The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-12, Page 8rAGE EIGHT LUCKNOW •SLNTI aria". LUCKMQW ONTARIO • ■■ ih ■1 111101 11111 pa®q■u®P w uu■■n■en011nui and INS By Surely ,Father's. Day ' is the most insignificant occasion, on OWcalend ar. Everybody !knows which; • Sunday - in May is- Mo ther's Day, but there's. a ..good. deal of confus+ien in the minds' Of; most people.; 'albout the . other •$ne,• and were sit not. ;for our. good friend the merchants who urge usnot to forget "Pear'. Old Dad," it would .Probably slip iby • as quietly. as !Whit Sunday. It's not difficult to understand this vagueness,. Not. .too .many. years ago,' every day .was • fath- er's ,day. But in. the Symphony VI ' today's 'family, father is; the lost chord, The family circle no longer. !centres on father. It has. become '. an. arc, :. the ..pendulum aw+inging *between .Mom and the From ' the . time we noir .lisp "momma" ' we • are fed` •a lotof p®p about 'motherhood: .Mother can do no wrong; • Mother is a • brave little ,soul; Mummy , knows'. best;. Mom workstoo hard; Mo-: ther• is always there when 'she's needed;, nobody , ; .' cook like •. Mom;., Mother's nerves 'are ' 'bawl;: wLat; could we, do 'without 'Mn 'ma; •and so on.. There's AL 'cer- tain' amount of truth in it. all',' but what I object.lo to . •is turning, -Mother into;' a.. ` bushel ,basket under . which • father's 'once -bright .Bill Smile Y. light is well •hidden.: , • oh, for ••tlho ,good . old • days; when Father • was : ihead ,of the 'house, and' everybody, knew it When he, sat down at !the head of . the table, there: was a re spectable if not fearful ' silence. ;The kids Sat in. rows • at each side, 'silent until • spoken to, The. women scurried around. with. pr:opes! ' ivanrhtg, ', fetching . the steaming dishes, holding their' breaths while ` Father tested •the Carving !knife, sighing with re- laef when he waxed benevolent under the charm of 'food, 1n ',th`5se 'golden days, Father's: comfort, •�we1l=+being, and ,peace of mind were, the ,primerequis- ites of -a, happy bone. His est , opinion . was gospel„ His. wrath: 'was awful ,to contemplate. You didn't need, household +gods;,, you . had • Father. ' :1f Father said w.ornen 'should n't be allowed ;behind the Wheel, of a car, ley' shouldn't,, and. that's all' there was to lit. If he declared *there, Were, no 'fish in that, "crick," .• there weren't. If. he "believed that the Grits ;(or. Tories) Were "a pack of damned thieves," they were. ' If rhe. 'told you to get .to (bed,. you got By : what sulbtiv and •fiendish alchemy has : Father, been brans-' ��iU 'U..I.0 UUo i■N..0 .:UwU UU■U ■ I U. ii •Ii■ RON.- BRUCE rogressive Conservafive ssociation NOMINATION MEETING Will be'held :in the 1l�ingham Twfl.Hall ursday, June l �t 8t s:ao> rm. -,— ;GUEST SPEAKER T CONNELL MINISTER OF. PUBLIC WORKS ■ ' ■ • • ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ • ■ 115. ■'. ■ , . . ■ , ■ • ■ ■ ■• ■ e ■ ■ r.. ■ 11,All fiends and supporters of the Progressive' . f ■ . ■ Conservative Party ::are urged to .• attend this ' meeting, e' at which ;a candidate . will be chosen for. • • ■▪ : the forthcoming provincial. election. ■ ■ THE LADIES WILL PROVIDE LUNCH ■ Mommi■e■ma■uua■agnim . ••imili■■■Ilaeee■■eee■eee■eeua= RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering E nda s Hos, • $2.00 '.m /by 4:00 .p.m. Y g / Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound. , CATTLE, . CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, 4 : 'EXCEPT SATURDAY W,e Do Curing and Smoking ... Beef, Pork and Lamb:. Sold Whole, .'Haff or Quarter ... • For Better Service, And Lower Prices-- Call Ripley 100, Chas. Hoo><ama,.Prop. Won School Area Boys' Championship . • (ST. HELENS NEWS) • Twenty-nine ladies attended. the Grandmother's Meeting on Thursday • afternoon with Mrs. Ross Gammie presiding.:The. roll call was answered by "An An tique"• whioh • included many in, teresting -pieces; .of :China be- longing to their grandparents. An; invitation was yaccepted to. sponsor a'. Birthday •Party • • at Hu•ronview in • Clinton in? ,Octo- ber, Octo-!ber; Plants were made for ° a Bake Sale. in, early, .July. Mrs. Charles McDonald gave the re-, port on: ` the:. 'District . Annual meeting held in •Dungannon on •May 30th. • Mrs. ' Lorne Woods gave the •`topic "The Way Our Father's Farmed;" Readings were given'by Mrs. Cyril Camp- bell, Mrs. Ellwood Barbour Viand Mrs. Tom Todd. ,.,Mrs, ' Lorne Woods 'conducted a contest, Grandmothers .present . at the meeting„ were honoured: The newest . W.I.: rmemiber,; a ,grand- mother, was won.' by, • Mrs.. H. Carrick; :•the grandam•°other' ;'who had been 'a: 'WA.. member the formed from a grant. into a 'fig ure of .fun, 'a . natiorval •joke:;. a stooge : on third-rate family :,tele- vision series? : By ,what foul' trick. of the fates has 'that magnif1- cent 'man !been turned into the. cringing ;creature .*ho . can. lie seen wiping 'the, dish'es while his wife is mit at the •Ibin+go? . :. How' hath ,the • mighty► fallen, is all I . ca r say and I sa. y it not, in scorn, but in sorrow. Bullied by his : spouse, .relentlessly.heck-. led by his ehildren, his ,. oily places of • refuge . are the . garden,. the • golf course or the •.trout;. stream. Not for him. the mighty,,, roast: .to carve. He` is allowed ..to spoon out the: Meatballs . covered ', with mus'hroom sauce, or the ,maca- roni and ;Cheese. 'Not fa him: the hushed silence as.. he 'voices an : opinion with ' rin+gi:ng autho- rity. ?The'• only opinion he voices' is, : "Well; I'm inclined toagree with • you, dear." • Where 'Father usedto have a fine patina; • an •aoknowledged symbol of .• his ` :success in life, Dad. has "a mean• little pot' belly that- merely . 'suggests. .he ' doesn't get 'enough exercise. Where `a=. they kept the„ children: in ` line' with one hard Took,' and the oc- casional , clout on the .ear, Dad .whines that he'll cut off , their allowance if they don't do.what their Mothertells therm Where : -Father used • to dole` out the housekeetping • money', with. demands for .'stringent ` eco- nomy, Dadr•turns over ; the pay envelope, intact, .and without . a murmur accepts "the ,gladtid- ings that mother has just Ib%u:ght :a 'new refrigerator On the .never- never ,plan, •: Wliere Father used to .read he Bible to .the family 'before bed, Dad coaxes' mother' to let the kids stay., up and watch' Questa" Where ''Father 'used ' to rumble curses as he 'patched 'the fourth •blow-out. on'. a. forty -Mlle trip, Dad ,grumbles complaints because he has td buy a new set. of tires after 20,000 miles,'. ..'6h, it's' ,;bitter, but • we've brought it on ourselves. Just an 'example of the awe in which the ex -head of the. house is' held :these.. days: : This week '+T: sug gested to ..the Old Girl,. 'very' swbtly that some new • `fishing tackle would be ,highly accept- able . on'Father's Day, She' look- ed • at Me coldly: "You're not my. :father, she said. 'Anyone care to, join me in a movement to convert dithering. Dad'back into firm Father? • Grow ;'hoards,' get rid of the rbluhi er; take array the wife's' set ;of car -keys, cut the .kids down; to .size, do• some bellow- ing around the ;house? What's that Mac? You'rerv' son. ry; ;but you ,have to go out and bring in the • clothes? Well,. I'm a little busy myself, I have to take the 'kids for a swim, the dog .•for: a walk, and the storm windows o£f, WEDNESDAY, U.N* nth, • I01 ■ . s. ■ ■ ■ : ■•. ■ ■ ■ • Custos▪ .•r ■ ' ■. ■ •i ■ ■ ■ s ■ ■ ■ , ■ ■ ■ :.■. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■, ■ • PATTERNS or :PLAINS ■ ■ • 'Drapery, ■ We' Wend Be • Pleased. • To ..S bowYouOur - ■ ` Samples' And Give Yon, An 'Estimate On Your , Room.. ■ 111‘ 1-�----- . `i :;If You Are Thinking Of ILLIAMI Made o ■, ■ ■ ■ ,. i . •:■ ■ ■ ■ .. p■.., ■ ,. • ■••: "all. to Wail a Sizes We Would Be Pleased To : Show You Our Range . Of` : SamplesAt: Prices 'Frons 45.95.: Up r Your Floorcovering Needs 'Ask to sew. our Linoleum, Congoleum,..Tile and Ceramic .. Wall .Tire • LAYING : and INSTALLING 'SERVICE' ARRANGED ■ ' I., onntne an • 0 ME APPLIANCES: ■l -IO FURNISHINGS'. AT M. ■ • Lucknow Phone ',528;30t3 lmolipplemi■■pmapipaauintere*aua■imnimpe■iei:ras" longest, . Mrs. T ' ; Salkeld; the and , . Mrs:. Fred Thompson' a grandmother . ,with ` the • ' most Sons,' • •• . granddaughters, Mrs, De Boer Messrs." Cohn 1VIcDonald a the:grandmother wearing a W.I.; William R,o+bb have ,hot, been `e. pin, Mrs. Elwood Bailbour; •joying good .health. the past Se Lunch • was served at the' con- days. olusion -by Mrs; Allan Cranston,'ngratu_ • '';s to Hugh Mrs. Tom'.Todd and` Mrs. Lorne • Woods Todd on. ibeing senior ' ,169Y champion " at West 'Wawano. ison . is ;,!home School Area .Field' Day. on. F after g � spendin Aseveral weeks in dot: • • a , up frorri , 'St. lel `Victoria Hospital, London, Sol,. Y, ahoolrs-. lovvin� ens Sdhool ir► i�ariou,s• o1a; g •surgery. ' were Janice Fowler, ' Bever1 • IMrs. Gordon -MChersonspentMcPherson and Mary Pannab lafew days .m Zondon with Mr. cer; It costs so little to phone with Bell's reduced rates calls between points in The day rates are there are bargain rates after 6 and all day Sunday Enjoy yourself ,all the way -call ahead for reservationsl ahead and m .. make sure on, STATION-TO-STAION Ontai iq .rid' Quebec.