The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 13• a w$DNESDAY,, SEPT., 11, 1063 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO:, .ROY. -N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT G ODERICH,. ONTARIO . • Box 478 Phoi .e JAckson 4-9521 A.' M. HARPER AND COMPANY Chartered Accountants • 55-57' South Street GODERICH, ONTARIO. • Telephope JA 4-7562 ,. •JOH NSTO N E'S :FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient • Lucknow,.Phone 628-3013 Day or Night Serving :All Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate. Prices •• Established. 1894, A. •R. DU. VAL D.C,,. Sp:C. Chiropractor Physio. and Electro Therapist •Wingham . — Phone 300 (Office located mi. John St. West next to Toronto Dominion Bank)r INSURANCE IRE, 'WIND, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE . AND LIFE To. Protect Your 'Jack, •' Insure With Jack Today.. J.:A. McDONAGH • Lucka•o:Vv,. Phone :628-3423 STATE FARM MUTUAL. AUTOMOBILE . • NSU RAN.CE Investigate . -Before • Investing REUBEN WI-I.SON• R:R. 3;-Godeirich ' • -Phone' 80-r-8. Dungannon • R. W.. ANDREW'' Barrister. and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN .LUCKNOW. Every Wednesday' and, Saturday Afternoon Office . in . the . Joynt Block ' Telephone: Office •135 " ' . Residence 31-J R. S. fETHERINGTON, Q.C. Barrister, ' E4 Wingham and Lu know ' IN LUCKNOW Monday and . Wednesday Located in Kilpatrick. Block 'Prions Wingham • Office 48 .' .; • Residence 97 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality products;. contactt GRANT CHISHOLM 'Phone collect Dungannon 72-'7, or 10 Ltrckflow '''Always Look To Imperial For • The Best" DUPLICATOR supplies, bond paper, mimeo paper, typewriter paper in pads' and; quantity, ink and master sheets, duplicator fluid, hectograph machines and supplies, if we don't stock your requirements, we will be glad to order for You. The Lucknow 'Sentinel, . j MacKenzie Memorial Chapel. FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ing . to your wishes at . your Homey your Church, or at '. our Memorial Chapel at no • additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 • Day or Night WINGHAM MEtt49RIAL SHOP• ' We Have Been. Memorial Craftsmen ,, for .: Thirty. Seven Years, Always Using , . THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing _and Workmanship. . Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. S POTTON •Phone. 256, Winghan ; Ontario'. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist • Office on Patrick St., just off- the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye \Examination Optical Services • For appointment Please •Phone, 770, Wingham K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NOW IN'. RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 9:00. ;p.m. . Phone Roy Mackenzie, ',Ripley, 96-.r-24 for appointment. R.•: W. BELL OPTOMETRIST -- GODERI.CH F. T. Armstrong • Consulting Optometrist The 'Square.. (Phone JAckson 4=7661) '•; • LU CKNOW . ,DISTRICT' CO-OPERATIVE INC. Lucknow, Phone 5284125. TED COLLYER Registered Master; /Electrician- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in Electric Heating, Electric. Wiring and Repairs and All electrical Appliances Lucknovy, Phone 528-5182 Gavffler,Mclntosh :and Ward, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J • E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office • . • Phone. 881-3471 Walkerton Notice Tv: Credifors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate ,of MARY JANE WEBS ....TER, Deceased. All persons ,having Claims 'a+gauist the: Estate of Mary Jane Webster, late rot the Village of Lucknow, in the County sof Bruce, Widow, deceased, who died ori ar ab+o 't the, 165th. day 'orf' Jti'ly • 11963, are; hereby • notified to .send full ,particulars of their .obaims .bo" the under+silgnad Solicitor for the Es'babe, on or !before the '20th clay of September 4963, rafter which date the 'Estate wild •be diirgtri butecl lam;ongst those • entitled thereto having regard only to :the dla'im's:.'af wh'ic+h the Ex eouttmri'oes, shall then :have notice. • Da1e'd''at Lun+ow, Ontario 'this' 24th day of August, 196& R. W. Andrew; • I.tisbo mel; .Ontario, Solicitor for. the Ex outrices NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In tie Estate of CLARA ELIZABETH HENDERSON,, Deceased., • All •,+persons ,having claims theagainst .! Estate 'of Clara Eliz- abeth Henderson, 'late of the Vd!1- rl'alge of Lueknow;'.in,'bhe Counter•of Bruce, Widow, deceased, who diiie'd or>;. •ot abaut. the 7th `+cl'ay of .July, 1968, are : hereby .fobifaed to send full 'partiioulans of 'theirclaims to the undersigned ,Solicitor for *le Estate, on •or•rbefarie the 29th d+r of Sepbe ,ribber; 1963, after:.voliii'dh Id'abe the Estatewill distributed :amongst thoseentitled:, thereto ha'vinrg.,,rejgard only to:tbhe claims `of''wrhich tihe Executors shall then have •'n'o'tice. Dated at Iudknow; ' .Ontario, this24th 'day of A'ug'ust, +1963 " . R; . W. 'Andrew, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor: for .the Executors - •• NOTICE.•TO. 'CREDITORS ' In ',,thre Estate 'of MARGARET' MATHERS, Deceased. All persons . wav'in'g claims against the Estate, of : Margaret Mathews, late Of• .:the . Village of Lucknow, tiny ibhe. .Country •of: Brace, • 'Widow; decceased, mho died On. or 'abou't the •24th day (if ,June,,1963, 'are thereby- not>ifaied, to send. fuvl' particulars ' of their Claims .to the undersigneed Sol,s. i citor 'for th+e 'Ecs�tate, an Or 'before the :20th day September 1968, after Which date "the 'Estate.. will be ' di+str.ibiuted amongst those en tiibled.:thereto (haying .'regard .only. to the 'claims at *Wall ,five Ard miirnistlrator • shall;-", 'then 'have ,notice. Dated'at Lucknow, Ontario, •this 24th, day of August, 1963. ' R. W. ;Andrew, • Lis•bovre•1 Ontario•; Solicitor far the Administrator ' NOTICE::TO• CREDITORS ALL persons having claim against • the. 'estate of ROBERT .J:. BOAK, Manager, late Of the Village of Luck'riow, in . 'the County ' of 'Bruce, 'who died on or about the 24th -day of August, 1963; ' are required .:'to • file the same. With full .+partiou1ars with the undersigned by the 6th. day 'af October, '1963,1 as ' 'after. that date • •the • assets .,of•.the estate 'will. be •distriibuited. • •, DATED at . Goderich, 'Ontario, this 9th day.. of September,. :119163. HAYS,. PREST' Sz HAYS, Barristers, +etc.,' 33• •Montreal St., GODERffCII, Ontario. NOTICE TO. ,CREDITORS In The Estate of SAMTJEL SHERWOOD' All . Persons having claims: against 'the, estate of rthle above mentioned,..late of the Village Of Lu,ckn'ow, in the County ,of„Bruce, retired Farmer, I*ho died on the 2ndl'day of Se+pbenirber, .1963, are required to 'fil'e 'proof of •same •vv:rth''bhe undersigned• on or before �the 28th•' day 'of September, 1963.`' ° After +th'at,' ,date the executrix ,will proceed • to •distribute the estate, 'having iregard only to the claims, of 'which she Shall ,then have bad notice. • Dated at Wiimmham, this eth dray of September, AiD., 1983, Crawford cha'r'd Hetherinrgbon, • Wh gth'am, Ombario. Sollatitor's far the Ececu'trix, CARD OF THANKS Jack Forster would, like to thank all those ,rho rerriemlbered' him 'with cards,, treats and visits whale •.a (patient in Kincardine, Winghani and Victoria ' H'os}pital, London: Special +thanks. to. Doctors. McKim, Corrin and the nurses' of .the hospital staff. - Thanks to all the 'friends and rela:tives 'wh'o contributed in so Ina/1Y ways ,to make our Silver Anniversary, Sept. 3rd, ameor able 'occasion. Sincerely, .. `l Olive and Cecil 'Blake.. Mrs. Harold' Treleaven and fam- ily, and tMr. Fred. Fowler, wish to express their deep appreciation to. their friends and .neiiglibours . for the Many acts ••af kindness ,d'urin'g 'their recent 'bereavement. "'Phe `rfanily of 'the late Donald A: aVfaoDonuald' (Loohalah) wish to. express bh+eir heartfelt • thanks and. appreciation to 'friend's and neigh-. hors tar the many acts of kindness. Shown 'their father in 'the ast and sincere a'p'preciation to those' who helped. -'in so many' .'ways during their recent: rbereavvement. Will and Edna'Webster, wish to' thank :theirfriends and nei'ghb'ors for best Wishes, card's,' flowers and gifts received on; their Golden Weddanig. • Anniversary. Ti,e s e kindnesses will always be . re-, memiibered and cherished by ;Both. 'of us. The .Family of the plate Siamuel Sherwood Wish ' to: express their sincere 'thanks to ;Rev. H. IV.. Strapp, Doctors Corrin: and Mc- Kim, Staff. ° of Wirnghiani ,+Flospi tal, Mr. R. C. MacKenzie, neirgr bieqrs and , 'other friends Who ' so, kindly' remembered. Mr. Sher- wood While he 'was a .patient, in the hospital and for. ' theirex- :press'ions of sympathy and ''floral tr.ibuf es at the time pf•'+his death: The : Lue'know Lawn : Bowling Club 'woul'd ' like to thank the, merchants, and 'manufacturers, &, anyone else who donated 'prizes or cash,. •or helped 'in' any ,way to 'make' 'the Labor Day tourna- ment the 'success that 'it was. We 'sincerely 'thank onr mnany friends- and ' neighibourr for. their' kindness .to us during the lengthy ibiness :and doss :ata :cieiar life and 'mother. Special thanks +to the idoc- tars,. nurses and s'ta'ff of Kincar- dine General incardine-General Hospital, .also the re- latives and ;neighbburs',who.w'ere so kind to help :at the time Of our ;bereavement ' 'Clarence D&uilop and Faariily Russell Armstrong of Port Colborne in renewing this •snub scription to the home Mown ',pa. Per, ,wishes' to . !be remer iibered' to his school friends, ,with whom he parted. Some time 'ago. Kind remembrances to all any '.old friends in Luoknow, writes W. G. Findl'a1 er of • ,Derbroit, '.in re- newing his snalbsc iirpbion. PAGE THIRTEEN ■■■nll■•n■/■n/4■n■•■■•••N at ■ ■ 1 1 ■ ,. iii' ■ a RIALTCR s co., LTD ■. Wingham Office.•. .• , N.Phone 357-3840, , ■ , GERALD (Jerry) WALTER ■ VALUABLE BUILDING: Ei j, with .20' •frontage ion Luck ■: ■ now's iMiain !St, Ideal +Loc-- ia ■. ■• ■ ■ . ■ f•. ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i. ■ ■.' ■ ■ • action for retail • business • with 'approx. 1:29 sq. ft.' 1 Boor • space Plus 'packing ■ room, ofifice and Warehouse.. Full ;basement,. 'eonicrete ifloors, oil furnace. Urpstaiirs. sIV apartment h,as 7 iracros all hi extra ,good condition.• 'u'Ll • :price •oriely. $10900, with very • low 'd'own payment ' and lha l- ■ once on •generous 'berms. •■ ' No. 634666. ■ 100 ' ACRE FARM ,• • N'e'ar Lucknow. Full • prince only $3,900. 85 acres work- ■ ale' land, 'balance :in val-:` u'able hardwood bush-:. is Plentiful waiter supply from • 3 springs and '`L spring ,fed ■ wellls..• Fences in 'excellent • ■ sh'a'pe. !Brarri 34 x 4,2 in good condition. : Generous terms a'v'ailable:., No. 63-448 • ■ i ■ 'HURON COUNTY • NURSING HOME : • ■ With License for ;1,8 'piatients: 111, • Located nea:r -progressive i town and main . provincial Au ■ •highway, 'this is one cif the ■ finest Nursing 2 Homes in ■ Western Ontario.A'fultl line • • ■ of .(good ' equipment, • • furn- ■ iture, etc,.' .necess'ary. in • the • ■ : operation ,of ,th'is. business is ■ i:. included in the asking price �. ■ of only $315;000. Annual 'in-, . ■ conte could ,well exceed • $32,000.. Good terms ' rav'ai1- ■. able, so'if:you are.an'terested ''i n in 'm'ak'ing good. Outstanding �be. ■, LI sure to, se�e''tih'is outstanding •' • property as soon as possible. ` ■' ■ -362 ■ i ;WE HAVE ,.'a number of ■ custonieers ,looking'fora good ` ■ , • •1!00. acre, ,farein :rwiibh a good 111 11 set of 'buildings, if you haVe • . been thinking of serl]►ing, II ■ ■ contact .itis at your ;.earliest in ' convenience. For ,furtlh'er tri ■:.. • formation Phone Teeswater rt ' .392-60+64. ■ . PICTURES hundreds and ■ : hundreds sof ,picttn es .'and ■ 'complete, :descri'ptions ' of • ■ fantastic property ibarggains ,■ ' . Rural 'Ontario. "Send $1:00 ■ to Paul . S. Starr :and Co. ■ Ltd.;;' •-'• Realtors, Hanover, 'Ontario':'. sa i J. Everett Pennington- - t ■ R:R. 2, Teeswater, • Phone . 392-6064 • .■ • Local' Argent •For. '. , i Paul S.. Starr & Co. Ltd., 111 ■ Hanover.;, Phone 870 in, Is': Your Subscription Renewed?:' PEDLAR AGENCY EGG PICK-UP e oe„ DEPOT ` w`' EARTH -BIRD TILLERS NEW LIFE CALF GROWER A carefully blended calf food, that assures early market and , .better foundation stock , We ''carry a • basic line . of CHOPS and MILL 4 FEEDS. FREE DELIVERY, t,c n lots or up• YOU SAVE BY ORDERING `:BULK. Minimum '3 ton. '• GRAINS TO BULK GIt ORDER New Life 1 6% Dairy aatiOn sustains milk production, when pastors dry up. W.. KNECHTEL: and dt C Lucknow . Branch, Phone 528-3014' 4,`T4re's A. New Life Feed For Fvery • •Need"• • W' • +,} , f I' , k.. it f'. t. A 1•!