The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 1I • , 1*. • . $3.00 A Year In Advance — $1,00 Extra To ANTBORY LIKE PUFF BALL DELICACY? VVhitechurch Folk Meet In B.C. • Roadside. POik... (Whitechurch News) Mr, :and Mrs, .EliwoOd Groskorth, ]eftthefirst Of tale week Icir the 'West coast ana Mr, and Mrs, Dave iMaciDonald and Mr.. ;,and Mrs. !Peter (MacDonald •left on , Thursday. M ,a roadside park, between Penticton and Hope in .4 British 'Columbia, as Mr... and Mrs, Elwood•GrOskorth at eat- , ing, at a, •'ta'ble, :in-,,d'rove Mr. and , Mrs. MaeDonald. The old world isn't so large after all. when you • leave Last Gala Night In Scott's School What Wilfred (Pete) Parrish described •as a gala night was .14 . „ held, at Scott's School -ir. Ashfield ' • •oh 'Friday evening. • '• The schoolhouse, which has served its purpose as such, as • a: result . of the ua1ding of the North. Ashfield Central School, has been converted laa argaime shall •,• • • .°-1- John ;Howard lbought the school littildirig and moved it to his farm, where he has fitted it uP ' to serve' its' new Purpose. But " before Putting it into •operation, • 'it provided splendid accommo- dation co r ,e' gathering of about 100. people 'in that section who gathered to enjoy a community. s'ocial. 'evening. . .• . The gathering .was planned by / Bob Parrish, Donnie Fattish and John Howard, as a,larewell par- ty for Mk. and Mrs. Keith John- ston and +family who +have moved `. • - . to Goderaoh from their ,Ash,field farm on the corner of :Which . • .Scott's School...had been •located . for •many years. ,• :The term was sold by Keith' -tO Bob Scott, with the property returning .rto •the Scott name in which'...lt was .originally taken up by Francis: Scott in 1802. , Present at.. Friday night's- ga-.. therting Were representatives of several generations who attend - 'ed'. Scott's'', school'. Mrs. 'Robert • Howard (Annie Sennett) rwho is 89 years. of age was the oldest '. person present. She first attend- ed +this school: over 80 'years ago. • • , Adam Johnston .;:af Goderich . .was in. the 70 ,to 80 year _group . .and :Pete Parrish of lAicknow In •Ahe 60 to 710 year grottp; Chas. • McLean Was over from Brussels ' to join With the folks an the old neighborhood, all of which gives son*, idea 'of the. cross-section • of friends and' neighbours' ivinho •:were present. • °Mr. Fa,rrish 'clid some rerninis- , eing, and read an address of best wishes to the Johnston fa- mily Who were .presented with a +coffee table, ittvo end tables & •tabe lamps• Mr. and Mrs, Johnston ROO' are now residing ° in Goderich have:a family.' of • fottr children, Murray, Bryan, Ruth and Moira. Strange Chain Of •..• . Arm Fractures CarOlyn Zinn, daughter • of Mr, and Mrs. Clarke Zinn had her • arrn broken a couple of !Months ago, when she tell.frOari a horse tat TeetsWater, Soon ,after, on the next ffatm. east i • Bill AndreW ' broke his, arm, • • About a week .atter that Bev erly 'Bl'ake, son of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Blake; fell lion). the hay. 'Mow to the barn flOor and brOke . this arm, ' The threesome all had arms in casts at the tame time and all three liVe Within a Mile. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO•WIM.N' SEPT, 14, 19.0a Single Copir 1.0c 16 Pagg.a Anyone who is a putt bal1. connoisseur may help them- selves to the 'delicacy gt • The Sentinel Office, cour- tesy of. Harold. Tanner. ' Harold brought the • 'big .ball;into the office on Mon- • • day. It's quite, an',armful and. ;measures 36 inches +in ...cir- cumference. • grew. in • the Tanner +barn yardat the northwesterly outskirts of 'the Village and Harold has been keep- ing an.. eye on it for .about three 'weeks. . .- • • When t burst open • the first of the ;week, Harold decided it had reached ana- uri e , " tit. Too late! Before this was print- ed; Elwin, Hall. ' expressed his likening 'for this rarity and it has' no doubt by .now graced 'the Hall. table. • Lady Foresters. To Canvass For (NIB The Canadian Lady -Foresters' held their meeting Monday, Sep- ternber '9th in the .Assernbly Room of the town hall,. ,Fourteen .inernbers . Were present They are. to canvass the town. for the CNIB , in -10crtober and had for 'a guest speaker, Miss Thompson from. Kitchener,' Who !herself was blind. She had 'table of. handieraft made Iby the blind on display. • "*. • Several items ,of business were discussed, Good and Welfare Was .won +by Mrs. Marie. Button. A .sociar half Our was stpenrt ov- er A lovely. lunch. Infant's Mouth Badly Gashed Patti Lou Irwin, three•and one- half -year-old daughter of •Mr.• & Mrs. • Ross Irwin, of •..Lucknow, badly*gashed-the rod.. of. her. Month .at her borne- last Thurs- day Morning, Patti Lou. ' was playing lixfith a plastic toy garden rake and had the handle. end, 'whi•ch was made. of tin or 'alu;• aninum, in her mouth.: It as thought that the screen door sprung closed. hitting the rake and driving it,intb the roof of" her mouth: She 'was taken •to Wingham Hospital .Where under an anathetic, .the gash was stitehed.'Petti Lou returned home the following day. " • • •and , bursaries. at -Waterloo Uni- '• Aplans •,to enter next week, •Mur- versity College where Murray nnou. nee. -Dates . •ray received 'this word „, last Store Changes Are Being, /Made Major, Changes in local retail business -establishments • have commenced. • A tremendous Moving sale was concluded: on Saturday at Rath - Shoe. Store ad • on. Mon- day, moving ,of .stock. and: tures was commenced. The bush ness is :being •moved directly' across the street .to the :former Bell Telephone afice in the Joynt Block. . . It is expected that the busi- ness • Will be , relocated by the end "of the week. ' • • T. first af next *eek Red and . White Food,,Store wiul be closed, while 'the job. .of breaking ;Out the wall into -the shoe stare: is done. Lloyd. (Hap) Hall Hall has elaborate plans:fon Con- verting and :renovating. both stores into a spacious, modern food market . It it expected that the "break through'? Will lbe accomplished in a couple. of. days, .to permit the store to be back in 'operation while the other work is, being completed. • - , • •spiNOUNCE1VIENT • • The marriage 'is entiounced of Mrs. 'Annie (ilughei) Nicholson iMoosejaw, Sask., and,The Rev enend Elmer .Kennedy of.2Bliae- vale, The wedding took place' at Knox - Presbyterian Church; Moosejaw, Sask.,. on Wiednesda.7, August 20th, I9103. 'Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy wilillbe at home after September .10th, at ,the Presbyterian niante, BlueVale.. • „ ,MANY CALLED TO , • EXTEND,: BEST WISHES The !home: 'of Win.. and •Mis. J. W. Jroyrit. was 'a busy spot on ThesdaY when scores of friends of this •esteerned couple; called 'to extend • congratulations and ibest ;wishes:. •• • The occasion Was their 50th ,wedding !anniversary; a report of Which • will be carried in Our next issue. . warded $400, Student Bursigy Murray Ifunter,•son Of Mr, & Mrs, Vernon ; Hunter,: Lucknow, has ,been reconmiended •for an Atkinson Charitable Foundation sttident aid bursary ' the f $400 amount o . The reconmendation was made by the Committee on scholarships' Of Advance Polls week -end. The ProVin,cial .election Cain- paign Which' will reach a clirriax at. the polls in ,just 'tv‘tO weeks—: Wednesday, September: 26th, is going along quietly in. Huron- BruCe.. . • Both • candidates, Murray Gaunt, Liberal and George Mc- Cutcheon, Progressive -'Conserva- tive; are conducting tireless per- sonal Contact campaigns, but ab. - sent is the 'Van fare" associated with .the by-election last fall in which Mr;,Gautit was successful, Prime Minister. Roberts and Liberal L'eader John WintermeY- er, Were (both in +this ,atea last week, although Lucknow 'was not �n their itinerary; ss it vas 'in the by-election. Even the Presence of the 'top brass" did not appear 'to stir eleetion &Ver. Advance poll dates have been announced in Huron -Bruce .• They will be held- in Wingham, !Ripley, Mildmay and Brussels on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday of next week from 9:06 gab. until 600 p.m.• and from 4:06 0.1m, to lt1:00 pan. 'Daylight Saving Time, The September Meeting Of the Lucknow Women's Institute be held in the Town Hall, on Friday, September 13th at 2:30. Grandmothers' Day. • • ont s Or More . , .. • , • • . . ,Mrs, ,Budie Henning,'" the for. Inef, Susan MCNattghtori," &ugh,. ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Xaugh•ton of Luaknow, has en- tered St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, for a period of at least "Six months. • .• • " Susan was admitted ori. Thurs- day where* she 'Will undergo, physio-tlierapY arid later surgery on 'her hip Susan and Audie's Children glaine, age 7...arid Norman who almost 2, are living' here with •their• grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Jini MoNeughton and, Maitre is attending Lticknow • Public . • • •••• • 1ST :WINNER DECLARED VO-MMUNITY DRAW The winner' 'of' the first $5.0.0. merchandise voucher in the "Shopin-Lacknow Community, Draw,' is an- • flounced in the weekly ad- vertisement 'appearing in The 'Sentdnel, • The draw was, *made • by Mrs. Margaret Sproul of • Lucknow.• There will be aweekJr Winner with ,the voucher • being as good as cash at • • arty of the!twelve participat- , Mg stores, Monthly there' 'will be 'a bonus draW for, additional prites c $25. and • $10. • Coupons .are given with ' each $2.00 cash purchase. • Merchants are • often busy and niiay overlook handing '.• then out. But they are yottr's for the silting. • • • " Young People Start Vocations And Studies iMiss Mary Pi.irdozi, .daughter Of MT. and Mrs. William Pixrclon, has taken 'an office position •in the LaIb Department of Kitch7 ener-Waterloo. • hospital, com- mencing her ciLlitieS the.. first .of the Week.., ' ' *Miss Anne • Rintoul, ,daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. William Rintoul,. has taken, a:pos:1,06n: in the office of McCargar, 'Filer and. Hach: born; Ltd, consulting engineers of Kitchener, 4 iT3Olth. Mary and Anne recently• completed twelVe month. courses at 14ougheeds BuSines.s •college rn Kitchener. • John • Andrew .returns to• Guelph O.A.C. ,on. FridaY to "en- . terhis secondyear of the De- gree Course an Aniinal• }us'ban- dry John spent his: turnmer working, on the ..home farm. • Bill Andrew who Successfully completed the first Yearof the Diploma idou,rse :at the • 0A.C. is retUrziring this year to enter, the first year of the Degree Course. Bill spent ,the first part ,of the surinner•at home and then took , a job at the Goderich Salt' Mihes. He ' Was : unfortunat,e, enough to get his right arm +bro- ken while combining at home about five Weeks ago. . • : Margaret Parrish,' daughter of Mr. and' Mrs: Bob Fairish of Ashfield, has, entered Kitchener - Waterloo, rhOspitar' as a. student nurse. Murray Hunter, a Grade 13 graduate. -at Lucknow District High SC•hool, leaves, on., Monday to attend Waterloo tniVersity College. • ••- • • . Fraser Ashton 'will :commence his third, year studies rri micro- biology at the O.A.c. in Guelph and Terry 'Wilson of St. Helens will start 'his second jet= at the University of Western Ontario, • • Dick Richards, a Grade 13 graAuate at L.D.H.S. will attend the Ontario 'Agricultural College; and•Octrdori McNay is taking a course at Ryerson in, Toronto., • Miss Patricia Thompson and Miss Eleanor '11VI•cNay are 'teach- ing in Etobicoke and Miss Nancy Forster near Mount Forest,. Mist Linda Blake, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake. of Dungannon, ,thas entered Strat- ford, Teachers' C011ege. Shirley NewbOld, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.. George Newbold, is taking • a special 'commercial course at Port IGredit. Allan MowbraY, son of Mr. & Mrs, V. A. Mowbray, has cam - merited a course in Toronto in dres4. engineering. • . ' Joanne Hunter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Hunter1. has entered her 'final year in horn•e •economics at Western Urrir veriity,, • Janet Finlayson returns for her second year to Waterloo Uni- Versity• „College. . • Attended Funeral Of Niece Killed In -Car Accident Mrs. William W.. Ili:van. of Ashfield. attended .the funeral on *ednesday of her niece, Miss Patricia Icelly, .age 221 who was killed in a Motor. 'accident- at IVIarys•ville, near Port; Huron, Michigan on Stmday evening; • September 1st. • She was to, have been 'married this-„ Saturday, September 14th. • Miss Kelly was alone 9t the tune and was •enroute to work at drirvAseedah -in-4k•4Sche diad just e way crossing, .wihen her +car ap- • p•eared out of control: and struck, a Culvert. Patricia Was thrownfroan the car against the cuiveit railing and suffered -a neck fraoture which was 'almost 1a7asalTaarliw:aosf:ittiv.le;exisee.=ondithre'•eeldioaestiltge... ter& arid four Sons of Mr.• & Mrs, Jerry P. Kelly •'of Marys-. • Ville: 'Mr. Kelly is a brother Of Mrs. Hogan, the •Kelly ' blithe having been in the Lizcan. area: • The rftmeral twa,s, held; on Wed- nesday morning at St. Christy- „ heris Roman Cwtgliohc Church, ••1..vitlii interment at Marysville. • Offer Student Accident Insurance 'Plan The September meeting Of the Lucknow Public School Board WaS'held-ornesday--•evening; Sep- • tember 3rd Prineipal Stuart Collyer re- ported • an attendance ',Of 261 to .• open ,the, school term.. representative Of Frank Co- wan Insurance. Co: attended the • meeting, to': request • the Board's Permission tOoffer Group . AC cident Insurance the -pupils attending school. The plan rwould allow parents to :take accident t•-', insurance on children,, presently • covered 'by the Board during school hours, and going directly to or coming home .from• school, after sehool hours and during holidays: Particulars of tthe plan and application forms are to be given each' tpupil, and „returned to the sahoel. . • Due to illness, wiull 'be Unable to teach kinder,- garten for an,• indefinite period. Mrs.' Beverley 'Tliamps,oit wiul teach ,thieclass in the mearititne. Sundry,: accounts ainounling to' $3,977.41 :were approved Paid this included accounts to Stand- ard Tube Co. for 70 desks, $1,575.; supplies, $6!1.2.80 and new en- trance: doors, 1780.78. ••• 4 1st Electric, Heat Home In Dun annon , • . • Mr. and Mrs.. IVIervin burnin of Dungannon have the 'Con- • structiOn of ' to hew hOme. .advanced. It • will be the first home in Dungannon with „elec- tric cheating. . • - Mr. and Mrs. Durnin sold their • former home to . Dr: and Mrs. Arnold Volies, and are, building their new home on a '40 -acre, :farm property mi the eastern outskirts of iDuriga,nnon, •' Mr. and (Mrs, Durnizi spend .the sumnr..or olperating• their riding academy south, of Port Elgin. They first had a riding range at. Grand Bend- and in 1054 bought • a 26 -acre +block' .(5f evergreen covered land. A ,n1lle south Port F1grn,'just off ,the ,highway, Here, they have close to 4 miles of trails, with nine saddle • horses and three ponies for hire. • IViarvin rides the kad pony ac- •• coniPanying all the riding part - •let. , • • 1;31"i:t • 1. ,14 •;} • • ' ., ,4 • J• ' ft 14, • . , . 1 1 • - • • •:, •°, . • , . . ,' •, ; e . . • , , • , , ,1 • • " • ° •D "11 • ,