The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-03, Page 11WE'D tESDA'Y;. JAN; 3t4,. 1962 4' • • THE LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, .UCKNOW,, ,ONTARIO PAGE Ei "EVEN UNGANNO,N Happy New Year to the 'Sta f f and .Readers: • Visitors at Christmas with Mr.' and Mrs. Harvey Culbert were • :Mr. and Mrs. James Beaton,, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mullin and family, Mr. 'James Beaton Jr:, Lucknow,, Mrs. Rebecca 13ullen, Goderieh, Mrs,. .Robert Krogon, Loreburn, Sask.; . Mr.. George • Beaton, Saskatoon, Mr. and Mrs. :George Robinson and • family of'. Trenton. Mr.. and' Mrs.. John Y. Eedy and family of Strathroy visited at Christmas .with. • Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy. ,. • • •Mr. and ,Mrs; Cecil `Blake and. fariily were visitors Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. R: T. Kilpat- 'rick and family ,at; • Wingham.' •• stationed :at Winnie' ; motored m•!!•ll.��•1���•!••••!•l��/�•�•i••O!!!•t!l�il.•!l� hoe for a two weeks leave He AMBRI: Y ' . •_ • . 2- has. been transferred to Trenton LVV YEAR'S ' GREETING to takea ,course there Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park enj,oy- The ,Ferguson. families spent Christmas Day together at. Reids Corners hall. Thirty-six guests were `present, and all enjoyed a sumptuous repast. During the •••' - ,ed a family gathering at Christ- • mas : with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler, Auburn.. We are glad ..to'rf�Ssee 'Dr Arnold afternoon musical numbers: were • _ VokPR out and annrl' .again.,He contributed L__ members the • came home• Friday ':from Gode- family, and a�ceordian selections -- — : GOOD LUCK is rich Hospital after a check-up by Murray Ferguson` were en- • and rest. . Joyed' • . • • • ' • • •. Little Sherry ` Moore, daughter . �Vir. and. Mxs � John: A Campbell, of Mrs., and Mrs.; Eric Moore, Ben- ` • had as their Christmas 'guests • ' d ng Christmas • miller, visited.uri holidays with N!r'. and Mrs; Mar- Mr, and Mrs., Douglas Young of •,'; r , Niagara -on -the -Lake and'. •• on • • = • vin Durnin. • ". Mr and Mrs' Will' Ritchie Ritch ite ,,With their daughter, Mr, and Mrs. •• eMllr and ' ,nhCh ester Can -1p- amp- • • Christmas Day; Mr. and Mrs. „ s ,Stewart Shiells andLucknowspent Christmas* week•Glen.Campbe'Jack and Glenna • . Robert `Irvin and BettyMRit- chis •tookih was .taken bLloyd; Ly'and David of . Wifigham hospital for'treatment •bh ,• Serving you' has been a ---pleasure, and. , We look .for•v3ard' to a • continuance of. these pleasant relations... Lon don visited .with ' relatives in . •,. • V On .Wednesday. evening, Pat- Miss Patricia 'Pentland, nurse- l' this vicinity over the Christmas • ricia -Ann Eedy was' hostess at in -training holiday, ` ' • be, a g . at: ,Sick Children's • . Toronto, r:. andMrs. • her home, fore a Christmas Tarty Hospital, T , visited 'home'M Do Td C' t • na • our ney, ., •• May "the baby :New Year. grow up ,to. ' year of Peace, Health,', Happiness . Prosperity for ••all. • for .the' 4.,H Club girls, the lead last; week' with .,,her parents, Mr. David. Gary and+ Carol and 'Mr. and • Mrs. William Courtney spent •• ' _ • • • ers, .the- mothers' and: little : sis.- • and :Mrs, • Frank Pentland':.'"- . • • • • •. • ters. Muc, • bingo: and. lunch, and Mrs. Robert Irvin a •- -along wit the •eXchan a of' gifts. Betty visited on New Years`' John C;k1VIacDona • 'made a .delightful. evening. with .Mr. a d y • • • • • •!; and • • • • • •Mr: Ch ' t D th M d - g g day ld, :Courtney 8&' 131G""VAWES —� • � and '• ris mas. . ay wi r. an Mrs n Mrs Pere 'nun- Corinne. • Mr. Mel Reed, after spending .a dell, •Goderich. Recent guests with Mr., . and a 10 day, leave With Wife and •fam • Dungannon • United' Church Mrs.. John Blue were •Mr. •. and ily, . returned:. to • Camp :Borden, where he : is• taking. a, 'RCAF' course : Mr; and Mrs:. Charles Fowler' and sonTom, ' and, . Mrs. Elsie Lewis who '.is''.Mrs. Fowlerssis • ter, , visiting from,., • Manitoba, went on..Monday to; Owen • Sound.• Mrs. `Lewis. was :•met, by relatives• ' from Barrie • and she, will: spend `. some time with. ,brother, Rev.. :Glen Ball who is recovering• from rlln'ess • • 1VIr.. and Mrs. Welden Rudow;.` Alan and:BettyP of Elmira,•spent; New'rYears 'day ' with Mrs.'' Frank 'Jones. • • • .1Vlissrwfo , Grace '.:Ca - ' rd, o • - .�G de rich, spent a few 'days and New • Years at: the N. Durnin: home 1Vlrs. Mathew Shackleton; spent Christmas at: • the home:. of • her son, Benson' Shackleton Crewe. On. New' '.Years , Day, •• Benson, 'Wife • and •family, visited it mothers, lWme in the village 'Miss .Iva • ,Carr • and: brothers' Edgar :and Harry . had. as visitors on New Years, their sister.; Mrs. Carman • Hayden, husband and, sons;: Bill and'Jim of .Port:Albert. Mr.. Will; . Shackleton, .Crewe, visited on New Years day,; at the. home of, Mrs. Matthew Shackle ton. Mr. Wayne. -Brown, RCAIF pilot;, service ..Sunday,. is • united .with Port ,Albert congregation' at. Nile at, 2 p.m. which will be in charge, of Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen, B.A.. 43.D., , North St: United U• Chtitch, •Goderich for'Sacranental,service. The W.A. of the United Church.' held ..the: last meeting of ,.the :*or ganization at :the home o.. Mrs.: Otto Popp:. Mrs Clifford' Crozier, presided and,,he:' meeting opened by singing • a ,carol. Mrs Herb Finnigan gave • the devotional: from. Romans, ..11 Chapter. Mrs, Lorne Ivers• read an article on -Christian ' Stewardship. Mrs. Mel - Reid: gave a topic on "The Hope. of Christmas."' Thank ' you. notes were. read '.•A.. discussion • 'took place 'on 'ordering ..The Church Observer. Twenty-five ,dollars ;was,set aside for'. the. erection ot,. a railing on the church :steps. There was an exchange of, gifts among;:the :members. Mrs. Popp anad.:committee served lunch. • Miss;,'Myrtle ,Phillips ; returned to' London "after.spending •Christ; mas .•:with Mrr and Mrs.` Dirnin. Phillips, and holidays with. Ash-' field' relatives.. Women's : Institute ,••, members from: Dungannon in,'aroti en- joyed, R joyed dinner last Thursday night at Dunlop 'Inn. , Mrs: Minnie: Jones' arid', Mel TAKE 4D,VA .STAGE OF THE: . co•opEARIYALIVfRYFERTILIZER PROGRAM Look how the CO-OP EarIy.Deii$ery:Fertilizer Program '`. • earns you money • • Earn good rent for your storage,space. • - Earn more in early delivery discounts. • 43.00 per ton ttii•Decemnber 30th, 1961 2.50 r. tori 'til January 13th, 1962 2.00 per ton 'til January 27th, 1962 1.50 per ton 'tit February 24th, 1962 ALSO . . you can earn an extra 5% Discount for Cash Payment before March. 15th. - • Yow haveour: fertilizer exactly ,when you:need ' it. You avoid the problems and: delays of the spring rush. ' CO.OP Fertilizer et**. and earn #hese • . iscounts •Mrs: John Murray of Monarch, Alberta, • Mr... and. • Mrs James Blue of Windsor ,• Miss ;. Bessie Reavie of London and Mr.'. Don nie • Blue of. ' Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.: John EYnmerton entertained 'relatives ata Christ-' mas: " dinner. recently. Mr and 'Mrs. Arthur Smeltzer. visited with Mr.' and Mrs. James Mills of Weston • over thee past week, :Mr, and 'Mrs;. Chester Emmert: ton and ”family were • guests • .on Christmas, day: with Mr1 and Mips. Clarence Le Voi of Kitchener, ,Mr and . Mrs. Walter 'Brown and Mr. :James. •Millen and. Mr. John Bradley .were dinner/ guests on Christmas with' Mr. and MIS. - Eldon. Bradley and• fain_ily.: • Mr. and Mrs.:Arthur , Smeltzer entertained relatives, on Christ Mas Day. • .. Mr. and�Mrs `.Arthur Courtney; Mrand Mrs. ',Lloyd Courtney &. family,'. Mr - and Mrs.: Grant .Rice. and: family of London, -Mr Mer- •vyn . Courtney .of :Kingsville and • Mr., and Mrs. Robert *Harris of Clarke spent..' .Christmas' with Mr: and Mrs..Johri::D,• McKay, .of Ripley , Mr. and. Mrs: James Mills, of Weston .. spent Christmas with •Mr. and Mrs:: Art , ur Smeltzer. ,, Mr. George' Ed onson.,,spent Christmas y 'Day' with Mr: and: 'Mrs. Thomas Edrxionson . and . Ar den of Arthur. ' Mr: and •Mrs: ; Walter. 'Brown and `Mr. 'and Mrs. Eldon Bradley,' Phylis• and :Johp were • guests ' of Dr. and . Mrs. Murray cL'ehnan 'and family on Christmas: Mr: and.Mrs. „Wm. Blue of 'Detroit • viited • with . relatives during. the Christmas holiday Mr. and Mrs. John' .Emnierton,;' Mr.. ,Sam. 'Courtney and Percy Courtney were guests of: Mr; & Mrs.' Chester Emmerton and 'fa- mily ,on • Saturday •evening ,De . cember 23rd.�C/ Mr. and Mrs Archie 'Courtney spent Christmas: d ith, Mr. & Mrs. Carman Mc'and family, of .. Kincardine and ,later :in • the evening with Mr., and: Mrs. .Leo- nard ` Courtney '•and family., : ' Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey,. ;Brenda,'.•Marsha and Mark were dinner: guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan McDonald, 8th Con. on De- cember , 24th. . Mr. arid. Mrs: Leonard Court- ney' entertanied over 30 guests of the • McDonald. families -on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs.; Ross ShielIs and •Mary • Filen spent Christmas with ,Mr.and. Mrs, George En merlon; Jim and Bob, • . Sergeant Eugene Blue of Fort' •Benning,• Georgia, spent a week.• were Christmas visitors 'wth.her brother, *Mr. Bert . Marsh and Mrs. Marsh, • Auburn» , Mrs. ••Win'nifred ' Widcombe,' Windsor, is visiting' her sister; Mrs, ,Herb'' Finnigan and` other relatives, Mrs, Alfred Tebutt•'isited hersister, • Mrs.. William•Humphrey of St. Helens. ' • .Mr. and •Mrs;. Robert Purdon,,. Whitechurch, visited ;Mrs. 1. Herr- ry , on . Wednesday., t IN . NILAOTE L �� •... • • D • • • "� ,w. rte^•, _, Md•- o,,' -_.....• • • :• • • Brussels Motors •".. •Cities Servile 'Dealer Phone • 173,: -'Brussels • • i••••i • °he Hi -C . of :Bethel. and Pine- ver provided music. :for. " the rvi •a.' n- •s se e cs t both co rib a re ations •on •Sunday, December ;:; g g 244th.. The combine' d; : choir:' sang._ 'the anthem "In. the 'bleak mid •winter" : with 'Ca'rl. ',Lowry .taking':: the solo ; part and Carolyn", and Barbara Funston assisting in;the•', duet. Lynn,Lowry led '. , in 'the responsive reading•''and Rev: J. C. ,. Hutton gave the Christmas mes- sage. • Mr arid Mrs.: Wilfred Steele, Joyce, Shirley' ,and: Janice 'spent the, week -end with :Mr Herbert Jones, and : Mr: and• Mrs. Carl • W.aiden : 'of Chatham: • Mr: Donald Steele. of Waterloo... University. 'visited' at hishome s on the second concession over the Cli'ristmas : holidays Miss Marian'' Geddes of Clinton and Miss- Jean :-Gedd'es of Toron- to visited :during the holiday with; •Mr,''and. Mrs.",Cliff Geddes. Mrs. Mervyn Echrnier was solo - with' his arents, Mr. • and • M John ,Blue,' second.,concession• New .Year's guests' with;. Mr. $i Mrs.:. John Emmerton were Mr:. and• Mrs. Chester • Enimerton' and family Mr. ; and .Mrs: 'Ross Shiells en= • tertained. relatives.. 'during : the Christmas •and New Year 'holi- day:: 'Mr. ; 'D•ave Campbell 'spent.' Christmas' 'with Mr. `6 and 'Mrs... Ewen•'Campbell of London: Mr. and :Mrs...Donald Courtney ,had as their ' guests Years eve,, Mr. ' and Mrs, Jno•:C. McDonald, Courtney ;&'` Corinne, Mr, ". George Edmonson and Mr: and •Mrs' William .. ;Courtney Mr...and Mrs. Robert; 'Courtney ey andfamily spent Christmas day. with `Mr." and: Mrs. Elwood` Irwin and family • • of Wingham • Sympathy is':extended to: Mrs. John. A.• Campbell in the' passing. ,of her' brdther, .,Mr. John Mahood of Kincardine Mr; and•Mrs ;:Eldon.Lowr,.y and. family enjoyed- Christmas Day.. with 'relatives at• the Legion Hall •at Luc -know': where over '60 guests • assembled.. ' A,. Sumptuous ;dinner' was 'served • and the re='.` mainder of the day was• spent in Visiting.Music was' also .a high- light of. this . 'happy occasion. ;The eoinmunity ` was . shocked to learn • of :the ....death. of, ••Mr.. Stewart • Wylie who • passed: away as; a result of 'a paralytic seizure,` •Decernber 25th.• 1VIr.. and • Mrs.. : James McTavish' of • Lucknow, . Mr. and Mrs..James McTavish',.,Jr. of Olivet, and Mr:. and '•' Mrs.:: Eldon Lowry were din tier guests''of Mr. and Mrs. Perrin Lowry on Sunday, December 24., Mr, .and. Mrs. Wayne Johnston and.little son ,Of Toronto were Christmas guests at.; the Manse with Rev.' J:. C Hutton: • Mr and Mrs. Bert Irwin.and+ Mr. :and Mr4. Bruce Baker of Kit- chener were guests; :December 24 with' Mr and Mrs. Dan McDon ald, . Sth concession. • ist at Pine River. United Church on Sunday !EF! M .NEARBY Hanover and Walkerton high :. school districts:" are both obtain- ing permission, for; • vocational school additions. At Walkerton, an 18 -room .technical wing will be .constructed 'with- work anti- •cipated in '• the.. spring. • • The building 'program at Han-, over includes over, 20 rooms. and :offices which are proposed as follows:` ':6, classr'oonis, ; 2 • coin mercial ` rooms, . 2 science''` labs;, : 3 shops,' one, addition to the gym- nasium, one addition' to 'the cafe-. teria,• ;