The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-11-13, Page 9WEDNESDAY, NOV, 130th,
AM." garIRIllif
E. MacDonald �
;ESS 0, SERv,iCR'
DUNLOP: TIRES (Most Sizes In. Stock)
.Repairs. to All Makes. of Cars and Tractors
3 Licensed Mechanics
Wheel Alignment and Balancing
• er Lake W.I.
The• October meeting_ of the r was turned over to the conven-,
Silver Lake 'Institute +was 'held er ,Mrs. RoyCornish, wrho 'read
at the home of Mrs. Neil :La- +tine . otfo "What we make .of
Mont, ' With' . eighteen .. anemibersour mes more important
and two ry'isitorS. 'Zine .'president, than hat our -,hom•es• are made
Mrs. A. ° Colwell ` opened • the.. •of,,' which • was prepared by
meetin.with the singing':of .the Mrs: Enim°a 'Moulton. Mrs.' John
Ode and repeating of the Mary. Hodginsgaive a reading '"Home
Stewart Collect. Mrs. John Hod- 'is where -the heart is." The 'topic.
gins read the scripture. ' Reports "What is ' 'behind . Horne • .Eton-
from the W.I. convention at sanies'' was read by airs: Harold:
Meaiford were ,given. by. Mrs. Geo., Bannerman. dirs. Glenn, . YoungYoung, "Mrs., :Clarence Hedley and read a poem `'Her Home. Mi.
Mrs. ;Coh ei1 Mrs,. Wm. Camp- Geo. Young gave a reading. At
bell 'and Mrs; Lamont gave' re the. •close. of the meeting, samples
.ports. .from .+the W;I,. rally in .of the favourite recipes were
Kincardine. "R.o11 .call +was ans- sold, Lunch ' was • ser 'red by ,Mrs.
wered With favourite recipes: Af- .I►arnont and irdrs. Mabel Camp
ter .,the. :,business. ' the, • 'needing bell.
, •dr TARIO'
Noiiceof Initial
on briefs concerning
Preliminary public hearings will be held as follows:
.Windsor—Council Chamber, City Hall :
10:00 am. December 3 and 4 f
Toronto —:Galbraith Bldg:, University of Toronto
• 35 St. George St„ Room 202-202A.
10:00 am. December 11 and 12.
10:00 'anti. January. 7 and 8
10:00 am. January 14 and 15.:
10:00 am. January 21 and 22
10:00 -am. January'28and 29.
These are initial, not final, hearings; Briefs will be pre=
seated by a responsible •officer : of/ .the organization con-
cerned or the individual wishing to make the submission,
or their legal •counsel: Participantsmay have expert wit-
nesSes appear for them.
Participants will be asked to present only the summaries
and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations.
They are free td elaborate' orally and. offer• arguments.
Persons appearing before the. Enquiry may be examined
directly by the members of the Enquiry. •
Persons submittingbriefs are prmitted to introduce at
the hearings supplementary information. and material in
written form. These, to be known as exhibits, will be filed
with the Commission and nun beled,in order of
REMINDER • Briefs (25 copies) on;theproposed Medical'
Services Insurance. programme must, be submitted by,
November the Secretary.
Da. I. G aAin MOW
T. C Ct RKE, Secretary
Room 418, 67 College St: •
• Tomtit° 1
Telephone 365-4014
ifgr. By Bill Smiley
There's a now television ser- 'day I have a churc%n board meet-
ies on the' air +that is 'me in Friday there's a deparbment
�ganrnrg f ' �', ary� .
an e a giant. p quid. about1Vlhe meeting, followed iby the Friday:
an uiferior• co�i'i+ lex the Afternoon �Club ' zrieetin+g, follow -
you 'haven't ' . seen :it, ?but, it's ed by a 'blast from any wdife for
attending . at.
Friday night, if I can shake
off :the 'flu by then, I• . have :to
go deer hunting for the week.
end. In . the meantime, I have
to arrange with MGM . for a
Showing of the film Hamlet, and.
with O'H .eefe " Centre for a trip.
for 140 • *ids, four ' .buses, to see
My .Fair • Lady. Somewhere . in
there, I must mark 120 tests,
andeleventy-seven essays. •
Gee,, I wish I could just go
around Sunday n'Lghts locking
dedicated, ' like Mr. Novak, in-
stead . of ,going` around all the
time looking desiccated,
called. Mr. Novak, it
me breathless, . and and makes'me
Wretched. 'for : one hour ' .every
Sunday night.
It's a sort of Dr. Kildaire with,
classroom and chalkdust . and
psychology : instead of surgery
and ;'blood and psychology.
Mr. Novak is a ' blond, hand-
some, young, idealistic teacher
of English in a -high. school. That's'
enough ' AO flatten,. a balding,,
homely, middleaged, r e a l is t i c
teacher. of English such ' as
before the opening commercial..
But it isn't .this .sort of: thing
that is eating away any self -con-
fidence: It's the excitement' •of
Mr. Novak's life that makes me
feel like Something .the caretaker
forgot to 'sweep out ' on Friday
afternoon. • •
* *.
Every week, he gets inti ollied
in the' damdest 'situations,• and
emerges amellin�g of :violets and:•
looking—like Joan of Arc: Anda
every week . I tet. involved... in
the Idamde&t situations and em-
erge:- ;B'arely, ': ; . •
• : Mr. Novak .:saunters through
,the halls of his s+ahool . in . his
•W611 -cut gray suit, butte.'ringup.
the principal and looking dedi
rated'. Mr.. Smiley •:' s c u +t +t 1 e'
through:: ;the Thal of his , school;
avoiding the principal, and lark-
ing .harassed: • .
Every week, .Mr. Noyyak .'tang-
les• fearlessly ' with sot'e.inlpos-
sible'. problem, and solves it. ' Ey-
ery' week,. Mr. Smiley tangles •
fearf illy 'with 'eight impossible
problems,..and '' by the time he's
finished,' he , hal, ' 1.6" impossible
problems. •
•In• -the '"last .few Weeks, M'r..
Novak has out done himself. 'He
has •,squelched ' an .•. outbreak of
racial prejudice. He has caught
a 'colleague cheating and :.for-;
given.,hian. ,He has encouraged 'a
colleague •with` an alcoholic "wife.
He has pulled the• principal •oust
of .ghat •.;Water. '
In the -last- rie* weeks,. . Mr.
Smiley ,has.' undone himself.. He.
has barely 'lived through' an out -
+break of the :flu. !He
has . caught.
a colleagaue trying °+to ' make off
with :his rubbers. He has . en
couraged a colleague with - an.
alrohoiic mother. He' has got, the
pri icipal in shot *'water.
You can see why this Progra+in"
"makes "me ,:feel pretty insgnif=
icarrt. ,11i1r 'Novak leaps joyously,
from ' one crisis ' to another: 'Mr:
'Smiley" totters desperately &rani
one ants cl arax ;to . the • next.
Take this week; for. example.
bet you that.. right now, 'that
Novak ,is rehearsing an episode
in which he defies 'the school
board on a matter 'of ' principle;
'solves a hairy personal problem
fair one of his' students,: •and pulls
the principal out of a 'nasty sit-
uation.. •
Right now, I'•m trying to write
a column. ":lily: Knife is downstairs,
teaching a ',piano leason. My son.
is across the hall, practising the
piano. My daughter is in . the
•uat-hroom, roaring 'hut, the lines
of her oral .cr'm osition, ;which
is to be :delivered tomorrow; and
waiting to .potence . on .me and
make ,me -hear it.
' Five moments ago the . phone
ra"t"a.. ,It was a colleague, . ;want-
ing ane to tape an interview
for the • A•ir Cadets:• Tonight .I
have to go .to bight shool, Ger-
mat', and haven't my .hoinework
done. After that. 1 have to go.
out .canii.;,assing for the YWCA,
Toniortiw 'I have to help my
students get :the weekly `newS,.
aper icoluiiin ready, give itri+y son
a driving lesson,:and get rid of
tie ,sgUirrels in the attic. Thurs-4
Wilfred IR. Quaid, 77, of Sala
;ford, died Friday,- November, 1st
in Alexandra, Marine
and Gen-
eral hospital; . "Goderich, Mr.
Quaid was born in Port Albert,
a; son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James (Mary Anne Dougherty)
Quaid, He lived, in Saltford Torr,
the last 20 years. Mr. Quaid was.
a Member o>f. Victoria• Street 1Un-
i+ted Gh+iirch, +Goderich, "where 'he
was an elder.
He leaves his (wife, the form-
er Margaret • Wilkes; 'two sons,
John and 'Meryl,• both of Sarnia;
five.. daughters, 'Mrs. 'Melvin
(Helen) Dickson, Port' A1Jbert;.•
Mrs. Charles (°Anne) Anderson, •
Ashfield; :ilVrs, George (iMalbel)
Westlake; Manitou+wadge, Ontar-
io; Mrs. Vincent • (Marian) De -
Silva; Benanuda, and Mrs..1Mait-
1 a n tl (Mildred) Montgomery,
Saltford; a• sister, Mrs. Mabel
McKenzie, Ashfield, Township; 28 ".
grandchildren and ' . one great-
The. +funeral. service +was held
on '''Monday afternoon at the
Lodge funeral home .with Rev.
C. A. Dukelow officiating; in -
like •Mr.' terrnent was in Colborne. .,eeme-••
■•i •'D'e'co•c000i000ii oo so•ono ooefro•
• •
i•ooi•••.esoieeia•yesooet..i .o.. o•o•oo....•..i,i•
$3.60 Rett $4.40 White $5.30 Bide
$43.40 -Red ; '$47.40 White
1,40 Blue •
'. (Parlor Car. and Sleeping. Car Space. Extra)
These new fares, plus frequent trains,convenient.
schedules and the relaxed • comfort of modern rail..
travel, are the reasons•you Should • pian your travel
on CN's Red, White and Blue Fare days..
Passengers holding parlor car or sleeping car
accommodation receive compliimentary,meals on
trains carrying meal Service cars: Pick upyourcopy
of the Calendar of Days, from CN
Coach seats on Super Continental' reserved in
at no extra charge.
For further information contact yoour. local CN agent •
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