The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-10-09, Page 121,1.C,nz . WEi.VE
`,ivPD iESDAY; LOVA $04,...1963
1:30 p , ops+ • a r-
nin Rev. Nel,a(cVeciMhia
fouled the marts of Helen
Louie second: daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joh McGee, .Dungan=
non Ito Burton, .lonald, youngest
son of Mrs, Hector ..McLeod end
the late Mr. MacLeod of Ripley
in, a dotubre ring lemony. Wait
tresses. for: ,the Marriage . 'were
the ,groon's brother and wife,
Mr.. and , Mrs. Warner 'MacLeod,
The bride wore ,a three-piece
"navy,. ►blue wool enseanlble .w'iith
white . hat 'and aatessories.
and red roses and fern,
Popular U.chc1sh
farmer Passes
The death' of Donald R. Mac-
Kenzie .of Lochalsh claimed an-
other from the dun nishing, ranks.
of pioneer +famalies whose for-
bears 'were ea'i4y settlers in the
Mr. MacKenzie, Who ` was in
his 81'st year,: had enjoyed :Com
,,paratively- good health until a
sho+rit tune ;before his death._ He.
• underwent surgery an Bt.: Joseples
Haspi'tal, Londoni, . and atter rally
lag .Ibriefly,. ; his co dation Wors-
ened and he passed, away on Fri-
day, • September Z7th, within
• about a Week of :entering the hos-
Dan was well and iwidely known .
in the +co mimuni)ty, Where he ' was
held int;high esteem He was' a gen-
ial gentleman, • possessed . of a
'sense . f rhumor; and a 'rfaithfuL
Member of Ashfield Presbyterian
• Mr.:MacKenzie *as in 'his • 81st
year: the was a son of Donald R.
Ma+d!Kenzie ''ho was thorn m Stot-:
land, and Chr ty iA nn'Ma+aKen zie,.
who was. `(born ,in (Ashfield.
' Dan: was'born m Huron Town-
ship near Lochalsh on March lith,
1883 and spend lis lifetime in that
community ,',
• • On lOc't'dber-`' 8th, I 32, .,he 'Was
Married' at Seaford -4 ;to; Irene Czar -
ter . 'df. Londtesboro, Who Survives
'One of .a: fa 1y of eleven; ..he
is: Surviived by a 'brother, James
M°aic'Kenzie of Detroit and, four sis-
ters, Mrs. J. E. Compton (Rhoda)
of Kalkaska, Mic+h.; 'Mrs: Alex
MacLean (Kate) �aif: ? Flint, Mich.,
MSS; John ;Kerner ?(Mary) of Ro-,
chestter,t1,k h., and Mrs Wm..
Robertson (Annabel) of Bluevale.
tie Was predeceased '' :•by five
brothers, :Neil, Jack, Peter, Grant,
and . another named .!Peter Who
died,as a youth.
Theremains rested at theMac-
Kenzie . Memorial Clhapel where
• many paid • their :respects. T` he.
1angely attended funeral service.
was. held in Ashfield Presbyterian
Church, conducted .by Rev. Neil
calcine and Davits. Warner Mae --
Lead was wearing a. navy dress
and pink carnations and ;fern
corsage. A +receptifm, was held
apt 9 pm for immediate, relatives
at ,the home of the bri'de's spar
eaits to a buffet supper., Cori,at-
ulati,ons!; - ••
The Dungannon United church
held ' very •'successful 'annivers-
ary services on: Sunday. ' The
church was• lovely with roses.
'and at thealter was placed
lovely baskets of pastel shad-
ed gladioli... and musns• iby..Mrs.
Will Bradley,Goderich 7n inexrl.-
ory, of her grand parents Mr.
and Mrs, iI er Bert Alton.: Rev. J.
A. . Veldhuis residentanin+ister
spoke it the morning dram Act
2:42 verse.: Mr.'' Aubrey Toll,
Blyth was 'soloist and sang' "How
Great ' Thou Art" . and "Tell it
all to . Jesus." In the evening_
Rev. Grant Mills ..of. CTiavton was
guest °shaker and chose his suib-
iect from Job 23:' .1-7. Rev. Mr.
Veldhuis and Mrs.. Ve]ddhuds sang
in • lovely harmony two •. duets.
"Lead me to Calvary and "Je-
sus I come." Despite the : incle-
ment weather a good crowd was
evidenced at beth services. • The
choir of ' twentp voices • sang ' an.
anthem at each service. •
ntexment+was in Lochalsh cervi-'
`etery, rbhe•tpallbearers being Oliver.
McCherles, Walter Dexter, James
Cameron, Duncan Parrish, Frank
MacLennan, Donnelly MacKenzie
The Sept 28th; meeting lof the
1st LuCknow Guide Coanpamy;was
a very busy: ane Many girls tried
and passed tenderfoot and second
class tests, which '+they. had: been
working on since last Junes On
October 4th, 'the monthly Court
of Honor Was held at 7 ;p.m., with
..4 Patrol leaders and a seconders
present .Com'limy leader Bambara
Ra�thwell was asked totake over
as chairman of this . and succeed-
ing . meetings. At. 7:30s the ;roan-'
paxy came together for roll call
. and inspection. While ori patrol
cdrners, Patrol - in Council ses-
sions were held and the . G<uides.
were told of plans made, at the
tCourt ook rt: H�ono e> patrols. then
• points, and a ganie involving these
was prayed. Recruits passed more
tenderfoot tests, and then Eleanor
'Whitby led a -,glome. At campfire,
several' skits were put on 'and
songs Were sung. Taps closed• the
meeting. Satthiday being a :beau-
'tiiful fall day, fourteen guides re-,
ported to Captain that they were'
going on hikes and cook-ottts in
the surrounding countryside.;
Kinlough Area.
Farmer Passes
after a lengthy. • illness and a
series of operations, death came
to Thom�as I3lodgins of Kinlough
on Tuesday,, September 24th in'
Wm gham General Hospital. ,
He was within a few , iw,eeks
of ' his With birthday, ,and' •bad
spent his lifetime in the Kin -
lough di -strict where he was es..
teemed end popular, .
Torn. was the son of James
Hodgins, Sr; and Maretta Arm
Strong -and „was born. in Kinloss
Township on. October 17th, 1906.
On October 12th, 1927, Toni roar -
tried . Agnes McCue' Of Kinder-.
'The funeral service, was held
at the MacKenzie.aVlem�orial
iape1, ' Lucknow, on• "Friday,
September ,27th, conducted by
Rev,'. Canon R..W: Stump.. Mr.
Hodgins;. was . a member' of the
Anglican : `church ` cif Ascension,
Interment .was • in'.: Greenhill
wry, the. pallbearers being
Zlhomas . Stewart, Edward Hal-
denby; James Haldenbyy, . Dtonald
Custom Butchering1
Mondays -- Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 p.m.
Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound
We De Curing and Smoking ... Beef, Pork.And Lamb.
Sold Whole, Half or, Quarter . For Better :Service,
And Lower Prices •— Call Ripley 100,
Chas.. Hooisma,; Prop.
1VictEvvan, Arthur Hodgins,, Sow- 'Kinlough; one. "brother, John:
Hodgins,R.R, 1 Holyrood and a
sister, Mrs. Audrey Borbhtuviek
of St. Catharines,
He was. predeeeaSed by' 'a sis-
ter,. Mrrs.. Ctharles Gillai (Ma-
bel) : i December 1941.
-ar+d Thompson. •
Flower !bearers were Kevin
Bet1;, Rill. Bell, Donald Page; Bill
McCue, Spence "'aloft: lean, Bob
Panabaker, Don Gillespie,: Don
Bushell., John Bodgins and ' bon -
aid . Hodgins. '
Tom is survived by. his ' wi-
dow one sons;, James Hodgins,.
R.R.1 •'vHolyrood; one daughter,
Mrs: Douglas. Teixeira (Irkna) of
Vancouver, who was home for.
the funereal; , his. aged • pants,
Mr. amid Mrs.: James ; Hodgins of
J<rf your efforts are criticized you
must have done somed*Ig worth-.
while. ' . • •
Money .may Inot ,`i ily happiness,
but i+t'• helps: you took for' it in
more interesting 'places.`.
kAWRRblJk'�; ��4:..y..•.,.,...,........v..�......�........,•.,.v�.v.,..,.-w.weenea..e:.e.�,...:.:..v.,... ...:. ,
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