The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-27, Page 8•f t, `✓ M�IF3y�Yi ti:•4 di 1� +f° 1 Ir } 4; c• • • PAGE Emma ' THE. i11CKNOW SENTINEU 1.UCKNOW. 0NTAIUO • . -annla.®nn>•!nanatn®palnlitnnrlin®n■nnnlan . ,3 - . HA•,. NG , ■ .. . .,. +„ a Ia . y Given 1,To The Municigsal .Electors :i Is Of The. ■ YID 3 Township OF AshkeW And Ratepayers' in Union School mon 8 in the • Township of West Waimosh,' 11, in tke Township of .. Colborne, and 4 : in the To ' waolnrp of Huron, that the ■ 3 nomination .of Fit and Proper Persons to serve:` as Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors and Three • Trustees for Township .School Area No. 1 and Two ■ • 3 Tnistees for Township*chord ' Am No. ' 2. for the ■ Township. of Ashfield,' for the year 1964, will take 3. NOV •FRIDAY, VEMBER 1963 • • At One O'clock In The Afternoon, For One Hour. At ■ 1 ' Time And Place All Electors Of Said Tohp m ' ' Are Hereby Notified: To Attend, And That Should A Poll 'Be Required. Polling Will Open On • Monday, December 9th; 1963 ■; From 9 am. to 5 :'p ra_ at the various Pollan Sub- a,. •: divisions ' ■ Ratepayers Ira The Above Mentioned , Union School ■ • ' Sections Are',Eligible To' Stand For Trustee,And Are is Entitled To .Mite On Tru Longside Presbyterian W.M.S. Nor was held 4. the hone of �S Douglas ' , and was with the*Cad. W«*ip by t . uni "The W,s: was •: pepeit- ed m u�on i was given by Drs. WMEvens, and •ttbe Dktatn ""Lett Your Light ph S ne" ' by • Wes Yam. Dens Emma 'Richardson led in prayed'; The • Ira can was aid by 9 members and. Z' HearneHel cs.Theruntme will • be the annual meethig ' and willbe: meld at the home xi Mas. Lloyd Moffat. Wen i l Place at the TOWNSHIP HALL.,, OIL' ■ II 3 Soh' , Datmoas • ; D.R.O. Pott genic ,. ■ • m No. lt;, Paa aunuao .Bari ....:.. ,...:.:,. k Adam tae n No.'; , .S.S. No. 9 �..r.Will m ,Clare .: linhaa 'Carta m No. 3, Orange nn ..�. . Ali inwinn ■ ' s No. 4, Port. Albert—.Melvin Hartmann! Adams .. 1, IlSie� . .... 011Eingeate e ■ . :•. No. 6;,•.IFtarrishliotne... William Farris&........ Gordon Barger 1 Larne de: ■ ■ DONALD; M. SIMPSON,: Retu raning Officer • ■advisingnuali pumiu r ummar ni ■ `ar rnh us �LIVEt aria DISTRKT Many from here attended the Ripley DMsict ' com- mencement eirezeises and variety concert held art the "s new : auditorium. Carlene Mimes gave the vedecticteey add Drs: Lynda Brydon,' a fumer Student at Ripley was valedictor- ian aledic or -ran ' at the :Moult:. com- inencement The armual meeting Of''the.Ol- ivet Sunday School was held on may evening.. me Reverend George Ba as chairman, opened the meeting with ScriPture and prayer. Mr's_ Robert Osborne . was 1 and prayer given. by Mir& Wm.. Orr. Mrs, Biegman gave the story from the StadY Book.: The elective- in.ef ,. '` • resulted as knows: Pees., Mr& ' G. '' Wain Yom,.„. Mrs. IC Young; .teas.„ �.. L. Din sec.,' • Mrs.B.. » , Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Wm. n Home Helpers„ Mrs. E. Scott; Lit.. • and Lacer, y„ Ge®_ Cordon; Glad„ Orbs.. edir; C.O.C. -: C. Tiffin,. Mrs.. D. Moffat; ; Ria. S. ` • , Mrs. B. 'keg- man and Mrs. D. Simpson wiith. Marion Wall and. Sharon Melfat asas. Press » D. elected' wry for the meeting. liras Evelyn White was elected• ry- asw and . was the only inthe'personoeL The date %r the Christm.as' entertain- ment was set for December 13th. Sandra Mawas organist in the United on Dili, and Mics. Ray. • Hamilton and family visited on Sunday mirth 'Mr_ and. Dry: R. Tit and -family ion Irmcardme. Mr. and Mrs.. Stacey olf London . called on Mr. and DL:.s. Ray Hamilton en Th • W...Yong and Delis. Wm. The meetigg closed will'.. a hymn and prayer.. The how served a dainty lunch and a 'social time ways enjoyed.. Luc/know Presbyterian Evening &DIMWIT - The Novenber =meeting was held en Inesday 'everung at the home ' of Dom: Gorden '.: Fier with eighteen ladies present. Mrs. Donald McCormick was'm drawl i Annual. Mooting Of ,Astaridd UAW. ' WEDNESDAY„ NOV. 1963 JgoBakes,Hat- and ren U.C.W. was held at Asad ' Manse mom_' , November 21 at 3 Amnon prided: the seriptum Medi tatto a d power wen taken. by Dl`s., James Hunter. ' following reports were.. given _.Mims by lrs. „ Mrs. Jack Irwin (Sr) and Mr& W. ; H Jim Nelson, Mrs 'Blake Al- ton; Zion,, 'Ms.. Wes Rit iie, Mrs- a. Huey and Mrs. Garden MarProgramme inclu- ded ded a solo by Mrs, ,Eunice. Duns - mak; a reading by 'Oris. James Arnold and vocal duet; by Mrs. Jack Irwin (Jr.) and Mrs. Ken Alton. Mrs. James Beak was pi- anist for the • meeting. • Manse Mrs.. Jer- ry Cranston 1 .: for this com- mittee) reported.on week accom- plished this past year. Mr& War- ren ar- re 2rum gave treasurees reenit The following is the suggeted committeeManse . for : 'Pees.„ Ales Hackett; -„ > Warren Zinn; Vic.:;, Ws.. Gordon 1Clitlangt represeolafires Mrs., Pete Cook„ �M� Mrs. Eldon�}Ritt ; Mrs. Alton, Mrs. 'Hein. Algin iron. „ 1. inuissei Mrs.OranStall:,A'1 s X;,:,1 thalakS for co-operation shoe her this past : year. Mrs... Gbr Cook its president 7ffor the annual ' meeting for 1% Delius. , Ainvitedthe l 'to Manse for' World"s Day if • Prayer infecting_ Dklrs. Beast Ai - ofthe - which opened with the Can to Worship followed by a hymn and the Lord„s Prayer in unison:., Bras Gladys MacDon- add read. the . Scripture and also gave the Blble Study maided ' Who . is' , your r” Gordon Fish' and lass /Maudlle Fisher were appointed ,t o The nominal/kg. committee to bring a slate of officers. for 1 6& Mem- bers were asked to bringto the December. meetkog : donation ef. either.`gam or any fora .needy• the , district. It was de- raided e - rided to continue the "any on Sunday mornings. Mrs. Prank Hawes read from the "Gflad. Tidings' a couple of interesting artier entitled "Armistice Day"" and a �"Ildnde to the late Bevs- • sire: hi ae.•DQuny”" by •the Bhil field tram none n>r■sonar■aai■rirtarui.larraatantio n>rrrirnnirrt' ffi India- ms& ■ IN111■ ■' ■ • ■ .2-1963 111 Laurentian 'anteenatie on 3-1963 Chev Belair: sedans, automatic„, `dine i 3--19163 'Pontiac Stratuchief sedans, ,Marc and ■ / 2-1982 Pontiac Stratoshieta, .autoinatio and ' rad_ ■ 8emu'A: Iel,9 equipPeds automatic. • ■ 1962Fyaalr�, aunt atteand radio3' 1961` Che' Impala,moor, i'-11„ alitornatie 196, . Fi rd„ 6. cyclinder, 2 -door, standard moa•' r■ 1959 Cbev cam„ standard', on 1939 Meteor sedan, standard tneannbsion ■ 1959 PODS= ern„ 6 cilimde .; automatic ■ 1959 Chev Impala V-41, 4 -door latiltelt to 1959 "Volkswagen, ,1958 POritiac Sedan, automatic 2-1958 Cbe v'sedans with widomatic transmission al 2-1957 Pontiac sedans, ' 1 standard taansminion, 1 Automatic 1955 Cher Bel it s standard on OF n NUMBERMODELS ' from' _ _ r $350. up ■. ■ Y MA OLDER . MODELS' TO CHOOSIi' FROM ■ ■ 'T.71 RICKS 'RUCKS"" 3 to 1968 Chevrolet VA ton pip in sr r 1951 Chevrolet .1 ` ton stake ■ ■ 1953 . a ands ' FFord' • 1 ton stake d ■ • ' 4.I Brussels M�tors Cid Service peaty rhost 1 o■ir . ■ ■ • �j li trtnan gave a :vim . nen-• ■ ea `""Yout and • t$ue Rhn -+ East Asia"„ micleding ■ the for tins year. There its • : a great neaNl for, Cluistianity. in ■ • this district Asia. )ayes are ■ ImPilested faer this • worthwhile ■ wet.. The closedwidla a Christmas carol and the. Bene- diction. A sal halo hour fol- lowed..., Harkens • U.C..W. The Nouemnber. meeting 'of Haig - k"4 U:C.W_ was held ' in the basement of the an ;The 19thventiber ' at 2;:,®' o'clock. .'Tho theme was 'The dt +ch„f," tbe scripture. was nerd by Mrs. Lorne Hae ft, and Mrs. Ales Haut gave the • on 1thILS. A tending tas • given by ilius.. 'Kai- ser. Mr's.. 'Ben Afton famed with a sold. Mrs. Bei Alton' wed the ,or love as i t 'per- tains perLlai ns Yn to r ' Ftnuteen .members .- answered the roll rclan With a white giffit and Remem- brance enentb verse. e.donation of is to be sent to Si Time.. Mrs. Bert ,. Bet k n intbreduced, • the .guest speaker • Gllbeut Beec eft, Vice -President of . Huron. Presby- tery, y> , who in her theme compared our .- U.C. Jaffe a to that of W. soime of the re - swarms mentionedwee low,„ faith„ work' and • prayer. Mrs. Blake °Alton thanked the speaker.. ,Plions Imre' made for the manna' bazaar to beheti on bloc 311' b Hymns 1 was sugg and the metering clued by • repeating „the Lord's prays`,, brach was served by Mrs. Jim , analBeg Broome. :. DdrS. ._,�'.tiatru>r'sari`.■,�iii;retnautletwutrrstanranraatrreiiteatr�s .114 i News ten is to assiSt Witb Program - It was . suggested that each tidy would visit tbe a d� • folk mt�ou one Clinton and > peogxamme. tales by Mrs. 1 atm which bars. Mei Hackett mitered pram. Mr. Kai- ser discussed eitra money • gifts then closed the meeting with prayer,Mrs..AnnaI �_ n Mks.. Kaiser and. al taking s. served Kaiser and committee lunch. St Peers Woolens. Guild The Number meeting took place in the :Clurrch Hall with a members present. Mrs E. Gaunt' opted the meeting with prate'.. A motion was made by Mrs. J. Setchabaw and seconded by Mrs. H. Mele, ' that turkey '' pies be made on the morning. of Decem- ber gym- bear 4t6.. ' It .was mored by Mrs. H. Cooper and seconded by Mrs J. Retchabaw, that'more fringe be bought for the new violet drapes. They are ' almost com- pleted plat ed and wilt ' be teed for . the Decem- ber 1..: Rev. ;mg's first. Com- munion will be held 'that day. A din was held, on' the Christ"t ma<s entertainment and it was . . agreed that . the/ Gurild '`i help in ' any way./Afbur closing the meeting„ Iliech as served. Time was `an at tendan. ce. • rf LIU at the ,annual • 'savor bunt supper'• by' the Tions trick leu"s Club- and Board ef .. (and starq with confidence an: 1USK:1 E now :Tires. 1 'rimed . tires see des oed dad biiit fb, twinter i+oads ui Canada! Made with a specially: formulated rubber coamponond theyfeature hundreds of edges that really bite into snawv . . g yona for welter safety and dependability! Each CO..OP* Husk 'T has :a safety-. . . . 4 ply nylon amiss'for long and'. built-in protection a •'; des bl genus and breaks` *a4rmio 7iedsiksi!` prepare now for 'freezing teTperaturesWi 1 Permanent Ate -FREEZE Put Meed CO-OP Ethylene G'1 col Anli-freeze 3a yor car, truck sad tractor now! I enjoy caithee driv- ing all winter lam. 'You're safer with CO-OP pein*anent type anti -fit : It unmet a agora a .:..itis non -fes . it• is non -corrosive .' .:. and it con- tains inns t-iminirbatotts. And am Ming bets all season! r.. 'at the touch, of the: starter with Silver Cobalt' BAITER I ES This amazing COOP. Silver ' Com' e ll actmally to idle' foru as i .. ,months nnd to n leap lo' Lie ► .. Ie dr tea •po ' .. Mar 'car, tuck or barter even I 11 winter conditions. Hoes why: Salm Cobalt, protects P hattterypllates the way'ga g' pro- tectsiron.. The dual is kept nn;; depositscan fent. For sure darts this winter andfor many w nters to come* buy a COOP Siker 'Cobalt Battery. y 1 ii::i flOW District Co•o Tee S12S