The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 7WEDNESDAY,, NLAY 28h'h,, 1083;. . Dymond Datscusseti Health in Ontario LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONT4iRIO PAGE.SEVEN iscarded Refrigerators Matthew B D.ymond,'MD,.CM. Ontario: Minid r• of "H alfh. An old, almost forgotten hazard reappeared ;ons''the: home scene • last , mounter; with the, Shocking, 'Suffocation of several• :Ontari'o ,youngsters.: in unused refrigera-' tors. For some time it had been ;.thought that this danger had 'dis- .appeared ,with .old-fashioned ice- : boxes:' A few, •years ago,.. many :children did sulidt ate a s i d e • these .abandoned chests during changeover .to the tiii•ti •• nodern • refrigerators. These deaths were bitter lessons to us all, 'and: such widespread , concern was express- ed 'tiy ,safety ,organizattons"'and the `,general../public .for a .tithe :that deaths soon dwindled • ..to nothing :AS the hazards were ri!moved, We..now: 'suddenly realize that 4ny• questions on the uork Of' field; or'�uggestet •togiit�cs%orilies Director of In/orr atibit ....and ••l .health,: Queen's I ark, Toronto; GENERAL ASSEMBLY ' :CONVENES NEXT • WEEK old electric refrigerators present exactly the same hazard as ice.. boxetNid, and so do many cedar ehests; trunks Mand; suitcases. When . One considers the many possib.ili, ties, it is amazing there areea few , deaths of this nature. Child. • ren have . always, loved climbing ' •. to seek good ,hiding , places, but. the danger to :their doing so ' is • unfortunately only brought to. our attention by acalamity, such i those .reported almost every year.. ELow can such loss'ofyoung life be avoided? m As with health, ineasures se, with safety warnings. A disease, or a certain type of accident,' cannot he eliminated by sporadic publicity. People must apparently be reminded of the refrigerator , • threat, and other hazards to safety, on a continuing basis, or .else they will forget. Organizations such Its the Ontario Safety League are carrying out 'these constant re-, ininders••oflittle-suspected ' death traps.along with their broadscale home safety • work: It is up 'to 'parents ultimately, to' stake note '.of :'such warnings, and reappraise the safety ,climate in their homes, not ,lust; once but , frequently. Unused, old refri,ger.. ators, if they are kept in. the home where there ,are children, or thrown away onto vacant fields, can only be ,safe. with the doors''• rent oved.' ,Other air tight chests stud trunks should be' destroyed , or kept locked.- .. Such •,guideposts tosafer living :are an essential part 'of„the' De pa,'rtment; of Health's concern with the continued well-being.:or •On- tario citizens,'hut the::support and eo-operation of parents and. in- deed n-d'eeti .of all adulfs *is' necessary` if ,we are, to stamp,ou.tthese dangers .• :to :the: lives of chil"dren.. _ • 20/5/63 the DepaitOtent:Of Health in tki e: coluihs,''s"hould .be; seni+ lo`thT 'ublicity, `'Ontario' :Departrnet't , of commissioners are: .Rev..:Messrs. G. • L Royal; .Goderich; W • `J: Morison; Brussels and ,D. Ross Kink,ugh: lady Suffered Hip Fracture Day Before, 85th Birthday, Died Sunda_ y (KIINLOUGH NEWS) Mrs, +S!tuxrLp at Walkerton' 1 !on Sunday evening., ' The service in the .Anglican Church Will be !held at_9:30 a,xnp, on Sunday, next. Mr. and Mrs, William Halden by visited, on Sunday with Mrs, M, Dudley at tthe Pinecrest Ma- nor, Luckno'v -. On Sunday next the ” service in ,the Presbyterian Church will: be •held at 12, o'clock 'and will Continue at this time during stake. summer months:" This . Sunday. will. be the pre -communion .ser- vice with . tike communion ser- - v,iee' on the following Sunday. .Mr. James • Hodgins Sr.' who has been, a patient in the Wing - ,ham. and District Hospital• wag able to return home on Satur- day: We . wish ' 'himimproved ahealth,. Mrs. Cliff Borthwick of St. Catharines , pis visiting with- tier' parents, ,Mr. -,--and Mrs, James Hodgins. ' DIED • SAME DAY. SALE OF FARM` COMPLETED Mr;'. and Mrs. Jack Graham of An Arbour, Mich. returned home • after 'visiting with rela•" tives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. •Ralph. Heiden, - . ^by and children of Port Credit' spent the 'week -end with Mr,. and 'Mrs. Wihliain H.aldenby. Congratulations• to; Mr. and Mrs, Ronnie Graham• (nee San - Ora ' Love) on . the • birth . of a The: Holyrood. W.I. will, meet in the ' hall ' on" Thursday, 'Jun'e• 6th with Mrs. Ed Thompson and. Mrs, ' Lorne Eadie •hotesses. Roll call,- "My favourite . program on ,CKNX.',' . Topic, The origin and growth of'. CKNX Radio and Te levision with Mr. Douglas7 Brawn farm '• comMen'tator, at CKNX the: •guest speaker.' Motto, "Take the `world ' ati • you, .:find lit 'but don't leave it 'that 'way.". .Re- port of the District Ann:ual:.. Re-. port 'of Secretary's Conference by Mrs. • Ira Dickie. Contest, Date Loaf. Directors, . Mrs. Orville E1- • ' lio t . and ' ,Miss' Edna Boyle, Would th'e ladies ,please' bring a jar^'of either ,fru,iit jam, jePly or`. p'i'ckles: , We extend, synspathy to. the . family.. of the . late Mrs. J. `- W. Colwell Who passed ,away on, Sunday morning ;'s the result of a''•fall which she sulffered. at her 'home on Thursday evening, • _causing' a 'hip fracture. `She, was,. taken ,by: a'm'bulance.•'at. Kincar- dine HospitaI. .an Friday 'rriarn-�' ing`:for x-rays• and on, to'London' for: . surgery which took '' place ori , Saturday., ':and early Sunday., morning' she :'passed away sud- de/4y.,Her 85th birthday was on' Friday, A , Mg/1ber from here -attended the meeting of Bruce Deanery which - was Iheld a>t • •$ervie on Thursday:, Members of the H.WI`, attend- ed the Bruce ' South . District meeting ' at. ' Reid's• • Corners : on Thursday: Mr: and Mrs.. Bert Nicholson: Arid Lois visited on Sunday .af- ternoon With f-ternoon"Waith .Mr, and 'Mrs.. • Cal' vin:-.,_=.-:McC,onnell. and - „family. Week -end visitors. with. ;Mr. & Mn. ; Bert •Nicholson , w•ere::tMr. and ' Mrs N. E. Evans' and Linda of 'Tbronito•.'.and ;Mr. Cliff. Langford of St. Marys. • M �b f the- Boy' Scouts attended, �e : service atKincar- dine ori Sunda afternoon. em rs •o e ' William Watson, 77, a life Jong', . resident of :Colborne' Town sihip, died •on Saturday, :May 18th, the same '.day. in Which. he signed 'papers: for :the Sale 1. of his farm to• Gerald Feagan. Mr. Watson 'had.ibeen 111, for VorUerton KInsrnen BiNGO At.The ' WALK,ERTON. CURLING. RINK. , Wednesday, June Sth 'And- . Every 2nd ednes ' day Until - August 28th 15 Regular lames $25;00 1 •$200 Special - 2 $100 Specials. 1 Share The Wealth Admission $1.00 Time • 8:30- Pan. Special,. And Extra. Cards 25 c. Each Oi 5' . For ' $1.00 'sorrie 'time and recently resigned as . Colborne .tax •ocy iee�tor. 'Because Of , ill health ' he had called' an auction sale, for Mon- day, May ``20th •`i olth Donald. B. Bine as auctioneer.. It, was held• - as• 'scheduledd. • On Tuesday a largely "'attend- • ed funeral ,was 'held ,in Goder • ich 'as • aLtriibute to this esteem;-, ed gentleman. In,termen•t was ,inr Colborne Township Cemetery. • • .•$EE•the 1963••.. ..... ... o - ... : .1:Featuring: WINGNAM, . ... mu 1Th�'-HURON ern ers o oy ou• s . Sixty minister and elders . ave c ons ; ens tl Kt r ! ■ Rural Urban Ontarito• . •:. ■ is aft: COUNTY 1 KUB - ■ . i a Dairy Princess Com ' t t ae i ion ti♦ pe i on: .: !LWiiigh�fli Arena, � June b 7,. 8 i• - ■• r n • � 'ThursdayFids and .,, Saturday h MVI P 1d H all and elders been coromissioned •by the',Pres- Duncan• : Allan; Kinta,il Eldred ,M b f th A Y PA ■ 'Joining' d he B d f •li 1- �i' kt 1 W nham and S Kerr, ■ byteries• of fi Yno o ami were ■,pacts, lof-Canon-.,S�tui'n'P- = - u. a ■m■■■ _■: 1U1�■ .R■u•u aaaII■:i:■N■lt■■■■■■■■■A. ton and London • to . the 80t.h•. 'Br,ussels. . ,. — . General Assembly of the Pres :. The General•' Asse .■■■ rriibly t he r■>r.. ■■■■�■7ti1■■ u■utitaa■l■.. ■t �t'i./stari■attt ■■■■■■■■ ;abyteriar Church •in Canada • highest court of the Presbyterian which meets • in Knox Church, Church: in Canada and meets Toron;t.o ,on Wednesday, • June annually at ' the beginning of sun. • June • Huron - Maitland • Presbytery -;The Synod of Hamilton and, Landon, includes includes a1.1` Presbyter-. 4 ian Churches south and west of ■ a lime: through Harm !ton, Paris • ■ ■ ■ • FREE : ONUS, PREMIUMS fa EARN COMMISSIONS UP TO 20%1' • as a group shipper by canvassing your neighbours, church and social groups. Lovely; warm woolten'bi blend blanketscan be bought at niuch reduced prices with our . Trade -In Plan. ,Just turn in your old woollens a>x cottons in part trademand save an additional 10.20%. . Send Coupon below for freecolour catalogua. listing our many household items, • 1 THE, BLANKET HOUSE'OF.CANADA 1 t418' Eagle St. N. firaston, Ont. Dept 11 I tl R`QGend Free Full -Colour Catalogue. I ��Pleasit tend me full particulars on how I• can A• become a Group snippet. .a I rttapfe +.i...i illo,i,................... •1' THtw BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA is now op. ending the Mail Order business formerly owned by - Fairfield b Sons Limited of this address. 'THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA his' no tributors or Agents:, ,All corrbipondence and Ship menis t must be sent o� THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA, 49& Eagle, Street N.,Pre3ton, Ontario.,•,,,, and •O:vt✓en .Sound The. election the, new. ri' •ad- era•tai is the main business on the evening of 'Wednesday; June 5th.' NAhF Off' KRUCF r TRAIL prior, THIS SUMMER ' ■ 'Roughly half. of .the •.280 -mile 13t'u;et'. Trail ..--•• rated 'bs natural- r' iist? .as, the mot.dtve�,t/slfied na :true° tra.i.1 in North- America a•,lt' be open to visitors 'tihis AMMO'', • ' C)ntat io 'travel.. and Publicity report,', that • at least 140 miles trail of ttheCtwti�indr�rii � 'tna �in7,y in the hl»al;a►'a•' Peninsula,.Cale=. cion Hill/. and, Collin •wood areas will, be i errdy for :canvpery hikers later ,t,hi month ,or early in Junta, Tatgr,Mt date •"roti .corn- pre! of 196i,, c� ar c�f w•ctrk was al .. by,i.. $12,30Ot Atkittsr<in Fou r.,. le. •I, I, 'grant. Last year, . 'Federation of 'On•tartio Natural !'4t eon another $0,000.' i. 't 13r.uu•r.o Trill i ` rese. tiles that t f Appalac".liia Trail. On- y it .will fc�1`c�n'hc r� is,- that that the ' lit ude� Trailo• an ttll.ycYar, hiking ' route. ' • ' ' - I • Tha: reN nothing like a '' dish ■• • ■ .. ■ ■ i ■ • ta� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ti ✓ • ■ ■ , ■ ■ ■ . `i cr ■ ■ ■ w t . .�r: ,. f o tVipe. t;110:t Contented ■. . fig r. • • auo■ ugg■ ANNOUNCES/IMPROVED HEALTH BENEFITS ■ Huron Co-operative Medical Services has extended' its insurance benefits, ',■• available'°to members, to include : the care provided . by the members of the CHIROPRACTIC PROFESSION Members of .Huron Co-op may obtain these `services from members • of. the Ontario ChiropracticAssociationr In' Huron County or, in other parts of Ontario when travelling. - For 'Further Information. Contact �.a HUR N CHQ.OPERATIVE:' MEDICAL SERVICES . r� 7q O TARI'O' STREET, CLINTON ONTARIO Telephone 1 U 2-9751 • " Servutg, Huron• County Residents Since 1947 ''. • ■ r. r• ■; . ttii , fr ... tiff a . hu,;bartd. s face. #.,i iii .. � ■Si�f�t■�siie►■/a■ria■r/■a■■■■MtelS■•i.OlSrsM■■s■u■rNa■aw er■rle■alN>M,�rrleri`trOti�ils�iS��lilgNl: .n