The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-01-03, Page 10if • y1p to j;. .4 `d. r • • • PAxE'" TEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO'GV ONTA1110 _. . wB WESDAY, JAN. 3rd, X962: ' • • and IEST wise TO EACH, may the New° Year bring the fulfillment of . y, our most cherished wishes; q , TO ALL, .: may it bring an abundant measure of the :; good things Of life health, happiness, peace and prosperity.. IT HAS PEEN ''A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU. Please', accept our`. thanks, and _we' logk forward to the "continuance of ,our pleasant business relations and,. the'; 'Opportunity.' to be of service to you„ • YOUR Phone 50 • LOCA.:, CREST HARDVM'ARE — Lueknow. OLIVET • The annual rate :payers''.m.eet, int. was 'held.. in the• school on, .:Wednesday evening, December; 27th, -.with. : 11. present.. Mr:' Oscar White ' Was appointed: chairman and Mrs. Herb Clayton' secretary. 1VIr. Herb, Clayton 'was the: new trustee .elected. A very satisfac- tory report from. the School speetor was read Mr, and 'Mrs. Ross :Black and'` Miss Ruth, • Mr. and : Mii.. Walker Blaek and family spent Christrnas With 'Mr.:and -Mrs. Harold Vogan' :and Leonard of 1lipley 'Mr. .and.. Mrs Harry „Colling, Carol atid' Mary °A.nne,`•,Mr: , and: Gerald Colling and Brian. were, ,Christmas guests of Mrs. Melvin Colling , Donald, Er nie ,and . Sharon.•r " : Mn and Mrs.. 'Bruce Blackwell • and farnil y' . Mr.. and Mrs.:. Stacy .. Y, Y of'. London spent Christmas with ' Mr.: • and. Mrs. 'Raymond Hamilton and family. 'Mrs. .Gerald Lolling., entertain.- ed' little °friends and:their mothers on •Thursday • in honour of Brian's first :birthday... Mr. and Mrs. Clarke , :Lolling and, familyof Detroit visited,with : Mr and 'MTS. John Calling : on Sunday. Mr. and . Mrs: Stanley .Black - • well of : Cooksviile spent• the week -end with Mr..' and Mrs: Gary B1ack•weil,':Stei en and Ka;.- thy. aithy: Misses Barbara and ;Jeanie, MacTavisli • spent the • week=end with Miss, Sharon'.Colling. 4 1VLr. and' Mrs.' Alvin , Hamilton, Marie,. Janet and :Michael: spent 'a 'few 'days visiting 'relatives •:in. Hamilton. Mr.• and Mrs.. Melvin.' Coiling . pent Tuesday with Mr. and •Mrs., onald King of Teeswater. FourGenerations At'' Christra Part: Seventy : members • • represent- ing 'four .generations of the Car- ruthers Clan, . gathered. for .a 'memorabl'e . Christmas Party at the Canadian Legion Hall Luck now:'. . • Relatives • attended .from, • the: foll'owIng places: Alberta, Toron- to:, • West ' Lorne,,: St''Thom'as, Wingham, Lurgan, .'Ripley,:.Holy- rood; Goderich, Kintail and Luck now. . . The genial :hostess, Mrs John T :Carruthers, . stated that this happy occasion .marked, the first time, in'many.years• that' the fam- ily had` been together" , at Christ". masa. est Wishes for •. 1 ONCE again, We, greet the New ,Year in • the traditional• • manner — ancf take the opportunity to express 'sincere ',appreciation of your ''friendship. and"patronage. In" the same manner we extend ;our traditional a New Year's Greeting : to You::. MAY . HEALTH, '.'`HAPPINESS, PEACE. ' AND . PROSPERITY BE' YOURS TODAY AND ' THROUG ,OUT' T: YEAR JOHN W.4ENDERSONLUMBER LTD. Pholie 150, :Lucknow .. SEE IMPQRIVeNT " -NOT10ES; In this .issue are three import- ant notices whichdo riot appear, as ;;usual, on the Classified Ad page. hey are the Legion bingo on Thursday' night„ 'notice of a West Wawanosh Township public meet- ing at St. Helens on .Thursday night' and the , announcement of the official opening of the new Kinloss school on ,Friday.. • The bingo proceeds, this week• are in aid of the Artificial Ice Fund. ° . .. . TIMBER TIPS . Three • lucky families -were. as- sured of a turkey for Christmas, the .. high. ,double :triple "with. handicap was Won by ,Howard and Marg 'Agnew with .1326 pins. The high." triple fore men was held by Charlie Anderson ' with 705',plus a handicap of 18 for 723 and Mae Hunter won the ladies turkey with .635 phis 27 handieap._ .for, 66.2. ' The highlight of this • week's bowling was captured by Mae Hunter with a single .game, of 324 plus 9: handicap for 333,• Jim' gathers.; was second high" bowler. ;for the .Chipmuris-v ih 575 'Plus ' 105 '.handicap for 686 • helping: the Chippers • take 3 points ; from, the Kangaroos. Don? Elliott scored'. 649 for his teams best : effort. • • • The Squirrels ;downed thePole Cats for 4 points . 'Bill arid '..Lorna ; is Button wee top bowlers for the, Squirrels ! with 1263' : combined Damme 'best showininHg,- foiltonr 'the Rolade Cats with 545. The Gophers' failed; to ' stop, the 'Zebras; giving • them 4. ':points. Stuart -Jamieson; and Bab ' Baak were' high for the Zebras. Thursday . night the 'Wolverines collected :3 points from the Coons. Colleen' •.MacMillan Was: high scorer. for .'the "Wolverines:, The Beavers took '4.;points fro" Vie Tigers winning the lst game by one Pin, Len And 'Fern ..Mac Donald combined pin fall was 1282', : and -Marion MacKinnon/ scored 624• for 'the :Beavers: •The Cubs continued to stack •up ; points • taking 4 points from. the Lions, Gwen and •Jack•Caesar rolled a combined . tr'iple 'of 13.18 and, Dick- Park, :roiled' well over the 600` mark too Freda Errington was the Lions top bowler. The 'Christmas '.draw..' for ' the turkeys were won by Marie But- ton and 'Frank: Thompson. Standhi[gs: •.Cubs 31,' Beavers: -33,, Gophers 3,1,,. Squirrels 30; Zebras. 29, Pole Cats 27, -Coons. 27, Chipmunks 28, Tigers 23, Lions. 243',` Wolver- ines 16,,'•Kangaroos ;• 1Q:' PRACTISE . WILL IIEt.P: Litcknow Pee Wees 'took 'tp• the ice. 'last week ' With; little • or no practise,- and met the powerful Walkerton • team who , chalked• up an 18 to ':0 victorya • Terry Taylor who had the . pads . on, ,for the first' time;: received .a 'baptism of rubber that. ;;kept him :on .:the But Walkerton isn't. that • much better .than ' our lads, and with some practice they'll.prove it. • The Lucknow lineup •'wa's as follows: Terry Taylor, goal; 'def.,' Bob Mullin, Bob Humphrey; Andy Anderson; Bill Boak; Iden Roul ston, Murray White, .Hughie Johnston, Jim Button, 'Doug Mac= 'Kenzie, Jim Humphrey, Bob But- ton, Ron Stanley, Doug Campbell, Gary MacKen2ie, , Don Johnston, Dave. Button,. Tim • Collyer,; ' SQUIRTS START SATURDAY The • Squirts, sponsored by the Lions.Club, under the • direction of . Milt Rayner will commence practising this Saturday morning and each `Saturday thereafter, weather permitting:# ' The 9 -year-olds take to the ice at 9:00 0 a.m. and 7 :and 8 years ;group will go at it at 10,,15 OATS° R GARRY, 'RODNEY, FUNDY and CLINTLAND • ' Price per Bushell ' Can. Nob 1, $1.'.60; Cert. No:' •1, $1.75 ; Reg. No... 1, $1,90 HERT : BRANT' Can, 'No;. .1, BARLEY and YORK -- Price ; pel Bushell $2,25; .Cert. No. 1, $2,40; Reg. No..'1, ''$2.5 5• and PARKLAND. -,-'Price ` per Bushell. • $2:.30; Cert. No. 1., $2 4'5= Reg. No.'1, $2:;60 • MIXED GRAIN an, No. 1 Mixture --� Oats, Barley and Wheat $5:25 per 100 ' lb bag. FLAX• MARINE, . REDWING. andN,ORLA.ND Price. per bu.. Can. No. '.1 `.': $5.00 and 'Reg. No.1, $5:25. SELKIRK ,--WHEAT • ,,Price per Bushel an, No 1:,: $3.10,; Cert.' No: 1, •$3.25 Reg. No: 1.1$3.40 ALL BRAIN LS TREATED uantity discounts on .orders over ten bags. ee us for Oat, Flax and Barley contracts: ' Products .Liilted Anderson fIax "Phone 2' 1.-W, Lucknow 'ZION 0N . 1 , David ' •irk a .., and: Mrs. � K rid nnd•An Vette' and Donald Kirkland` a n.. •visited with Mr: and,: Mrs: Gordon Kirkland,• Mr, and, Mrs. Ken Laid - 'law and. iris:.with Mr. and Mrs.. g Geon a Hunter Mr. Harold':.Gard g �. Gard- ner and Marlene Hunter with0Mrb and : ' Mrs. Sill ';Hunter; Mr: and. Mrs. Jack -Gardner with, Mr, arid Mrs. Lorne Woods; 'Mr with., Mks. Frank Ritchie and Anne With Mr. and•,'Mi''s.:.Cameron• McAuley; Mr: ,_and:Mi+s. D..A: Hackett and Joan' • with Mr. and ' Mrs Alex ,L.eaver, 'Mr.: .and: Mrs.. Lorne Hackett and Gregory`. with Mr. ;and' Mrs, Jim Little;''Mr: and d Mrs.' Harve Rit n Y chie: and family with. Mr and Mrs,.Bert.. W `lies 1VIr,.' and Mrs; ,, FreWYlie; Mr...and Mrs: • Dave .Anderson : and family," Mr". and Mrs .Barry ••McDonagh and son,..Mr. & Mrs.Jack McDonagh,: : Roddy .and Ross°with Mr. and.:lVtrs. Charlie:Anderson; Mr: ,and Mrs." Donald Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin, •Mr , and Mrs. Fred Shropshall and families, 'Mr, and.. Bruce Baynard and :'Chris Ray= nerd •with.' Mr. • and. Mrs.. Nelson .Baynard; '•Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rit- chie, Bryce and. Brenda with ,.Mr. and: Mrs',: Tom Culbert; Mr:. and, Mrs. Eldon Ritchie arid boys.:with Mr... and Mrs, Ernest' 'Bogie; Mr. and Mrs: 'Wes Alton and Mr• and Mrs: W; J Irwin 'and Lloyd• with, 'Mr... and Mrs.- Charlie Wilkins;" • Mr. and Mrs; Tom Hackett . and Doug and' Miss ,Elleda Irwin with Mr. and. Mrs, 'Midford Wall;' Mr: and Mrs: John: Hunter " and Ray- mond " with Mr. and Mrs." Cliff Menary;'' Mr. &' Mrs. Ivan. Cook, Mr: ; and Mrs. Lorne Cook -and Sharon Mrs Sam Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie: McDonald,' 1V Ir. and Mrs: Bill Humphrey' and. families with. Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Helni, Grant;, Tom and Arthur with'.Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan. and family and Miss Maggie D,isher with Mr. and Mrs: Earl Swan .' (Sr.) ; Mr. and • Mrs., Jinn Hunter and ' Wanda. with' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunter: There was a lovelY bouqt uet, of flowers . placed in church on Christmas Sunday in memory' of Mrs. Jack Ritchie Eby 'the Iiaw'l wood family of the west. Church will be at 11 . amt.; fol; the month of January, Mr, ' and Mrs: Lorne Hackett and Greg spent Monday 'with Mr. . and Mrs. Cliff. Hackett of Wirigham:. ' Miss Wanda Hunter spenta few days in Seaforth with Mr.. 'and Mrs. Bill- Smith; Mr, • and 'Mrs . D.' A Hac• kett' and Joan. ' spent Monday • with'_ Mrs. Annie. Coupes of. Belgrave::, Mr Haines. is visiting and Mrs, Harvey Ritchie. Mr. `Will Ritchie is in .'Wing,- ham:, Vin -= hani Hospital. , ' Miss:: Janet :Whytock 'is`.visiting I 'r grandparents, • Mr and Mrs. Robert Helm, Mr. and •M.rs. Bill Hunter and. Larry: spent ,Monday With ..Mr...• and Mrs. : Sid . Gardner. H1TECHLJRCH, • Miss Annie Kennedy, Mr:, Peter: Kennedy, and Mr+ and. Mrs. Rob- ert Mowbray of Wingham, spent:,' New Years day in 'Goderich: • 'at: the '..h oine of Mr. • and 'Mrs.' Harry' Tich orne... . Mr...and"`Mrs. • Charlie : Martin Mr.. and Mrs. Elroy .Laidlaw and ' family,- Mr.: JIM, Martin Mr. and Mrs. Caineron,Simm'ons• of London' and Mr. and-, Mrs; Ezra • Scholtz., spent`` New Years 'day' , at• the. home • of ..Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz in :Goderich • 'and Mrs. Carl, McClenag- han..' :spent • . New . Years' : day at the. home of Mr: '.and :Mrs: ;F1rno'' Pritchard:, near' Lucknow.'•• Mrs.:Irene Patterson 'of Toron- to spent `the week -end . at " the: horse of her brother, Mr. Charlie Taylor. Mr. Taylor returned.horne. from Toronto with';her where he .had been'• spending a few. •days. Mr.',and' Mrs. 'Dawson •Craig ' and family . and Mr. Albert .,Pat;, terson• ',`spent 'Near Years' day at. th'ehome of M, r and Mrs.' Robert Hall in Wingham.. ` 'Mr' and :;Mrs. ' Ronald ,Perrot.t of Goderich,. Miss Norma .Forster .of London, Mr. William Forster, Mr. Lorne Forster and Mrs. Ste -wart , spent •t' New Years day, at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Walter Z i1iott. Mr.' and Mrs. Albert •Coultes' spent New Years day atp the, home .of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin;Ker ry" in Paisley. 1VYiss Karen and Mr, Paul'Cros kor.'th ' of Toronto, spent teW Years' day' with their . •parent$, 'Mr. and Mrs. Elwood' Groskorth. ' • Mr, and -Mrs. Russel Chapman Spent ' the . New Year weekend at 'the 'home , of Mr,• and rs, Ros: Smi"th,:.,i�Jn Toronto. Alex W. Smith, ' fori 1erlY` o Lucknow, was guest speaker. i the, In -Service :Training. 'progran Of the Federation of Worn Teachers' held at Wiartony Mei ? Smith 'is inspector .for • Bruce, an' Grey. Inspectorate. .