The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-19, Page 10Minitidgiur TUX .1•UCIINOW L 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CNURfH NEWS uild Discusses Church Organ 4 , The June meeting was; held at the church shall, X10 ' members. Were Present and three visitors. The meeting` washeld in the «form of a pat lurk . supper. Spec- ' ia1 'gues for the evening was '.Vies, Fairfrom. the Ripley par- , ash, who . gave .a very informs - live and interesting talk on the • Anglican- prayer book. Scripture ' lesson' was read . by Mrs. H. Cooper and Mrs. Roberts gave' an appropriate reading "A Road- , side Window" to -!programme:. is to be made up and -.presented to the patients of .Brucelea Haven for an : afternoons entertainment. A discussion was held on the By JOHN BRADSHAW BLACK SPOT ON ROSES The worst disease attacking roses in Southern Ontario,,, is a pesky fungus . called. "black" spot."' ' Our rose • breeders are working hard to develop; new varieties that are resistant:. to, this widespread disease and are reporting some success. How- ever, up •to , this moment prac- tically► :all varieties •,af roses that we now • grow in the garden are susceptible do • black spot. - The; disease shows • itself .in Marge. ;black: circular ' spots with +prabakl ilzty of buying a new a yellow, halo which. 'start ap , church, organ, as 'a memorial to pearing on the. upper ' surface of loved ones. Mrs. E.:Gaunt dos-. the. Weaves. In heavy attacks • ed the ; meeting ' with prayer. Langside 'WKS. The W VI.6.: met on Thursday, :June .13th at., 'the home of Mrs. 'Robert'Bregman. The meeting 'opened with .the call to worship, • by tihepresident,. Mrs. Gordon • Wall ' and `everyone repeated the• ` 1N .M.S... purpose. ' The scripture 'reading was ..read by Mrs, Wes Young • followed by the medita- tion "The Value of Belief" by Mrs. Conlon and prayer by Mrs. Elsner Scott. The. roll call was single .seen eaf and several spots'.on. a which covered most. of -the.. surface area. The areas :.between the spots •gradu ally 'become 'yellow and ,it •isn't long ,before .the leaves start to drop ;prematurely away. ,In sev,. ere attacks • your rose ' 'bushes can become completely defoiiat-• Control of ,black' spot and any other' •garden '•d seaseb;ibegins by keeping, the plants in a vigorous healthycondition with regular feedings and careful'. watering.. Roses cannot ' go on producing • 'answered • with' a verse of scrip flowers fora four or five month . •ture, containing the .word tour- INporiod, from ,June until late • in , . age. • A speciailcollection for the the fall unless they're fed fre allocation was taken. ''The` nextThey'll 'll need. feeding • meetin ' is. to +be he d. Jul once a g. g �, Y once •a month ,,from leafing out 4th at the:. home of rs. Conlon time until the'mmiddle . of August with Mrs. .Bregm and ' Mrs:. with.' ` a ' complete • liquid : or dry. fertilizer:. No feedings c'shouldbe, made after the latter date be- cause, this' will cause late growth in the bushes which •won't :be sufficiently'• hardened off 'before 'was . given by i1Virs. Lloyd 1 offat: freeze-up ' tune in early Decem-. T11e .chapter . from' the.: study ►ber. :,Vigorous growth is also Supported' by' at least' 6 ::hours of sunshine' a day 'coupled ;with `a ',deep • watering once a . week. unless rainfall is sufficient: 'The water should penetrate the. soil:. to a',':depth of at least'6 inches' `.to be. truly effective.' . Yau';might like.. to ' , try a: co letel :.new rY, � 1n.P . Y method of'watering developed by Cornell Cornell University scsientists, and; -which• we talked about.. in this -column about 'three weeks: ago; It 'consist§ of watering ` twenty minutes at.. a time, three or four times • a week. Ed ice, .interested in hearing •from anyone •::;who tried .to- •the. results , ',The, chemical , control of 'black. . Spring Meetingat ervi lna spot is now quite easily achieved P g Bervie St. Scott ; too '.prepare . e '. program the roll call to'be answered with . an. item from the 'Glad. Tidings.- Offering idings Offering was. followed by prayer by Mrs. ' 'Whytoc=k. '' A reading book was.: eapatbly prepared' by Mrs. '.Orr. 'A dainty lunch was served by the hostess : at the close of the' +meeting` St. ; Peter's •: WA. The; June • meeting :of the:. St. Petees :.Women Auxiliary was held on Tuesday,' June 1lth in the 'Parish . •Hall:' The meeting opened' with Hymn 354- . follow- ed by the Lords Prayer and Prayer' Partners read by -Miss D. Cooke who. also' gave a ,reading' "Wh`en..You Need a, friend."; Af- ter the business had been' ;.`dis- cussed: Mrs. " Roberts -gave- a . report•. 'on ' the ' Bruce Deanery John's Anglican Churchwhere one of the guest ,speakers,. was the ' S uffragan; Bishop, 'of the Arctic, Bishop. H 'G., Cooke who ;:by .dusting or spraying' your, rose 'bushes .every 'week with 'an', all purposefungicide which con- tains the new chemical '?Italian,:. spoke on the work, of. they iW.A: It pre-veixts ' 'black spot better 'and "conditions in. ':the Arctic Di- than ' any fungicide developed ocese. A minutes , silence was' IP this date. Be prepared as well observed later in remembrance to . treat, your roses, after every • of: their late nieinber, Mrs... Bert' rain. You 11 give (black spot ,less: Ward Who: was `:devoted to the of a' chance to develop' if you're' 'Work of the W.A. • and ,the careful not to sprinkle the, Poli- Church during cher lifetime. The • meeting closed with. Hymn 558: Refreshments ' followed. . , Zion ' U.C,.W: • The Zion* U.C.W. . held ' 'their grandmothv�rs; meeting at • the. horn of Mrs.' James H °r- on: e urate June 12th:., The "` roll call was answered by 'repeating a verse of. the, Bible with the word "Love" in it. The devotional. period was . taken by Mrs. Mar- shall Gibson. Mrst John • Gard • ner led in` the Bible Study: Mrs: Eunice`- Dunsmier 'sang a solo, ''Star :of the !l ast'i 1VIrs. Jbhn Bunter. who .had. prepared the program program had. asked each grand- mother' to ,bring something of their' ;grand nather's and • there were many nice and amusing articles displayed. Mrs. Charles Wilkins gave •a lovely reading and a . note of thanks was read • from' Mrs. Jahn' McDonagh for remembering cher While in _• the •. ' hospital, Mrs. ID.- A. Hackett read. the fiext ; chapter it the study book. An; - nvitatiori was read from' the St. Helens ladies asking the• ladies to name to, • their •tea on, the 25th rf June. The 'meeting closed: with .prayer age when- ' watering the rose, bushes. • Mildew . can be .an exceedingly troublesome disease of roses es- pecially clirnibers Of. the Crim- son Rani+bler 'type.. The first not- by Mrs Kaiser and lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. Lloyd :'Hunter. '� ' Ashfield Explorers The Explorer group Of Ash- field Presbyterian. Church under :the leadership . of Mrs:. Henry MacKenzie and• Mrs: Warren Wylds held the,'June meeting in the basement • of the. church, The meeting opened by the E- !plorer ,pur'pose and hymn "This is •my • Pather'S 'World," follow-' ed by the 'motto "Be . doers of the word; and not hearers only," 1to11 call 'was answered .by,. twenty-five • Members, Plans 'were made for the following _Friday,., when, the.: °leaders. -assist- ed by Mrs. Gordon Robb took the group on a cgnducted tour, of the. C1 NX TV studio, Fry and Blackhall Furniture factory, and St, Andrews Presbyterian, Church, Wing•lfam, and. later had a plonk supper in the park:, iceable sympton is the iformation. of a white !powdery material on the young leaves and buds which looks like a light coating of White Wash. A• : bad . attack of'. mildew can cause the •leave& to become dwarfed and distorted, & the . ;flowers to wilt ,prematurely. Under ;bad attacks the rose ibush es are often completely defoli- ated. Mildew' -Usually becomes - a problem during damp, :cloudy & muggy weather 'but it can, 'be serious t+hroughout • the: whole of the rose growing season. Control' '.is the same'has for black spot. ' ; Keep the bushes growing �v' orously -with regular feeding and careful .watering & !by dusting or spraying them once a week at least .with an all- 'purpose. lit-'purrpose. dust : 'or, spray which. contains Phalton•. The first treat- ment should be made as •soon. as the plants are.well 'leafed • out in May. Roses planted in the :garden ,where ; .they, obtain at least . Si*, hours of sunshine a day will be, less liable to mildew attacks. For:. Shady Areas �A' happy,solution to the Prob- lem of What to gr W •in 'the shade. is provided • by the'plant- ain '.lilies.': They are a group in the lily 'family and,; are' :known by the botanical names of !hosts or . :funk;ia; They are permanent and hardy, blooming, in late .July and .' Augu'st.: 'Flower;' stems: rise afoot or more above the,foliage, and their. small lilac or lavender bells : appear in one-sided clus- ters., They like` .a ':fertilizer.; en- riched, deep soil, ; in • .: a moist, shadyplace,'. bat they aremost tolerant of Tabor ,,growing : condi= tions and +will grow •and bloom well .in an open sunny border or dense shade where .few.:ot'her. plants will. 'bloom. 'For the north side'` of thehouse, under trees or other problem spots, they are just .the. thing. They' multiply, and.:in•.old.��ar . Y P. Y, gar- dens, .' clumps ; spreading :several feet. wide are sometimes, ` found. They may be 'lifted and divided either in :.•fall or sprung.: The heavy mat: of ` :.roots cannot . be separated; separated 'tut must be cut with a .sharp knife. 'Among tihe var- ieties are the - lance -leaf plantain lily, the blue 'plantain lily, var- iega:ted... forms .. ef- the -:blue,-:and the white or. :August lily. The waxy white tubular .. flower. s of: the latter are larger than :n 'those, of the other varieties. Once esta- blished, plantain- lilies, deed :no. care. Pests- do : not attack them, severe cold means .nothing.. to them them: and '•even in 'prolonged dry 'weather,,_they do ,,not wilt. KINLOSS• •Kairshea . W.I. meeting will 'be a week later this .month, on June 27th as severalare going on the ,bus trip toGuelph on June .20th. Mrs. Currie 'Colwell will be .hostess:::at ,,the Kairsliea Hall. Roll call', A Canadian ,Woman' in the, News; Directors,; Mrs., H. Houston, .Mrs. G Lockhart. • Bill' Buckton " of -'Toronto was home for. the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. ' Ray .MVlaclnnes of Toronto visited .with 'relativesin the comintinity • and attended South Kinloss Anniversary: • Ur, and, Mrs.' Evan Keith and 'family visited Sunday with••Mrs. Keitsh. and David of :Teeswater, Miss Margaret Wgh,man of. Blyth was a guest on Sun•d'ay a y, x the home of Mr.. and . Mrs, Hamilton. ' ' Congratulations to Sandy° Mac- Kenzie for successfully passing his Third Year Engineeringat. . Western UniversityE . ..c LOCHALSH Mr. and Mrs, .Lorne • Luther spent •S•tind,ay in Itid, etbwn with ' Mr. Varney: _ . .• Mr, aid Mr$.. Alfred Stone of WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th;, 190; SC _OOL COMPUBLIC LUCKNOW• FALL Y F . September : 25th, 26thh ep. �_ is a Aist of public school competitions The' following• . • ' the 'Lucknow Fall Fa that will be needed m advance of Fall Fair prize list:' Prize Lists , Will .Be 'Sent To Teachers When :.Corpletec . 31 ' CLASS'' WRITING, BOYS and • GIR'LS , ' Each room in • the • pew `Area" •Schools :is to be !considered' rural school with the teacher . to limit entries to two to a cJassr Pupils' grades are:' t4'be be takenTeachers • to . as of June � 192, entries to, two to a, classroom All writingMust be done on foolscap. paper,' and entry. tags be;laced: on the lower right-hand • corner. print. 4 vim.. imes .75 °5 . 0 A Grade I P -l? rint (2 Tines high); I like to .' ' B Grade II -Print. (1 line high), all of Baa,. Baa, Black •Sheep 'Grade, VIII ---Writing (in pencil) or ;print "Dawn", Page 200;: iti Friends Far and « Near, D 'Grade IV Writing (in pencil) Indian Summer" in Social .Studies 'Text « clic o E :Grade V=Wr{.te with lien and ink, •A Cr S. ng in Over ' Land and Sea, page 242 + •. .75 . .50 F Grade VI -Write with.pen and ink How Doth The Little Busy .Bee" from "On The Beam,". page 133. G Grade. VII -Write• .with pen and ink,' "The Thunder Storm" from "Beckoning Trails", ' page 176 ..., '75• • ,50 11 Grade VIII -Write with pen and ink, . "The Dream- : _ ers;" page 159. in "Life ..and • Adventure" .75 .50 ETHEL BRANT MONTURE . PROVINCIAL ESSAY. COMPETITION, : '1.963 CLASS 32 Rules 1. Best' essa written by a:•school; pupil, up to . and including Gra 2. Subject. "What our Fair, can do for the Community" 3.. Length of.. Essay; approximately 300 'words. 4. ,:'Essay must be ., certified by a teacher" that it''ts the work of pupil, e 5. Essays to'be mailed to the Secretary net later than'September Prizes of $4., $e;, $2., , $1, ' . li i le, for the 'District.'Com ppetition;. The Winning.Essay will be,e eligible • Judging of the essays received".up to 'December 3ird,fnom the lis: will` be done. by : 'Mrs.' Monture and announcement . of the Prov:i Winner will•be made at {fie. convention of the,O.A.A.S in February, PRIZES ,(Provincial Level 'Only)'.- 1st,: $15:,00 donated by 'Mrs tune;`; 2nd .00; 3rd, $700; 4th, $6.•00; 5th,: $5'.00 6th, .$4..0O. .. Note; ' , Mrs. Ethel Brant. �onture is. •the, 'great, :great granddaugh 4 ofthe'Six Natio s. '.S 1V� -chieftains n I h •Brant ' ;one of : thegreat Josep :: , • . 'honorary president of the Women s Section of the Ontario Associ of Agricultural'Societies and °lives 'in Toronto where . she 'is,..assor with The 'Canadian .Council: of Christians and .. Jews • CRAFTS . ANO HOBBIES • 1.:. Grades 1. • & • 2 -Animal . Model made: from • vegetables •,•:$ . . • 2` Grade 3 & 4-A 'knitted article: - 3 Grade 5 to: 8: Lawn .ornament .75 :50 .75 .•.50 ,50 ;75 .50 75 50 35 75 : •50. 35 75 ' '50: : 35 4 Grade 5 to 8 Any other wood article' • ' 75 50 : 35 5 Grade 5 to 8 -Any • embroidered article75 50 • 35 6 'Naive Plate: (any Grade) ,;•, .,.,. • 75 50 : 35 '1 . -Design...a. cover for a music note book 75 -50 ' 35. 8 'Poster on Accident Prevention at school ...,, • 15. 50 , 35 9 Poster on Health •' - 75. 50 .'' 35. 10 :Poster ,advertising Lucknow• .Fair' 75 : .50 35 , -SOCIAL STUDIES `. 11 -Grades :5'-$-6-An -outline'. map --showing :the--: g • 'route of. any Explorer, ,.;..; • 15: 50' 35 12 'Grade & 8 -Map of Canada, showin• Pro vinces ' and' their capitals • 15 ;: 50 . '35 13 Any Grade -!Relief map of S!outh::Ameriea 81/2 -x 12 • • 75 50 a& 14_ • Picture story_ of ' an ex - lorer_ - 'f • 35. y P o, other lands 75 _.5.0. , SCIENCE ,15:Spatter Work of 6 forest tree leaves. named • 15 • 50 16•. - Mounted collection of 12 -forest . tree ,leaves. named _ ... 75 • 50 : 35 117 'Mounted collection of .12 weeds: named 75 .' 50. 35 m � ; 18 Scrap book showing Wild Life' ' of Canada ' . (made in June • •5 ., 75 • 50 ' '3 19 Best collection .of Insects ....................,.....,„° r 75 50 35 • 20 'Grade 1 and 2 -Free hand cut-otit, mounted • 75 •50' • 3•5' •21 Grade 3 and' 4 -Action, Picture (crayon)' ° 75 50 35 22 ' Grade 5 and •6 --Flower. in color (paint) 75 50 35. 23 • Grade: 7 and 8 -Scene in pastels „ ., r' ° .75 •50. ': 35, 24 Unusual art . • • • 75,.- 50,. 35 • • ART DI&P.LAA,Y .= Be;ii rural- school display Of •.'art covering; s • 4x 4 feet: Atleast one ' P Y piece- of •art' from each glade. ,School supply own 'mounting board ;;.., $400: $3,00,',1 . ' $1.00' to each sch'o of participating other than . prize wininers, PROJECTS -Best School Project in Social Studies, Natural Scienc Agriculture (farm •.scene).' ... .. $5.00, $3.00, ' '$1.00 to each school participating other than• prizewinners. SCHOOL PARADE, & : DRESS:.-.• ,;,' .;.. • $10.00, • $8,00 1 $4.00 to each 'school 'participating winners P g other than.prize , SCHOOL :CHORUS & YELL ,' ;,ti $10.00; $8,00, PUBLIC SPEAKING_-3.minute• prepared speech' on subject, contestant from 'each school P any . � . .:.........::.. $4.00, • X3:..00,• $z:0a; i St, Marys spent -Sunday-. with Mr, ' and, Mrs. Warren '•Wylds and ' m, Mr,, :faTom' 1Vtaonald ..0 horn°.. frenailyKincarcDdine . hospital The ' Explorers of Ashfield Presbyterian Char ch had a trip. to '.Wingham and toured CICNIX andother places on *Friday .af_ ternoon.' They then enjoyed, ' a• picnic supper before returning home." The 'Kinta l Wornen's Institute catered • to. the Lucknow Lions club on Monday;. eVen:rie. . Weoke. er d ' vi$:tors .w.th ;Vim and a"Idrs. Oliver.' cCh•a c, John. were Mr, and . vMrc',A,llsin •1 VI'cCharles' of, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Donald McCharies and 'Scott of Brantford and • MrS• Daisy "M•eCharles of .Ripl� �`• A ;l' wd' he auctionargesalecroheldd on Saturday.attendtat ',the Bain` MacDonald fano He Pry• Drennan ' urcha:se?d. the farm. 'p,. i Mrr. and ..Mrs. Dan c"; i at- : Anniversary Sere .Ct'* iT St 'Andrews {Church, 11;1t�` .° :8murlda'' and visited with Lloyd' . Wilds and ,f;srtr;il`• Lochalsh is''a. 'b'us s cit these, • days with, the ditching nr:�ch n wbrking and.. the Milian' Wrecl,<- in down the l; Company tearing do schtio�l,.