The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-19, Page 6PAGE SIX ,i4 • is • • ‘LUCFNO VV'ETyNE$DAY, JUNE 10th, 1963 S11TIIL. LUCKN OW ONTARIO •■ Ji.st;Lo.• Schoolh�use. Built fiver • A century Ago Served• As ;Many As' children At One dime, Frpm Wide"Area was during the war ' of 191448 when ,:school• waS closed. for six .weeks 'because ,of the 'influenza outbreak followed. by a 'whoop V .. ,ing. cough - epidemic,, Also during . the war :proves ions were..;nlade that. exannina-. tians.eould be .passed if the child. .was given ,the . settlement by 'a 'wee needed home:.on• the' farm. 'man tuy the name of Allan Mac. -:,providing, Of 'course : 'that. • his. •Kenzie who ,Was' married to a grades• were; high enoughduring maid •'by. the name of Fletcher, the, ,year. •• and •when the first rural ' mail Arbor :Day.,Waa day looked delivery was ,introduced'a Con=- forward to with'enthusi•asm, Af- servative •-Daily published •;in , a 'ter .a. real :house cleaning at ,the: near city, sent two canvassers ` school a picnic by a .„nearby to ,rntrodtice: their lite . raaure to 'creek :or: woods, was enl eyed by the -good ,and true Men of Loch `all. -• alsh... • . , Sports Had' .Their Place Needless ito say,, they met.. •with • Games of all kinds Were ',play-, poor 'success.. • They • apparently •ed,but hockey' perhaps 'has last thought .that •the Tame Loohal:sh ed •thru the .years. Now, hookey was. a bad omen, for. they'could sticks' '. are regular, pieces .of, neither'. say: nor ` spell . it: On "their . equipment but 'many 'were.. the way, '+home •'•,from:. :their fruitless': tYPes • used years gone • by A canvass :','they met With one :of !buggy rib or.. a. limb from a !the'• •yoemen of the burg. 'Stop tree, or ''what 'ever'' came ,hart- ping ,him :they; asked him te:;diest. made. the •:game•more •ex apellt the queer name'.of ,the' 1Post citing. ' . , Office, 'with -a. twinkle ir%. ,his •Lochalsh was Widely known eye; • the' gallant • answered slow- for its :baseball team.• Who were ly G -ho b -e Needless. '.to say charnpions . on. 'many occasions. they .never returned; Many were the„ distractions for •One '• could' terrible. on ,for those.' Who. Walked ..mites to , get .hours. about, 'such Stories told to and 'from :school''with houses,_ the' writer by a •riumber of the barns, churches. and. 'haunts. . to . over $+0 class' . •still .with.. us and ; explore and • find' treasures ;full of • memories of • tales =told known only ito, those who have to .them' many,' !years ago: •' had the experience ; tp• • walk to Names such as Maolntosh, En school. • " sign, � Buckin am , ,Bell.•. Mac-• :' The . .Ins ''tor'$ visit in ' days. Lean, . 1VIacLennan, '.,Sutherland, gone, by Was One to be remern-.; .chamber's 'Johnstone,‘, Cowan bered. A. story is told :sof • a e1Vir. Scott, ` MeeNain and others had •J:iElgin' Thom '.who travelled ,by all' taken' ,uup•land. 'before . '1879.: 'hd"rse and . tbuggY or .horse ' ,and: at 'Which time an atlas,_ of Huron , cutter • and :would leave his, rig" County ,was =published .with re= at Finlaysons ,.rid spend a 'great cords .•of ' all who .•::had bought deal of Mine with- the: spelling; land' from; the, Crown:'. • arithmetic and read'ing> lessons, deeds'. are .still in:the' the P!p He :was a da " p er' 'little pian. with -Original. hands of 'many in, the cornmu-` •apointed:,:) ack beard `and ;was nityand are :: cherished • along: referred to as', Black Tom With 'the Many memories .passed Once he:- arrived ' iii a new Ov-` from ' one generation. to the twit. :Orlandeafr which : ran out of Communion. At -Log School gas and 'you . ,guessed it, the ` Buf- . Records-' have it, that the .se= ,':Eales ;- ushed him to ' the: store- •cond .Comnn,urnon services held to•,get, him on hrs.way,.' in .bhe ' •area were . `conducted M. or. near •the did 'log •school. at Lochalsh '•thea year ,1853: and were ,ser • =held . for . five . or •six Years... It. seems that. this ol,d log.' school :'served' 'as .a ` church as ,well • •as a` :school long :before the' first: church was built in 1860. ' Even ,after 'ithe church, was +built; : Sunday !School' was car,. ried on in the' sghoal for. :many years under the leadership. of Finlay ' MacLennan.' • One Eby one 'schools' imient up through the township until' ally number ',1i5 was-ibuilt'' at !•Terri lock .City :and:. less . need '•,for ' a two -room school .:at .,'Lochalsh; which; by: the way, ,•hada +been the, ,fourth' ,school. in : Ashf ield T'own •ship. One. half of, i,ochalsh. School :building was kicked over and the other ` half .used 'as', a shed.,: . ' Teachers who served '. inthis:' school 'were. • Annie ` • MacIntosh, John, McClung; John Gibson,. Frank 'MacWill ,Dhant bets, Solt. 'Mac1ntyre, Tom ,Mac - •Kay, Dan W. MacKenzie, Eddie :Robb,, Donald ' Alex,Matheson, •Billy 'MacLeod, Miss Blair, Mr. MVIidd•leton and ,Millie Long; Millie:being ,the fast teacher the old. school . and the first .one in the. red brick school, ' Buffalo • and 'Egypt :.Stories. Old, 'by former 'stud.( eats And teachers • • of Lochalsh: are rainy, y, :.such as fellow's. At one time ' the' area ,east of the school. was'+known as Rufifa •10 and west of , the school ,was Egyipt. Consequently .the school; 'population was 'divided Buffaros arid:. Gypsiei; .More than ,,,:one feud• broke oat be- 'tween. the two, M:r. Gordon who owned a 'blacksmith shop on the corner of the Ripley i' !act` even Tabled his , :bills Buffalo, • The red +brick schoolhouse. at Lochalsh, built in ' 1918 :at a: cost of .$5,090, is :presently being de- molished as •a . highway .hazard.'. It has :been vacant since :the • !pupils of the section comme need being • transprted ' to ..the new North Ashfield Central- 'School on Con. +12,: Ashfield. ` • A. history , of the school .sec' tion, which: dates back to the., ..arrival ' of the • first settlers. in the Lochalsh `area in 11847, has been' compiled' by Mrs. Oliver 1MeCharles and ' is reproduced there as, follows: L zr 1s ha hew 'school at.' the cost of. $5000. Trustees . 'at that time were Jack K. MacDonald,.. Jack Finlayson, Secretary Dan Mac-, Donald • and Rory ,Mac 'Lennart and the assistance of a com- mittee of John MacRae' and Duncan Cameron, ,• John • Robertson of ;Ripley •was the ibuiider. ,-$rick were hauled from . up near !'orrnosa; money borrowed from , Kenneth •Mac- Kenzie of Ki`rloss and so the building got: under way with *Mr, .. Robe'rtsari having the con= tract. to; ,build . the ..school and .boarding with: the MacLeod. A stained glass, window high in. the front of the school was a work of•>art with the date 1,918. there - ,inscribed,, A. red brick 'building .with full size basement of w=hich ' Lochalsh• , ratepayers were truly ' proud :served the community until two years ago, when • it .was .felt necessary . ;to f erect a , school' 'to . serve several' sections in • North' 'Ashfield. • Open Red Brick School :Official: opening of the : red brick . school ' was:, February 21, '1919 .when it . is ' recorded. that 42 loaves of ;bread were bought for same at ` 1.32.• Wihat; was served with. ..t i th • the, isn't 'recorded but those who,:'remem+ber, said there was lots'. ' of .home.' made butter and home owed' meat and Plenty :.:of sweets' to make 'a ,bountiful. lunch•., (By Marion 'E. MCCharles) Three' schools „On , the L the loathe d Loch-, property have *s�gr alsh area ,for well over 100 years. The 'first school • of log•construc- tion *as 'built ' in --t-he late '1840's or • early ,1&5+0's and was '•a two room school serving.. as many. as .17+0 children at one time. ' These tt+pils• ;came from. ;the surround- ing. i'n territories of Ashfield and g. . Huron:' townships _ asti :there was no other school near ' at , hand. Names ' of teachers' . in this school -have long since :+been .for gotten. 'In the (book "Ben -locked" ' • of , DestinYy ,by- .Aneaus'.iMCChar- , .:les, .it, is recorded that in ` 1856 a • Mrs.: 'Christina MacLennan ''was' one of . the , teachers .along` • w +ti Andrew ,Fletcher •. in , . Lochalsh' school. It is also ,:recorded in the • same :book :that IMcCharles. self conducted his ,first classes • *hen,was ten--yearsof age. He, taught in., the .Lewis settle- • Merit aiter '- graduating from . Loehalsh` school' and, was. .passing, g, :rich 90 1$200; a'' year .'Peter. ,Flet-, cher taught. around '.;the year g . ,. 1857. Terra • MacKenzre.,and. Tena Cameron :were. ''+tob ° more names' !Brought to • .light •in, the search for. ' history; Tena :MacKenzie. .rel'la fririlayson's Mother). was- teaching asto c+l ing school at the ` age -of 'of 16 years. " / r' • Settllers -Arrive. In 1847 Records .have .it that in'' 1847 :settlers who .arrived in •the area were Kenneth, Finlay, Straight Ojonald and Lame Donald 1VI+ac- Donal,, who settled on lands s now • owned ,by their heirs to the fourth and •fifth.' generations. • . In' ;1849' there- ebtled •,in- Loch- .alsh , Finlay. MacLenn 'n . :and • sons; Andrew MacRae , arid: sons, Malcolm MacRae and . his family: and; a 'grandson, ;Duncan •Finlay- son; also Kenneth MacKenzie,' Big Donald 'Mackenzie, 'Alexan- oder (Black. Sandy). MacKenzie, Big Dougald Matheson,' the .Fin. layson :brothers an;d MacKenzie brothers. ' r . 1n :105.+0 Donald Bain MacKen-; z,ie,. Peter,. John .and ;Alexander Murray- and V1iliarn Murray, . the .Wheelvvright and his :family arrived, . 3n ' 1852. the Iatnilies , of Kenneth '. (Sohian) ,, MacKenzie, ' • Donald Ma,cLellari,:" a shepherd p and; his 'family; the ,Mur hs, Macint. yr es . ,. Moss family,:.Jahn. !MacRae and family, Rod, Mac- Kenzie, Kenzie, Peter MacKenzie, :Mattie-' • sons and MaeKays • were -added. In. -°1854 .the • John Camerons; . ,Potchers, ,MacI3ougals • and rid-. -. •cshers came; In 1:855 Stewarts, 'MeCharles family, Kenneth. Ross sand MacRae's • settled. in the Lochalsh • area; All these hardy sons :from the , Highlands were ,welcomed by the earlier. ,pion-'• eer's ' as family • after • family •tramped, through swat•ri+p arid 'slashing, climbing' g' ''over • fallen +trees,` =ever . 'grasping tighter' the precious .bundles com,niitted to their ' 'care. :,Even •folk; lore : does not • .tell us, 'but the irnaginatic pictures • scenes •of joy and rejoicing true„ to .the -custom. of the age 'on` the occasion of their ,meeting the new world All these ' took up land, now 'held by' 'their•heirs; an ,the Lochalsh area: ' ,One ' story `,brought to light in the 'search for history of Loch- alsh might bring a chuckle; The name Lochalsh, by, the way • Stories .are"told' :.of• many. tea= chers •. who served; Lochalsh school. Dean MacLeod ' was re- menvbered ;for :her patriotic songs and. ,hymns, . Eddie• Robb 'for his thou,ghfulness of •little children, Millie• Long:' ' brought •. an:: 'Ash, pointer :made • 'by'• ` her` •father Alex Long; • Duncan,MacRae for - his a+bi lity •. to :have the pupil' win many prizes. • wr<th their: handi- crafts .at bhe 'School, fairs;: Lielia !Finlayson' : for • cher.kindness arid' `on : and ' on the stories go ' :as eaoti, person remembers and tells' hew wonderful! were their school dayts, at :Lochalsh. •,In• 1916, Dean •MacLeod,° tea- cher :at Lochalsh scohool, . ,passed out souvenirs-,' of4-..the school which was's.00ri. to be torn '•down: to make room; ,far a new. school. On this card are. •recorded 'Vthe names:.of the school. board:. John Finlayson, -, John MacRae, IDon add. 'Finlayson:.• Pupiliattending • Margaret :MacLennan,. �'Jahn MacLeod,' Mary :Finlayson; Ian. MacRae, ,Mar:,garet MacLeod; Jes- sie' MacDonald;; D'anald Catnip - 'bell, Jean Finlayson,'' Catherine MacDonald, Duncarr'MacRae; He- len MacRae, Alexandee+MacLen-. nen, Malcolm! Fi,nlayaon, :Waiter Dexter,'Selena. -MacDonald, irly ' .Dexter John Robertson, Donald Finlayson, Lucy •,Rp+bert- son, ' Mary B. MacDonald, Iso' ;belle MapDona.ld,.' 'ibuncan. Fin- layson, 'Roderick • +MacLennan .Jimmie:Fletcher,, ' Pupils *h.o`` shad' .attended in 1912-14 were: Bain Stewart, D. A. MacLennan, ,'rank .'MacLen- nail, Kenneth. • :MacLeod; Cliff Connell; Rhoda tMVIcK•en•dribk, Sa- die MacDonald, •L'iella F,itviay- soon, Roderick ;'MacDonald, Lila Robb, Walter 'MacKendrick, caw meron Camip'bell and' Ch'ristena. McKendrick: . Records. .havp,' It that. 1 • . ,.. ,, n� .19b3 . an outbrreak_:._•o_L.Dipl.theria catty ed.all school records to be burn- ed as many' going ,to -school died from the effects. •of' this dread 'dise'ase. Thus `,wee,are left with only what ppeol'le canreriiember as to the. earlier ' ,eaolters 'names., Decide On New Seltool Irl 1917 a Vote. ,of th'e• Boni- rrrurtii y approved . the' axi.i ding .o£ A' daily ;stop at .the. stores was as regular ar as school— itself •a • -,mai'i•"was "'there to pick up and' groceries Were bought and carom vied ,home, )by' the students. Many a . conversation ' .was carried on iso Gaelic by the .old timers as they sat around the old, box: stove. • Manya. ekt ri ra •holiday' cattle, tip but • one not :to be :forgotten However, the original oAening' date 'h'ad ` ' to . be, ;pospaned be- cause the "paint hadn't dried properly. ; Finally the ° brig • day ,arriv'ed' and in best ibitb and tuc-. ker the ;pupil§ 'marched from the old ,school, to: 'the :new., Reeves Gideon 'Ruffle ,'and Jlm ;Shields arrivedalong. • with builders,, ',painters :' and parents to make! it a, joyous occassio'n. One speak- er made •a. hit with the >:Iboys and::•girls. 'by., saying. .they were the best • ibehaved...children. 'he •had ever seen-:, . Teachers wh`o .taught 'in the school ' built` in•1918 were Mild- red . , Long, Maria ,Long, •;•Liell'a. Finlayson, Duncan. MacRae, Iso belle MacDonald, Roderick Fin- layson,'+Ella Cowan,' Catherine MacDonald, Madeline Caesar, Thelma. (Cardwell, Grace Mac Kinnon, Donalda---MacDonald, Lorraine ':Ferguson, Mrs. ' 'Roy +MacKenzie.,. Ruth Pentland, Mrs. Victoria Srrti h,: Mrs. Margaret McC!herles, Mrs, :Donald.. Blue, ,Adkins;; Mrs. Helen, Blake, and ,Miss . Shirley Cpurtney. The firstclasses .'in th'e school built • in 1918' were atten.de d by: Malcom, Jean,' Donald,' 'Duncan, George;' Allan and Gordon' Fin-. layson; John ,R,, Lucy,. Catherine and Dorothy ::Robertson';, Sandy"; Roddy and• • Kenny. MacLennan 'Isobelle; ' Elizabeth; Mable, Clara` Sally, and Marybelle :MacDonald; Jim .MacRae, , an•d' .Oliver �-` Charles Clara'.MaoDonald, Dor- bthy Robertson. `:and Oliver Mc- Charles ,were the beginners ' in the. new,' school: ' Although •',the school at Loch- ,alsh was In good. condition' 'and could ;,.have • seri, ed :for many. years, bhe people who'•lov.ed the.' community centre • agreed 'to • join In the new school area'.. ,building.. and so to -day we see, Our school sold to: 'the Depart- ment of• H;ighyWays to'. ibe torn down to . allow bigger; and better. ,highways to be built; • Many are the .memories 'and stories ' told of a section • where one, of the .first 'sch'' ools..was . erected ,to serve the .area for a frvte . mile radius or more: . Graduation Marked • Closing 'here ,are many tales- ,that .could ,be trxld''but in. the 'history, Stgxy. of the school '• only •one grad .a-; tion' party was. held; Although. many ' were. the >`students' who graduated 'with higher• •,than. ay.. erage--,m,arks and many are .there who .have ,places of' distinctiOre in the:-World-toitley, the' gt`a'dira- tion party.,held in; 430 will long Abe re rriernb'F red ' l'ry ' those who had ,a part in it. Knowing.that a, new School, Was: to be bilt �..... the area it seemed: to 4 d. only fitting that a: ,pa'rty''i f this kind shoi.l bei held, Mr Kinkead, d nkead, Tns.pec.tot of; iuhlie Sr lttiols in 1 . lutot5 County rtlarig•"with former tea. REPLACIED chers; and Rev, Hutton anal .Rel Dunlop, who spoke= to. th graduating, class andurged ther on to higher •education, made a memorable. occasion. Thos graduating were Esther. G•vbsor Joyce Thonburn; Phyllis Br:ac ley, Sheila Collin_and, •John Mc Charles. Grkde-' seven student. Finlayson and David Gik son presented ,the;, �graduati:n 'class with gifts •from the •sectior Already, bhe feeling of a to community spirit has crept in , there are ,few who feelthe saris about a! consolidated school ` a they did: about` the little re schoolhouse as. ,�a .com,munit centre, However, as Judge Ia. MacRae said 'ir his address the opening' of the North. Ash. field public 'School,that in pay ing tribute to': a school• such,' s Lochalsh, that we must .,beari. nd. ".that .ese. h:istor4c e: ions are allthfor the beisteccin °changing: world' and. our ,each ers 'are what,, count' yin maki.n his ,or here students •:men • :gin women,=to :(!Leet the' challenge :c • the times." ff OCHALSH' SCHOOL Lfou've •never -one • to . A. hitt: Y g redp school v ' isse • lot J k dw You missed, m d, a , r� ,• 'But' the folks 'w:ho.,, have, wi hear --me out • And ,let, their feeling show, • A wonderful. place was 'the. on .room. „schaol. As it stood :a'' landinank 'brave, Where we learned our• lesson • and. the Golden 'rule • And some even' learned to A wionde'rf til ' place was' the ,on room 'sclio9l, A wonderful ,piece: to Abe, Arid now.: as' we .see it, ;fall un.de ,the 'axe '- Melly a ,tear shall . We see. For the little red 'school. •hou� shall be no ' more*. And ;all that remains at Lethals. is a• store, • But memories are many an fondly. kept • Of, a ditt'le, red school the• pl ac. • where we .., a'll met. Our children we' will send by bu or . by car... ' i To :a, school +built of stone -,an ib4ger my , Their' lessons to'. learn and th .Golden rule , ; And: men o ies oto. keep of ano ,ther, school: . Things like 'these •..we.'must, ac crept with 'glee And help. our • children Ieac lessons "three':' But 'we shall never. forgeti.'th school ..on' the corner so 'blear Which, ;now we all , realize, W were lucky to have Those da' s atti.. one . but, w hi Yl e g ''• 1 five: • Their •memories•• .of love :peace divine, ' "• Will draw ,rne +back, •will mak+ me dream - • • , Of that old school of tine. I' see My' teachers • sniffing fh e • I .see it: all so clear ' The meeting place,' the learn;ri•, (place, the "place so' very dt?a That little recd' school at Lech a'lsh a landmark tis tree •.. 'Which, .We'll never forget, ltc5..thei 1• no (you, Marton , E. 1VIcC;h e T rt, am ST. HELENS-- Recent ,visitors with 'itc:v. l; ;: '! .and Mrs. green and Crri=.den were • Dr. and -Mrs. B. ' " G•rden of Stillwell; Oklahoma and .fisc(. of „their ehildren,, Calene; li.�t17, ara, Beverley and. turdge jr,s try also Mr: We Iet,ci,<td y ricks`,o rich 4