The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 4TIM =KNOW'SWUM, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 29rbh, V963' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES --- First. Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c, Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum 50c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming' Events, minimum 75c In Memoriams minimum $1 00 25 c extra . for replies . to The 'Sentinel. Billing charge of .10c for each bill rendered. FOR SALE FOR SALE -thirteen Suffolk • Leiscester ewes Si as Suffolk rain, Frank Alton, phone :Dungannon 61-r-15, • ANTED WANTED -. moan oto• cut end. skid, :cedar .:.;posts, phone Nees. water 392-6460:.:., WANTED • •electric, ;chicken -10?R SALE T-. •Bell, Upright 'p- brooder, George. Moncrief, phone ano with bench, in good con- Ripley 1110-r-20° ; clition,. ;Mrs., •Robert C.ainpbell, , 1 Ripley'. hone 115=r-,17., WANTED — live. ,peul'try;, also R.R P Yp new and used duck and goose "� � prices' at our . 72"' •ycnmplete with �sprung.� ,filled door. Phone or write. A. Brown, 'FOR" SAME Fdlding cot . 36x feathers. Best pry nnattress. Mrs.' 'Len: Chisholm, .181 Kirieardinle • Supper . served from . 5:30.'4 Ad- th �ho•Ip:i�tal: ' phone .13-r-2,: Dungannon; COMING EVENTS • NEW CASH .BINGO: -Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday •evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games = $1'0.'0O each: 4 Share -The -Wealth games . , with jackpot.; included in each game. Jackpot this week $65.00 on 56, calls.' GARDEN .PARTY' SUPPER .7. The. ,Lueknosv� United Church Women 'Will hold a Garden .Par- ty supper, featuring '-turkey and ahem, on Tuesday, June, lith in ch P • 5 30 t 8:00 CARD: ANKS Alvin Robb would like to thank all those who:remember- ed him in various ways while. he was a .patient in Wingham. Hospital with ' special thanks to Dpetors Corrin ,and MoKini and: the •hoosp;itali staff. On behalf sof ton and myself would,'like' �to'° ,thank all our neighbours and friends who put ion the shower at: the Kafir. shea Hall. All the .lovely gifts we received pare deeply 'appreci- ated.. ' Phyllis'' Steer. the " Ch ' from : o. . P.m. Adults' $1.25; Public School ';Mason McAllister wishes. to ohnldren,'• 75e' ex!pretss his sincere thanks to, all 'GARDEN PARTY who were so kind.in•''�many ways ReserveTuesday, June • 4th while ,he s in Wingham,: Hos- • y' Hos- pital_ Speci 1 . thanks to Doctors f th" • annual Garden �PartY p p or e a u Corrin and cKim .and, staff o f • NEEDED at I�ackett's ' United Chu oh A R�awleigh; "Dealer' for Bruce anissdan, • Adults $1.25, Children Co. Over 1,500,' families, where 8-12. yrs. 5Qc;. pre school child Rawleigih Produots have ' been ; rEED OATS FOR SALE B. F. Green, R.R. ' 2, Lucknow,: phone. ,528-5854: sold ,for many .years. ' Real, op SPECIAL ' Plastic .Magic Ny- .,portunity for 'permanent.' pro- ` olite: for tile, (linoleum or wood. Maisie work. Start promptly. $1;79' "quart• William, ,1Vlurdie •.and. Write Raw+lei h's, Dept. E,..271. - Son, Lucknow. ; 232,4005•. Richelieu,.. Montreal. Ft R TOP::SOIL, gravel',and fill =-• ►Phone:' • •528-3711, . or contact. Jack Tartish,. 'Lucknow, • • USED ': FURNITURE Dinette` set studio couch, rangette, heavy duty. •Jhnstone •and. Son, •:phone 528-3013, Luck - now. FOR' SALE china cabinet, ,coulld •bre:. used. uas library • book case; large .matching extensio l table, Mrs. T.C. 'Anderson,. ;phone. 62-r-22, Dungannon.... `CATTLE FOR .SAL'E.. Spring- ing Hereford, Holstein cows and young cattle, Irving Keyes, Glammis, phone . 114-r-4 Pais-. -NEW- ands USED .,,sbul�k: or can types of .milk coolers ands, ereami separators . Irving: Keyes, Glam-. anis, phone Paisley ,114-r-4;, FOR SALE 1962 Fe,rd Galax - lie,. 'range,automatic, 6 cy set .of -drag . harrows, ;: fertilizer li>er, 'drill, 32 plate !disc, rubber tired 8,000 _mn:lles; 1956 -Rideau V-8 automatic, . many extras wagon, hay rack, mower, buzz Fred Emberlin Lucknow, phone''. saw, Massey :Harris binder, ;150' LOST LOST - White Kittens grey on 'head, • :anawer�s. to 'Spooky, If found please phone. 528=3719: AU,CT.1ON....SALE. !'CLEARING . AUCTION SALE of : farm: machinery and :house- I holdeffects to 'be held. at .:the farm of Clarence Essex, on Tuesday, June . 4, at ;1 o'clock: Farm situated ` i mile west:. of Bluewater Highway.et ..Port Al- Ebert,` Ashfield, Township. Macehynery •consists • of. Massey r :, ra on new'rul�be t eco Harris:55, t r also.. motor completely; overhaul- ed; , case tactor on ' ribber, .3 furrow, tractor plow, thresthing. machine : with : straw cutter, 4 section.: spring • tooth .cultivator, ,foot;. belt, a good lime 'of •house - ren free. RECEPTION and DANCE • A , reception : and dance . in 'honour of Mr. and Mrs; Roy Pennington Will be held ,in th Teeswater Town Hall: on Fr day, :May. ' 31st., Ladies; pleas bring lunch: ,Tiffin's ordhestra. Everyone. 'Welcome. , NOTICES The '-Annual Township Conn= ?unity picnic ;will ..be held . at the Scout Hall on 'Saturday, June &tth, • 1963 at 1:301'•under the auspices of. the ••Kinloss 'Boy. Scouts: Games • and: races for, all ages. Basket lunch. Every- body 'welcome. LAWN BOWLING. ' STARTS . Lawn bowlers are „notified' '`that the opening 'mixed' jitney will'. -be held ,,.in , Lucknow. on: Tuesday .evening, June +4th at 8:00' 'p.m. Beginners night will be this ' 'Thursday • evening,.::'May 30th, 'for .any newcomer ' or.., beginner, interested .in• ,+bowling. Please wear soft soiled 'shoes.. . hold effects • and many „ Small •BEST • : PRICES ontractor tires, articles "too' numerous to men - cement ••and "fertilizer, quantities '•tion, in-:-toc-k=at.. a11- times. Contact_..No eser ret as_._farnn shay been_ .. Bruce MaaMillar<, ...Lucknow.sold,' Terms cash Clarence/ Es- FOR SALE -- Nash aluminum sex, "`prop.; ` Emile. ' MacLennan, windows; . 'doors,. .-awnings and auctioneer.' . carports, .free. estimate, phone 528-3723, Oliver Gleerin, •Lucknow God NOTICE. -Having (been' appointed . agent. for the Huron: County' Medical• SUMMER FUEL; CEDAR FOR SALE -= $5.0t ;a cord delivered in town ' or to a Cottage.' Apply Irwin's Gar- age,. Lucknow, phone • 528-3428.' • HOUSE .FOR SALE 7 -room house 'ter sale in ..'Ripley,. 3 ',bedrooms and bath upstairs, 3- Tooms' and toilet downstairs, oil .furnace, large garden 'lot, ideal location. Apply to John Mae - Charles, A.R. '•Ripley, ,phone 2-r-8, FOR SALE - . lot and shop on. main • street : Dungannon. Shop has heavy wiring. and '.furnace,. cansists of electric welder, hack- • Used cars. .196.2' .Chev Biscayne coach, 73,000 1962 .Chex Biscayne coach, ' X13,000 true 'miles. 1961' : Chev "Corvair" 'campside pick-up; 11959 :Olds' 88 sedan, loaded' vinibh extras •at '.no extra •cost. , 1958 Pontiac. "Laurentian sedan" automatic with radio, etc.' 1959 ''Chev "Bel -Air" sedan, sharp, ;new motor. ' • 1957.. Ford •' "Customlin:e"' sedan, clean. • ! 1957 Ford, coach, new motor. • 11956 Ohev "Bel -Air" .hardtop. 1955 Chev "Bel -Air" sedan. : .Many . more .,to choose from. saw, drill, several other tools; 1 . LJ sortie .'stel, �aLso a home -built- ake•r ..and IrW�n trailer 18' x 8' wired for t hydro, .► f. Phone 147, Kincardine: insulated, oil stove and propane 2 -plate. stove. Contact Nlrs..:Mary • Errington after. 6 p.m, at Dun- gannon phone 10,' Int .can. truthfully 'be. said that no days are pleasant to un- pleasant people. • • Mechanical 'and Body Re- pairs, e= Ba a, Wheel Alignment andice,. 1Vindow Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust.. with Undat•Spray Davidson's Texaco Service Not 8 Highway, . Goderich Phone JA 4-1231 • fin■■■ i. ._.n■n ■nnuwniUUU ■n11 I. Rug Shampooing. With the latest Modern equlipment° For Expert Service Call " • Finkiy�ecoru ors 'w Lucknot4 Phone 5284434: 'inn*■■/n■■*iailiuIi.inti■■ Notice :k.Creditor$ In the. Estateof GORDON'. TAYLOR. Late' of the Township. of West Waw. anosh in the County of Huron,: 'Farmer, All persons .'claiming against the above Estate'ere .required to forward. full ..particulars .i4 the. undersigned by •ithe. 20th day' of June, 1963, after •'whvic• .date -t+he,. assetswill be distrbbuted, Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy 18 The Square,. - Goderich, Ontario:. Solicitors for _the . Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In The 'Estate of • JAMES •.BAIN MacDONALD> Late of the Township of .Ash- field, . in the .County of,'. ,Huron, Farmer..` . All persons • claiming ,against theabove Estate are required to • • forward full particulars' to The 'undersigned ..by the 15th ;'day .of June, 1963., after. which date the assets will . be distributed. 14tor' y, 5 roe n:, dlv►rel ing`+. 1•t -i cupboards . in kitchen, pro closed -in veranda, on.' a double • let. Priced f:a quick'' sale':.' ey,�7 ;'room residence,' odern, -close :'to down!,o n,' Half cash required. everal Lucknow district farms or. sale: Contact: WILLIAM S. REED, Real Estate Broker, Dial •357-2174,. Wingharn.:• NO.TI� L SALES AND SERVICE Dealer in Minneapolis.Moline. and Fox Forgae. Equipment, S. 1 M.. Johnston , Blbh; phone Blyth 137-r-2; ,.for further inforrnation' contact George . Twamley,. God- erich, ' phone JA: 4-9542 after, seven p.m. Insurance Ce -.op, I am now pre- pared to take care. of all your medical insurance -weeds: Enquire, ies'a.ppreciated.•Gordon Kirkland,' phone• .&9-r.-11, Dungannon ,FOUNDATION GARMENTS STYLIST — for. , Lucknow. and. district for Charis,.Betty Dear ;& Smart form foundation garments and.: brassieres, 'Elastic control and :full' Support garments. Mrs,. William Kennedy, Patrick` :St., Wingliam, • . Ontario, 'pho'ne,•. 357- 211'5. • The: Jiufle .Sessiori oaf.. HURON' COUNTY COUNCIL will" bornmence on Monday, • J2ine 110th, 1963 at 10:00 'a.m, Any .documents or' notl6e of ,depu:tations must be in the hands of the. Clerk no later .than 12:00 noon, Friday, June 7th, 19631. . JOHN ' G: BERRY, Clerk=Treasurer,. ' County' of Huron:, • Court House,` Goderioh, Ontario, A woman .waiting;'�at the; door ready to`• go, .'to' the ` store' Iliad her arms :filled, with coats and four little' children at .het *side. Her husband coming' .down the: stairs, asked why she was stan- ding there. ;She replied quietly,. handing shim'. the coats:: "This time you •put` thet children's coatis. on and..I'll go ,honk :the horn."horn." - Donnelly, Donnelly '8i .Murphy ;18 '. The ' :Square, God'erioh; Ontario:'. Solicitors for. the Estate. . NOTICE TO . CREDITORS In the Estate of' WILLIAM, FRANCIS MCGIL'L. , ' ALL PERSONS having; `claims against the estate'•of the above "mentioned, late of- -the Village •of •..Lucknow;' 'in the . County . of Bruce, ,Retired Farmer, who, died on the '20th :day of April, :1963, are required to file pro -of Of same Withthe undersigned on or before the 8th•: day of June, 1983. • . 1 • After: that date the Executors 'will proceed to " distribute the estate having regard only' to the. claims of ''which' ;they. shall then have hadn • notice ' • ' ,DATED at • Wingham, ` this 144th,. day. of May, ,A.D. 1963. Cra*ford , alnd Hetherington, Iinniim■!o fpmemmisso■■ .r TABLE CLOTH Paper in rolls of .100 feet long and a yard,` wide, suitable; for banquets, picnics ' &' any catered meal, The Lucknow Sentinel, . . ■ ■ •■ Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for..the Executors; • 1 • NOTICE, TO CREDITORS • AND.. OTHERS In The 'Matter Of ,The Estate Of' WILLIAM ALBERT:.PATERSON, Late: '`Of The ` Township : Of .:;West . Wawanosh In The Coun ty Of Huron, :Farmer, , Deceas- eil • . NOTICE '-IS HEARBY GBN Pursuant to• .the Trustee Act; that iabl creditors, and others' :hav mg %c1 aims 'against the estate, -or the ..late William .AillbertPater son, are required 'to send spar ticu1ars. of their claims, duly, ■ .'verified,' to J. T.' :GO'�QDALL ■ Solicitor for .the.. Executors . of ;. 'the said. Estate,' on'; or before' the ▪ .28th day'. of, June, '" A :. 1963, and that: after. such . •date the Executors ' will•:,.pr.oceed :'to dis- tribute; .;the assets of the said: estate, having regard only. ;'to the claims of wh'ich', they shall then 'have,. had notice. DATED at Winghanii, •'Ontario J this 25th'°T. day GrOOofDMay , 1,963.. WIIGHAM,'' .Ontario, Solicitor for the . Executors. • ■ g Wiry ham • :Office i • • 'Phone • 357.3840 •/ • GERALD (Jerry)' WALTER •.I ■ ■. ri ONLY $19,500 with gen..- i ■ • •erous terms, ' 235. acre farm ▪ East Wawanosh Town- • ship, ,200 acres workable; 1. • ■ plentiful water supply. '11/1 ■ • storey 7 'room• house, ' large LI i "L" shaped'bank barn,- '• • ideal setup . for ,beef 'cattle n and 'hogs. NCI. 62-613 ■ • ... ■ ■• • COMMERCIAL BUIL OiNG "u ■ containing large rbusiness r area,' plus comfortable l'iv- • ■ • ing quarters for owner & ` • �famrly: Tretn.en"`dous toot. en�tral for the right, person. a Asking price, only $4,500.. ■ Situated in thriving rural ■ •village on 'paved road, ■ ■ No. 62-554. • • ■ �M ■ .1 , Everett Pennington' RA', 2, Teeswater, . as` .Phene. 392-6064 • ' ' • iuIuu rnliiri■ni iinglr:i I !I i 91 , SERVICES_ CUSTOM. • BUTCHERING Beef.; and ' pork "sola in any quantity, Custorn 'butchering it Government licensed abattoir. Pigs, every Tuesday. Beef fron Monday through Thursday BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET ' SEPTIC, TANKS CLEANED Septici tanks, cess pools, etc. pumped�'and 'cleaned With: mod ern: egfipment. All work gnarl anteecl,:.r,otas 'Blake,, R. 2 Brus seJ ,phone 442-w-8, • AUCTION.. SALE". Allan Machityre Licensed Auctioneer Lticknow. • Phone 528.511.0.1 Is 'Your. Subscription, newel' „