The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 6`.P t. '4; •�F c�1 i�HF. I+U KNOW .SEN I+UCKI_ OW. otrrARIO WAPNESDAY, SEPT. 1,1, Ma • 1. 111MiI p niuI u.0 iva1Iuiu 11u n110.11 uii.. uupuu■ r.0 SEEY U ' THE0 ATFAIR •. ■ II -7111s month Waterloo Cattle 'Breeding Association is ■ al lending its support to as 'many as 'possible of the local i IN fairs. with a display illustrating our • ■ , ■ ■ A •vs ■. •.. BULLS:, • SERVICE •. EQUIPMENT We'd, like . to visit with you, so why not drop in at our exhibit. W1TujO0T CATTLE BREEDING.' ASSOCiATION . Better Livestock for Better Living , Ilininnannansilvesusismummisussmusnsimissussoinswaseqii linkoss Cou c1 ::To .C.aiT�nders, For ,.:New, Townsh Road Maintainer P Kinloss Coun'cil stet ix . regular Bing : •ditchri ht -of -way; , session . on .:Tuesday, September Dick 1VIcQuillin, • .mileage, $400; 3rrd, • With 011 members present. Mrs. Annie iMacI:n'tyre, gravel; The following ,motions Were $2�36,20; F ;F Thompson; liability passed: policy on .grader, ,$93.49 and non - ,That the minutes of the''slcas� owned automtioibile ;$53.00, (tonal i - regular and special .meeting be. .. $1i464i9; Webster and .'Mae apPp +aved.:anrd•, signed as read;• Kinnon; supplies, $12.34; . Receiv-' That rove renew:_ our 'Liability el' 'General:; employer's share, .and •Sprayer policy, non -owned. '�auttomc bile • and Municipal Lima: H. WALL, Clerk. ibility policies With 'F: ;F. Tlhomip- son (through: Frank Cowan for the' sum of :$5158..436; • ' :That ;iwe ;give •a 'donation :of $25, Ptci the South: 'Kinloss :Mem orial .Chapel and Morituuary Fundi That we/ •give a • grant of ' $15 to. the 'Bruce County .Plowmen's Association; ' That ,`we appoint Rdbert Orr as ` ,OoanPinissioner on. /the. Young Municipal Dram; ...That ,we ialptpoirit i S I�ie!b1�er- ington as our' Townshiip ., soliciPbor. That . :,the .' O1erk: pr'.epare : =By= Law: Na 12, 1963 63 ,to ;impose spec- .art. drainage rates on, Lot 3,'Plan 147, Con i2;:,. • 7.lhat the. road Superintendent :sign •drainage :petition presented ;by' Ackert and.•MaoInrtyre; That We wee* drainage a PF eiti- 'tion presented by Ackert and' .3VIac•Intyre• and the Clerk contact Mr. Jas:'. A. iHOWres, That rwe call far tenders for purchase of e newroad main .twiner and equipment; • //. That We do .'now• ,adjidurn •to •meet October j&th at 1'1 a.n . or at the :Call • ,Of the Reeve. - The' &alllowing 'accounts were :authorized paid:. Ezra • Siifi1er, bulldozing ;dump;:.. $27:.00; 'James Morrison,. Whiteahunc Street lights, $14.19; Carruthers Nurs- ing Homme, $34.25;. Siegrist's, {wel fare, $11460; Sanderson's, w'el • fare, $13,5+3; Henry's Fruit 1Vfarket,• welfare, $50.07;1. F. Th•ornpson, General accident, 1Viun.' LiabY;lity, $332,37;,,General Accident, spray . IliaPbility, $30.00; Lucknow (Sen- tinel, surpplies, $33.73,•' Provincial. Treasurer, insulin, $1.23,'• Tom. (MacDonald, sheep ,claims ;inspec .tion, $3.90; Torn ,MacDonald, '.fiox bounty, $4.90; Webster and Mc- Kinnon; • sprayer . repairs, $4:95; Mrs. Mansfield, caretaking, $17.12; James A. Howes, 'O.L.S., superintending:' construction ,(Far Irish Extension, '} $200.00;: Fred Halbert, .20% paymenit`:. in fu11, Parrish Ex+"t., •$1.119 00; c anl E. • Willis,. 65% Payment in .ifuidl, open portion •' FarriS+h. Ext., $d1,2&7.00 . G. 1-T. Wall,• telephone, mileage, 'stamps, $20,00; Ontario Hydro, . township hall, $16.73; Ontario; Hydro, Whitechurch Water Sy.- Stern, y=stern, • $11. Highways: Pihard rMcQuihJ.n,' $2745.35; • Ed •Tlhanvpson, $217.60; John McInnes, $67.00; A. "Hughes; $153,75; David .Wall, •$13.00; Re- ce%ver :General, $3.60; employ ee's share, s • • • >✓d Thompson, tractor and' wagon,; $1.6;,25; Don Gillespie„ trucking, $(63.00; Barry Johnston, 'tractor, $5.00; III'.. H. Benner:nen; ,Crushing gravel, $2,3452.00; On+tar,• .. uo Culvert, $266.435, 'A: Hnirghea, .Mileage, $7:310; 'G. 1L `Well, (get- • IN REMEMBRANCE OF A LITTLE' :.GIRL In . memory of . a . wee girl who passed' away Sept. lst., 1962: Tis said; that in the • .(Better Land. The Angels ever iwatel4.. and waist,. To welcome each one as they pass Thre weary traveller :Pat the gate. • `I A (little has 'passed that gate �g To j.in a little Singel band, She Wears a Crown, of life ti •y 'Safe in a::;Brigbter Setter Land. We Often, Wonder Per sit God's P>an And (how He caps ,the ayaung, and fair, 'He ,,knows IbPesPt He needs flowers • To • transiplanit, ` in His Garden there. • ` • A. 'little •iangel for His choir To make the Better Land more fair; • A !1 title fib id 4.incing. His flow -ens To beaiutity His..,garde*' theme. Six Boys As School B�ginners (WHITE©HURCH NEWS) , closing .prayer, ,for .this part was given 'by Mrs. Mitc... e plans nude forhellthe annuTheral ,Beginning, High School at were , Wingham .�esday were Mis- convention to be' 'held in Brus- ses 'Diane Coultes, Beverley Solo- seals, October 10th,; wihen White- man, Sandra Fisher; Alma ;conn, church U-C.VW1., will have the ,udy Nealle, Donald Morrison, worship service. Plans Were Ken Morrison, Douglas Tiffin made to .have a Bake. Sale in and John Coffin. Wingham. ,•The next meeting .in October •will be the. Thankofifer- ing and .will be :held in the church. ,Mrs, Milan Moore closed this (business 'meeting with prayer, There were al members and 2 (visitors. (preset. •New (beginners •at S.S. No. 10 were 6 boys, Stephen, .Ri!tdhie, Ronnie Soloman, Lawrence Nor- man, .Jim Henderson, Arnold ::Morrison, B111 a Rawn. Others 'who are new..to ..$. ; No. 10 were John 'ably whose par ; ts, Mr. WPhiteeliuroh and Teeswiater. and (Mrs Dave "Q h) are '!ullding Bantam &bfttball' teams Tilayeid. a house in the (village, Rayunond• on •Wiugharni diamond Wednes- Kuiper whose ,Parents, Mr. and' day ; evening. The score was 1116-4 Mrs: Jacob Kuper reside at the in favour of . Teeswater.. (manse, Mr. Kuiper ' i,s student • Mrs. Maude H'aggirt returned Presbyterian (preacher for 'White- to;,her home in Brussels on Wed- church and Langside. Then there nesday afte r srnending, a month is the Rawn family, Sandra, vacation with. 'Mr: and Mrs,,,Vic,= Beverley,, Bernadette and Seth, tor Emerson. • , ,who all ::are an various grades: .',Mr. Jamieson Pettypieee • is e 'Their Parents have ' Purchhas,ed patient in • Wingharn Hospital the . house . (and 'land around it' with infection. in' his foot. from 'Mr, Aldan ,Purdon,: This Whi'techurroh ,and. Beamaville Junior softipall teams lengaged in battle on Wingham diamond on Saturday evening. Mr. Wayne Farrier was (pitcher tor. White- church: hite; dcihurdh: The • score was 1-0 in favor, •oaf Be,aimsv'ille who were O.A.S.A. winners last year. farm: was knoivirn ((many as Mr. • William 'Dawson's. bn all '42 puipils are in -'attendance :at IS.S, ,No, 1U, vfriith'aars. S Pen Wrheeler; teacher: . •Miss Judy Wiilson,- da)gihter of Mr. (and Mrs: James Wilson.. who 'resided .,north of 'the, .railway ' On Thursday evening • White - track •here: and naw' lime in Lon- church Juniors and Belgrave :In- termediates (played • on., 'Winbtam 'diamond 'an ei hiibition 'game :and. don, passed ,grade 1.3 with thigh .narks winning an Ontario Bur- sary .,and • because she' ...obtained art .'the end of 14 innings (the the ''highest marks • if: any in score was still 2-2.• , , 1,.' Grade 13 in .Clark 'Road High Mrs. W. -R: +Farrier spent Thurs- School She won anoitther .$22100.100. !day "..with her sister, • Mrs. • Sam This community: exntendts: to. Judy ' Reid of . LucknoW , and Mrs:. Eu - their congratulations. nice Gillestrie called .on Mrs. Jos The Whitechurch U C:W.. (held Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Alex their Seipteanrber meeting at the .Purdon,:. honie •af Rev.' and' Mrs:: George WM:teoh1urch ::Women's. Insti- `Mitchell' in Bluevale on., Wed- itute ;mere 'guests ' of Holyrood nesday .afternoon. Mrs: •Dusitan Women's :Institute on Thursday. Beecroft`. was ' in • charge :of the Mrs.: Ezra Scholtz '{played, 'Spring meeting .based . on Stewardship, : Time in the Rockies• pori. to auto - Supply and Social: Assistance: harp and Mrs Dan TiPffin a•c• Mrs Ernest Be ccroft`ipresided .& .col -mantled her On, the piano as ave ith,e' ca1r to worship. and, • tche eenitertainrnent number for prayer, Mrs. Den .Tiffin read the Whitechurch..All'repported a very ,scripture reading. . The W.M.S. ,enjoyable educational visit Pw:i,th • Prayer.Was 'given 'Iby Mrs. ,Clhas. Holyrood WI., 'MVlartin. A ` reading : °on Supply & Mr.. " and 4VIrs: Albert Coulites Social . °.Assistance.. was given.. by ,s'pen't . Saturday evening.witth Mr. Mrs. Eunice Gillespie. A piano and Mrs, Mervin ,Pipe. of near mstruirnental, • `Meditation", 'was ' Brussels. 'and . Mr, and Mrs: Jack given by Mrs,. W. 'R•: Farrier.. Coutes and Debbie of Wallace- Items •• on.,Stewardship end Re -'burg: Mr. and Mrs. .Ripe a 'oan• cru •tin were. -given by • Mrs.' a,nied . ib. • rMr, and:Mrs Jack g, y P' Y Ben PM�c:Clenaghan Mrs. Albert Coulter end Debbie ,left on .Sun Coulees, lllirs. clande. Coffin and day for._ 'a . three week's motor s. Robert Laidlaw. •A• poem, 'trip• to the. West. Coast. • "Bri •, e• Between .the Eyes" .Was ,Mr. and Mrs.: Clayton Scholtz, • ..given y. Mrs :CarlW.ePber: Mrs. Karen,; •Leasa and Kenton of :Milan ..Moore:.�gave;'readings Goderich Vent Sunday with Mr,. Sins •,of Omrriission and The Girl and Mrs. Ezra -Scholtz. 'Who . Smiles. The study • book Whitechurch 4H Homemaking chapter oii Hong Kong was'gisven Cilub leaders' for (the' project, M. Buckingham by Mrs. Ddiustan ,.Beecroft.. .The. "What Shall 'I Wear" are . ,Mrs. • Claude .Coffin and. Ms, Atbbert. Coultes. They attended the lea- dershiptraining school held in Lucknow on Friday and Monday under the supervision of Miss Donna, Mae Nicholson, Bruce County Home Economist, Congratulations to Miss Muriel Moore, daughter of Mrand Mrs.. Millan Moore on 'ob'taining 67% . • .. in her grade 1a exams which en abled her to obtain` the Dominion Provincial and. the, Atkinson bur saries to enter Wesstern. Univers sity, Mrs. MacDonald is visiting for a ,few weeks +with. Mx and 1Vrs. Angus MacDonald of St. Helens. `. 1VIr. (and, Mrs. Earl Caslick; Mrs. Wallace Conn andGeorge spent' Sunday with FMr.and Mrs. Gondon Scott of Ripley. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson of Goderioh visited, with Mr. ,&. Mrs. OrVille Tiffin and • Mr. and Mrs, James McInnes Mr. and Mrs, Harold •Dennison of .Sudbury visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. Johnston, Conn, Mr. and .IVlrs. Marry .,Swann, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McNeil` at - .tended. ,the 'Steam.. • Erugine dis- play at ,Blyth on Friday and whf le' +there.:visited with Mr. and. • Mrs. George •Mc Nall and ",Mr.' ' Bill Hvm whose wife. was •the late Ella McNa1T. _ Mr. 'Peter Praarn,sma, 'Mr. Har- ry Heeg, . Hamilton .spent a ` few .days at the week -end .with Mr; rand Mrs.. Jacob Kuper : and : on Friday evening •all attended the ;play "Cyrano do Bergerac, a romantic•drama. held in Sihiakes- perian .Festival Theatre in Strat- ford, ilheir friend, Mr. 'Marints •Spiereriburg returned home; w,ith them. On Saturday all three men ' returned to the States. Mr; Pra- wns/Da will 'rgo !to. Hope College, .. Holland Michigan .and . Mr., l-Iar-. ry Hoeg to 'the ,Sein,inary Holland M chigan ;and• Mr. MMarinus Sipie- reniburig to college • .at Orange .City,.. Iowa. Mrs.: S. C. • Willis of iGowans town spent the week -end . With. ' Mrs: Doris. Willis and 'family. Garry Willis (began work on . Monday . ' with • Ic T.S._. • of Street. ville. We, vntislh him ••emery success.. ` DENNIS ' RIGrG][N "PLANS. TO RETIRE FROM • HOCKEY • • Dennis Riggin of Kincardine, and a .,goal::tender in the Detroit Red Wings 'organization, has sent. his retirement papers to -the N.H.L. and "Detroit officials Dennis•and his taniily ,are mov- ing to 'Stratford, -where he has been transferred . ;'iby. Molson's Brewery with 'which • firm he is employed. Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Riggin of Kincardine '; &iad•'twice •. surffered severe eye .injuries in' his !hockey career. " . • • 'WIN $1,O.DAY-ATTENDANCE:=PRIZE s�yf•J '•f:rj,�.�j of„i %if f w•5•••:;:... •� t erZa.1 ,f,4 ' • • "*"...• i 7'fif�ffl�f' �l J$• /y}•/ �'%�%j%!�' . � ;� if .! 'i ce/•if, 'ice 1,:**4 F•r% ?,f:� ' „%/!f� iY %' Y.': f .% e!' �,• f f/ ,/:M}dry ,:*: V f f4 asp the GFANDSTAND & HUBERT CASTLE'S 3 RING CIRCUS AFTERNOON 8 EVENINGS Sept. 13 -1.4.(only) MUSICAL RIDE LIONS, * ELEPHANTS TIItS, CLOWNS. * :TRAPEZE ARTISTS * JUGGLERS AFTERNOON ADMISSION Adults ..$1.00 -- Children 50c EVENINGG RESERVED' SEATS $2:00 $1.50 Awl All the.' thrills and excitement of the. Big Top!