by he Young. People's . Society, and during the pleasant :function; Miss Margaret ` was presented with a beautiful '.compact, While' John Henderson received •'a set of.:cuff rinks ;' ' mid i:d i t e clasp :'.from: the group; :, W.I. Farm Forums To Meet Jointly The Silver Lake W.I. met at the home •sof Mrs. William Camp. bell .On Wednesday -afternoon. The ,President,: • nt, �' :Mrs.'' Campbell, opened the meeting with the Ode and, .Mary' Stewart.' Collect and the scripture was read by. Mrs. Clarence .Hedley. The ' roll call Wasanswered with "'aY enn per P inchwaist measure.". For Christ= m.as . treats:. received,,; • notes . of Thanks were • sent from : Mrs. Hodgins,_Mr.. •McEwan, Mr. Walsh, Mrs. Hedley and Mrs. Hewitt. ity Mrs. W. Cam: bell and Mrs; J. . inaugural . In his inaugural address :(re-. 1Vf cEwan:: conducted: two games. ported in anotherarticle) Reeve' The Institute and . Farm Forums - G. W. Joynt, outlined the pro- posed 1 .P d 982 ra•ram nd''th" P g called on'each-of the Councillors and L. C. Thompson'.; for their. comments. Premiium Will Be Up The, meeting ',,adjourned until 8:30` that ;evening. At that time a representative of the Frank ; Co-' wan • 'Insurance: Co'mpany°, was present. He dealt : briefly. with the damage suit, .and the' appeal,. which had been lost and his chief point of criticism.' Was that the Hospital Services' Commission re- covers' $3,660.30 in this. award. It was estimated :that the Vil- lage's , ••liability ; insurance rates; would increase -about $80. a: year, for three years as . a result of the: court's, decision. 'These figures' were>not definitely .determined and will be worked, out'•at the Compan�y's. office.' As suggested,' the setting of the salaries of Clerk E. H. Agnew •and Town Foreman, A. M. Hav- ens, were••; left: over until next meeting. • WED,NESDAY, JAN. 10th,, 1902. The-Lu�kn�ow ani Districf Lions Clue s Now Commencing the ` , ,AR'�IFIC�A�. • '^FIOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS .The objective is: $18,000 and the support :of the entire community is necessary to. reach this mark. Lions " Club members are . enthusiastic` that they are undertaking• a: worthwhile Com- munity project.; 'As well as giving freely of much .: time'' and effort, ' they are making • generous personal donations , to the. fund. Lion Will (ali°` On :You Shorfly As Generous As You pan esidents, so far as .. addresses , • former R • � .. .far ... • .. • . are • available, are• being. invited, to `aid this .`..Old':` •• Home..: Town' 'Project: CHAS. "WEBST , Artificial''' Ice Committee.. Chairman B MacIIVTOSH,.' .Cammpaign. ' Chairman.,,'.' Tow's; ti�b$it1 The Lucknow. Municipal Coun cil ,met on:Monday, morning to quickly "cleanup" the' year end: ;business before :taking' the oath of office for. the. 1962 term,;:w:hich; was : opened. with • devotions by Rev " Rod • MacLeod.. • Councillor . ` L. Sanderson Ma.. .was. absent and • W.A. '"Bud". Hamilton took 'his seat on. the Board, succeeding Jim Boyle 'who; retired" at ,the endsof the; year. • Mr• :` acL o . M e d read a pasage of, P g scripture :and before:'.invoking, a blessing ''on the ,:endeavours ' of; the Board in the year ahead,; congratulated them on ;.their .of- fice, and;said he *as under the: impression ression' that- the. . administra- tion tion' was in good hands:: Mr.' Mac `Lod,; who has been'.here about a year,.said'he, had found. ,the spirit 'of friendship and .co=op eration abroad in, thea commun • are • to meet in; Kinloss. School; on., Monday night, February 5th when. a broadcast 'will be heard on Radio.' on, Education. A Question= Aire' will be answered' and the\ broadcast starts at 8:30: S'tandin`g'' committee reports were from Current Events, • Mrs.: George Young; Home 'Economics,., Mrs. • Stanley Cooper;; ' Health, .Mrs. W; . Stanley,,•�Citizenship, Mrs. 'Clar- ence Hedley; Education, Mrs. Al- bert 'Colwell Eleven Christmas boxes were • 'sent 'to shut-ins. The them of the • meeting, "Public Relati was taken by Mrs.. Mabel Camp- bell,. amp-bell • The motto, "The Rural Com- munity is the Strength. "of the Nation"• and, the topic, "Origin of the Institute, motto "Ode" -and "Mary. Stewart Collect was well prxepared',` and read by. Mrs: C,arnpbell, giving the history of their founding. The meeting closed. with, the' singing of the Queen, and'Insti- tute Grace. Lunch was served. by "Mrs. Frank Colwell. Mts. William p and Mrs. Ray• Stanleys Campbell • Sortie get bent over from .hard: .work -. others get crooked trying to 'aioSd it; r'a... en • hourly labor rate is un - Changed at $1.00. • W. „A. "Bud" Hamilton who again took a seat on Co:uncil,, Surance To' Be Up another „nomination, proposed 'that the remuneration be:. creased;'so that ; it ` might .entice men to serve on Council. The remuneration was increased".;$50 to $150..for councillors- and: $250 for the:reeve: Reeve .Joynt . ;commented that in ; ,view . -of the workentailed. one had ~to haver an .interest in t`he work to act as a • public ser- . Committees .. wereset up •»n 'eluding , the ,council as"'..a ' wilel( 'on each', n? corn ittee' with chair , men: as follows: General. `Govern Ment,: n ; Protection ti :: Gr. W...Joy tri e Persons. and Pro'P . Y er�t. , M. I Sanderson; Public Volt's, Oma Brooks; Sanitation, °W. A. Ham iT on• Jo nt t. ,, Welfare,. W y , Hy dro, "M L. Sanderson, Watei Harvey • Webster.` Recreation Committee Bo McIntosh, Bill Johnstone, E. 1 Agnew, .Donald McKinnon,' Erne;' Button,' 'George Joynt, Sanderson: Arena, and. Parlvs Russ Bu •ton,. Cameron MacDonald,Charl Webster, Morgan Henderson, B( MacKenzie, "Bud" °Hamilton,. W..:Joynt. Community Hall (Legion) Earl : Cranston', ' Harold • hitch 'Clarence. Greer, Harold Thorn son, Stuart Collyer, George `Joy] Omar. Brooks Miss Helen Thompson was. 0 p iited to the I,Sbrary Boaxd'i a ° three-year term,' succeeding Kirk. W.' B. Anderson was I named to ; the Wingham Hospi Board, and : Charles Webster• it appointed "as the Village 'rep sentative ' on the Lucknow ; I trict •High. School ,.Board. Discuss ,Toronto Delegation Al this. point "a discussion. ar as to, the purpose . of Y a I3 School delegation that was 'Toronto • that day, with the •• pression being that it had to with the• proposed vocalic school• at Wmgnam. ' Mr. Webster, on his return fl Toronto late that evening, formed council` on the purl and results of the ,delegat primarily, ,to •request an addi l to the local school, which was againsthis 'Wishes; but .to avoid proved.