The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-25, Page 16SEDITI► T QW, ORTMO warorrStimm,: :SEPT. '25, 1963 auge BOTANY SWEATERS Fulty fashioned In Great Britain For Those. Who 'Wish' A Better Sweater, Bu "LANSEA" e Sentinel 1: sleeve with V-neck, convertible collar, l button trim ,' . ,..' . ... ; ,.. $10.95.. . LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS Classic ,de i sign' with Raglan style sleeve $9.95 •. LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS _ Classic de .. sign, also , with, Raglan sleeve. $10.95' All stylesare fully 'fashioned, washable,,' moth -proof. _. in the .season's latest shades: • • • • an••• In Stock • • In 'cloche, pi - .box, 'brinuned, half-hats--- styled alf-hats—styled . in Felt, Velour, Maribou, . Velvet and • Feather. 4 • i. Matching GLOVES•. and. SCARVES. • • • 53 r,. h .rr 1t N.F XM 411. tJn � viy J • • Las dies' - i and ,Men's . Wear -- Lucknow ' a Alb if.oa Sohl. .aoSa• oan9i• SI•nonempeei•eeeeeeeees THAT several ;lradies sof the Kafir . she* Wi attended the AiSia Convention " in ,1Vleaif orrd. Mrs HarVey , .Houston attended in herr role . as Public Relations Officer in .the''aroa,.'.as :well as delegate Mrs. ' D nak ' MacK,in neon, and rs, • ;A. Hughes,: M rs • F. • MracKreizie, 11Vrs. H. •Lagris; MTs. 1 Cai npbell Mrs. L.':Mc= Do gall amid Mrs.' C. Roulston. THAT Ruth ' Hodgins, • d�augvte of Mr. ,and Mrs. Charles Hod gins ,of. Wmgham, arid Iforan- -erly'of this rcoanrnuni1y, 'return, • 'edrecently from Banff . where she . had* • *en • employed • at, • Banff •Srp•ings. Ruth has c+or iii enced her second year at the universes 'of 'Weeterh Ontario Were • she is: aha j!aring 'in' Eng. ►1is�i, THAT "at . the. Lrcknow :' •Unirted Ohurch . an Snnday, Rev. • H• W. Strapp bapt.iied .Kathleen.' ' A:Bice 'and Kari Andrew, , twin childi;-en , of aVIr. end" Mrs, Gor- don ,Morrison of A.R.. 1 ' Luck; notiti and Ro4bert. Obba, • san , ' of aVra,. and Mrs. Honk . Kr+agt of RA. 2. •Teeswatter. • THAT a Sale of 1iaw5ehald" ::ef 1 • fetats '.was' ie1.d . in the Village on Saturday afternoon • for avriss Jane (Jeannie) Pierce, rho: is now a resideht of 1Pinecrest Manor, Miss Pierce *had for ,several years occupned• an. apartment....+in . Bch Finlay's • Ib'uildinug. ' tier ' nephew George E. Harrison ,of Kincardine was in cthange . of 'the sale, with Emile MacLennan as auction- eel.: uction-ee .: r THAfr new clerking faces along the main street are' Mrs. Frank Egan at .the . Lucknow... Fruit; Market. Mr. Egan iiS a mem- : ter cif . the Bank of 'Montreal staff. At Ashton's, Donna Nic- hdlson; daughter o.. Mr.' sand' Mrs. Chester .' Nicholson of BBelfast'is, a new clerk. THAT Mrs. Helene Cooke of , Goderich, • ,and . ` formerly of this °comenamity, is seeking' $284300 ,damages an ; a civil :Ac- tion, launched as a • result • of !the. death of her husband, Thomas Cooke, in a. car -ped- estrian collision* in Goderich. Tom was 'crossing the load to his 'home',When fatally injured. THAT George 'Gilbson, son of Mr. ' and Mrs Sam • Girbson of Ash- • field,. aias`eommen,eed hiss,:rArid term , at:: the University of Western On'tari'o, where.' he is' taking an ;honor course do 'bio-; • logy• ; THAT Miss LoisE Babb' of .Com., 10; : Kinloss hada startling ex- perience recently, when her,car ended up on the sunken lawn • at 'thehome of. Alfred Hammer of Walkerton. :`The accident • happened when. she could.: not anakre the . turn at the Durham arid. Yonge .St, •intersection., In- :vestigation later showed. that .the steering • assembly had brak- • en. 1Vliss Robb ..is . a Bell :Tele- rphoneemployee in the' • County town ' THAT the Lyceurm' Theatre. : in Winghai n• is ,reported to ;have been sold" and will he re -opened. Alfons Adams' closed the .theatre `several xnonths ago.. 'MAT 'Miss ' Evelyn Mae Inglis,' O • R.R. • 4,. `Paisley, is the re Cipieent • ',of the: '11963 Bruce County • Women's : Institute Scholarship •,of ' 0100 00. '; She is. the daughter of .1Mr. ,and,112rs. 'r". Wilfred. Inglis. Evelyn ,is. Pres- entiy •taking. 'a ibrusiness''. course • . in )0w -en Sound.. .• THAT the Lucknaw Legion :Bingo j•ackpat Went ;again, this tdnne to Bill Kennedy. sof ' Winghaan Who picked up. $94 Oast Thursdays, THAT • Tom' Blake of London., • and *forinerly of • Ashfield, is a Patient.; • in Vicitoria Hosg tial, rvV'here he' underwent surgery .on Monday THAT there will, +be no lack of week -end entertainment in the . district. Ripley: -Huron .•centen- ral . flair : will • . have the Ipec'ts of a rew ion 'wi1lh •, an.. old timers.. ball ;,game on!' FA.- . day r night. Oa . Saturday the 46th ighlan :oaf Toronto is a':. big featnire, Saturday is also*. Teeswarter 'fairr. In Wing- ihaim on ; Saturday -n rght Can,. ad'i'an Caravan wdl1. present ,ya !galaxy of stairs; ' .THAT ,George Allan :. Wi'11isaris, O:D.,• of 'Winglaan: (+suis among. • the .thirt_ Canadian tit tome- trists,. • reieently awarded• the "Doctor'of Optometry" degree • at a, recent convocation sof they College Of `Opptometry,: .Tor- onto., Requirements *for) the 'degree included • successful 'completion:' of •.'two years of. graduate study, .together (with annual 'attendance at .College clinics. FREE with Every Permanent . Cali of ' Helen Curtis Spray . to October 16th • APPOINTMENTS Monday Through Saturday Inclusive TWO HAIR. STYLISTS IN CHARGE § vg's • BEAUTY' SALON Lf1GKN(7W • Phone: 528.•3114 (Successat to galley's 'Beauty Salon) THAT the. Ripley-H+uron*::agri- cutur:al ,-Society is receiving. donations oto: help , ',defray the coast of ;the 4th Highlanders Band of Toronto, .!which *,war ll. the , featured •at their , Centen- nial .fair on 'Saturday. • . THAT: 1st '• Beigrave. Cubs and Scouts were hosts ,at .a Sun, ,clay . evening.,meeting in Bel - .grave •. 'United Church '.When Lloyd Ackert . gave an illus- trated ' stalk .about ' the Boy Scout World Jamboree held, , in :rreece. THAT` Paul . F.edy of. Dungannon hrard, it'he rgrai d� chainrp an thleifer in the beef class. at .the.. 'Huron • Coumty. 4-•H chrampik ships .:at Seaforth :fair: THAT• /thou: II. ; L Jennings. of Brussels. and former •pa tOt .of the St, Peters Parish; was wel- comed haCk 'by :a large -con • gregation •..r hen he officiated, as celebrant and guest tpreach- • at I-Lo]y ; Corner • +union and .char-:. vest .thanksgiving .'services on Sunday. This Sunday, at St. Peter's church . at 11:00 'a.m , Confirmation service will . 'he conducted Iby the .Ht. Rev. H. • F. uAlPpleyard, Bishop o tGeer,. gram: Bay, , . • THAT arvey Carrick 4f . St. . Helens.. • and Bill Hunter of Lu,cknow .coridutted..a Hunrter Safety • Training course at 'the High School last''Wednesday night, Nine boys. ;age '115 ''to 17 years, 'were instructed, The training was necessary in ;order 'for them to obtain their. On TiHAT an • October wedding, is planned by Sandra. Luena Tay-, for and David Morrison Sather-. .land, 'both . of Chatham. The. br'ide-relit is the daughter . of I. Mrs. Gordon Usher Howell, Chatham, and the late Gordon Robert Taytlor, and the groom - elect: ns the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jrahin Andrew' Sutherland; Chat - ' ham. The Wedding will • take place in St. Andrew's. United Church, Chatham, Oct. 1 '; Sandba's feather operated a • pharrnacy ,in. the Murdie Rlrocl sn Ltcknayw, Briar to ,his'death, new Fruit Market YOUR MAIN INTERSECTION FOODLAND A REAL MONEY SAVER "MIR" Liquid Detergent 2 btls. 79c PROCTOR & �E+m��.e. 95c Value. SAVE. 16c. WETHEY'S Strawberry Jam Sale 2 jars Large 24„ oz. 'With Pectin. 'SAVE ':2 0c. JOHNSON'S Hard Gloss LiquidWax quart 99c Regularly $1.19. Bargain. SAVE 2Oc, DUNCAN HINES Cake Mix Super Sale: 3'.pkgs. $1 17 Varieties. AVE$29c. „ PROCTOR GAMBLE Crisco: Super Sale 3 Ib tin 99c Top Shortening. SAVE .18c. l : 'ROYAL MIX, PARTY, PUFF,- FLORIDA CREAMS Assorted Cookie Sale 3 pkgs.. $1. SAVE 17c: 3, ONTARIO NO.. T Potatoes -Repeat 'Sale , 25 fibs 1�able Stock. SAVE To 20c. YOUR "SHOP-IN-LUCKNOW FOOD 'STORE. YOU COULD BE THE NW.XT. .MERCHANDISE WINNER. 59c • We 'Sell For Less Values Effective' 34� September 26,27 28. Phone. Lucknow•528 3 20 p . . , AT. OUR i963:SUNWORTH WALLPAPEJI Ready to •x y , asterd and Regular, Priced clear •to make room for. the All :New 1964 papers. now sin stock. Y Prices ' Regularly Up , To $1.40 Per 'Single Roll:. . Now OnIy-.39c,59c49c, Also a goodselection of Bundle Lots From As Low As 25c per single roil All first quality C4.L Outside House ' Paiflt. Available At 15% off Regular Prices at lav Decorator: Phone, V1 ...-.. . 5 8 4 4 Lt�—.