The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-12, Page 11WEDNESDAY JUNE 12th, 1863 r ' THE LUCKI�IOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, • ONT'ARIO Clover VaIIe.y School On Bus. Trip (O1.R'ET NEWS) Mrs: Betty Elliott and her pupils of Clover Valley School enjoyed their annual bus tripe on. Wednesday. They visited Dein- darn.• Castle Museum, the Rock •0ardens and other places of in- terest in, and around Hamilton. Miss , haroii.,•Colling was: or-. ganist in the United" .Church on. Sunday:' .• Mr. and :Mrs.. Cyril Campbell `of Luoknow .'Visited. recently with M. and 1VIrs. W. T. R.ou1- ston. Mr. .and Mrs, Oscar .White, & May visited ori Sunday with Alt, LOWISH) Anniversary' services. were held on Sunday with large con- gregations oh morning' and ev- 'ening. . Rev,. David . Lane *as guest speaker," Bertha Blue of Ripley was ',guest soloist ,in the morning and Mrs. Madeline Ed- ward soloist in the evening, Recent visitors with. M r • MacDonald, M Darr were ,Sally and Lou • Lou- ise .MacDonald •of Windsor; Miss ' Barbara •Finlayson has gone • to. a summer campy near Huntsville *here she wll,l .Abe', employed• . for the `holidays. • Miss Mable' r. 1Vltacl ,ona,ld . of Windsor s+pe'nt. .tile , week -end with her ' •mot•h,er, Mrs, Alex' MacDonald„ • ' . o :Visiting Mr. and Mrs John and •,Mrs. � 1Flced •Moulton. • . ; MacRae •and,. family for the. week - gait . • pend . were. Mr, • and Mrs; Bi11 Henry of Detroit;. Plan:. Expansion Mrs, Annie MacDonald return- ed ed home fr;:•n London ' d•uiuing At U. Of.: Waterloo • The •.University of Waterloo, Waterloo, 'Ontario, has announc- ed iiounc-ed 'plans for • `a, $4,600,,000 ex- pansion ',program which will •:provide' accomanodation 'for, 1000 more .students by •September; 1964. 'the- week, A :musical festival was held at, North Ashfield Public ;School on Friday. Two from the locality Who placed high were ,Florence MacLennan and Joanne MacRae. Mr. and Mrs. David ' Elphick and Donna attended the Irwin- Aliton. Wedding on Saturday,. Mrs,. Dan MacKinnon• visited with ` her daughter, rs. Ross `MacKenzie. on Sunday; • •Sunday visitors, wit'. . Mr + nd, 1V,Irs. Oliver McCharles were ' 'Ir.. and :Mrs. Duncan 'Alaeitae of London. • ;•i • 'Mr,,•:and Mrs: Allan',MacLean ,arid family` of Collingw'ood spent'' the week -end with Mr? Mr. and Mrs. Dari; 'MacPean,.Q • ' Magistrate. 0... C. McClevis handed out ' three 'fines 'of $50 and costs for having liquor in a 'motor vehicle and .• warned, that in the future for such ille- gal possession he will up the levy to . $100. , GCI . GUide: News The, last regular meeting : of the First Lncknow Girl Guides was held on the -lawn' of the town hall. Highlight of the meeting was the presentation •of the First .Class !badge to'. Barbara Rathwell, Four girls were. pre sented with :their hostess b'ad'ge;. they were 'Eleanor Whitby, Lin da Boyle, . Beverley MacDonald: and ,Nancy.,Corrin.-Janet Carru-. thess led, the .company in a' `Wide' -ga-ne, The :guides then proceed=- s Fd ; to the 'puiblic school for a 'game of ball: • C'arnpfire concluded the meet- ing; :The Canary. Patrol present— ed a skit, and Sharon 4iowbray' talig,lit a new song. After taps, the `Court of Honour Met . briefly. The eo ripany ,w•as sorry to hear that 'the Canary patrol would ibe without a ' patrol' leader and se- Conder 'next ,fall. Eleanor Whitby and Nancy Corrin have 'been PAGE 'elected. to fill these positions On; Friday night,:the gompany held a weiner roast to finish off the season's activities: • A scavenger hunt "was Kwon by the Canary patrol,' After eating all the hotd'ogs and; *marshmallows they 'wanted, the Igiridas. enjoyed a singsong around the ca.mpfire:. 'Taps' ,brought this`happy ga thering 'to, a close.. The girls .ane encouraged to go on. 1ots • of hikes and enjoy , the outdoors this. sur±ner. • Seven guides• will•.!be attending Camp. Keewaydin in ' July. They 'are; Nancy. , Corrin, -.Linda 'Boyle, . . Donna Forster; :Beverley Mac- Donald, Eleanor Whitby, :Nancy'.. Kirkland and Linda Chistolyd. • • See you in September; All suitesin the • 11 -unit Twin Pines Apartments at Winghain. have been taken, up: Single .units are' $44 'Monthly, and the double units are $54.00 • The . official. ;*openi ig, was on Thursday . ' new .'$3,000,000; ch'ernis[ry and :.biology building' • and. ;a .$1,500,000 • library,';, both to be ... 'ready, ''for. the fall term •1964 will ..increase' the ` university's • . .size by. 25 .per cent. It is the 'Arrest ambitious expansion gram undertaken ,iby.. the uni- versify since its founding ' six; years :ago, The :three-storey chemistry biology 'building will be '144,000 square feet in' area and,, wi11 be :the .largest building on ,the cam_ :'pus. It will , ibe`• the: first 'build= ::Ing to use ,closed ',circuit tele- vision for .lectures and labora=• tories. The ibiology .wing will have .a greenhouse and palm roorn for tropical plants, : a museum tor the • teaching collection, of zoolo •. gical• specimens, an. acquariuum 1'.. room for (fish . Studies, two .live animal;rooms,. -- one for 'Wild. animals•and. the` other 'for small. experimental`- '•studies.', '. The chemistry wing wild have • nine undergraduate laboratories and 20' Srnaller research laibora stories ' ' These Will include a radio -.chemical area and a ilecon- tamination : rooinr for haningg, radioactive. nn:aterials .used' in research and teaching: • •The •.library :with two sunken •gardens; wilt be the' central _point,:On the campus:-The.=;I rary 'will house the humanities collection as . Well as ,all other library, departments. • The:: $4500,00Q .figure sloesnot.. cover :the :pest :otf. • library books; ; be other equipment dor the new. buildings. At present, the uni- versity Spends $80,000 . a year on new' library' books but this fig-- tire ig -fire will increase by 50 per cent when, `-t'he ',new library is corm pleted. • a.Funds for the. expansion wine. from the provincial government and .Ifrein.,,the University's fund- raising campaign. The provin- •cia.l government, has promised. the university '$3,000,000 annually:' for the next ,three years in• cap- ' ital grants.. 1The •fund-raising Campaign has realized. $2;000,000 so afar.. Since the 'university opened: • six years ago pit : !has been faced with. spiralling."enrolment. The 40 ;per ;cent. increase in enrol= tient 'this year •1'was the highest percen:cage increase' of any Can- adian ' university. ,By 1970 the university :,expects to have 6,600 students tripling; the number. of • 1300'.students !Who "will register in Septemiber af. this 'yea r, The university . now consists of f'ouz� main teaching .:buildings--• chemical engineering, physics &. Ira therne ties- engineering /and, Eal arts. There are also four 'resi- dential church Colleges, -Angli- can) Angle can, Nlen,noniite, I1.oman Catholic and United ori the 'campus, . n ATTENTION 1'ABI�E CL . 'pii Paper in Tolls pi 100 feet .long and a .yard• wide, suit• able •lo'r banquets, picnics • ONDAI, JUNE o FRIDAY, JUNE 28 at Pays -: • DOCTOR BILLS From The Very First Visit at-- Pay Surgeon Atsistant. Fees Plus Specialist : According ' to Ont. Medical Assoc. Fee •Book at . Pays ..• DIAGNOSTIC COSTS Including X -Ray and Laboratory iat Pays- MATERNITY BILLS Children Covered From Birth Private and Semi -Private Hospital Room Accommodation Benefits at Your Request sny catered • t»eal, 'the Luckn ' beritin6i, r Wjgrorg"c.l,uu"' NO AGE UMIT Every 'Resident Is Qualified • NO MEDICAL, Examiniation Is Required To Enroll NO cLAIM :FORM Is Required for Accidents, or Illness Your Doctor's OK, Is Sufficient. - No Applic�tOfl. redical - History Begartdless of , Past.M N PORTANT! Enrolment Period Ends on F�da��lune A Multicare: Representative Will Be Calling At Every Home Possible' In Bruce County Or ,You . Can Enroll At The. Offices Listed In This Advt. . Do It Today. If, You Have Not Already. Been' Contacted .'. IL THIS COUPON Box . C ' :, a Lucknow. ,i Sentinel, •Lucknow, On Please Seid e Further .Info.rmation on the Mu care .Group. Plan. Address• • t Phone . DISTRICT ENROLMENT FFICES LUCKNOW KINCARDINE • WAEKERTON SOUTHAMPTON PTON WIARTON 1.01,5 J. 'A. McDo - : h Agency , Phone '5 4423. Mrs. Isobel B. McCreath . Phone 476, W Rods Binkley Insurance Phone 881.0114. Combined' Insurance Agencies "Phone 794. , - D. J. Byers. Insurance Service •'Phone ' 58. Mullicare Group, 1s Created and Underwritten by CANADA HEALTH nd Accident Assurance ', Corp. I r. A Solid . Canadian Company •