The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 7WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14 .11103. • TO LrrciaiOw: sravvril Lociolo.w, comma.: • to° PAGE SP/F11 • KINLOSS and DISTRICT .and Mrs. George Peters, shims:" The 4-I.H Clubs• ave Francis and TOMMY of Romea, Michigan, •Mr, and Mrs. Truman Fillinger, 'Delores, Kenny and, Larry. of Dearborn, .Michigan, 'Mr. an,d Mrs.. George Cuyler and Colyne of .1Vtialarton visited last • Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert • Nicholson and faintly, Mr. •and Mrs, Norman Evans and Linda of DoWnsview • spent the Week- end 'at •the, same home., The Holyroocl .W.I. mit at the . hall with Teeswater and White- church Institutes as gueits. Mrs. • 1..,yrnan4 Sutton presided and the• .0de and the ,Mary Stewart Col- ' lect opened the Meeting. The vis- itors were welcomed, Communi- cations Were ,read. The 'roll call, was My Favourite Painting .and the name: of the artist.: The mot- . '• to, "Punctuality is the. politeriess of Kings:" was ;given iby Mrs. Sam ' Farmer. Mrs. Jim Smith ;gave a huirnorous reading, also Mrs. William . Eadie. Mrs. . Harold • Haldenby 'favoured, With ,a solo. • The guest speaker was the• Pre- • aidentof Bruce. SOutli District, • Mrs. 'Oaf Hewitt, who based her. remarks on "Tirne:.." The. trophy. •- which was, •won by the district was on, display. Mrs, Stoltz and • .• Mrs., Tiffin' from:Whitekhureh favoured, with autoharp and •• and . Miss. ,Edna .Boyle • played, a piano number and•rnem- 'bers presenteid• a skit "Hat' Fa-. dernOnStration, sand Preeented skit. Elaine ;Murray and Jean • Sutton were cornmentators. The course 'was "Vegetables from our home gardens land vegetables• for the :winter," The meeting closed with Go•d Save •The Queen and Grace, Lunch was served. Mrs. G, R. Hawkins of Vic- toria and Mrs. 3. Wolfe of Hope, e.C., and Mr, •and Mrs, Wilbert Halclenby 'of Toronto •visated with relatives ?here dur- ing the past week, • 'Friends of Mr, 1Vlorley-Bushrell are pleased toknow that •he is improvinig after his .. recent ac- cident, Be 'has been a patient in St. J6sepli•'s Hospital, London. • Sunday (visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Itlissell Hewitt were Mr. & Mrs. Albert Young and IVIr. and • Mrs. Frank ;Johnston. •• • • • . , Mrs: rtobert McLean of 'Kin- cardine spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George ,Grahaan. ' Mrs. John Barr and Donald '•& M• r. • and Mrs; Ben Scott visited on Sunday •wlth Mrs. Gertrude Walsh.• . • and ' Mrs..Karl Boyle of, London visited • on Saturday' • ening With Edna and May Boyle•, • The W.A. will meet, on Thurs- day at.the &Ural with 1VIrs..Jim Smith .ihosteSi. 'con'gratulations'tO Mr. and • Mrs. Scott' WalSh an the birth Keen. Contest or Corn. Crop., Honors.' • A record total of fifty-one corn Closely following were Morris fields were visited last week by: Reid, Jim BradleY 'Eldon Brad field' crops judge • Norman ley, nard mu. op- Sehirridt of Mildmay an,d Rp,leiy- • Huron fair secretary Ab. son, Cecil •HumfiltreY, John C. mrWeYrelds.er:Dbehrierdty-insitihx eotentholeagsee'fieicomlids_ MieDmailc13,' IYIervYn Funst°n, petition •wile the remaining fif- teen fields were, .in the husking grain corn Competition. Exhibits of cobsend stalks will be on .dis play at the Ripley ;fair on the last Friday and Saturday in ,S•eptem bei,• • Tap Placing in the" ensilage egass went to Messenger Bros. farm at Reid's ;Corners with•a score of 85. �f •a daughter at Walkerton •1-10.S.-: pital on Wedne,sclay; September 4th,• 'a sister .for Stephen. �VIr, .and Mrs. Dan Nicholson o Lucknow visited ,Q11 • Sunday •with Mr. and Mrs Don Gillespie and family. , The new electronic 'organ : de- dicated at the morning service at • the • Presbyterian Centennial ,serVice was ,omrnited -from the iaccount. • . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Guest ,of St. • Thoinas visited •;•with. Mr. Fred Guest and renewed old ac- quaintances here; Mrs. • Harold Haldenby and Mrs. Jack Hewitt were soloists on Sunday at the ,Harvest Thank - on Sunday at !the Harvest Thanksgiving • Services. . • john aVfa,c0harles' and •, Ronnie Irwin, •t*. •G,ordon Patterson's. field of bus, king corn was bop in the grain. corn 'competition with 84 points, • with Bob and 'George Emerson's •, field at 88 and 'Messenger Bras, at 82. roalovving these (three entries were thOse :of Cecil S , jim, Gordon Bridge, Howard Orr,- Needham, Gordan itooStOn Don: Murray Farrell, Chester Emmer- ton, .Carl Funston, Walter Forster, Murray Walden, John SCott, Willan, Don PaqUette, Art , Smeltzer, Gordon 'Patterson; Per- rin Lowry, Dorra•ld Courtney, Al- ton •Simeltzeri W. Harrison, Austin Martin, Lenard ;Courtney, Leon- ard Irwin, Allan Irwin; Doug Henry, Harvey 1-larrison, John Ferguson, Eldon. Lofty, Orrick 1?aquette, Walter Forster', Austin Martin,•Wilmer 1MacLeod, 'Wallace Pollock, •Leonard Courtney, Mor- gan, Jolmston.• B,!013. Courtney and. Murray • . , .BRIDGE , TALLIES; euehre,1 Court whist and bridge sciore cards are now available at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 52- 3134. ` • • •• RIPLEY. MEAT MARKET• Custom Butchering • Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 p.m. Cutting and Wrapping 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, • . , • EXCEPT. SATURDAY • We D. • . o Curing and SMoking ...•. Beef, Pork and Lamb. .Sold Whole, Half or Quarter. . For. Better Service, And Lower Prices --- Cali Riplet .100, Cbas. Hooismai Prop. • VVe're Moving. • • BUT NOT FAR . Just Across The Street We'll see you in our new lo- cation, juat as quickly • as • possible. Rathwell Shoe Store Phone 528-3117 This' Week s of $5 .Merchandise ,Certificate KEN ELPHICK . R.R. 3 Lucknow • who made his purchase at W. A. "Bud" Hamilton's " ."Cities Service Agent • The draw was made by • Mrs.. Margaret Sproul. • The merchandise cer- tifiCate, ,which may be used at any of the Stares listed in this advertise- ment, may ,be picked up • at The Lucknow Sentinel. Winner . Here Are The ..Rulet . • Every cash PurChase of Two Dollars at any of the co -open-. ating IbUsiness firms in this contest; entitles you to a Coupon and the opportunity to win the weekly and monthly DRAW PRizgs, Deposit your ticket's in the Draw Boxes an each Or the •participating business establishrnents. Each week a winner of a$00, "Merchandise Certificate wili e selected and at th.e end; of 4 weeks the Winners of the two monthly Merchan'dise-Certificates of $25.00 and $10.00 will be .drawn m actation td the 0.00 WeeklY prize. Weekly prize Winners will also be eligible for the anonthly, Draw Certificates. Weekly. and'1VIonthay 'Certificates will be redeemable. 1aritY of the participating merchants; Decisions of the judges Will be final. Sentinea staff are not eligible to enter this Contest, Draw. • Watch This Space Next Week For Community Draw Winners 4111111MINIft, • : Best Buys . . . In Men's Wear, Suits, Trousers, Jackets, Hate and Shirts Special — long sleeves including white and sport .shirts Ladies' Special all girdles, corsets, , brassieres, belts -- 10%, off for one week • New for Fall -- hats, bags, • suits, coats, dresses, etc. Sanderson's L.adies' and Men's Wear. Phone S28-3016 Ammoommomr' # • '.. op The C0-01) Way In Stock — 1,000• ' FOUNDRY STEEL. PLOW POINTS Lucknow District Co-op • Phone 528-2125 •Discounts e • offered for the sewing sea- son in our assortment of lovely hand picked selection of wool knits, wodl crepes, cotton‘flannels in white and assorted colors: Your advisM ed requirements will be 'fol- . lowed by service.. Patterns Ordered same. day. • Siegrist s MARKET STORE Crest • A word that has come to mean quality and . economy to hardware patrons. - • • Whether it be a large ap- pliance or a few nails Crest is best equipped to serve • you and stretch your: dollars ' farther.' See For Yourself By Visiting Crest Hardware Phone 528-3008 FOR: Super Service . . . Use Supertest Gas We invite you to dropir and "fill 'er 'up" Car Servicing ---- .Tires— Batteries — Accessories -- Supertest Service Station JOHN GAMMIE Phone 528-3430 Lucknow Fruit Market FOtirDLAND Na :Stamps No GimMicks LOW PRICES ALWAYS • Phone 528-3420 • Special This Week Men's or Boy's Wrist Watch, Swiss 17 jewel, all stainless steel case, shockproof, dust. • proof, with matching ' ex- •pansion, bracelet. •• Regular ;25.00 fOt onlY ,$15.9$ • Schmid's•' ° jEWELLRY' and CHINA Phone 528-3532 This Week's Special '• 0012:STOCK OF summEg FURNITURE 20% .OFF You are invited to drop in land look. 'over . our large, selection of furniture fot every room ,in •the house. phone .528,4432. • * . • Red and White.. OFFERS — • • Your BEST Shopping Buys See our weekly ad on page 3 and 'in our store you ..will , • find day by aay savings tnat • will, make your shopping • dollars go farther., • Hall s Red and, White FOOD 1VIAR10ET • Phone 528-3001' Thinking of An 00 Furnace 'The Cities Service Furnace Financing plan makes your purchase easy. Low ,down payrnent, up to fiVe years to pay, 3% interest. , Choose Your • Ow* Heating.• , Dealer ' •• • • For your heating fuels phone W, A. Bud Hamilton I ^ CITIES SERVICE Agent Phone 528-2427 Open • Daily from 7130. Flannelette Blankets • Double Bed ,Size, '70 z90 Seconds 'with' very few defects Only pair $4.39 • * * • Ashton's Ladies' Men's and Children's Wear • Phone 5284126 • 4, .A • A d . t .0t • • .",t • •••,',.'; 1" It A .. 4 IO •