The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 14PA OS FOURTEEN t., a • • e. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO' " Again. Conduct Salvation rmy Campaign In Lucknow Community Lucknow Mid Distract Lions' plauded.. Club' will again this year for V. A, Mowbray presided and • the third. time in succession welcomed • the visitors who were conduct the' annual. Salvation; thanked by Stuart' Collyer. ' .Army campaign for 'funds, The fund .canvass wi11 incor prorate both the Red shield ap- lins HesitateTo peal • and ,the capital funddrive o +far, the •new citadel in Wingham;, ,. which the construction • ten- n. - Sp 9nt oder is beinglet thisfor • week. 'Do -r; .•Kin .oss nations •may, be earmarked sped Q Game r s rve P e e desired . ' Tn any event the `Red ' Shield , . , ons' Lucknow and D!istrit�t Iii 650 will ;Club met with an unusual 're - and allocation event , ., + the met,� • . , and • the., +ba�lancce applied to.the quest. at Monday evenings meet- .building.: fund, •The Red, Shield ing, and because of the, ,uncer fund is used exclusively for tainty of • possible :future •invo1- comrpurnty. and national sermdce, vennent, and . the urgency of 'an Capt G. S: Newman of .the immediate answer; • they turned Wingham Corps,' , addressed the down the proposal. Lions meetirrg' on Monday ' eV-. Wolf ' pulps have . ,been taken molt,and emphasized that the from +bwo dens in this 'district "Arany .is on.; the march," and recently. A' per Of . these' .pups. has . become:a vital .force in the are +being bot le fed on the :farm Spiritual r life 'of 'tfhe, coanmunaty. of, . Mr. and' ..-.Mrs. Roy • Major, Capt... Newman stated. that last ' ..Con. 10, ; Kinloss,.. vOlikh is the year this. community had con- tritbuted ' some i$89G,, about. 1'5;% of the total target. Lucknow and. Ripley provided . ' the • backbone :, of the drive, 'he said ►IIr: ' New- man paid tr'bute to the _ thor- ohness and . efficiency in ,Which the local Canvasswas . �on- duoted•. ' Accompanying Capt; • Newman were' two young. Corps Members. ''Mary. Lee Hallenbeck and her +brother .: Bob'' Hallenbeck. She sang several ,numbers with •el- ectric guitar •aocompanianent•' byher 'brother, and Mary and Bab concluded with; .: a . 'vocal duet hulls ber, and were 'heartily ;alp • r L i' •• • B • y .The Sentinel. THAT we got, 'the cart before the horse" on page 12 • of 'this .week's. issue-. and ; had • an •Axn. ,berley ',youth. `shoreiback rid. a cain'in dedicated at service .in • Church ori• • being presented nn'edy yin an of his THAT urnion' set will J e the . Sacrament sere the Presbyterian Sunday The:: set is be (former- Frank, Thomfarm:. farm • Mr. and Mrs; Major have ask- ed the' Department 'sof Lands Forests ..far •' a permit ;,to keep thein, but this. has been lrefl.ised as, the, ' Departi rent's policy is .that private. zoo' . owners' are not. allowed, at :any '(time.• 'to keep. wolvesof ' any type 'in .captivity. This iriforinatipon was 'contain:. ed :in a letter from; dows, district forester ., of :..(lie. Lake Huron : district and was read :at the Lioi s, ' meeting:; on Monday. • , •,.1 Mr; Meadows ,pointed out that. where' . ,a -Zoo is 'operated . by a pity, town, park, or' sponsored by a reliable service club, 'per ' Mits are granted to keep wolves n ' pensconstructed• to ..,the De= partment's specifications: • Mr. and Mrs. Major ' approach-, :ed ' the' :Lion's : Executive regard-. ing sponsorship,/and the matter was rpresented. ,ta the .;general: meeting on Monday. It is, understood 'that they •have long, range plans rfoz .establish-. Ting a park . (and game preserve.. •::H'oawever, the ''Club, was :asked for .ail immediate decision and: they: did not want to jump , into 'sponsorship,' . without further, vestigation,' .and legal advice; As• a• result ,e •+prapoSal was ' turned down. . lawn BowI.ing Activiti1es: 5..tari Lawn bowling, •activities° will :get .underway this, week at the 4o011 greens, which- are in. ex cellent• 'shape, Thursday evening will be be- ginners night, when newcomers •w• and anyone .interested in ' start ing . to bowl, are invited. • • !' On Tuesday slight of next si week the "first mixed- jitney of ■ 'the season will •be held,. The. Club had a• _ member -ship. Last • season , of about 35. ' ,This, slumber could well be increased and the • Club off%vers would like to see more take up the sport this year. , by. Geor+ge:. 'Kee einory: oaf mem +hersfarm fly, . ' • WEI?Nfaly1;: y'� 1 • Father ; Of Ripley Vet Is : Honor&i Students ,at Stratford 'Central '(collegiate ;honored Robert Neill Bissonriette, head of the school's. science department .since` 1.919, 'wh'o will retire 'bhis year; •. The students .:presented him . • last• week withan easy ' chair; Bissenn•ette; 62, -(has Ornade science ' ahobby on his five - acre farm. at the. westerly ou t skirs of Stratford. . Mr. Bissonnette, 'native of Stirling, graduated from Queen's. University.. and started'.teaohing at Seaforth' Collegiate in 1,9155 .as science ' departrnent head; • 'then Went . to:. Stratford to; assume a l , similar ' post. ' . Ai He wrote. two science. ` . text: 1 1 books -:for • grades 9. and 10. is. * , One son,. • Williain; has .. a 150- . acre 'farm,:in Downie Township, `• where Mr; Bissortnette .has • a. ■ • herd of Holsteins; .a son Robert:' is •a medieai•doctor. in Tirnrninsr •. and a ' son- Peter�s a veterinary surgeon at .Riple'y.' ■ . Make, • gardening a pleasure se: • .GATE- the, LOW COST• .of CREST• HARDWAR ■ s. ■ ■ ■ ■ ▪ We his •av•e the. tools` you. need ` to keep your :garden:, • ▪ m Shape , and to. get it . •planted. ;Drop ;in. and . ■ ■ . COMPARE CREST VALUE. n . ■III ■ ■ }�' <■. • IN N ,■ ▪ 11Rsin T es Of Lawn Mowers: At Budget. Prices is Y. YP ■. W N . 0 ..,is • " � •Are On •��Dispkiy .Lawn .Mowers,. .. ■ ■ Your garden supply . centre ..., n .., ■ . :w n. .. w. e ■ ■s< is is N. ti ..■• • y _ A ■ ■� this summer', -a GARDEN TILLER'at' • Garden Tools ..r : In. the, last federal election Mr. Bissonnettee was. Liberal candi=' date in Perth: In. Mr: Meadow's letter written- on May' . 23rd, o he referred t� these ani als as supposedly wolf ;pups.. He added, `.`Withi i next day of .two we' will ,know• C 'YOUR LOCAL. CREST . HARDWARE Phone 528-3008: Lucknow 1.. r■ ■■■a.ri■tip■IUSlun■■iae■ee ■a■e ■a a■nniagahioit i List: �egmners Central Scho�1s. Registration of n ext' term be- ginners •at Kiziloss and Ashfield Central Schools was . conducted Whether or not 'they:arewolves recently.:. . or' - ore .coxriinonly• known • as : ,Present indications are that coyotes (brash wolves):; These there will be thirteen (beginners could. be wild ''dogs or'•hybrid' in Grade 1:. at :Kinloss' Central brush wolves, she. said School; • with Mrs: Nancy 1VIac Inityre• as' 'teacher. .They' ,.and the iber lash Screen Not Rust, • Staii% : Or • Tarnish Sizes :UP' To 48" In Stock, (oflctete Blocks 'Agents- For iur�am �on�rete: Bloc and Tile Of All. Kinds Pittsburgh Paints_ We Carry A Complete' • Stock Of. Pittsburgh Paints/ For That •"Just Painted".. Look' .Use PITTSBURGH, • • or Roofing. & S a in That .Lasts And 'Protects We Reco uitend Wes#ed "Security" Galvanized rlp Roofing Gives A Completely Weatherproof Job '. Because "WESTEEL" Sheets !Give A .. Full 321/2" Coverage Yon: Qui- Act- ually 'Save' One Square Or More , On A Large Barn Available In . Lengths 6 Feet: And Up Fresk Cement In St�ck. JOHNDERSoN Ltffi' .. ER LIMITED 44 ?hone 528-3 l 18 • t, parents -are:, .pawl Ackert,- Mr, and Mrs.. Lloyd: Ackert.," Judy. Condy, Mr. ••and• ;Mts. Ron Cordy; 'Gerald laoleman, Mr.. and Mrs, Brian: Dolernan; • : Ruth F,ckenswiller, Mr,' and, Mrs. Grant Eokenswil- ler; Glen • E•ngiand,•. Mr. arid Mrs. Don England; . Beverley. Hedley; Mr. . and Mrs; • Delbert::. Hed1ey;, Murray Keith, 'Mr—and 'Mrs. Eve an Keith; Hank Kragt, Mr. . and Mrs. Henk Kragt; Dale .McInnis,. Mr. and Mrs.' ' Dan' 1VcI•nnis;. Charles: • , McNa11, Mrs,. Bertha McNall; Kenneth Reid;. •Mr. and_. Mrs. Ford Cummingham; ' Ken- neth •Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ross; Brian Wall, Mr, and. Mrs, Gojrdon Wall. ' • 17 • At Ashfield. • ; At North Ashfield. Central Schaal, the. advance 'registration lists 17 'beginners for September,.; as com+pared -4vv'ibh, rolment .a�n en this term : of 20, T'he. Grade I 'teacher' is , Mrs. Grant `Parrish. Pupils . registered are: Linda Boak, John Anderson,'Bonnie Hackett, 'Paul 'Simpson,. Alex MacLennan, ,Glen Gibson, Bar- bara •Parrish; Russell MacDon- ald, •Gordon :MacRae, • Torrrrny Barger, Lorraine MacDonald, .onald Rae Farrish, "Mary Brad- ley, Flora Simpson, .. Joanne O'Neil,. Bobby MacKenzie,'Law- rence Law-rence Bogan.' BY „'theime we 'learn. to, get the most out of life, themast, of :life bas gone..• • • A bald -•headed ' barbeir ''was trying to sell has ciistorrmcr . a bottle of hair tonic. . i'Btit low carr ,you expect to sell 'It when you don't have. any' hair yourself?"' ' asked the cos- tomer . • • "NOthiiig wrong with.. tha't," carne the answer, •:SI know., a guy who sells tbrassiores,,, • Formers - , Resident Died Af Age' Of 87 The death Qf Miss Aiice` Little, a member ; of. gone of. Lucknow's pioneer ,.families, 000urred . in Vancouver at the age of 87, Burial • �in id t wn on • was R ge a Friday. Miss I:i••ttle '•:was ithe daurgh'tei• of, W. U.. Little and Esther Tre:. .leaven' ' of Lucknow.' Her .mother wasa. .s+ister. of '.the late ,Mrs:,. Nancy' .(Treleaven) Campbell; ` 'who was in the restaurant ness her for'm'any. years :prior.' to 'her retirement: Their father. was John Treleaven, . Mr.. Little was in the• furni 'cure'business in ''Lucknow :.in the' early . days of this corn nunity; his store 'being at the 'west end of 'main street :about .where .the Co-op .:is naw located .tr. and Mrs Tattle had ,two daughter. s Eunice awl. Alice, and one son Frank, Alice .was the - last member Of the ' family.. She: taught .school 'in. Ridgetawn for several years, The dhildren were born here, and the Little *home was the 'pre- sent, pre-sent, resid.ence. of George Joynt: • COMPETITION ESSENTIAL IN- SMALL TOWN' BUSINESS • To welcome .competition is the philosophy of Gord• ;Gingrich,. owner of Gingrich's TGA count Centres :in. Elmira. At probably. the 'secret orf. his su4Y cess. Com•p etition even • •in a srna1: 'town, • • prods. 'iner:chants it'll(' supplying 'a greater selection of merchandise , for the buying •iiublic, With a greater ,selection tic choose from, More ,people.Will' be attracted to shop •within 'the' town, leading :ta increased , sales for every 'businessman. ' • • But it's up to the individ.ul store manager to attract •tht" public to his own .Store: . Mr, Gingrich:, •is in .partnc;$hip with his brother. They • hiiv,y. found that to attractthe prblic they have to offer corr►peti.i i've prices , and personalized service. 'BEFORE YOU PUftC1 A 8 your advertising novelties, Printed LcaUnncskbtupywenrcigiSlhsenhettiencr.els,aete hwomhaet nh>u Y v