The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-04, Page 15nDNESDAY, SEPT, flak .1003 • from puesci,ay luntial rilhorsdaY• On *A ,ternifio wind storth on Crood. LI - tOokillg- Backwards Through . in January of that year. J', A. Glennie 19pal meaner lers competed in a ibonSpiel C. Towers was acting manager. m The winning f°11rsPine were Dave . • Kiss 1:4Odise Treleaven sic- ..■ home. They lost 01 their house, goide& in the tppper .ipart *of the Ferris manager Of Lorne Rink. in the ,corrounity. ' . el 1 Archer, W, :F. Holmes, .Robert cedded . Rabent Qi,aharn 4.5 ab. ; Button and W.; Mcise- . rarian at the. Pubfic keen ice mohitainied •by . wan. yrid,ay 04 vo,despreed 1,Flamage imi . ir::,,.. hold €4iffeats including a picture of owii• linfnit baby who clieil wiry YEARS AGO ' to Scotland tO VISA is aithing ; (Conti/MO& iVell4 Page 2), •• eConnell, 1-k 'SeVenteen rinika• of 141.30now McAllen During 'his: absence D, ■ of the Bank Olf Ifamilton. sailed if relic& Finiky-sleolint, ;MJghlariecdIriorliaowlk,- •• Verna iMaeocl; Isabel Stewaitl, Archie Graham, 14 • GordonMcInns.., (Bessie :Schoen, a Sentinel . ‘ . : nix Imatiow maimEt, itticiisaw, ONTAEIO ai ■ • immilimaill441741111111.1"14144.414111141411444714114"11.111414.1141:::::H4171i • ■ .: • si .. • 3 • . - , er. • 4 , k . ..k.' .../: . .. Nfr • 1:1:V.4; ... 1 . :. .:/h.. 't '11,1 4s4:skiisZs ,,' 40,4 •••.,:::'/"..,, ' .1:4 P .!,-N7.44, -,•, :. 0 sr., ft_ . , . . YOUR.: WEDDING, - PLANN11,10 . . . , . .,... .... .0 st ' ta, • to. io in in . • Is - IN • • Thomas M0101211 of Brae Side Don,a,id •Atec/cenzie Mho was IA, • ,, Farm, at KirliCulOh presented a enypdo:y6,d 'atmitche,a,s mail ad_ - , iii . proposal ' 1101341g • to .- 4:l'av khe' fered -a• (broken nose and ,ortish. N 1101yrood, . Creamery re--aiSened. ed sktal ;when ,stru,gk iby 4 piece 11, •At S.S.• WO. 7 Kitraw Russ441 of .‘ . ib Reid was teaching Christie Iii'c' lathe kmaple wood tpurled y the • nife. . • • - Kenzie, V, Barr,' W, McDonald, Alex Nidnalson, Pearl Finlayson, 1 Marian Fisher, Anna Nicholson,BRIDGE. TALLIES, . euchre, Jennie- MacDonald, Sadie Mac- , court Whist and bridge - spore Donald, . Frank Miler, Peter Mc- cards • are now available at The Leod, .1Wae McInnes, Martin Me- i' Lueltripy Sent,41191, phone ' .528- Inues,:, Archie McDonald, Allan 3134,, .1101).1•VA.;,1 •.• kti:•/koks.44:04i/ent;/Wmcromm * • • • • Photo by Ontario D7O1.7irtioaIth • A well stocked first aid kit is good to have nearby, • • in time of need. • • Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario • Keep First Aid Equipment I )., •.„.......0111104141•1411::MNMEN/IMMII4 Handy On Your Holiday : • - A complete selection of all . • your wedding requirements! is available at The Lucknow! • • , •••,_ • • • • . a • , • . misw'S • FREE FREE FREE / To each bride ordering invitations or annountorneol.s...i•at •Ttio....-LuCknow::$•entinel;.•:• one year's' FREE SLJBSCRIPTION to the • paper plus FREE ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT in the paper. • itwo 4,•• • • , 'Matthew", Ciyiriood; MD, CM. minutes at first, and increase the Ontario •Minisiar of Hialth time °f: eaposure gradually, to • • , allow Your body to become ie• Pitexpeitedneas is the worst customed tO the sun' s •rays. Re- • Part of any .accident and makes meniber,tthat everything is exag- , it difficult for some people to gerated. on or neais:, water. When keep•Ciihn and not to panic. The in a boat ar on the beach, wear same minor ' illnesses and injuries sunglasses anda wide •brimmed that are handled -calmly at home, hat If sunstroke occurs, causing ' nut); Seem' more 'alarming, when ' dizziness and • nausea: due ta too • •-•on holiday in an unfamiliar area, much, inn, a doctor: Should be: • where there is uncertainty about consulted at once Keep , a ther, • : the services available in mometer•on hand, so that you • • .•■ case of need Your Ontario De, can determine if :a person is run- partmeit of Healthaecornienda ning a fever:: ' that you take first aid ,equipment Be sure you:have had -anti with. you on your vacation to the ,tetanus • shots befOie leaving on -- cottage; on the boat or in the car. yoor.Vaeation..Thiaprevents'lock• This combined:midi a lile.com- jaW due to dirty cutsHave a' • moU! sense and -a• cool head can r e c o r'd of. your immunization • lee you through many" minor available, and also of any•,drug emergencieS. • ' , allergies you May: have, to .show Forminor cuts and scrapes you your dodoter in case of need. An- / may need, bandages and. a disin- other. wise precaution iS 'to learn -lectant. 'The best :disinfectant is artificial respiration. I1 you spend • • plain soap and juice 'water, the your vacation near water, this;is :Platner'tha,soap the better. Keep important, as one (fay you 'may,' gauze: bandages and adhesive hive to save a life. •, dressings in your first aid kit.' Cuts and wounds may become dividually packaged medic gauze hadily infected if not cared for • pads measuring 2"•• by. 2" and 4" and should be treated as soon 88 by 4", and one, two or three inch possible: A-doctot should always r ell s of . . gauze should sufficebe consulted if there is anyhed.sointli:..i. • Small adhesive, dresaingi, and ,a, as to the seiiiusneasi of roll of half:or three-quarter inch neas ,or• accident. ',Know ifl ad• . tape hi also recommended. • vance. the name and' p•hone nuin- • A good household remedy for ber of the nearest doctor, . and Use On minor 'burns isPa .paste' Where the nearest telephone, is • made of baking soda and water located, for calling' him. • • applied 10, the. burn and covered.' Ythir • Department• of Health firmly, with a gauze bandage " thatm :you follow these This can also helpgoOthe; a bad 'Simple suggestions so 'that you Sunburn, It its,'whie to do your will have a' happy, and,:healthy suntafitting in •eatii stages. Don't ea), i0 the' sun Ettore than a few COMPLETE WEDDING NEEDS holiday. • • ?ages • ti on• gVfis$ • was tat iron, •• ;ling, . Tied • .• the •k• art • • had • ap- and iifas ivast •• ! l** -;!;.°.f.7. :' • • • ;Z "i• ' s!' -• t• thi: ' ••• • // .1, '• . • * • • !. •I 4 • s , *OP reh, . th ot e • ard •••' - •st -OP- • ; a • • , • • us • • ■ • :■ • . • . • MI -.'•• INVrrATIONS, •• • :•ANNOUNCEMENTS,:: THANK -YOU 'NOTES, SERVIETTES • (plain or printed), PLACE CARDS, BRIDE'S 'BOOKS; GUEST BOOICS, 4 WEDDING TABLECLOTHS, PAPER PLATES, WEDDING CAKE BOXES, SHOWER INVITATIONS, • • SHO•WER SER v LEI i ES, CONFETTI. El, .• • ¥ou' are weIcome 10 see our sample books • • :•/: • • . • • in our office or you may • ...• • •.. • v.. . • • . • . • .• overnight..: to.. your ..home • • '*• • • ' LUCKNOW. , ••. ■ , .• '•• PHONE 528-3134 -..,• 2 . 44), qiteitions on the work of the DeParbrAt 6 nenigh in d•ii$ •I field, or suggested topics'/or these columnso shoul be *en . , ••• • , si Dire 7 i .s and ' A * n ent 0/ . s ctor ot Raton -nation am., rumiesty# %.,ntarto •,epartni „ : li: „ , „ NI ealth. Queen's Park Toronto. , IMMBNmmnimieim■Niiiim■mmtiminmmtmimtmOsm■mmi10mrstmimtmtimtimo•tmmtimimmm■r . . - to the • aiLs , m -rt • tly. ng tly , rag an • • be ed • all 111 le. ' to 'd- i.; 0- ri ir • s. g • s•• k: • • ,;• • , 44 , I 14 , rir • s,,•*.: • •• ' • ' • •• 1. • .* • • . ' 1 •• „