The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 11• , WDNESPAY ¥4Y2904, •.! . ... "Everybody kicked me around• • :Men who have totiched the depths "of poverty and ' • degradation; women facing:the ordeal or unwed- motherhood; children•'crphaned rntS'ireated,, • these and countless ottiers The Salvation kr:41)rings 'relief and hope through its haVenS, hostels, honies, and hospitals Won You help rii;t cOntinue:thrs vttal • work, and s5 doing know the joy of atcling.qthers?. • GIVE FROM THE HEART TO THEFO ED SHIELD•APPEAL • whicho • is yo4 who 111415 the control ofj ,pe t Ith0 'sPending of hundreds 1 of Millions of olollars tile - ig ways ; Minister's charge Ross WI -richer, Bruce took e-xeeption. Statelifents rd t by Charles McNaughton, Ministir •of highways, at the P.C. 'nominating convention: at Port 'rhe following letter •IWritten:to Mr, MeNaUghton by Mr., Which- er was released to the . Bruce .County 'press 'by M. Whither; / • ' • Wierton May- 18 The Hon Charles U6Naughtan • • Minister. of HighWays, Parliament Buildings, TOronta, •Ontario.. My bear Charles: - Te say. that •I ai disappointed in your iperforrnance at the' onservative Convention the' other night in port. Elgin. is ex- pressing Myself mildly indeed. Of course I• am only going by press rePortsas I wasn't4nvited myself, but I • have found by ex-, i)eriente. -that, the press, parti- cularly the „. weekly press, is generally • Correct. However,if any of the quotes •attritUted .to you are ineorrect I will be the first to •apologize. ,On the 'other hand, if they. are 'correct, want ' to let you know • ;that, a more distorted collection' of ver- bal 'garbage "I have never seen from a responsible Ministerof the CreWn. Theremarks are, un- N.A./4)1)01Y of ,yOu-and irt tact' con- tain •complete untruths and SeV eral ha - ruths,.It was the type of .spe,ech.. that 'makes people 'sick of politiciang • and would only'. be believed by the; most politi- cally biased people and for Your infOrmatipn' we (haven't • too matiy of them in Bruce County. :Let usA look. at some .of your utterances as .far as the "Elora Road" is concerned 'arid I quote '4Nowwe might get Some- thing done .about It.. In my' seven months in :office', the present Mernber (RoSs, Whieher; Liberal, Bruce) .rhas : never graced' my 1:d- fiee. He • never.. mentiOned. the road to me" - • Yousaid that .1 never 'graced • . • - - Wiitch. • For ..Date Of Blitz Canvass To -Be Conducted By L.ucknow and District Lions Club Mrs: a a • eil • . Jessie RO- Kinc ardine b.inson were aPPointed. 'delegate ! and tor: to flleTannualt-nee - • . • . Teachers':.Meeting , • ,On. Tuesday, May 21 the -Kin- cardirie. Unit of Women•TeaCher • held . •• their .annual Federatioi. meeting at Reids' .Corners. ThirtY-six rnern.berseni(V'ed' the delicious dinner 'served - try • the ladies Mrs Stewart pre;.;id- ±6-0' for he Meeting, an -d -:-:*s,: Helen• Northan ,• conducted • the A. COMPLETELY NE - CONCEPT IN EXTERIOR • • PAINT! • . , tng in• TprOnto, in :AUgust rs; • :. , •: . • . ,M.• Alice _Nimrii•o :in her us - Aral. • hit:Morays.- manner reported 'on the. Regitinal. cohference held, , , . , :n .‘k Incisor. on I lth: • ' Al; nyernbers prese.nt enjoyed f'ne, acc,yrd:an. mus ie b}, Colleen EIcIlndand.' .0.!:.,‘41.''. so.10.s•by \11a v,•,as kit "The Three and Bad Wo 1•.presented by' the ..ea..;:he:..:.,••frnsk:ardine.• • , „ • your, Office.: Charles, "that .not the truth, but that. 'is 'a Small part of your guit By saying What 3,04';did...you tried to leave the impression 'impression that .1. was 'being negligent, In my duty.. Why didn't you tell thern 'that "there' was really no need for Me 'to go to your office because ever \1,4,ince 'last Npverniber 1 haveseen youpractically working every da -y .• sipc.e Legislature was, :in Session and that we Ib had. -::. ! _ thany chats about the :deplorable coric14 i about ..some of, the roads 'in Byuce). county 'outside .Of youroffice? 'Indeed!, Istill sti inpossession of .a note from you in .your . own 'handwriting. saying. that u would come per- sonaily to .the County to look at the roads as soon as the Ses- sion' of the •Legislature .Was COm-, p1ted 1. am still waiting. •• • .•• Ydu 'afterobted . to leave • the 'impreSSion. that • /. ididn't care about the, condition. Of ,the roads in Bruce at all., Is It not true' mat when I heard You were. to be the speaker 5t the' Conven- tion I dropPed ..yout a note and suggested that You /promise the people of 131'410.9c Isoi-qe better roads •because We Certainly need- ed thern? Of course I did. And 1 'tfaVe been ia'sking ,ifor .b•otter toads for years, long ib''•foi:e you werei Member, of Legislature and on .before :you aCtiVely supported .1011.n Robarts at the Ladership CConvention of ionr. Parhy. and as. a. result becarne Minister de Highways 'shortly after he became the 'Pritne Min- ister. • . , • , , • oh yes Ciharles, 1 have done this not once but op dozen's, of occasions. Probably .more than any. other rural Member / ',have repeatedly painted ' out that tvfille our cities, need •• huge ex ponditttreS „for roads and high. ways,• we in „Bruce arid it -Lc' oth,er iuiaj arcat ,deserve our Share. too. And we havenq been . get - tin it If you had 'ben fair fair you would 'have ipginted out that it LS you and not 1, Nwho th'e AiliniStO.e Righways. It „ Province this year, And it • is your Government iwbo .has had control of it f Or twenty years, aknost a quarter of pert; .tury ..of Tory; rule and still we have Many roads that are • a disgrace ,to raddern living, for example the Elora, Road, • • Had you Wished to be; fair 'Which was a long . Way ifrorn. your min, You would.have told the crowd bow. your •Governmerit,• and you as a responsible Mini- ster, could .tiOve authorized an additional seventy-five million' dollar grant to the City of' Tor, rant°, for its- , Subsidy only: ' a month ego' and ,at • the sarne Mine not give Brute County Severity - five cents. extra ifor its wornout highways such: as the Elora: Road. When yOu quote that sen-; tence,. please make 'sure that you: quote the .Whole thing: On . numerous' Occasions, • I have qaid that ilVIetropolitan TO - Tonto "needs. all that, 4t can • get. out of your Government for' .hig.h ,way 'construction. .After all that *is wthete ,the traffic is. • As .an• 'example 1' have never ,and never • will, criticize the huge cost to, the province Of the con- structi:on of the Gardiner ex- pressway, thirteen and a .half million 'dollars. per Mite for four Miles Charles, and' the,peaple of Bruce helped to pay for rt Now w.e are going to"help pay •for !the Toronto .subway .and I am not going to criticize that. either, But I. say this and you shottld have Said •it..too; we deserve Pur Share and we 'haven't, gotten „it from you. • , • The. reason that 'there are So many holes in county and pro- vincial highways in. Bailee is not my fault/ and it wasnthe fault of the last Conservative Member of Bruce, Mr, J. P.' Johnston elther;' it is the .fault of the fel- low who controls the purse strings', and that fellow, _Charles; is you. I must remind you • too, that before you supported •1,9,- barts and that iconsequently .got the position you .noir hold, that the various • Ministers of High- ways' were all Members ' Of, the Political party -whom you , now support,, as I• said ,before; ,for al- most, a quarter of a Century . - There were holes in' the. roads • pa rile osik 040-77114Fie 044' si 5%,14/g 1 TIE FELLOK POSAIIMIT Maw/Arm. NUM IS ACTOULY MJTT/NC IIMITON Ilf CAN 1)0..;. . ' itafr,44,4, GARAGE CARS - TRUCKS .; TRACTORS LAWNMOWERS WELDING 528-3428 LUCKNOW then and there still are, only if anything, they are now 131gger. If you don't believe me •atli the residents of •Chesley, -Tara, Pals - ley and Wiarton. In facit ask the, inhabitants 'Of any of the muni- cipalities of Bruce :County. . Yes .charlea, I was, disappoint- ed. in your speecth as were many people who listed • to. you chiding' many important Men in, :the Con.sepvative organization. • However; there.. Was One bright spot, when' you reminded our • 'audience that there will .be an• 'increase in designation of de- ' velopment roads by one and a, ." half , million 'dollars this year.. You' are quoted as saying "may- be this is ...Where :We can fit in this Elora Road" Please Char- les' let's not make it -a "maybe" which smeils' of polities, let us make it .a. reality • Not just for. the Tories or the Grits': but for all the residents • of that area. 46fashape"s-yoilla said, and weneed for itis iinone "11 the safety of , the general public. Naturally you can -have all .the credit and. ypu ' should have it ,. *too., 'After all you are the only individual who - can bring it • about. You sign the Cheques and • at the meeting you did. promise . it - . or you? • , • • • • •' Ross M W. hicher,Mr;.c :P-eP (B):'.. ages •• . . .• tan oon re, • ' • • ved, Ws: ne ter las ted , t7 • id , • • trk In d n • • t . „ .•. • ' • • ' ) • . .00R vinyiexter(or paint FLAT FINISH • kir wooefticliog, shinOles, shakes stucco, cement, tinder block/Or obestos siding' •.• Dries tit 30 minutes, • • Cleans up with %oopy wo$ei • Durable suriatetaits longer • .• • Permanent Colors • • • 4.• I • • A SENSATIONAL NEW FAINT FROM '13 e nfani °ore piint WILLIAM MORN. and SON LuektuAst Phone 28-2006 • • • Makeshore pianic-under.Ontario's sunny skies is fun for all ...;,. °learning lakes and fine beaches abound in Ontario. There so so • • .MUth to do and. see . , . diSooyer the many quaint souvenir and antique shops brimming With good buys and explore old forts and monuments that represent important events in the making- of,Ontarlea colourfulithLiesTtoryR,Q.Ap MAP ETc. "" VEL " ' ' . . 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