The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-30, Page 51NFDN Y., For .1963_ MONUMIENTS THE LUCKNOW sound counsel and a fair: price on a monument o . tly designedfrothquality aterial, rely Kp•,TON MEMORI Estahlished • 'Over S k Years • Walkerton Phone . f$131,0234. • ocat Deaths Stir Memories for FormerResident Drennan Macintosh 417 kBeech-Daly Road ' ' Dearborn . Heights, :Michigan October 22,, 1963. • Dear Campbell; Read '•ith quite . a shock:the passing. of, `Mongan Henderson. If a rer. Lucknow had a good . 'boy, here:. was one. My `. fond memories ' of Morgan:' when we attendedschool are -well .planted • ;i f'my ,mnd i. •This surety causes • us 'to harken back .to many years ago, and 'then; . the awareness of the speed of •these +passing ; years. . - Our old 'friend .and, ' neighbor Bert Ward -has passed on. ,a We lived in close contact with. Bert and Marion for quite some years, and . his passing brings +back a great . -amount of memories _of good` 'times and fun we .had. • Art der. Lucki owit+e,, Mi. Mac- Donald, has passed away. ' .I. re- call as a young lad, having. step- • ped into a: hornet 'nest, •near the _ old' Stewart mill, 'and 'being. in, real • tro ble, Mid ' MacDonaldh plastered dare !with 'baking soda or such material to ease th spine s e • psin s e ' Could take me . ntrl . ah u 'home.. She .• raiseda fine +farnily'; and Was .always•;'a ,+fa4.orite • .of .'Try 'Mother.. , • 1 . read in the Toronto..:Giabe sonne . ;tnrne ago of the death, of Lovell Murdoch. The story 'not give it clear description .of 'who o and from Whence he came, so `I had . passed this Over tuntil seeing in The Sentinel •that the. Whole,family is now deceased. I saw Wilfrid and Lovell in fior= onto many years ago but in re - :cent years had, not known of the death of Wilfrid. The 'Sentinel is doing .a fine jpIb both from 'a 'typographical standpoint and has . a news +media. Keep up the good : work, and good '•healthto you and. your family. .. • ' • Sincerelyy, ' 'Drennan •1VIaclntosh, Publisher's Note — Drennan, is the son of. the :late Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Macintosh, for..iner. Luck 'not- residents. Drennan: operates a commercial printing plant in Michigan: He ' commenced his trade at The Sentinel, leaving Lucknow in. 1928.. WON $138.50 : C4%SH PRIZE AT, .LEGION -.BINGO Mr. and Mrs. ,Floy+d Weick of Kincardine . were the •+big money -'w inners at ' the, Le- gion's gran s weekly bibingoo an Thur - day night He won' the jackpot prize:. and us Wife's winnings of .a '.share -the -wealth .and. an-. . other game gave the Weicks a total of ..$138.5.6...., o.Q.:, This week the jackpot:will be $65:00 on .•.5,6 calls dfaMegg SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARItO. AMBERLEY and DISTRICT Sar. and M's Stewart Sims, of Toronto ,visited 'at the week -end with .Mrs. ,LauraaVlcNain, and 'Miss . Helen Main. Master Charles Sims vitro visited with his grandmother during the .r past week returned .homewiththem on Sunday, , . Mr. a~nd• Mrs,• 'Don+a'-t Court- ney and 'Carol visited . with. M, and Mrs. John Harper of 'Chel- tenham ` %over the wee'k-end. • A reception was held : at +ii ei ds.- Seeks . To Lc.c:afe. Friend's �Grave. The following . item • _erect in last week's issue of :e Kin cardnne 'News:.., One day in '1933, a poor, sick, valid' man. hoarded a 'train in Oak- ville, Alberta, to , travel to Luck- now. uck-now. where a sister had prom- ised to take care of hiim. On the way ;he died and was +buried,' in Potter's Field near 'Kincardine. Just ten .years .'before, the same man, Nathaniel r. Bradley,. was worth about a .Quarter 'of h mil- lion ' dollars. At that time he owned 2,500 . acres of land in the West. Butt (the depression • came and his Ix -thine was last The • News has . received a.let- ter from man who Bradley had tlr,efriended wwhile iri: the West. Th's+,gen'tlem'an; lin return for 'the kindness 'h{eireceived,. would like to find Nathaniel Bradley's. grave and: "at leash see that he has a ''marker." • A. thee at the Kincardine cern- etery failed to. !reveal •ahyoneof that name' buried 'near the.. time Of his, death and it 'is ekpected the burial tack -place ,somewhere, else., 'Mr. Bradley's /friend, now seventy-three years. old, . woul4 like. to. firi,d the : grave' .and • if .any person 'corild hello him, inform* - . tion • left at the News 'office will 'be" forwarded ;to, him.. • " � . erha s a sudden, Emergency calf: At home -atone,, p e P 1e .- for het : a phone coif brings tt. How coul people ' shout the phone? •ever reacf� . peopte . BlrikimanaigsdOdawrttdbytitil Cotrners community ha on'. Sat:, urday evening for Mr. and Mrs.. Murray McDonald, n ly-weds. Mrs. toy McBride of 'Zurich. tirisited ' on., Sunday with Mrs. Wesley Boi b and ffamily and with IMrs; Laura MeNain ,of Ain- +beriey'. • • ' The 'Explorers met irk .the Sun- day School -room of .Pine; litiver United Church nrhe�an�mfbe�isOctober. ‘meeting - in attendance. After the apennin+g devotions; Joan Ferguson gave_the ,scripture --treading,-,follow+ed ..with` prayer Ebypertrkide Lee Walden. Mrs. Gorge Messenger read . a Bible story, and conducted two ' quizs and •.the, remainder of ..the afternoon mai spent, in making Posters. ;It Was decided to Col+lec.t for UNICEF at Hallowe'en The Messenger • group • :also met.' for their Meeting: • Mrs. Cecil �Hivan- phrey and ' Mrs. 'Robert, 'Court- ney. are leaders 'of, the 'groups.. Mrs, 'Robert. Courtney was or- ganist :for the junior ober ' an Sunday' at Pine . River Unrted Church, A ,group 'of ,young. girls gave a pleasing number. In. the group were:. Mary Pane, Marsha Humphrey; VVreridy • Courtney Dianne Kempton, Gertrude Lee Walden rand Margaret Ann Court - Ladies: � Group Vint Kitchener (Whitechurch News) Mr. and Mrs. Frank ',Stackhill. (nee. Marilyn Morrison) Kenneth, Harold and Shane :left for t'h ' home'' in Timai ns on Thai ` ay atter: -s endnn a weeks ho h, y. with ;'her Parents Mr: • and Mrs.. Thos. Morrison. After 'being ill with a heart - and nerve condition for : alanost two creeks ; Mr.- Claude Coffin 'wastaken oh Tuesday to W` thank. Iis'trict Hospital .& ,on nestday was taken to . the new; Hospital at'. Goderioh. ' We wish ,hirci .a ..,speedy 'recovery. ' 'Mrs,: Jas. Laidlaw, Mrs 'Frank Coulter,. . Mrs.. (MacDonald; Mrs. Annie Lott; & Mrs. Victor, Emer- son •:attended"'•the Sectional Meet- ing .held at . South Kinloss church on Wednesday . _ afternoon. "' Mrs. "Robert Solornori ; : is. • at present laid up with the mumps.. Nfr., Keri,. rPafter,son was • this week +admitted' to Wirnghant and Distri.et ,.:Hospital. ' On . Th irsday Mr. ' Allan. Reed drove a bus to 'Kitchener and, those ' enjoying' the {trip ' were 'Vic. George Walker,. :Mrs. A': Coultes, Mrs; J. Gaunt,. +Mrs. Ez-' ra ,Scholtz, 'Mrs. •Lester..Falco:ier, Mrs. WaIt¢r Arscott, Mrs 'Claude Coffin;, Mrs Lloyd Montgomery, Mrs. Jitn C oultes, 'Mrs.: Sid Ad= ams, Mrs.: Jacklin, Mrs Ed Walk- er, Mrs. Gershorn Johnston, .Mrs, George •Walker, Mrs. Roy Patter:. sen, -Mrs- Jim .:Currie, Mrs. Dari Tiffin, Mrs: Johnston Conn, Mrs. Ira Wall, Mrs', • McKenzie,* Mrs. Thos: Metcalfe; Mrs.;,+Frank Ross, Mrs. Gordon Ross, Mrs Mack Eadie, Mrs. Charles Shields, Mrs. George ''.Coulter, Mrs. ,Harry El- liott, 'Mrs;, Gordon+'iGrannett,' Mrs Ornar Haselgrrove : and Mises C. HaseLgrove, Mrs. Horace • Aitch eson, Mrs,. ;. Wrn: . Austin, Mrs: John Walker, • •Mrs. Annie : Nicol:, Mrs. Brooks; 'Mrs. Dave Eadie, Miss Annie Kennedy; Mrs' Har- old Congram.' Ail toured ,Scfhnei- dders meat packing +pleat where 1400 : 'workers are,. employed, Lunch of bread, . butter, various PAGE •P ill' Will Be New Kinioughites (CULROSS CO, R`NERS) . We extend out ;sympathy 46, Mrs. 'Betty Thompson and. •Mrs; John Hodgins in the tragic death of their nephew, 'Sandy Fanriish of 'Ashfield Township. +Octo'ber thas been a most rb au- • tiful anOn'th, everyone a chance to eget outside'work done- 3v+eryone. that ;as, except the for-. finers. The . ground is so••dry and, . ha2+d:tha��they--lliav�--gvveri---aw�p-,.•-•-r,,•.:.---,_.� trying to . plough. Daylight . saving ,time ended last weekend.. Now the Morn- ings win- qbe' .brighter but dark, ness' will set in' early.. ' Perry H'odgints disposed of his. livestock, Ma+cah+inery-and teed by auction %last 'Saturday afternoon. 'Mr,. and Mrs. Hudgins' have sold their ifarrn on the 12th of Cui- rass and'are'moving to Kinilaugh, We are sorry to see +thein cleave the. community.. MT. and Mrs, : James Wraith, Lucknow, were Saturday: nisi . tors with. Mr,,. and 'Mrs. Ant Hold •gi;ns. ' • Miss Sharon . Hodgins, :of the WinOa+m Hospital Staff ,spent. the week -end 't with &Ter . Mr.. and Mrs. Perry Hodgins—'; iMr. anis Mrs. Baru TolM&on, Islington,' tspent the ` week -end with. Mr. and Mrs,. Ezra Stanley and . fa+mily. • Sunday wisito Mr. and Mrs ' Torn. Ste art Jahn Stewart"•of Goose Hay, Mrs. John.. Stwart 'antd. family:, Mr. and Mrs;; Gerald Stewart .. and Mr Jack .Stewart' all of 'Kincardine- . St. H�elen s Bazaar' Nets$100 Ov te • '(ST. HELENS NEWS) Mr. and' Mrs. Callum Caaneron of • Detroit spent a few days with ' Mr. ''.and .Mrs. John •Cainerbn. Mr. and Mr. Lorne ,Dnxrnin spent 'a: ifew days in London with ,:. Mr. 'and -Mrs.' Allan. 'Purriiin. • • Mr; Gordon..Pannebecker tending tRidgetown, Agricultural School this :•year. • Mr. and Mrs. Tarn Taylor of •Sirncoe spent; the :Week-erid. with n•err parents: Mr. ,and !Mrs, Har=. vey '"Carrick: •and,Mrs Tom Todd, Wayne. and •Hugihiie, 'and Mrs. W. 'I. • Mil ler spent Sundaywith sMr.. 'and.. Mrs. Gordon MCIntyr+e 'and Don' ,at .Richmond Hill, ' • Mr. :and Mrs. ' Torn Tristram. and +family of Scarborough were week -end. guests. sof ,Rev. ' and • iMns. Tristram.• The T:C:W::.heltd their 'ann+ual' . tea. and bazaar on. Saturday in Lucknow: laver $1019wa..:'read'ized at . their successful ev'ent... The November . W.I., .meeting 'Will be held • on, November ? . irk the. hall •at 2:30,: Mrs;: D•onaid Riehl: the. district president will be ,guest speaker: R,o1ll eall Whry • I 'bought a • .poppy Miss . . /'Marry Murray will ,be in •derange of the motto; • Ltxnoh and Pro- • • gramme' conrrnittee are Mrs. E. • .Barbour, ,Mrs.. McNeil- and ,Mrs.: Chester Taylor: • Get, out your costumers and come to the St. Helens W.I. masquer-de dance • on. Friday;.. Nov-,-..er 1st. Co ked meats.''pickl'es 'and coffee w':s served td all as well as a g ft of 1 lib of crispy shortening. • 'any shopped ' at the various.' shopping centres.'' [I*O\%TI1 Trust Trust Investment Certificates TERM 4. 'i0 g YEARS 200 Qsaisai Aviator LONDON y. r•