The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-19, Page 16pAGZ S XTFIEN TII LVOI NQ'W SENTINEL....LVCKNOW ONTARIO • • mu*45pAY, ..]► J E leth, 1963: ••1••O.N •••••••••N#•NOS•••... unknowFruit Mai YOUR MAIN INTERSECTION FOODLAND • • • en Buying ;Summer Wear • ask:.. for • By Thi Sentinel THAT Ernie Crawford, /former 1y Of , Luoknew, is the newly :in'staeled .'president .of 'the . God- erich .ions. 'Club. . rA • 65% "TERYLENE'* 8c . 35% ' COTTON' These garments seldom need •ironing. .. Pleats, ruffles, are permanent, •.!wrinkles disappear with hanging. Will not,,,ahrink or Lose • shape.: , • THAT when "hockey night in Canada" starts (next. fall, . tine; 'television fans will -view 'an • 1 extra .half hour Af the game with broadcasting .to ' . Swart at. 8:30 rather than nine 'o'clock. THAT , on Thursday evening, Mr, and Mrs...William, Schmidt ;were gracious hosts at their su'm'mer .cottage when .mem, t ers ,• of +St. tMarys 'C'.W.L:, Lueknow� entertained ' Mem- bers • of St.. Augustine ' C.W:L. at. a !buffet -.pat ruck, .supper.. Games of eucihre and bridge •were Iplayed, and a social. ev-' ening was enjoyed. THAT Don. McLay, Ripley ;pos`t master.. was recently':narned as a iprovincial ,director of ' the. 'Ontario Branoh of 'the. Cana in..Stock is • MEN'S SLACKS, 28 to 38• BOYS' SLACKS, 2 to 6x and 8 to 18 LADIES' SLIMS,• TOPS, SHORTS and .DECK PANTS :I GIRLS . SLIMS, KNEE PANTS, SHORTS",• GIRLS' SLACKS,. SHORTS and . TOPS 2 to 6x Registered Trademark .. for Polyester Fibre AGENT FOR. KINCARDINE 'CLEANERS r e, Picic•U .' and Delivery. -Monday and 'Thursday i +•1,a, { G,A 'a•R; ,f 6r > . antsMen's° �o' • 0 • • •. •', •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A FATALLI INJURED (Continued 'from Page '1) : Corrin of Lucknow. and previous to. that by . MTs.. Jean ` PaPernick • of Goderich who Happened along,. '-"• returning to. her Thome in 'code= 'rich:, after visiting Cher parents •in Lucknow: Being' a Registered• nurse, she stopped „and' render ' ed..first aid, i ntil -the doctor ar- Raved. • Neither drivers`: elf, the • cars were hurt : any more'. than: shock. Both . cars -were (badly :'damaged .-and 'after. investigation by the Provincial Police ' at. • Goderich • • `were', towed away. Third Serie* Accident This. was the ` 'third accident • to ocver to .Mr. Chisholiui :within a few • years. :.,On • May' ;19th,,' ,1+9+59 .he met ,with a serious road ac- cident on Highray• 21 as he was patrolling.' It was not until, after several rnonths of .hospitalization that he made: a remarkable re - b covery ,from `those injuries,.Then on •Deeeartber. '5th, 1962; he''fell and ,broke' his leg again, in the second :of a series of •misfortunes" which 'ended.:•fataly on,',t.Sunday: • He is • survived by.' ;his. wife; formerly •Mary, 'McCourt; . three sons, Leonard, (The . mile east . of Dungannon; *Ronald o8' Sylvan Lake; • Alia,; }Raymond . of .Gude.. • rich,and••a, daughter, Mrs.' Marie: ' Oke. of Windsor. A, brother, Ben• Chisholm; Goderich.and twa sisters., , •Mrs.. Wilfred .(Helen) dian " Postmasters' Association,'. Ken Carneron,,'of•.,L,uuknow has THAT the ::ladies of St..''Mark's been. on the executive in ai 13 E,B: Church at Milverton similar capacity. for.. some. •time..I a gift .. of. remem-. presented' I canoe ��.o � Mrs. .. D. ,. Bruce hid 'been appointed to rior to :her departure • oto•" three Federal, committeesBarrie . Northern Affairs ,•:` Agriculture :THAT„, Gail Anderson; daughter and' Putblic Works. : of ,r.. and +M;rs,' John C. An.: THAT; the 18th Canadian.Army:. Berson of Dungannon,: and Field Regiment; RCA Associa-' • Percy I' McC1enag�han, son tion Will hold. their. regimental Mr, and Mrs: Ted McClenag- reunion :in Wingliaan ori Sat-han, Lucknnw, are,•two recent urday, July 61th.. A prize 'draw additions to the staff `of' the, will: ibe held at :the -reunion -Market:. Luckriow Fruit lV[ Kernel Corn Sle. ; 4 dins 55c Garden • Patch Choice: 14 oz. t Save::. 7e. Spughefti. • OnSale:':. � � , 3 tins 49c Ltbby's Fancy.: 15 oz. Feature. Save 7c. Pickle's On • mSale 2 , jars 49c Supreme Mixed Or 'Relishr. ` 16 oz. Save 9c. Tomato Juice Sale 2 tins 5 Libby,'s Or Clark's Fancy. Tall 48. oz.. Save' • 7c • Cheer 20i offY pkg. 5jJ q Giant Size. ': A Real Bargain. Save 28c. Disc�tjflt:T�i'Bags, ' Sale, .pkg. 69c 100 x . 2 . Cup Size. Low, ' Low Price. Save 10c.. Pbo»e Lucknow. .528-3420 ' Values Effective June 20, ' 21, . 22. THAT John Loney M P .for` b t M G D Kirk Smibhr . R.R. 3, Goderich Altbert • ''(Beatrice) McGee, . 'R.R.• 1;,. Dungannon. • He ' was:born 6r8 years ago, a 'son- of the late John and Mary' Chisholm 'of Colborne Township.. for. stereo. Hi-Fi set, valued at.. THAT changes , in, ministerial $3619:00. Joe King staged a bit - appointments' in London Con- of ticket selling blitz in Luck- ference •',of the United, Church, now last week; include Rev' J. A Veldhuis to. THAT Margaret 1VIacDonald, Dungannon and Rev.' W .R. daughter of Jack ._MacDonald; Tristram to St Helens: ' of Lucknow and the late: Mrs: MacDonald, returned home re THAT Mike Penich, who recent- Gently from Victoria Hospital,. re - 1 gurchased, :,the. B1a+ke. Bros. ondon, ` wh:ere she, .had been f arms n AShfile,'. is `adver- m tlsizi fo a:. •uantit of h'ay. • a' 'patient. for 2 weeks and . • g "1 y � T Clie�ter �, wanile . ss con= T THAT Wendy ::McLeod, daughter f .:Mr. and Mrs: Leod�,': was +guest: off •hon surprise party ar`becue .arranged by .Zs McMillan'. 'anal Barham y and held` at the McNLi home. Wendy, whb 'wild ho�rtly� to 'reside in Stra was .presented with a gi each o€. the girl friends attended, „ .. THAT there .were well o"CTe t . the • ,U:C:W.; garden supper. °at':the United C last.. week,. and they brought bheir'a+ppettes ' fo food ;provided in • likeam o a year ago, ran, � a tbit this year in's�ame:: cases a A C or at a'and— barbecue obe1;` Whit= bIlan: h 'leave s` tford: ft Iby. who Tr ,300`' a , pasty s hurch T along'r, •4th.e f bunts tshort.. The emains rested at McKen-:: quite ill for a time, after . UM.-. y i_ de moi . - , surer " --_ ru t_- : valescing• at ,his . Woodstock zre Memorial Chapel, T�uakintow. -rg � _g y for a P . home, • fter ` :a patient . 'iii tired appendix: (• a ,� being The :funeral took place on/ :Wed-• , �t)he . Woodstock' General •Hos- nesday. at '10:00 a.m. at St.' Au-, -THAT;' effective the first of July. •. . Rev: Grant' +Meiklejahn, will �Pibal for three . weeks; dud to ;a back , ailment. assume. ; tlx'e-_-dtitles of_ th�.Qyas-'..... torate of, Copetown U'ni'ted THAT Miss Audrey Fiederlein of Church.:: Rev. • Meiklej ohn has • , New Dundee, and a' former gustine ,R.C. Church • with Father. -Edwin-Ma-lak -fill=charge---Inter;o meat was '• in St..Augustine R:C. Cemetery., been. pastor,' of Forest united + Member of the Lucknow Dis.- BADLY ,Gr�ISHED. Church since' leavinrg.. Luck- • �trict High School staff, will • .,. the Middle .Hast : the end •of (Continued from' Page .1), THAT' 'thanks .to Ronnie Austin •of, ' Lucknow, who found :'a. the month: ¢The Party will fly. his only • had 'the car .a few + •: from 'New York Theywill watch near Omar • Brooks im- . weeks. They • were: in collision; •, lenient sh • Bonnie :Culbert 1 ' visit • Jerusalem and other: With.- a. car driven ,, by Albert Points of .interest in. the Mid-. Ernewein of Chet•ow, of Dungannon has ' her.• watch po again, (!.':Sentinel want 'ad last dle East,. as well.as -in Italy .The' impact caught the Famish week +brought the . lost: r item and . other southern European car on the +front. left ,,of the chi- Ibaok to its:owner.` • • areas, ' throwing . the car to THAT Mrs. Harry" Wall recently THAT one 'of two, men. arrested vers side: the ;right andout • of +control into � in ManGton New 'Brunswick the .ditch.. This - hurled -Jack' over • underwent •ibone, graft • surgery .► against the.;steeriri'g wheel which . •at ,Victoria 'Hospital, 'aimed at . last• Week and. charged. with ' speeding ,the 'healing of a seri-' robbery .with violence• i's. was. smashed and then •through bus ale fracture which' was a: be- lieved by police to *be' Richard the windshield • to suffer, the p gBud Smith . who escaped ed' last'`Octobe ' in an . accident custody from Sarnia ,police & Harold escaped injury al= ; k 'his s wreck He- on ° Main'' :Street when struck was..bhe' object. :of a Bruce thoughcaris a ec . ap .. , . pare tl went out thedoor On `.• +by a car It ..is hoped that. Townahi'p manhunt. The two, bn ySmith and John .Barry ''McLeod e'' driver's , side and, his. first with a walking cast; and crus=' 'recol'lection Ls . standing oti • the• c.hes she +rnay soon be able ,to ,, Eu'reka, Nova •Scotia, were .• t..._.•.0 about. �A badly $�a._1.__. remanded ,for trial .... L.T Tac.-.. 'road ,viewing the. wreck. •Polic'e; estimated' darn'age to the two vehicles at $,i2,50�0. now in` lege, : • ' .. , ' •• • leave.. on conducted: tour: to • ORGANIST' 50 .YEARS (Con ' ed from Page ,1)„ on .your. years •of _ service as, the, organ t of this' church: You have Moll: ed your music pry-- fession' cheerfully, :bringing 'plea- sure to ' many: You have •always 'been • willing to' .give of ,your :- talent on everry, occasion, be it Church; "Similar San sot, Yeei g-- Pe'oples, : . and'Evening Wor- kers. whenever:..called upon. • tWe w0 d •like you 'to. accept this gift ' a small token -of our ' appreciati , � ter your service as. organist and choir • leader. • Signed . n behalf sof ;the alexic- hers• annd friends of the Kinlough. -Church.'. • • Don illespie, HaroldHaldentby' (Wardens) ANI tnau 5+4 is ow lee lin Sun W.A.u1 as on 0 fs 'Yotx,r Subscription Reri��eWed7 ATTENTION CATTLEMEN! THIS COUPON WORTh ;i:oo On the purchase of a .LITTLE SCOTCHVIAN BACK OILER., It will),ireduce your losses 'from parasite damage. at a minimum of cost on -at least 75 head of: ' cattle for approximately one .month • without refilling:. deal with therapy •treatment.: THAT Sunday visitors with • Dr. and Mrs. Jack 1VIcKim, Were Mr. and Mrs. Lorin, Dolgielsie Ken Hansen., Danny 'and Marti, Stratford; aqd Mrs. 'Lloyd "Hamnitonci, Owen Sound. ,The ,00tasion 'wag a dedication ser, vice the Reorganized 'Ohurth of Jegus •Christ of -.Latter Day Saints; • Harriston, Ont,,, which Lori /Margaret McKinn. grindpar- Rine also attended .1,be set - recent theft of a car*belOnging to Gordan Fisher .of Lucknow. THAT Mr. anct Mrs, Bill Blue ef -Detroit 'spent the weelirend retneie•ed only briefly because .of the ;illness ofotheir daughter "Peg,", Mrs. bon GillesPie et -Detroit. 'She and her husband arid t•hree children W:ere in an accident 'a .couple of,' months. ago, when ear plowed into •the rear of -their ,hottse. trailer, Sending. their car out of con - since, then ,Mes, G.illespie has .developed symptons . which resulted in her being 'hospital; 3 Dec'tis _The In There were 'three, deaths in the community 'r On Sunday. John • . Murdoch, .a former re- sident f Paramount, a'na Luck now, died • at • Br.ucelea Haven, Walkerton at the age of ' 75, •'The funer'a: service wase :held Tuesday at .the MacKenzie: Fun- eral' lIorn'e', conducted by Rev: J. R. King with. •',interment in G-reenhill-• Cemetery. • Colin' McDonald of'•.St.. Helens died ''at Wingham Hospital Sun- day night in 'his Leith, year. ' • The funeral service was held at the . Johnston .Funeral Hoene on Wednesday with ` interment. in Dungannon Cemetery:. • • .Accident Victim • Jack, Chisholm died in 'wing, ham Hospital early -Sunday af- • ternoon sh.ctrtly' after. /being, cr'iti-. cally injured in a car .accident in •Dungannon. ' The remains rested at ' the MacKenzie Meznori'al Chapel .wit1.1 Requieni, High Mass at St Au- gustine on Wednesday niorni fig: