The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-16, Page 14• PAGE: ! OURTE 4744 LUC'KNOW SENTINEL, LUCINOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, '()OTE 1b16I ]9G3' KIILQUGH .: r . Mme, Mfol+d Wall was !hostess for :tile'�y.A rating Which was 1'014 at 'the. chuxp1, Mrs. Rdy Sclin'el eT 'P!rt1ed!and xxleet- B aManed • with the ►hymn ort a breath of Giod.' Mrs. 1-1Ow h , Thompson, read, the .was fgilowed :bY a611e W.Aa. erhI' and the ,Lords P`ray'er, The Cation.' on .ci' t-. `etude eras .giveen. by M.P. Rus~'; sell Hewitt. Menabens received their �r 1964 Church Calendars; The .Fall Deanery 'meeting will: be held at St, Patera churc'hi Luck= now on Tuesday, +O'cetaber...22nd at 2;:30 p,'tn. , The "Closing hymn • • was • "The love of Christ Con- atraineth" and praayer;. .The a.'Ster noon was •sprent in "quilting 'for . the ,baffle; .to .be. .sent after tie Ott ?meeti g.. .. • , •Mr., and Mrs..' ugh. Reeking of Emit= visited during the week With Mr. and Mrs. :William 9ia1= derby.: +'/ aVlr ' and Mrs. Russell Hewitt visited with . friends at Listowel. NEWS- inter. Ashes In St. 'Helens Happy Handerafters The +5thmeeting of .St. Helens .Hiomemalaing .'club was held . at 'the~ 'thong. of • Louise McDonald; The 'Meting ..opened ▪ with the 4-H pledge. Them the rola' call "A sample of °custard. 'I made at 'hoarse"" was, answered .by 9 girls .11ie girls 'glen placed these in orderas to appearance, tex- ture 'and .flavour. Methods on how . to. iineorporate +milk 'uit'o the daily . diet Were discussed. .Two methods of making 'white sauce -was' demonstrated by, Mg's. • Ernest' Gaunt, .Then chicken a- 1aking 'and 'tura. ` Were made and 'tasted. Mira. Norrn'an. McDonald served the • girls lunch The next meeting is.., �to;-Ibe ''Heid in St Hel'en's . 'Hall, Saturday, October 19 at . +6 o'clock and a film; on cheese 'snaking is to be shown. Col'wariash and Zion ;girls are .jouiinrg 'w.ivtli ithe St• Helens group for ".this. • . Mr and `: Mrs. •- Perry. ry. Hodguis were: recent ••vsisft,ors.. with Mrs.' ' Field Meet Ethel James at Wnngham.'' • cori'atulatians to Mr. and' M :, Ivia71 McF'arlan on„ the birth Champions of a) song . Mr, and 'Mrs Perry Iiad gins (Poi Ji Anderson) entertained fieri+ti!v' s at a j'Ilhranks- At the Lucknow ' ;Dhs�tryct Hugh • gvirng. •,dinner: school last' Tweak ' more than !the usual amount' of energy • .w'as Mr. gird Mrs:. Bert :Ndchalson, burned 'u, as two field days were Allan andLois silent . .'P Y • • •spent Sun'd'ay wd'ta :held •= "one on. 1VLonday, the 'other Mr. ' and Mats: N. E. ` Evans 'and • on Thlbrsday: . Linda at Downs -View. • ' +On 'Monday the local field ?day was. held; 'Winners: were: .Junior girls, ' : Sharon Stanley; Junior 'boys, Allan Colwell; Intermnediate girls, . Peggy Button; Interrned-• ;late ''boys,, Ion Fisher; Senior girls, Marilyn Henderson; , Ser - or boys, Donald .Barr, ' ' On' Thruitsd'ay • LDOLS 'played 'host to thie Ripley 'athletes -with Lucknow getting '3105' points. and BR�IIIIE NEWS Ripley ' getting ' 221Q � : Winners at. • A number. from here. 'attended y ...the .International 'plowing, ,match at .Oaledon. Mr.' and. Mrs Howard Thorny- son, `' Mrs Gert ude Walsh ' and Miss 'Edna Boyle spent 'an ,even-• ing with ,Mrs: Tom. Hodgins. 1st .: Pack Brownie • The 1st : • Lucknow %'Brownie Pack ` played, games until it was •time.for.: Susan Hall, Toadstool k1a`iry, no prepare for Fairy hang. Tawny •Owl. ` conducted • the ,Fabry Ring... ceremony and inspection.. The "Pack" was'pleased to wel- come 'Girl., Guide, `.Janet Carru- thers, wtho had come `'to the. meeting to helpTawny , . Owl: teach .'fig. Help .' wtibh •knit- ting ..from mother athome would: be miuch 'appreciated, as ` :it • is difficult to show a [large group the. ' art of knitting in . the short timeavailable weekly at meet- ings, ings, Pacicie reviewed .First: Aid and: practised hall throwing with her group, while Brown Owl taught the . Tweenies •, 'how' •to, wash dishes. In: Porro wow, Janet ,read a ,story and the meeting. closed with the . Squeeze ,and Brownie 'prayer: this meet' were —. Junior L Sharon Stanley; Intermedia girls, ' Evelyn > White (Ripley); Senior girls, i'iVlarilyn Henderson; Junior boys, Allan Coliwell;• run- ner-up, Farrel • '(Eiipley) ; Inter- mediate boys, W. Houston; ..ion-- ner-up,' MacTavish (Ripley) ; Sen- ior 'boys, Doug 'Mar't'•yn (Ripley); runners-up (bred) Jiro 'MacDon-' aid and Ken Houston. Mt is noted trim on T•tiiday Donald Barr • won' his eighth 'con- secutive mile race. The wholestchool'` would like to -'thank Mir. ' Dermas for making these m11ets possible and 'thanks goes to the staff for their able assistance: OUR .DISPLAY RACK ' of card- boards and bristols has all col- ours, : and allpricesfrpm l0c a sheet to 20c . a sheet: The Luck- now Sentinel, envoi ;:fur �rot�er . 4 Morgan .MacKenzie Henderson President of` ohn W: Henderson .umber. Limiter Who Passed Ar+vay Thursday, October 10, 19b3. Jim Henderson, Vice -Pres: Donald, Henderson,, Secy-treas. Fcimilv. Johnstone Funeral Home, ,Luck - no*, had charge last week of interring the; ashes• of Loven Murdoch, who died sone time ago, an Toronito, in the family plot in. Greenhill Cemetery; .Lovell . 'was the ;last of ''the family of Mr. and 11.Vlrs. J. G. Murdo; h. His; • father died, ,said denly. in Luolrnow ,in 1915 at the age 'of', 56 Mrs. Murdoch, the far'm'er Emily Peart, died; in 1960 in. her 90th ' year, - Their son Man died Tin ' 1928' a;t.: the age.oof 1'S years, as ;a •result of head injuries received 'whole skating after' dark on the Nine Mille River.. fe .'rangy into a ',fenc•e crossing ;the river, . just, north 'of the "Toiwri Bridge," 'where • .the' river 'flow's tinder. the main., street. Willfrid G.:. 1Murdoeh the eldest of three ,brothers, died, .in. Tor- onto in 1961, .lin has . 517th • year and Love11's death occurred ren July 15t11 of. this, year. He ''too.. Ake This father and Wilfrid, died at the, age of. t5+6. • Huron Township As$essment»Is Up Huron Township. Council' held their regular session . on October 7' and Drainage Court' . of 'Revjs ,ion ,on • the Clark : Drain. Hugh Cameron: returned • the Assessment Rall' ,for '1963 show= ingitotal Assessment, of $3;291,000 which is an , ner'ea'se` of • $317,000. from last year. This was due to. 42 new cottages being buiult. Council Ina/3e application to the .Department of Highways for interim subsidy on.; roads' ; and.. bridges. • • • Instruicted• Road Superintend- ent 'to advertise for snow 'plow •g for coming winter • - av+e Erhard •� to Olark: Drain: By-law • ,'"awarded the .comtraet, of ,the drain ;to Nichol- son i hol-son '& Son , ,of 'Monkton. • The follown'ng accounts' ,iw'ere, Ordered paid by •the Treasurer; Ce'mete'ry: Ivan Pollock; • care of Cemetery!' $46.20. . Township: Hugh 'Cameron, as sessix g ,and postage, ''$921:25;, • Alf- red :Walden, 1. sheep killed by dogs, $2240; . Ray Walden, .' 2 sheep • 'killed by ;dotty, • $40.00; Charles Emmer'ton, . valuing ysheep. :$7.00; Benson Hardiw'are,:•furnace• repairs, $16.3.1; Village of Rip- ley, '4 fire. calls, $360.00' I O:iO'F. V4 'share •'af decoration. thy 'ex= SNOPPIN& ETS GO ' -. YOU KNOW WHERE le ."4111111, ...i -----...t.: ..0t) MIMI �, 'JI 11-...:1.0 .....r,‘ HER S 10pP/NG NO --' SNE ANL) IVF.NO rouRsoF REc N SO JOSEWEARY t11TS, SO GAYLY s/NE I' 4 y-- Ares qr HSA HOHNSTONE ME FuRNlSH NON fte COCCe cm)(Nt HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFA a APPL /A NCES Wed. Saturday At St. Helens FAYLOR — CARRICK Patricia Lillian Carrick of St.. $glens was'. united dn': ,marriage to Thonri+as Souter Taylor of Sim Coe in Calvin Church, St. Hel- ens on Saturday, October '12 '°at 2:30,p.m. The ,bniide :is the daugh- ter of, Mr. and Mrs Harvey •.Car ridk, St. Helens and• ithe grooni• is the son of Mrs. Hazel Taylor, .St; Helens; and the. late Gordon •Taylor, .Baskets of .fall. •nurns and asters decorated 'the" church. • RRev. W R. Tristram, St. Hel= encs, 'officiated at the cerembriy. Mr. E. W Risce, Sit Hei1enrs. sang The Twenty-third: Psalm ' 'and Perfect' Q.;we. Mrs.. E. ,W. . Rice., Sb. Helens : was •or'•gan'ist. • Tf a bride given, in marriage by., her tattier: Wore a dress'' of white dace:' Over taffeta' with a boat neckline, 11'1y point sleeves; 'fitted •bodice.'+and, • a :very tfull, skirt; and a circular chapel veil. with a sweetheart ;crown of 'pearls. 'She' .wpre a 'tear 4rv4a. pearl, pendant' of her . mothers, whiite'.gfloves' And shoes. Th a 'bride: carried a• . White . Bible crested with :red'.. rases and :white •stream ars. • , The ''bride's 'sister Mrs. Elinore Taman,, •Auburn was 'matron ` of honour. -She wore a. . dress of mauve :nylon over • taffeta with' a deep back, shirred sleeves, fit- ted bodice acid full ,skirt, a 'head- dress of auve:fIow�ers and veil; a corsage • of white carnations Pensee, '. $111.40; Earl Tout; pos-: and matching 'gloves . and.. shoes. .targe, 0.00, aV u+nicipal World; The jbrrdesmaud, Miss Margaret supplies, $1:1:43, Registry Office, Taylor, St., iHe1ens,' sister orf the, DAVE AGNEW EARNS. ' FOOTBALL NOTICE Dave Agnew earned attention in • a 're'cen't issue of 'the Detroit News for his ,performance ik a football game 'between Plymouth and . Redford ' Union. •: Dave,. the 16! -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Agnew (Pete and.' -Ma'ryibelle) scored . two 'touch= downs, capping the second;one by piunlging four -yards alter . ,a :42 - yard drive. Dave IS 5 foot, nine. inches, Weighs 165 pounds. ion ;'sheer , dress with a shirred coll+•ar,. fiitted, bodice and :a very full skirt of 'impressed ,pleats, a carsage -orf White carnations, a headdress 'of white fla vers ani veil ' and ' matching shoes . and gloves, ' • • Neil Taylor, brother Of the groom, 'S't Helens, was , {best man and • SCarrlick, brother of the bride, was :•uSher. • • • The,. reception '.Was at.the , Log Ca►}i nr : Restauiran't The . bride's: mother wore '.a sea green , silk dress- ` With White ' embroidery,' ` black accessories. and a ,corsage Of white 'carnations. The•>grooin's mother wore a :maroon and black figu're'd 'two•:' piece dac ron, dress.: with' bl'adk• accessories and a corsage of: white carnations.. • For. travelling the'ibride chose • . cranberry red ''wodl suit with matching ' 'Pillbox hat, 'white blouse, ','wh'ite corsage ' and black .accessories. • `•• The :young• couple will reside. in Simcoe.. ' , • ,Oues'ts attended : the wedding from `Blyth, London, . St, Helens; Eden .:Grove,`A,uburn and 'Luck - last, $6:07; •Kenxvy MacDonald.,' groom wore a figured ;•blue n'y- now. care 'of b'ar'b, $38.50; Telephone: 11110011114110004111100411' 111•.N••0•}. •N 01110011•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• System, half phone ,arid. tolls, : • o $15.96; Chester Esn+merton, phone` " •', ' tol3s,: $5:30; • Post . Office, unein. • �.. ployrnent stamps, $9.76; Welfare, •• $140.00 • • , ' • , •Roads:. Steve •Erwin, •.Superin •. t'endent,' • $3.25,:00; Wayne ' Lowry, • �' grader operator, $285.75;.. Benson •� Hardware,' 'gement and , tools, ' .' $2;829.98; Coiling Bros., ,hauling, • $77.00; Howard • Dodge, repers, , $18.02; (Graham . Cook, dozer on • Kirilass boundary,' $1,46510;. Roy Marshall, ' hauling;.' $73.35; Snap 0 on tools, •wrench, $12.88; Mc- • 4 Arthur 'tire, gradter tire, $231.75; D. G, •MacDonald; ,gaasoline, $119 • 10; Kincardine Radiator Service,. . •• heater :repairs, $2.50; Giesz Mo- tors, truck repairs,.: $355; G. W. Crothhers,• grader aetpairs, '$1,21'3.- '82; Superior' Propane, gas,' $1.26;; Corrugated Pipe Co:, culverts, $1322.54;; Pedlar Peop le Ltd., catch basins, $42.02; in- dustries, ;beanis for bridge,• :$3220.- 00 Bob McCormick, brushing, ;1r22A0; Reg: Godifrey, gravel, $/5:90;. James Farrell, graved,. $11.90; .Morgans J•ohnston,' gravel, $114.10; Harry 'Coiling, hauling and 'loading, $4/3:10; ' Ontario Culverts, ' culverts, $230.31; R. H. Martyn, fire insurance on shed, 34.40; Steve Irwin, telephone tolls, $18.80; iF'ra'k's garage, re- pairs, $24.16; • Bill, Iempton,. hauling Viand +loading,. $288.46, Council 'adjourned to meet on :November 4. • • • •• •. • i' • • i. • • • • •' • • • • •. • NIGHT.SCNOOL .Ripley District High.ScGool 9a3-6� iPENRIG NIGHT, NOVEMBER • • ' • • •; • , • • • . • • 7 • • .. The 'following courses will be offered 'if- there. is 6. sufficient enrolment: . PUBLIC SPEAKING, and .ENGLISH PHYSICAL EDUCATION ARTS - 'LEATHERCRAFT OIL PAINTING (beginners & advanced) RUGHQOKING., SEWING • Beginnersai d Dressmaking MILLINERY UPHOLSTERING TYPEWRITING • Send ' applications to MRS. DONNIE MacDONALD, R.R. • 4 Ripley •. •. • •• CLIP THE 'FOLLOWING' FORM AND MAIL • e Name 4 8 1. . ddress ti -. i' ` i' W 8 i•:,.' • to Phone , Number •• • • 1' • • • • i' i.. e'. iI i, • ti's ti 'i "• .. i i• ;f y,Y .. 9' i.... . +' I'.i Y . •f i Y i i.• ' •; Earl 'rad; clerk I o• �•1 •p. purge desired .. . '. . 'a 2nd ehotee . •48,448I4' our Subscription Renewed?"••a••N•N••�•.�t0••�.••..•Ni•+>o•iN