The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-20, Page 10a4 .r: yi. • PAGE TEN 1Z;6' LAW SENTINEL, LUCI:.. rOW, ONTARIO For sound counsel and a fair price on P, monument correctly designed from quality material, .rely on SKELI:(..N (*lkerton Pat O'Hagan, Prop Established Over Sixty Years Phone 881-0234 Ontario am maniaaaa■ p..a:sa ran■ n■aasseaa■ umaaa■aa. •■ • • ■, •al • • i 'a • ■, NOMINATION xEETMs ■ n • • ■ . Notice Is Hereby -Given To The. Municipal Electors, Of The ■, • ■ ■ • ■. •i That the•nominations 'of fit .and proPer Persons to serve 11 P PSP as Reeve, four Councillors and three School Trustees :• ' for the Township Sool Areafor the Township of West • : Wawanosh for ; the ensuing year, will take' place . atthe u Township. Hall,West Wawanosh, ',on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd 1963• . Township Of West . Wawa At one o'clock in the, afternoon, for one hour, at which • Is time and : place all electors of .said,:''to*nship are hereby • ■ notified to attend. ,and that should a 'poll' be 'required, ■ ■ ' potting will open.: on ■ -Monday,December 2n 1963 1~i From 10:00 a.rnn. to 0:00 p.m. at the various polling sub- s: divisions: ■ is No. 1,. ■ ■ Dungannon �. No. 2, ..Public Library, • Manchester n ■ •' No 3. ;Township Hatt'. • No. 4, ° W.I. Hall,: St. -,Helens ■ ■ No. 5, Residence of James Currana s- No., 6, • Parish Hall, St.. Augustine e •■ si .When a proposed candidate: is not present at.'the nomin ationmeeting kis : nomination paper . will not be valid i unless there 'is attached;thereto evidence satisfactory to: ■, •■ the Returning Officers that the proposed . candidate, con- si `. - sents to be so;nominated: ■ ■ JOHN F. FORAM, Cleric. si a ' lana■slisa■ps■■s■ainannsaasans■iaanaisnnnmaaaaawa iia Iiiige: OF Luckflow: MINATION MEETING NOTICE is hereby given to. the MUNICIPAL L ELEC- TORS of THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf, I . require the presence of the said ' electors at the Village Hall • in the said ;Village of ; Lucknow, at :. the • hour of Seven O'clock and Thirty ' Minutes in the afternoon of MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 19 •. For One Hour /For the purpose of norininati ng fit . and proper persons for the Offices of Reeve, Four Councillors and Three Public .School Trustees' for the :Village of ' Luck ow, for the 'year 1964, Trusteesto hold Office For Two Years, of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number. 'of, Candidates, than'required . to fill ' ' tine ` said offices, are nominated and make', the `required "declar ation. Poll ' No.'' 1, Town Hall; Poll ..No. 2, Si.: Peter's, Parr sh Hall; ' Poll a No, 3, Legion Hall will •'be opened in the said Village of Lucknow, on. Monday, December 2nd,1 and will open from• Nine O'clock` arm:,, until Five O'clock• ' p.rn, and; no .longer. Given under my hand this 12th Day of November. A. D., 1963. H. AGNEW, Returning Officer. 1 Chance Meeting In: Western Canada. In • speaking with John honey, Federal 'ember for Bruce, at the opening of tiluron''Tawnship's Bell Bridge last Friday, Mr. Lon- ey . informed 1us. that -he had a chance aneeting in Saskatchewan with Ron IMotelland, 4wel1 known in the Lucknow area, , . Ron, who came east to play- hockey with. Lucknoav:a.'number of. years ago,' is married to the fernier Agnes Conley, daughter • of Joe •• Cooley'. of i ueknow tyLoney, mo'eking cent representing .the various politi- cal olical parties in 'Canada, attended. the annual meeting of; the Sas- bewan River Dam. It • was dere that "John and. non met Ron, ' lM Lelland is' campaign manager' for Tim Cooper; Con- servative" number of parliament for, Itosettrign . Biggar in Saskat- tahewan, . . • M. Loney has ' announced that sites ifor two new posts offices an ' the riding have. been inves- tigated. If a price is (obtained dose to the esti of 'cost, _the Departaaemt of Public Works plan to constrict: a Wit' office in Hepworth during the winter months. A site in Laois Head is in • the. process of tieing ,ac- quired, and its total cost • is lint- ed , to $25,000 to qualify for e winter works ''program. Ten wall be called to piceed construction . upon thefinal decision of the ''Department' /• Huron C.A.S. dorms Christmas Bureau The Board of Directorsy of Hu- ron County''Children's. Aid' So- ciety have formed a teras Bureau whereby ' .they hope to ,`help provide a good . Christmas for , all needy families, with, par- ticular tictular asis on the children. To prevent overlaying some basic ':tales to follow . are sug- gested. Allgroups orndivt�duals washing to Help- should work closely with the Board mer „in their locality on an com- mittee. It . is important that all con- tributions on-• lbutions• exc tt . perishable goods, be delivered to Goderich, headquarters of the ;Children' r Mand,' ' or to your .local Meinber, well before The November, @Money is. , most • acceptable forbuyi giftsfor older children. These are 'usually more expen- sive rand not many are donated.. Other ed gifts are, don- atitms of food, new ap- mitts, !aye --. tionery, billfolds, flashlights, toi- let articles, jewellery: Christ seals,, ribbons,tags, • papez ,' for wrapping .the also • needed Only new things can be used. Christmas Gins but • clean, used clothing and ..bedding in good 'condition are alsovery aC- ceptable for our boxes; Clnistmas, Bran, •Board' Rep. Convener ,is Dirs. . ' Mooney or Godetick The member for' Ashfield, ' (:o borne and West '. 'Wawa/sash is 1M' rs. Cecil; Blame of Dungannon. NPV4 2021, 19. IlimPlemmOmmumMummolommoimmtommasames .� i' ■ ,HASH ALUM1NUM SALES Windows _ , Doors Carports Canopie• s,. FREE ESTIMATES LIVER, GLENN, Nash Alumintan; Representative. Lucknow. Phone 528-3723 liataeielmapapaaaliaaaaaiamaiaraaapananammusaussaa GLIENNS or ■ ▪ • ▪ '• . �H. TECHU �Illlrlt RCH , : The Wt©ted Wbmen's In ntatutte` meeting ;was field; in the White'ahu�rch. 'Community: Mem. • oriel : • +'Tuesday evening. As and South ladies, Mrs. Frank Boss, Wm. .Thos. ' ille1'ca1fe, Ms.. Wearer, Mrs. E.d. Walk= er, Jae. Currie and Mrs. Ger$hoin• Johnston were bastes- ops and served a •bbounteous pot la& •supper to about ?a adults end Children. After supper, the meeting was .held; pided over by the president, 2,drs. Claude Coffin The singing cif :the In- stitau'te Odie . and repeating the Died opened the meeting-. It was ,decided to sonde 'Christmas gift to `` So g" the little Korean ,girl adaptied by wee 15 brassies of Bruce South «act W.I. It. was decided to begirt, The card pay= ties ' and to gold them every Monday. night • at • 8:30 ia ate Whitechurch Community -Mem- orial Memoriat . Hall. rr Wayne .'Farrier played clarinet •nJ saaapbone numbers accompanied by his mer, Mrs, Carnet ,Farmer. Moir. GJdon Leggett of• `Winn am .ae- ca reed .on.: tae piano .;lay Mrs. Garnet ,Farrier sang. "He" and "It is no Secret," Mr.,Lloyd Ackert, of Holyrood, guest spea- lam,' Was i used by Alas: Car- Erna: r. Ackert had attended the Boy Scout' : ofarathon 'Jamboree aheld. August 1-11., pan . G" ece, While arranging the projector he played the they sheard .ems ery 'Ilnorniog at ' 5:30 ani. Thi. and: •DISTR1CT' • atio Ail .airs 'ea rta%mtng, Th ,pictures Were excptrona:Ry deal We were reminded of the 2 inll®q�e ao, boys 'whose plan it was fannuly night . the East crashed • unto the ocean.: Scout •p -87• e 9 ' :displv coal Of slipper dolls exhibiting omen and wive ,mem ciittumer,, cap with boas teeth •mug, cotes bel,. suit case and; many • more sea enin iMns. Dan &ft Ac 71;aert and Oxeserded hiai with. gift. There was an attendance ,c 70: The singing of the • Quee cd the meet, The ntih and . final mneeta . o the Sewing Sisters was held a the .home of Mrs...Albert .Coni tea aline minutes/ were read' Miss ; Diane coul+tes. Discrissia was held.' on Aob i hent . Da; 'preparations for . demonstratior The leaders MMrs. ,Coffin and Via: Albert 'Ccoultes . checked • the e Cord books. . Roll call: was res ipanded to by showing Abel completed Workiblouse; cos t erne, 'chart and record: 19boa�k. MBS Ken :Patterson ` Iaeturaec home from WWngham.'Hospital on 'Wednesday muck, i nproved at bealth. �• miss June .: Collyer Wit* te with LW: and. A.'' Kelth Collyen tlMTS 1Mi come, :Alm Al bert Cou • „Elwood Gros kortb„ Mrs. Eunice Gillespie,.dart Clarence Ritchie,,"$s. Russe Chapman and Qtrs. Emmer Sieh thohu ixlere guests of . Winhhan allaitrated travelogue, humorous U C.W: at their ,aneetasng on. Wets adthe s waseducational,fir-. f resda y evening wasainiaaaaawaaaa saisitasnamasa■aaa■\aailiali lH■a■! am ■ { A Meeting Of The Municipal Electors Of The NOMINATION MEETING t ST.. HELENS . Gordon Pannecker of I,taae Ayr cultural :School at.Baidge-• own seat tihe,week-end 'with h parent' a Y saes , Mrs.. Bon ■ P • 4 anria:neckcsr: � • • �1VLar: Terry ' Willson of iivi , ins tridoo' • spent the. ,weetb;ee¢od at his home: • MMus:. David Gtibnour 'and' Jeff- feray of Toronto spent a few I! days with •Beier parents , and ! Mr s. Hervey Webb, M1 tr. and' Vis.' Ross Gar amie, Lori and Brock Cernpbe8' were to Walton on 'T9 isde evening to tee Hay Cawnpbeil; off kto the ' ukoni after a. month's visit here awitthh.. faith g; �Lo ree Gainmie� erste tarn ea, eleven s'1 tt s al . Mends at $ ► disq party on PridayW ■ ■ Township QE Huron the County of Bruce shall take place in the Township Flall, Ripley, NOVEMBER 2tI, FRIDAY, On 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 a ■ At The Hour. Of One O'clock In The Afternoon s' For the nomination of Candidates for 'the .• office of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and COUNCILLORS • ■ ■ In The Said Township of Huron For :'hie Year 1964 si i • • Two Candidates for the Ripley -H on School • Area ■ ■ Boartt' and • a 1.. Two four the Haotl-West .School : Areas ■ a Board (For giro -year -- The ; • • Members a Are Eligible for Re -Election): When' if more than the requi*ed. number .of. Candidates��, us For 'Respective Offices Are Nominated 1 se ■ is is THE ELECTION BY BALLOT a ■ Win Be Held In The a. ■ Several Polling' Places Hereinafter Mentioned ■ Miay,.'December ' 2nd - 1963 / „, ii.a ■ ■ . ■ ■ Subdi .vision No.. , 1 Subdivision No, 2 Subdivision l�lo 3 s i a Commencing at 9 o'clock . in the forenoon and closing at 5 o'clock in. the afternoon LIST oF, POLLING PLACES a Reids Corners Cornrnunity Hall Orange Halle, Beflie1, Lot .36K Concession 8' as Wallace Pollock's House Con. 9 ■ Subdivinon No 4 Township Hall;, Ripley ■ as Subdivision No. 5 - Herbert Clayton's House, Con. 2- s i Dated At Ripleyr This 4th bay of November, 1963. a al EARL TOUT. clerk • ■ ■ r.asai afo■■aa■■■aaa'aaratllalli lana asnatiias mals