The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-16, Page 12yd a '44 • 1•4011 %my* Returning. OfficE Election: Outcome . E The "Cliff-hanger" indecision in. the Huron -Bruce results . in the vincia1 'election of Sep to niter 25th, a unique the Past halt century, but there were other ' close ones in the Huron area, that rbovir will remember. In •'one election the verdict wa s decided by the returning aft- tier's Yate,. and .in another case therewas a 2 -vote difference._ A recent article in the Kit- chener r Record tells . •the' story, The. Redistribution Act of 193'3° cut the •fur provincial ridings in Hen and .Baur Counties to three, .conrningthe Municipal- ities uniicipal-it es along the border of the two caou-nties into Huron=Bruce� These municipalities, from. ()on - federation tb the 1033 forcrnation, had been parts of seven ridings,' Tta'on,Nortth, )tumor. Centre, Hur- on :East,:. Huron Wrest, ..Bruce Bruce Canute and Bruce;. West. In the history . of' Huron Coun- ty ridiais there have been only eight ' . byelections; Three were caused by the deaths of .sitting. members, three iwhen members. were appointed to' new one ' iby e resignation . andone when a mearsbervas unseated. ,In .the first. election' after Con- federation Conservative W. T. Hays defeated . this _ giiberal op - .3 E.Pe, Ided adi`In 1898 P I O N .LUCKNOw SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO paner4, Thenlas Gibson, by 64. Votes in i %'uron North 'Gibson W011 ..the next contest. In 1$74 .Huron North . was abolished and. the municipalities in the riding became parte . af Huron East or Huron Weab. Both ridings were to be Lib-' end strongholds -unt til their dis- solution in 1908. In Huron West there were 12 successive 1a�beral V etarie s for three candidates. ,Col. Meagan "Ross, hose, who 'be- came provincial treasurer, took five, , , one by t - acclamation, the same number as James Garrow. Mr Gamow.queaked 8,Ti .on his second election with the return nhg officer's 'help. ' When ballots were counted March 1, 1898, Con- servative ' Joseph Beek and Mr. Gamow were tied !aft 2,6+46. votes each. The returrung` .Officer cast the deckling vote for Mr,. Gar - 'Malcolm Cameron filled Drat. the remaining :two. Liberal ten but she too' had a narrow race in 1905, topping D.' E.• Holmes icy two vote -s, Huron Oast also: remained sol - oily ; Liberal: during the 28 yeas of the riding's existence thorough' nixie elections. During these terms there- were , only ,,two mnembers. Thomas Gibson. . had :six terms, wihioh.added to his previous term 1 Children have a way with words. Who else could ,sum up 'a CO-OP•"philosophy and service in one short sentence. Is there a better way of saying that: the guiding spirit of the Co-operative movement is the fellowship and .' warmth of the �C0-0P. "family". Menand women working together for a full, more rewarding life. „' Or, for that matter, could we convey more convinc ingly the homey comfort of CO-OP Sunglo Heating guaranteed by .top quality fuel and backed by free CO-OP service Yes, children have a very special way with words; with thein, it's wbaa they near not how they say it that counts. i. •fie Trade Mak -REB HOME HEATING SE VIC • Free Cleanout and Conditioning 1 • Free Annual. Inspection 1 1. 1 • Tree 24-hour Emergency Service' 1 FUEL OIL j •.Itoupay only foro9.'andirePlacemeutpart I in Huron North, established:. a record, in the County of 31 years; es provincial 'representative. • Had ')tree Terms The political pendulum swung. after the , 1908 redistribution when Huron North; was again r ived as a *riding. Armstrong M grove won three sucessive el • '' a ons for the Conservatives t •t. when he resigned in 1918 a. b;, election ,,ibrought .in Henry who campaigned,. as an Independent. " In. the 1019 general election Conservative Joni Joynt was.. the tivdietor, He held the seat in the 1923 vote but 'dropped Lt tq eral Charles Robertson iin 192.6. Mr; Robertson was re-elected. in 1929 and Huron North ass a aid- ing was abolished before ' the next election. in 1934 :When Huron: Bruce ridiing held its first election in 1934, Chharles. R'oberts'on took .. the first 'two elections for the ,Liberals: He died in .office and the election, of John Hanna .':in. 1943 • started a. solid, 19 .years of , Conserve -five representation; a. Stretch not 'bro- ken, bro-ken• until Mr. Hanna's death in WEDNEO3DA, Oar. 1160h; 1963 RIPU: CustoIt' Butcheriflg Mondays -- • Hogs, $ .2.00 in by 4:00 p.m. Cutting, and. `Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, C VES and .LAMBS 'EVERY DAY, CEPT 'SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking . Beef,, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, Half • or Quarter.. . For Better Service, And Lower Prices — Call Ripley • 100, • • Chas. Hobisma,. Prop. 1962, • In the ibyelection last fall, Li- %beral Murray Gaunt, . ,won- ower Georgie McCutcheon to )become at 2f7 the youngest Member of the provincial. house. The recent .. election .gave Mr. ,MCC. uidctheon a` 1 -vote edge, which swung to 3 -vote margin - for. Mr. Gaunt when the soltdier vote was reported. The first fall; meeting of the Grey --Bruce real, estate board was held recently .est . •ker, at J.aRichardson, registrar, Department of Insur- ance' ance, spoke on e�dutcation, ethics and effective licensing law Under' the real. '-estate business brokers act. Is • Your Subscription . Paid? incinoati ream lager Beer MIOOTH LIGHT BEER. EWE BY CARLING 0046