The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 13163 :nt' cn WEDNESDAY, OKAY 29114,, 1983. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . PAGE THIRTIMN ROY: N...BENTLEY' PUBL {:C ACCOUNTANT '.0ODERICH, ONTARIO Box 478 Phone' JAckson 4-9521..• A..'M. HARPER .i AND COMPANY CharteredAccountants 33 Hamilton ,St.. GODERICH,' ONTARIO Telephone JA 47 62 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL 'HOME' Modern and Convenient Lucknow; Phone :528-3013 Day or, Night • Serving. An Faiths ' • ' According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established 1894, A., R.,: DU VAL D.C.; Sp.C. • Chiropractor Phy§io . and. . `Electro Therapist Wingham —' • •Phone :300' Office. located .on , John St+ , West next,to Toronto Dominion.: Bank) INSURANCE:- A,.FIRE,- WIND, :CASUALTY: •AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE ' To Protect Your Jack, • •Insure With ' Jack Today. J A,: McDONAG:H ..Lucknow; .Phone 528-3423 .. JI•MNI✓'��N•MI'�• .'STATE, FARM ;MUTUAL• AUTOMO'B;I`:LE INSURANCE investigate Before •Investing REUBEN WILSON •R Rt, Goderich' Fhone 80=r-8 Dungannon - DUPLICATOR supplies, bond paper, mimeo paper, typewriter paper in : pads. and qCCuantity,• ink INi4'MOR'AM. and master sheets, , duplicator fluid, hectograph machines' and Supplies, it we don't stock your requirements, we will be glad to order for you, The Lucknow Sentinel, .MacKenzie: WemoriaI ' FtJITTERAL SERVICE' Services conducted • accord-, ing to yon wishes. atyoor Home, :your Church, or'•at our Memorial' Chapel at no additional charge.. • Lucknow, . Phone 528-3432' Day or Night WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have 'Been Memorial. • Craftsmen . for Thirty -Severs' Years, Always Using • THE'. BEST GRANITES Along With , Expert Designing • and • . • Workmanship: , ' Prices ' Most. Reasonable Cemetery 'Lettering a Specialty R. A. sPOTTO N Phone. 256, Wingham,,. Ontario,' ALAN.. WILLIAMS Optometrist °•Office on Patrick'St. just off the. 'Main -St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services For appointrrient Please' Phone 770,. Wingham K. J I acKENZIE, O.D.. Optometrist NOW IN RIPtET EVERY WEDNESDAY Office; Hours 10.60 a:m, to 9:00 p.m. • Phone: 'Roy MacKenzie, Ripley. `;96,r-24 . . for.. appointment.• • R. ';W. BEL `'' OPTOMETRIST GODERICH: R.:W. A N:I R EW Barrister , and Solicitor LISTOWEL, •ONTARIO IN' LUCKNOW .' Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon •Office in • the .Joynt Block Telephone Office 135 Residence 31-J, R.: s..:HETHERINGTON,• Q.C. 'Barrister, Etc., Wingham and'; -Lucknow' IN . LUCKNOW Monday.: and Wednesday Located in' Kilpatrick Block 'Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence.97 ERIA PRODUCTS for prompt • service. and quality !products,. contact GRANT CHISHOI'LM •, • • 72=r Phone collect Dungannon •or 10 Lucknow n (')pp�isite lot ••t:Off;iee "Always 'Look Irrtlir ial•' t�W,tkerton VOr The Best" •444. • F. T: Armstrong • Consulting Optometrist Tho:,_Square. ' (Phone JAckson 4.7661) HENRY -- inmemory of 'Mrs. Jahn Henry ,who. 'passed away two years ago June 2nd. In aur hearts. your memory lin- gers, Sweetly tender, fond. and 'true, There ,is not a tday, dear another, That we do not think of you. Lavingly. remembered . by her family and 'grandchildren•.. ELLIOTT In loving cm•emory of a 'dear wife and sn•ather, Mrs. Richard ' Elliott; who ° • passed awnap. May 29;th, 1059, There's a' lot in our ,life that • has' altered, ` T • ' There's :a - lot in •'our life that ,is new,. But one thing that Lne►ver :changes, • Is. ourmemories, . dear mother, of you, • ' Always; remembered by Rhus., band: and family,. [s Your Subscription Renewed? MacMillpns .Return ,. From Forpiosa..: . The return of Rev. and Mrs. Hugh MaclWil'lan has 'preceded the arrival of. the fplllowirig'1et- te'r, written in mid-April and 1 whioh was received at .The Sen tinel on Tuesday: • . Taipei ; • !Formosa, April .14th; ` 1983. Dear Friends:. • • LUCKNOW ' DfSTRICT CO-OPERATIVE ,INC. Liucknow, Phone, 528-2125 _ TED COL'LYER Registered Master Electrician • ELECTI ILAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in - 'Electric Heating, Electric Wiring ' . and Repairs and • All. electrical Appliances•. ,Lucl n,r',' P'hune 528-5182 GavillerMclntosh and Ward • (" ACCOUNTANTS W. ,ll1lt`1�E:IZryn AyCyC, 11t4s:d'entµ 4`L"'aErti<, `. 1 ' 1.1, 61entit. 0e t': C . Y l. Today : is Easter in Taipei. ,A 4raf;t cif these words is being scribbled on the 'hack :sof a print- ed programme .for, the . 'annual Easter. 'Sunrise' ,Service din.. the city's. Central' Park. "A Congrega- tion • of a thousand or more Ls now assembling. : 'Members : ,of • Y.M.C.A.'s 'Oratorio Choir' are preparing .for.. Procession to the Band .Shell. They will:: be; fol. - lowed by members af,:the city Churches.' *rho 'are 'to :lead in the •serv+ice. A student itriOptands: ready with their brass, instru- ments to begin. a 'ttruhpet salute. to .;Easter Day::. After :a severe. Winter, spring is in the air,: and music too. Birds in .the park ;treei. and,••Ibhe • flowering.' shrubs: have already .'begun +bheir. songs. Due to Autumn duties and travel we failed .to, use postal 'facilities for Ch;ristm•as• Greetings, so, now .we, greet ' you at Baster. In December, Don,a'lda. and came •back tt•o'. "The IslandBeau- tiful " We did so on : the : fx vitation ,of the Board of ••.Direc- •tors of :the Taipei VY M.C.A.. • and 'with the ap:prounal, of the Inter- national " i(U.S A. -Canada) ' As sociation. Two ;projects: 'claimed our attention;' the •in'iti•a•tion of work• in tithe "Caeada House. Stu- dent Hostel" Nand '.some ' duties ,in connection .with. • "Extension" of the •Association's, activities' •in 'other • cities • of the island Throughout ',the .winter w•e have, had many,: addibi•Qna'l engage- ments, Of ogle • kind: or another on invitations: 'from old Formosa •friends engaged . !in Education, Medical .; and 'Evangelistic. work. All .in ail 'this "visit" has given busy, time; full of interest and excitement. In spite of its Many prcblemsand. perplex-. vties • Cliri tian; life and :work is never •dull in Form•osa.. ' 'Now; tine for return to Can- ada is nearly. ...here;. or us 'it. will. be "back •oto .'the .1hofneland"; and to another .Springtime: We look forward :to hearing the birds 'and seeing the ,blooms` •in the northern ,hern•isphere •in May; It will j1•so be '•a' •back-tocollege, raniplis move, for :I have, duties assigned in connection with the "archives" of the :Student CUhtris- itian Movement of Canada. This an, intriguing' ' project 'fin•. which I feel incapable ' W un-' loss many 'old• friends. once yen •g.rpssed • in Campus Christian activities may be : found to •do nnt'oh of the wont. ' Taranto* address ;viwhere , we. ay be reached for inquiries tit "archives" ;w111 be,'The anadiari• School of Missions, 9i St. George. 'St., Toronto; Can-. .ada, / ' . With cordial goad• wishes, T onalda ,_and Hugh MaoMitIa`xt Clergy `Discuss - HymnTO .• .March . About 20 ministers of the: Huron. ,Presbytery ,of the Unit- ed Church of Canada mat in Clinton, recently,. The rnornin,g •session, w.asde-:' voted, to a discussion on the re- vision orthe.marri,age ceremony, as used ',by the Uniited Churc 'r. •' A discussion, on the United Church, General Coun'il report. on baptism and, church mem bershirptook" place at the after- noon . session. • Should niiinisters marry those who have ro .interest in the re ligious ,aspect Of the marriage ceremhony, , which, in, some cases even includes • ,pian .belrever..:s? This was a, problem ' which con- fronted on fronted the morning session.' It was felt that ministers had two -.alternatives 'depending on .the particular. situation. which faced them. These were to either. 1. ',Send. ;the couple to a judge. Or magistrate .for a purely se- cular marriage or 2,' Strip', the: ceremony • sof its. religious • ele mennts :and perform a •strictly 'Se- cular ceremony as am authorized agent of the state. If the .latter. .were done,' it would be com- pletely inappropriate for • the ceremony to be .performed in the. ,church .and •should bedone' either in the minister's :study ^or"� at • This : home, It was ithe general 'feeling of ,the meeting that ' a religious marriage service, should be re:. served '.for• 'those w'ho have re ;ligious faith and desire ,the. 'blessing. of. Cod !on.,,their mar- riage,. 'The popular.`custom' .of having a wedding march played 'at the. marriage' ' cereinony Came under. discussion. •There ••wasa strong 'preference show's among the 'ministers present that a! good' religious • hymn should .be play- . . WANTED lay - WANTED Real .: Estate Agent MAN or 'WOMAN For Lucknow and District • Experience preferred, ibut . not necessary. •Ambitious. ;person can make,' better than average income . APPly:. Wilfred Mclntee Realtor,'. ; • Write . Box 549. Walkerton or phone 881-2.270;.: .Dead'. Stock �.. Remove[ Service. • We are licensed to remove your clad or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal. GORDON' YOUNG;. Elmira. Phone Collect to: MRS. GORDON TAYLOR 528-5950 .— Lucknow, 24 -boor ' service ' ' .Z;icence .Nos. 215063 .and ! 22R63 De�d. Animal ... Removal:l -For ";Dead or.. Disabled Animals — Call' Collect Darling. and Company ' of Canada Ltd. Clinton- HU -2-7269 Dead Animal License No.. 262-C-63 • ed rather " than, . playing a wed-' The new *. 'proposed United Church wedding. service Was seen as being definitely • design ed .to .point up the .religious. -sig nificance of. tbhe:'ceremony rath- er than just 'Making , a . spectacle..:' of, it, ' . • Under, • ;=what ; circumstances should an: infant; be 'baptized When 7 the parents are not 'in fellowship With !the !dhureht. This .was ', a 'problem which ' fac-' et1 the ':afternoon session. Am- ong the • points.. brought out •;in this • discussion , Was- the :fact that ' a. Child should not be. .'de- prived :of. tile right to be 'abut-,. itizedust $eeause : the .: parents: of the child -Were not in '- lowsh,ip with 'the church.. -It was ;further. pointed Out: that- such hat such +anr: •occasion was .' am- oP- portunity !for ministers to ,podnt - out to 'parents the ' importance of joining- the .church Is Your • Subscription . Renewed'? inecres -i m.rsing- 1Viember A 1 SSOCIATED iNURSING HOMES . . of Ontario 24 -:Hour . Supervision : of A Registered Nurse . • Considerate Personal Attention.; For Elderly and . Convalescent Persons. Excellent Home -Cooked Meals Box .220,. • .: • Phone s28-2186 . LUCKNOW, ,ONT.. Oa .PEDLAR AGENCY EGG PICK-UP DEPOT YOUR• For .Golden:: Glow :.BARB VIRE. No. Order Too Small No Order 'Too Large Teframycin Solvable Powder - With 8 essential. vitamins, broaden.. the use ' of the antibiotic itself.Instantly. "effective in clrinking water. Available in V . lb. jars.' Dairy iocide Iodine •aifor clean- ing 'your milking q uiPmentJust oz; to ,.4 gaIiwater ,does ' the trick. „ . KNECHTEL aad� SON .LTD. 'Lucknow Branch,' phone 5'2$301'4' "There's A New Tife Pied. For Every' Need" „•