The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-16, Page 7• NVED14116, IXAY, OCT. Mb, 1963 ..41-„,Aitorsimintanuri7jrankame • THE LIICKNOir SENTINE4 LXICKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE sEvEN Thilher..Tipi • The high flat triple for the lad- ies was held by Marion ploaoKin- non wit.h 817 at plus handicap of 60 for a total of 677 Josie Ham- ilton was close behind- with a flat score of 612 plus 72 handicap for 684. Marion also wa.s high With. a angle of 255 and %.A.raretta Thome- son Was "next in line with 253 at score. , • Sb6wart rolled a triple of 643 flat and• Mike. Sanderson 'had the men's single with a single game of 281. , • Standings: •. • Pole Cabs, 9; Cubs, 8; Tigers; 8; 'Beavers, 8; ChipitUnks 8;, Coons, 7; Gophers:6; Lions, 6; Kangaroos, • 4; ZebraS, 4; Squirrels; 3; Wolver-, .,ines 2. . • • • I•f ia m,uncipal election is held. • in December, Goderich-ratepayers • Will have the Opportunity 'to vote for or against the fluoridation ,of the Goderieh -Water supply. • WHITECHURC Mr. 'Wesley Lott, Mrs, Jack Isen her •daughter NartcY and Mrs, 'Seri Sr. ail of Landon rvis- ited on Thursday with Mrs. An- nie Lett. " • Mrs. 'Willis of Gowanston• spent the •week -end with Mrs, Doris WiThis.., On 'Illuusday evening ,RelgraVe •Intermediates and, Whitechurch Junior soft tell teams played on, Wingham„ diamond, The score was • Belgrave 3 Whitechurch 0. This game gave each team 1 whi. • The Presbyterian. W.M,S of Chalmers church Will:hold their Thitkoffering meeting in the church• on Monday, October 28 when 'Rev. Angus McKay • of altaTISL. India •missionary, home on furlough, .wfial be the • guest speaker showing siJde j dis- playing: crafts of that, country. •Rev. McKay would like the men to attend this meeting too. • • Mr. •and Mri, Jolud'aafunt, G-eo.rge and Mr. 'and Mrs. Don Rioss attended the: 'plowing match at Qa.ledmi on, Friday. Those attending the LtWknow Women's • Institute meeting on • Friday from. Whit,eChurch W.I. were. -Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Keith. Collyer and ,Ro.se' Marie, Au's. Jain Currie, Mrs, Ed Waik- and OiSTRICT •er, Tom, Jamieson, MrS. Pan Tiffin, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. Victor EmerSon;.1VIrt: Tom Mag- offin, Mrs, Wallace Conn and Mrs. BM Evans. • Mr.. and Mrs. .George Needham (nee Doris Wall) _Oskar Paisley; spent Sunday with her , parents Mr. 'and Mrs. Ira Wall. . Mr: • .A.rChie Aitcheson return- ed from Wingbani „Heap:nal • on Friday. Visitara over. the. Thanksgiv- ing holiday with Mrs. Cecil Falconer were Mr. and Mrs. An-. gus .Falconer, Man and Kevin of. Streets:vine, Mr. and Mrs, •Realison •Falconer, Brian and Paul of Sarnia..• Mr. and Mrs. Don Bent. and Stephen of London, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Payne and their grandsen Sidney Rayne of, Tor- onto spent Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson. • • lVf.r. • and Mrs., Wesley Tiffin and Mrs, Myrtle Dawson 'visited GT Sunday , with Mr. aix! Mrs Hugh• MacMillan of •Lucknow. Those attending the.. Forster— Hoclgins. wedding . at 13* 'Un- ited church on ,Saturday. were: Mr.,!and Mrs. Walter • Elliott, Mr. and. Mrs. Horace Aitcheson, •of. Wingharn, Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Ridbeitson,„ East Wawanosh, Mr. Alfred Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Evirart •.MacPherson, .1,4sclalow; Mr. Allan Cranston, West Wa- wanoslx, Mrs. Stewa.rt, 'Mr. Wan; Forster, M. and Mrs. Jack !For- ster; Mr, arld Mrs: Iiionald For - Stier, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hen- derson,Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. - Norman Stewart, Benner , Mr. and Mrs. RonaId ,Perratt; God- ) enich, • Visitors • on Sunday with Mrs. Jas. LaidlaW were Mr. and nNfTS.. ,Kenneth Laidlaw, Patricia, Di- ane and Joyce of London,. Mr., and •Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw, Jeanne •Janie and Paul, On Saturdey 'evening** Bel - grave Intermediate fteafin and Whitechurcli Junin fteam engag- ed in play on' Brussels dianiond with the rest/lifting score Bel - grave 3 Whitechurch 0. This is a hest .3 out of 5 series, As it now stands 13elgrave has 2 wins Whiteehurch 1. On Friday evening Mrs-. Jean Ross had a family refuniOn ;with IVIr.• arid .MaS. George Ross . and • daughter of Owen Sotind,.RCMP Cpl. Kenneth and Mrs, Ross of • Prince Albeit, Mr. and 'Mrs. Den Ross and _family; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross, :Doris and Jim be- ing fpresergt. • • • • Rev. Gordon; Fish of Wingharn cenducted Commuttion•senvices in .Chahner Presbyterian church and Langside church- on •Sunday. Mr. .11 . , • Jacob 'Iculiber, $itident Preacher 'at Wil !had charge of serviscw in' Winglifam Presbyter - Ian Church. , • hatnMis telleveint tar.?iin4stolidaingsy w'itir: her grandparent4' afrp, ',and Mils. 444, McInnes, Geo. Conn, Western. Uni.-. VerSitr,• t4onaPn, Miss. •'Elaine Conn, Tor, spent the Holiday with .• their parents Mr. and Mrs, Wal- andlace mCrsonn. Gardena/1d onectSbracle.0 Ripley and Mr, and Mrs. Earl, paslick Visited fwith them. • • RaYMOrK1 .Allid . (Panil, Vei.rt, Sdn-, Mr. and ..mni„. Jacob . Ki,iiper, day evening with Rev and li/„Irs. Karel Hanhart of London. Mr. aridMrs. Johnson Conn SpenHarotldjoaundaey;isY onfwathand.Mr.tamandityMr:i lkinkhill. • • .-•• Mr, and Mra. Cannan Farrier, Brian, Coaleen•and Carol Of Long • •Branch. spent SattudiSr With his mother Mr. 'W. R. Farrier, MiSs Winnifred Farrier of Toronto • also spent the holiday with her mother. ' •• ' . Mr. and Mrs. jack Gillespie, Donna Lorraine, Barrie janld Mrs. Eunice Gillespie, were. holiday '*. 'guests: •ef Mr, and Mrs Garnet Farrier. . • , • Mr. • and' •Mrs.: Ivan Laldaaw, Mr. *Herb Laidlaw spent St/11day with Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Kerr.' • Mr, and Mrs.- . Russel *Farrier., 'Mr. arid . ,Mrs, Bill. McIntyre •were Sanday .visitors with Mrs. W. R. Farrier. •. . . • • Mr:: William Elsiley of Clinton. - and Mr, Grant Snell of 11.sondes-• . bore . were -Sunday - ,risitors , with . . MT. .and Mrs i George Walker, •• East *Wawanosh. • • • ' . The regular meeting...of White-• church • Women's Institute wai . • held in Whitechurch Coimnunity •.Memorial Hall en Tuesday even: ing. The president Mrs. Claude . Coffin ;presided and welcomed ' • the: inernbers •and, . visitorsThe opening exercises were perforin ed -and M. Dan Tiffin, and Mrs. -. Ezra Scholtz were appointed del, - °gates te Bruice Conqty Women's • Institute. Ray: , being held 'in • Kincardine - on Thrtusday, Octo-• ,ber 17 in Beach Pavilion. Mrs. , • .• Garnet Farrier • ,was . appointed ' Farrn %Fortran Chairman It 'Was „ ... agreed to pay mileage for all• ors used' in W.I. Work andto rent a sewing machine for the . • 4-1-1 Hornemaking Club. •• The roll. :call was answered by .1• 6 meinbers raining their laSt tea-. • cher in Public School, •Readings were, given from' modern' .tchool• .books by Joyce Tiffin .--; A little •• . Clown: Puppet,: •Valerie King, .. . , grade.5 ----,• Did you ever go Fish- ing, Denise Norman, grade 8 -..-- The 'House with nobody' in- it. Mrs. ' Claude 'Coffin, delegate ..to Grey43ruce Area Conventi'on •at Meaford . gave 'a full ,concise re-• port of the 2 ;day inee.ting. Read- ings from 'old .Golden Rule books • were...given by Mrs. Evans who; •read, .'Casablanca" and Mrs. Met- • : calfe read "The Colours of the •. Flag," The District ,President Mrs.: Cliff Hewitt ,Spoke on the I topic Citizenship and Aducation.. •• She stressed -the acl,vantages cit- • iiens of Canada enjoy, -freedom of st•eeCh, . religion and the im- •portance of family, life 'as a bas- ' • is/for good. citizenslitiP. Mrs. Em- erscin thanked :IVIrs. Hewitt for her address with thetn. . The , /netting • clOsed with the singing of /the National Anthem and the. Institute Grace. The ',hos- tesses MrS, Jas. Currie, Mrs. Frank Frank Ross, .Mrs. Torn Metcalfe •and Mrs. Ed Walker served apple . ... • Pie :and cheese. In the apple . . • pie contest — Mrs. fEd Walker. .. • won first prize,Mrs. Coffin WW .1 second. prize. 'Ave -Collection was $4.99: Mrs. Donald McDonald, , a new member,' joined • at ' this, Meetthg. • , ' ,‘ Visitors over the i week -end 'with Mr. andMrs. George Fisher were Mr, and. Mrs13ial Gibson, .,'.. Florida, Billie .and , Gregory of. Luelinciw, Mr. 'arifi. Mrs: Gordon Fisher; Lonnie & Lori of Owen • Sound,. M. and Mrs. tiaiott Car- ruthers of Ripley, Mr: and Mrs, Tobi Jhantzi of 1ValVerton. blessetsCarry.Willis of Streets \title and Wayne Henry of Tor- onto were visitors at their homes. " • '• 'f -W•.\\ • "I'm across to the bank for a minute" .• . . .going • • Nnerever Canadian's live and work, a local chartered bank is nearby—a familiar, friendly source of financial services. Banking in Canada has been brought to people • as in few other countries—the • proportion of banking centres to population is among the highest in the world, . • • Every day more customers become 'aware that a chartered bank can not only guard their savings,• . 'cash their cheques And make loans, but help in many 4 • other ways too. They , •find new banking services • being introduced, others •being changed, improved or enlarged. ,For example: personal money orders, . life -insured loans; company payroll plans, night de-. • positories, banking by mail, safety deposit boxes—the list could go' on and on. Th local branch of the bank is the one place where yOu'll 'find complete .baiiking • under one roof. . • THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOtiR COMMUNITY through full-rangtbanking responsive tO grotoing, Changing needs • ' • I 4 • • • ' ▪ '• •A`,Pr.4 r ••P • A A•11' 4 • 4. 4 • i ''• 111; t • • '114 • ' „•4,3r..; v.. ,„ 4.? I .1 . • < •4*1. '.... . ,I. 4•:4: • • r ' " • ' r 0s The hardest tumble Man can mike is to tall .OVer th.is Own • • '1•.• •.13 • •fs ' • ' • • • 4.r • • < , 1 * • 4 • , I ,