The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-25, Page 12PAM .71WElovz: r -- !i P. r l4 ,. •t, ix sn; • TIDE LU 1N SIDN" INZL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Delegates e Grerlruce ea + C'oflveii.tionr 1: • A cordial w�el�come• wasp ex - Winded from the citizens . ,the • `town of Meaford, situated'on Georgian Bay, ;to the 398 Wo - open's ,Imsti•�twte 'delegates of the d Y..uce Area Convention on fiber 11 and ,1�►bh.; The h: annualconvention was p esld d o by Mrs. Ivor •capencer, • Tarte"' A welcome .was, e atende i•by the president of the Grey County' W.I. rally, Mrs, Donald Carmichael. Assembly singu1g was led fby Mrs. WalterPerks. Miss Helen 'McKercher, Direc- tor of; Home Economics Service, Dept.' of ,Agriculture,; addressed the • morning. session. The ladies were congratulated for the {pro-. gre'ssive •mariner in which 4-H club work is carried on in these counties. The display of Wo-• ''- men's Institute supplies, which ..are availalble.. from Spadina• Rd., Toronto, . was . , Commended. Miss McKereher stressed the tact that our homes should be , economically sound, mechanic- ally 'convenient,artistically Sat- isfying, m'nentally stimul'ating.. they:. should also be morally. Wholesome, : socially. responsible; and spiritually satisfying with mutual respect , held for each member -of the family; toward one. 'another, " Mrs. Ivor. Spencer reported' on. her . year's ' activities; las presi- dent,, and • enlarged on the theme of • the convention "Information Creates Enthusiast n ani Entbus laam. Begets Action."' Resolution: and convener: re port was • giiv{en by Mrs. • Gordon' Quinton, 1VIeaford ' amd the public : relations report •by Mrs. Harvey .Houston, Holyrood, Ms. Arthur Maundrel, South-` :amppton,. lot' Vice Pres. presided for the Tuesday. afternoon ses- sion. Visitors from • the ' Guelph ',.'and •S ancoe Area were welcom- ed, also. • Mrs: G. M. Smitih.'of Motueka, Nelson, New Zealran, • who 'had :been: visiting in Tor onto with her•• daughter. ,Mrs. Smith brought {greetingsto 'the Convention ,from' her . W.I.W: in New • Zealand ;Further standing commi{tbee • convener reports' were , :given; by , Mrs. Alex +Butchart, Lions Head, Mrs. O. 'C. • Gateman, Southaimp- ton : and -Mrs. G. D. Hilts,. Owen. Sound. The 'Curators report :was. given :by Mrs. 'It. C. Robinson, Durham. , Report of the Board Mernbers of F.W.I.O. were : . presented by Mrs. James . CopP, Elmrrood,. w0 -Day Sessions. Mrs. 1. B. ;Sharpe,•. •Durharn and Mrs. Fred •Moyer, Owen Bound., Items stressed .from their' reports. were: UNESCO Gift Coupon plan 367, to further the' Nor- thern Canada Institute,• "Make Canada Lovelier," for 1967 Gen-. tennial of. Canada; • tine National Convention at rW'oifevjille, Nova• Scotia,' June, :194; Miss 'Ethel Clhapxnan's +book •which" will be off • the press early in the, fall. A. delightful vocal {trio :frown the Grey north .district included Mrs. Wayne Theaksiton, Mrs: Donald Ferguson, Mrs. Allan Lowe. Their accompanist " was Mrs. Lorne Dennison. Officials Named • During the elevation Of officer's, the 196 . slate of Area conven- tion was returned : for a second term. Mrs: Ivor Spencer, presi .A dent; .Mrs. ;Arthur. Maundrel,' S'autharnpton, lit Vice pres. The Secretary will be ; Mrs. Victor Ehnerson • , Wnitedhurel; Treasur- er, Mrs: T. J. Cornish; Chesley. The Convention . committee . for 1964 Will , come from wSubdivis- ions .:15: • Mrs. . Donald McKay, Tiverton, "Mrs. Leonard Unruh; Desboro, Mrs. Graham Cham- bers, Allenford. • Standing Comaiiirttee .'Conven- . ers are: Agricultiire and. Cali.- adian: Industries,. Mrs. Harald • Wolfe,' R. 1, Dobbinton; Citizen- ship and 'Education,. Mrs. James Jackson, R. •4, Owen; Sound; His-. torical Research 'and Current Events, Mrs: G. D. Iii]'ts R. 1; Owen Sound; Home . Econoa n•�ics and Health, Mrs. . W'��lnier Dar- roch, R..:4, Mount. Forest;, Res- olutions, Mrs.. Gordon Quinton, R. 2, ,Meaford; " Jr. nActiviities. Representative ;to,:be appointed: from 'Bruce :County; •Curator, • Mrs. R. C. SRobinson,'• R.. 1, • Dui -- barn. ... • Between afternoon session and - the 'banquet the delegates tour- ed .the our-ed:,the Meaford Museum: • Tuesday evening • a• •d�elacious 'banquet was . served to.300 in the Anglican . Church, Parish Hall. Returning to the town 1ia11,• an.official. welcome was extend` ed rby . Mayor Frank Garvey,, Meaford. Greetings . •were,, given by Mrs. Leonard Trivers,. ;rhes. - salon, Provincial president and, the Grey `County Agricultural Representative Mr. " Grant'. Swei- ger. iMr. , Ronald . Shaw, Meaford, •tenor soloist delighted his aud- ience:with : lovely n.umibers, his aceornpanist„ being Mrs. Lorne ;Dennison. •Mrs.. Harvey Clark, Meaford,, 'received ; the •priz.e,•,for 'WEDNESDAY SEPT. 251963 idle. oat painting competition... This will be entered un the elm - petition at Provincial .level, The guest: speaer 'Mrs Frances Shel- ley Wees, took as her.: itopic •. "From. Dishpan •to 'Typewriter." Mrs. Wees is , a noted Canadian writer and described the uncer- tain and intriguing life for one expecting to make a living iri this manner. Her audience .{was. particularly captivated ' by the; 'beautiful :poem she , had corn- posed on Canada and • its far flung ihoriyons, / Wednesday ' Sessions With SMOKEY PLEAEHER One of the TOP TALENTS 'in, Show Business, * *r CHIcKIE WILLIAMS Outstanding Wheeling West' Va. :Recording Star and oTI,ERs ADVANCE TICKET • SALES at MAYFAIR' Restaurant LUCKNOW W!N.GHAM Arena THURSDAY OCTOBER 3. MONUMENTS. For sound counsel; and; a fair Price on . e.. ,monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SI( EI..TON . MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, , Prop. Established ' Over Sixty Years ' Phone 881-0234 ' .Ontario: Walkerton;. Wednesday. 1:•&bh, the session • Was presided over. tby Mrs. Em- 'dowork for other .groups, for erson Kriobt, .Meaford, 2nd:• Vice which they do no t receive credit. Pres. in 1654 the Area Convert- They. were never intended . to be. • tionRwil be in Brune north ds - a char"ity group. .. •trict at Wiarton, Mrs: Ivor Spen- •.Discussion groups, wereheld cer, Tara has been appointed in bhe forenoon with the find, delegate to the' National conven- ings 1being presented in the . af- ttion in June 1964, at Wolfeville, ternoon. Mrs. Leonard' Trivers, Nova ' Scotia; Her alternate is ,Mrs.' T. • J. Cornish,Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Victor Emerson, White- Bothwell, Owen Sound, Mrs. 'R. church.' C. Walker, Provincial Curator, ,.. • ,Resolutions Passed Sit. George, Mrs. A. Zoeller, Prov. The fo 1 ` •in resolu�bions were P.R.O,, New• ►Hiamburg;, ,Mrs. , W. 1 gClugston, Markdale and Mrs. L passed: ..Th `T:V. program be B. S+harpe who had been .lead- ers ` of . these groups, spoke (brief-. ly. Activities . of . the 4-H, clubs. were . presented with skits and exhibits, in charge of the Grey and 'Bruce . County Home Econ- oinists, Miss: Flora Durnin and Miss 'Donna Mae Nicholson: This was Wednesday afternoon when :the: 3rd Vice pres., Mrs.,- Percy Radbourne, Owen • Sound, :pre- sided.' A vocal duet by Mrs. Dal - are a menace': to, the farmers' nard Cook . and ' Mrs. Milford' •e,q uipment and, livestock; That certain .recomrmendations :be. made •te the, Criminal : Cade of Can- ada in. cases 'of excessive cruelty to • animals: • quintette of ladies 'from .I the Grey, centre district were pleasing. with •their. vocal num-- berg, with 'Mrs. C. Coxae, Mrs. L. Grahlmen,.Mrs, E. 'Engel, Mrs. J. Heft and ' Mrs. Wm. .'Gaiges. For many ' attending, it was their first opportiunnty to meet and hear our new Provin- cial .. rovin-cial.. President, : Mrs Leonard Trivers, Thessa1•an. She : said the most successful year for. • the. W.I. put into: action to ,counteract the insiduous' advtertishng of . , alco- holic beverages and its effect on our 'teenagers .and • young adults; That the Reed Ensign be adopted as the National Flag of Canada; That a ipolicy.be adopted; at Gov- ernment level, for distribution of ' milk ` in all public . schools; That some less' destructive : arta- aerial than glass be used ` by bottling " : companies, as these items when tossed on roadsides Sewell of . the 'Blantyre W,I.. in. ancient; costurrie . • delighted the' gathering. : Mrs.. Herb Maluske, Ohesley gave . the report on Agriculture and Canadian 'Industries, ';Mr. Arthur, Musgrave, Clarksburg, gave an address: on the. aetivi ties . of,.the Federation of Agri= culture for Ontario. The Trophy whichis awarded, for 100%., reporting and the Lar= ger attendance for the. two days was ;again awarded to the 'Bruce, south ,district. seemed to ,'be,. the . ,general fee hn g of the .dele is 'ane in, :which they raise . the gates t t we had again . had a ' m and • ` rtis '.. ;in. least' money. .They have mianY est• successful ,sat fy g educational . projects; oto study: ' convention.' inmost hospitable. The book "50 years of .Achieve- surroundings. The noon luncheon anent" ;will be brought ',up to : was . 'served: ''both days by ` 'the date. The , Women's : Institute.are United,• i • . Presbyterian • Churchdoers, ' 3x7000 , .strong, ' ibut often groups' and; the Rebecca Lodge. TRACTOR .CLUB; , PLANS FOR.. FAIR ON THURSDAY. • The monthly 'LuoknoW . Lions. 4-11 Tractor Ohii was held last Tuesday at Oariar Brook's shop. with all but {two mearilberspre- sent. The Vice President opened the meeting with the 4tH Pledge, roll call and minutes' of the last !fleeting. Then the unseating was turned : over • to Berit • Mtoggack, .Volo explained the tractor cool - ling system and also . 'about. ` the -tractor club at the tair.'.this wreak, Girt Guide•News The 'theme ' of the • September 20t'h meeting of the. 1st . Luck= now. Guide Conpany was "safe- ty," After • roll, call . and • collec- tion of ' :dues; time. Was, spent .in ' patrtol ,corners.' At eight.. o'clock, Chief ' Constable Balzer arrived and • sPo'lte ' to the girls about safety on;their ibicyeles and.when walking:: After the: interesting. .informal 'vusit, Linda . Chisholm 'thanked •Constable • 'Balzer • for corning,. and Nancy' Kirkland served glum ep eel Barbara Raishwell; led the:comm pany • in a discussion on safety in" the hornet Following this, a series • of /exercises • was d e, during which upright carriage *as' stressed. • • • '•At .can14pfire, ,fami'liar :stings were sung, plans: for the entry •in: the 'fair parade, were :discuss- ed, plans for a booth ' were eban- clamed; ,and :a' "scout's 'space" test was announced:• . for, • Saturday morning.; Another new . recruit WAS welcomed .'to• the, Canary, patrol; Taps closed the meeting. SIGNS FOR `SALE -"No Tres- passing' , . "For Sale" and "For Rent" signs availabi at . The 'Lucknow Sentinel,,. r■marlr■■■■•■■■a■■a■ra■■■a■n■■■■nmum■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■aa■r■■■■■tara■ri■pi■al N •.■ ✓ : a ti r. MI • at MONTGOMERY' MOTORS • . • • • 1964 'FALCON • ''•. r .: ■.• ;. •tiv ib y��y{{r(�� K i rl i^'Y :'f }'�F )$}, �. :: ■. Y■ / k .. .L VS4r { 1'N' V1'.IVY. Y V 4X�• •1� r • ■ v } i • :l}X Yl4 • •: N'�:.�.•%'i�•� , N ■ ¢i > .y:#4�• .}•.:::+: k :�,; +. r.;,,��50; k`,.:...~'x }v :R, ..�5:• �' rp..,p. .. :;: • :<`:• :•: ' ....moi 'Y' ,�� '�. ick ::•,fir a ✓ ■ ■ ■ :▪ ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . o r ' ■ " Completely restyled ' for the first time ■ : since its introfluction four • years ago • the 1964 Falcon 'offers added com- m." fort inside, • improved economy and, a • softer big -car ride. Both tall and short. drivers will appreciate the . improved visibility and seating position The 1964 Falcon, seen ' here, looks like a {. • • ■ : ■• la, agile car. and comes with a, ■'` NI, ,. . See The , Faleon This Week tit . 1VIONTGOMERY -MOTORS ■ , ■ , ■ ■' ■ It• it a_ •■rrra■aiiI*RI.a.n■.a r+io isnar'■err■r.rrrr*■reslirraalmanimortiaiiII*SI ir$INr rris • choice of engines ranging from the economical six toy -the powerful V8., engine. The 1964 Falcon line offers the„ widest . selection in . the compact field including 2 , and 4.door sedans, ' 2 -door hardtops and convertibles, 2 , .and 4 -door station .wagons, a station a bus and `club Tagil r M r• X ■ a 5 5 a a. a a a. ■ . • ■ i ■ r M. 5 a•. a M •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • TGOHER!r MQTORS. — LUCKNOW Ford, hphoC�dThunderbird bB, aler Phone 528-3007 Lucow •